

日常生活最優先 wikiばかりやってると、





作品名 主要人物 概説 備考
2001 - BLACK LAGOON 日本の旗 日本
  • バラライカ(タイ支部頭目)
  • デニス(副官)
  • ポランスキー(No.3)
2004 - デュラララ!!
  • サイモン・ブレジネフ(店員)
  • デニス(店主兼板前)
1990 - 1995 サンクチュアリ ウラジミール・ソロコフ 元ソビエト連邦政府高官のロシアンマフィア ロシアンマフィアはヤクザのライバルとして登場する。


作品名 主要人物 概説 備考
2012 - ホークアイ
The Superior Spider-Man
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
  • イワン・バニオニス
  • ウィリアム・ロペス
ロシア系犯罪組織「トラックスーツ・マフィア」 ディズニー配信ドラマ『ホークアイ』にも登場する。
1974 - パニッシャー ロシアンマフィアが頻繁に敵役として登場する。
2005 - 2008 The Winter Men


1980 - 1990年代[編集]

主要人物 概説 備考
1985 ロッキー4/炎の友情
Rocky IV
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 Ivan Drago, his manager, and his trainers are members of a Russian organized crime syndicate.


1988 Assa ソビエト連邦の旗 ソビエト連邦 1980年、冬のヤルタを舞台に、犯罪組織のボスの若い愛人が、隠れて音楽活動をするロックミュージシャンと恋に落ちる
1992 デリバソフスカヤは良い天気、ブライトンビーチはまたも雨英語版 アーティスト(ボス) ソ連崩壊後、アメリカにて強大化し、米露外交までも脅かすようになったロシアンマフィア
1994 リトル・オデッサ
Little Odessa
ボリス・ヴォルコフ(ボス) NYブルックリン区ブライトン・ビーチ英語版、通称:「リトル・オデッサ」を根城にするユダヤ系ロシアンマフィア。
Terminal Velocity
Police Academy: Mission to Moscow
コンスタンチン・コナリ(ボス) TVゲームに似たコンピュータープログラムを使って、世界中から金品を巻き上げ、金融市場を牛耳ることを画策するロシアンマフィア。 ポリスアカデミーシリーズの第7作目
1995 - 1999 ゴールデンアイ
The World Is Not Enough
ヴァレンティン・ズコフスキー英語版(ボス) ジェームズ・ボンドに情報提供する、元KGB諜報員のロシアンマフィア。 演:ロビー・コルトレーン
1996 イレイザー
セルゲイ・イヴァノヴィッチ・ペトロフスキー(ボス) EM銃1000丁の売却先となるロシアンマフィア 演:オレク・クルパ
Maximum Risk
  • デミトリ・キーロフ(ボス)
  • イワン(幹部)
  • ミカエル・スヴァロフ(主人公の弟)
ロシアンマフィアに所属していた主人公の双子の弟が、ロシアンマフィアの手によって殺される。 演:デイヴィッド・ヘンブレン英語版ザック・グルニエジャン=クロード・ヴァン・ダム
イゴーロフ大佐(ボス) FSBに所属するが、裏の顔はロシアンマフィアのボス
演:Yuriy Petrov
1997 ジャッカル
The Jackal
  • テレク・ムラド(ボス)
  • ガッツィー・ムラド(ボスの弟)
Jungle 2 Jungle
アレクセイ・ジョヴァノビッチ(ボス) 取引で騙されたと信じ込み、主人公たちに拷問しようとするロシアンマフィア
ロシアの旗 ロシア ロシアのカルト的な人気英語版を博す映画。1990年代のサンクトペテルブルクを舞台に、強い忠誠心を持った若いマフィアの物語を描いている。
1998 RONIN
ミキー(ボス) 謎のブリーフケースを巡って、主人公たちやIRA過激派と争奪戦を繰り広げる。 演:フェオドール・アトキン英語版
テディKGB(違法賭博の元締め) ロシアンマフィアで、非合法ポーカールームの経営者 演:ジョン・マルコヴィッチ
1999 処刑人
The Boondock Saints
  • Yuri Petrov(ボス)
  • Vladdy(構成員)
  • Ivan Checkov(構成員)
ボストンを拠点とするロシアンマフィアの一族 演:Viktor Pedtchenko、Layton Morrison、Scott Griffith
The Making of a New Empire オランダの旗 オランダ モスクワを拠点とするチェチェン・マフィア英語版のボスであるKhozh-Ahmed Noukhayevを追ったドキュメンタリー映画。


主要人物 概説 備考
2000 Brother 2 ロシアの旗 ロシア 1997年の映画『ロシアン・ブラザー』の続編で、舞台はモスクワとアメリカになっている。
The Mark of Cain ロシア人犯罪者のタトゥー英語版に関するドキュメンタリー映画
イギリスの旗 イギリス
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
Boris "The Blade" Yurinov/Boris the Bullet Dodger ロンドンの裏社会で活動する元KGBのロシア系英語版ウズベク人の犯罪者で、武器商人 演:セルビア人俳優のラデ・シェルベッジア
2001 トレーニング デイ
Training Day
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 デンゼル・ワシントン演じるアロンゾ・ハリス英語版は、ラスベガスでロシアン・マフィアの一員を襲って金を奪っていたことがバレて、マフィアから命を狙われていたが、金で解決しようとしていた。「三賢者(Three Wise Men)」と呼ばれる彼の上司たちは、彼がロシアン・マフィアと揉めていることを知っていると述べ、彼に町を出ることを提案する。結果的に相棒のジェイク・ホイトに阻まれ、ロサンゼルス国際空港経由で逃亡しようとしたアロンゾは、空港の駐車場でロシアン・マフィアの手下たちに殺されてしまう。その後、彼の死を報じるニュースでは、彼がジェイクをなじるのに使った言葉と同じ言葉が使われた。
2002 25時
25th Hour
奪還 DAKKAN -アルカトラズ-
Half Past Dead
サーシャ・ペトロセヴィッチ ロシアン・マフィアのもとで働くロシア人車泥棒 演:スティーヴン・セガール
Tycoon ロシアの旗 ロシア 80年代後半のゴルバチョフ時代から90年代のエリツィン時代にかけて、絶対的権力を握るまでのロシアのオリガルヒの成り上がりを描いているロシア映画。
2003 バッドボーイズ2バッド
Bad Boys II
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
  • アレクセイ(ボス)
  • ジョセフ・クニンスカビッチ(組織のNo.2)
キューバの麻薬王から購入したエクスタシーを、マイアミで経営するクラブで客に売りさばいているロシアンマフィア 演:ピーター・ストーメアオレッグ・タクタロフ
Bimmer ロシアの旗 ロシア 友人同士4人組が違法行為に手を染めてしまい、黒いBMWモスクワから逃げ出すロシア製ロードムービー
2005 Dead Man's Bluff 1990年代のニジニ・ノヴゴロドを舞台に、若きマフィアたちの姿を描いたロシア製ダークコメディ映画。
Lord of War
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 ブライトンビーチ英語版で活動するロシアンマフィアが本編序盤で登場する
7 Seconds
アレクシー・クチノフ(ボス) 演:ピート・リー=ウィルソン英語版
2006 ワイルド・バレット
Running Scared
  • イワン・ユゴルスキー(ボス)
  • アンゾ・ユゴルスキー(イワンの甥)
2007 イースタン・プロミス
Eastern Promises
  • セミオン(ボス)
  • キリル(セミオンの息子)
  • ニコライ(キリルの運転手)
ロンドンを根城に人身売買や売春を手掛けるロシアンマフィア「法の泥棒」 ロンドンで暗躍するロシアンマフィアを題材にした映画
We Own the Night
  • マラット・バザエフ(ボス)
  • ヴァディム・ニジンスキー(バザエフの甥)
1988年のニューヨーク、ナイトクラブ「エル・カリブ」のオーナーがロシアンマフィア ロシアンマフィアが経営するブライトンビーチのナイトクラブの支配人を主人公とした映画
2008 バットマン ゴッサムナイト
Batman: Gotham Knight
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
日本の旗 日本
Yuri "The Russian" Dimitrov サルバトーレ・マローニ英語版の犯罪組織と敵対関係にあるロシアンマフィア 日米合作のOVA作品
イギリスの旗 イギリス ユーリ・オモヴィッチ ロンドンで活動する、ロシア人のオリガルヒ 演:カレル・ローデン
Indiana Jones’s main adversaries from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) named Irina Spalko and Antonin Dovchenko are Russian mobsters.
2009 沈黙の鎮魂歌
Driven to Kill
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
  • ルスラン・ドラチェフ(元マフィアの犯罪小説家)
  • ミカエル・アブラモフ(ライバルマフィアのボス)


主要人物 概説 備考
  • バラライカ(タイ支部頭目)
  • デニス(副官)
  • ポランスキー(No.3)
2010 ダブル・ミッション
The Spy Next Door
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 アントン・ポルダーク 石油を食べるバクテリアを開発し、ロシア以外の石油を消そうと企む(どちらかと言うとテロリスト) 演:マグナス・シェヴィング
Thieves by Law ドイツの旗 ドイツ
イスラエルの旗 イスラエル
2011 グリーン・ホーネット
The Green Hornet
ベンジャミン・チュドノフスキー(ボス) a paranoid Russian gangster. Chudnofsky plans to join all of the crime families of Los Angeles together to organize a "super-mafia".[4] Throughout the film, he worries that he is losing his edge, and eventually starts calling himself "Bloodnofsky" in a misguided attempt to intimidate his enemies. 演:クリストフ・ヴァルツ
2012 SAFE/セイフ
  • エミール・ドチェスキー(ボス)
  • ヴァシリー・ドチェスキー(エミールの息子)
演:Sándor Técsy、ジョセフ・シコラ英語版
One in the Chamber
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 involves warring former Soviet gangsters in the Czech Republic with the Russian Suverov crime family rivaling the Armenian mafia Tavanian crime family.
  • チェコ共和国を舞台に、旧ソ連系ギャングが、ロシアのスベロフ一家とアルメニアマフィアのタバニアン一家の抗争に巻き込まれる(2012年)。
2014 イコライザー
The Equalizer
  • ウラジミール・プーシキン(ボス)
  • テディ・レンセン/ニコライ・イチェンコ(元スペツナズの問題解決人)
  • スラヴィ(売春の元締め)
部下を殺され、縄張りを荒らされたことから、犯人捜しを行い、ボストンの街に緊張状態を生み出すロシアンマフィア ドラマ『ザ・シークレット・ハンター』の映画化作品(『トレーニングデイ』と同じ監督で、デンゼル・ワシントンも出演している)
John Wick
  • ヴィゴ・タラソフ(ボス)
  • ヨセフ・タラソフ(ヴィゴの息子)
  • キリル(ヴィゴの腹心)
Taken 3
  • オレグ・マランコフ(ボス)
  • マキシム(構成員)
チェルノフ(ボス) 19年前の襲撃事件に関して、主人公と因縁があるロシアンマフィア「チェルノフ・ファミリー」
土竜の唄_潜入捜査官REIJI 蜂乃巣会に売るはずだった100万錠のMDMAの取引を阿湖義組に持ち掛ける。
The Drop
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 Chovka Umarov マフィアの銀行として大金を預かるバーから金が奪われたことで、奪われた大金を返すように主人公に迫るチェチェン・マフィア 演:マイケル・アロノフ英語版
Break loose[1] (original title was «Восьмёрка», named after Lada Samara one of the characters is driving) depicts a personal conflict between young OMON operatives and a local crime boss, few days before New Year's Eve 1999-2000. Almost everybody wants to settle the matter peacefully and let it pass, but a romantic interest of young OMON operative draws them all beyond the point of no return. Unbeknownst to the protagonists, president Yeltsin is preparing his resignation speech and Russia is about to enter a new era.

1999年から2000年にかけての大晦日を前に、若いオモン捜査官と地元の犯罪組織のボスとの間で起こる個人的な争いを描いた『Break loose』(原題は『Восьмёрка』、登場人物の一人が乗っているラダ・サマラから名づけられた)。ほとんどの人はこの問題を穏便に解決しようとするが、若いオモン捜査官の恋愛感情が、彼らを取り返しのつかないところへ引きずり込む。その頃、エリツィン大統領は辞任演説の準備をしており、ロシアは新しい時代を迎えようとしていた。

  • ロシア映画Break loose(ブレイク・ルーズ)。(2014年)[2] (原題は「Восьмёрка」、登場人物一人が運転している Lada Samara から名付けられた)1999年から2000年の大晦日の数日前、若い OMON 活動家と地元の犯罪ボスの間に起こる人間関係の衝突を描いている。ほとんどの人が平和的解決を望んでいたが、若いOMON工作員の恋愛感情が、彼らを取り返しのつかないところへ引きずり込んでいく。主人公たちの知らぬ間に、エリツィン大統領が辞任演説を準備し、ロシアは新しい時代を迎えようとしていた。
2015 チャーリー・モルデカイ 華麗なる名画の秘密
ロマン・ロマノフ(ボス) 幻のゴヤの名画を手に入れるために主人公の美術商を拉致するロシアンマフィア。 演:ウルリク・トムセン
2016 われらが背きし者
Our Kind of Traitor
  • プリンス/ニコライ・ペトロフ(ボス)
  • ディマ(資金洗浄担当)
  • アンドレイ(構成員)
表向きは実業家で、実際はロシアンマフィア。資金洗浄の証拠データを巡って、暗躍する。 ジョン・ル・カレの同名小説を映画化したイギリスのスパイスリラー映画
  • ディマ(ボス)
  • セルゲイ(構成員)
  • ダーシャ(構成員)
娘を妊娠させた主人公の一人を追って、結婚して責任をとれと迫るロシアンマフィア 演:ミハイル・ゴアヴォイチャーリー・ローズイヴ・トーレス
トリプル9 裏切りのコード
Triple 9
  • イリーナ・ヴラスロフ(ボス)
  • パヴェル(構成員)
2018 ブルー・ダイヤモンド
  • ボリス・ヴォルコフ(ボス)
  • パヴェル(構成員)
宝石商の主人公と希少な最高純度のブルー・ダイヤモンドを取引しようとするロシアンマフィア。 演:パシャ・D・リチニコフラファエル・ペタルディ英語版
Red Sparrow
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 ドミニカ・エゴロワ involving a seductress working for the Russian Mafia named Dominika Egorova based on a book by ジェイソン・マシューズ英語版の同名小説を原作にしたスパイスリラー映画


  • The antagonists in Fair Game (1995) are a crime group made up of rogue KGB operatives.
  • Fair Game」(1995年)の敵役は、KGBの悪党工作員からなる犯罪集団である。

  • インディ・ジョーンズとクリスタル・スカルの王国』(2008年)に登場するイリーナ・スパルコとアントニン・ドブチェンコはロシアンマフィアの一員である。
  • ロッキー4』(1985年)のイワン・ドラゴ、マネージャー、トレーナーはロシアの犯罪組織である。


主要人物 概説 備考
2020 パーフェクト・ケア
I Care a Lot
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
  • ローマン・ルニョフ(ボス)
  • アレクシー(構成員)
とある老女の成年後見人になった詐欺師の主人公を脅迫するロシアンマフィア 演:ピーター・ディンクレイジ、Nicholas Logan
2021 Mr.ノーバディ
  • ユリアン・クズネツォフ(ボス)
  • テディ・クズネツォフ(ユリアンの弟)
  • パヴェル(ユリアンのボディガード)


主要人物 概説 備考
2010 マチルダ (ミュージカル)
The Matilda the Musical
イギリスの旗 イギリス セルゲイ ロシアンマフィアのメンバー 2010年にミュージカル化された『マチルダ』には、セルゲイというマフィアとその下っ端が登場した。


主要人物 概説 備考
1990 The Pyramid. The Soviet Mafia, a 1990 novel by Telman Gdlyan and Evgeny Dodolev.
  • Russian and, even more prominently, Chechen mafia appear in Martin Cruz Smith's 1992 crime novel Red Square.
  • A 1995 novel "No time for Heroes" by Brian Freemantle features a conspiracy by Russian mafia.
  • Since 1998, Russian publishing house "Eksmo" has been printing crime novels under the series "I am a thief by law" («Я-вор в законе»).
  • The Russian mafia serve as antagonists in Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (2002), with protagonist Artemis Fowl II trying to rescue his father, a former Irish crime lord, after he is kidnapped by Russian gangsters near Murmansk.
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (2004) and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Operation Barracuda (2005) involve a Russia and Ukraine-based terrorist arms dealing organization named "The Shop", headed by Andrei Zdrok.
  • Our Kind of Traitor, a 2010 novel by John le Carré.
  • In 2013, Alexei Sherstobitov wrote an autobiography called "The Liquidator" («Ликвидатор»), detailing his life as a hitman for the Russian mafia.
  • Paul-Henri Guiter, L'Étoile noire, un aventurier au cœur de la Russie souterraine, Arthaud Edition ISBN 978-2-0813-7600-7, Paris, France, 2017, an autobiographical novel in the Russian mafia.


  • In the Elementary season 2 episode Ancient History (2x05), the murder victim, Leo Banim or Vitaly Andropov (played by Dean Neistat) and the entire crime are connected with the Russian mafia, more precisely the Polish branch of a notorious Russian mafia group, the Rukovskaya Bratva. According to Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller), Leo Banim (the episode's murder victim), whose real name was Vitaly Andropov, is believed to be one of Rukovskaya Bratva's biggest hitman in Warsaw, Poland.
  • In CSI: Miami, the Russian mafia is led by the Ivan Sarnoff (played by Andrew Divoff), a vicious and bloodthirsty Russian mobster and a recurring and tough enemy of Horatio Caine (David Caruso) and his team.
  • In the seasons 3 and 4 of Billions, Grigor Andolov (played by John Malkovich) is a Russian oligarch who is the boss of his own criminal group, is known for being ruthless and has several connections in the criminal underworld.
  • The Russian mafia is the main theme of McMafia: the main protagonist, Alex Godman (played by James Norton) is a Russian British son of a Russian mafia boss living in London, England. His father, Dimitri Godman (played by Aleksei Serebryakov is the leader of Godman family and a mobster of a considerable influence. Another important character linked to the Russian Mafia is Semiyon Kleiman (played by David Strathairn), a notorious Russian Israeli businessman who is implied to have connections with the Russian Mafia.
  • The Solntsevskaya Bratva has a recurring role in the CW TV series Arrow. Oliver Queen has contacts in the organization who he uses to locate criminals. In the Arrowverse, the Pakhan (or leader) of the Solntsevskaya Bratva is Anatoli Knyazev or KGBeast (played by David Nykl).
  • The popular Russian TV mini-series Brigada, aired in 2002, depicted a group of underdogs rising the crime ladder to become oligarchs in the 1990s Moscow. Their leader here is Alexandr Belov aka Belyy/White (played by Sergey Bezrukov).
  • In the Criminal Minds season 2 episode Honor Among Thieves (2x20), the Behavioral Analysis Unit (or BAU) is on the hunt for a killer responsible for the murders of Russian immigrants in the USA. It turns out a while later that the criminal was a member of the Russian Mafia and that he was murdered by his own father, a powerful Russian Mafia boss named Arseny Lysowsky (played by Elya Baskin).
  • The TV series Gotham features Russian mafia family formerly allied to Sicilian gangster Carmine Falcone. They later turns against him with the alliance of Fish Mooney and her gang. The Russian mafia was first led by Nikolai (played by Jeremy Davidson) until he was killed by Oswald Cobblepot during a raid orchestrated by rival Italian Mob boss Sal Maroni. In the episode "Harvey Dent," the rest of the Russian mafia was led by Gregor Kasyanov (played by Steve Cirbus) where they spring explosives expert Ian Hargrove from a prison transport to construct bombs for them. The mobsters target a cache of Falcone's money, but are stopped by the police. During a standoff with the Gotham City Police Department, Gregor and some of the Russian mafia operatives are nearly killed by a bomb that Butch Gilzean set off on Fish Mooney's behalf in order to destroy the money and hurt Falcone.
  • The final episodes of the Law & Order Season 9 (1998–99) center around the Russian mafia in Manhattan and their attempts to sabotage prosecution. In this case, the Russian mafia is led by Constantin Volsky (played by Olek Krupa). The Russian mob also figures prominently in the Season 1 (1990-91) episode The Serpent's Tooth (1x19) (also guest-starring Olek Krupa) and the Season 4 (93-94) episode Old Friends (4x22).
  • In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, the Russian mafia is a recurring enemy to the Special Victims Unit. The Russian mafia in this case is led by Sergei Perlman (played by Grigori Gurvich) in season 4 and led by Liev Bodrov (played by Gary Hope) in season 13.
  • In Law & Order: Criminal Intent season 1 episode Maledictus (1x19), the murder victim of this episode, Ilana Yushka (played by Alla Kliouka Schaffer) was an author and daughter of a prominent Russian mobster.
  • In the Netflix prison series Orange Is the New Black, Galina "Red" Reznikova (played by Kate Mulgrew) is in the prison for her involvement with the Russian mafia in Queens. In Orange Is the New Black, the Queens branch of the Russian mafia is led by Ganya (played by David Ross), Galina's ruthless boss.
  • In the HBO Series Oz, the Russian mafia was represented by Jewish-Russian Mafia member Nikolai Stanislofsky (played by Philip Casnoff) and by Cossack hitman Yuri Kosygin (played by Olek Krupa). Kosygin is described in the show as "the most ruthless hitman in Little Odessa".
  • The FX series Sons of Anarchy portrays illegal gun trading with the Russian Mob. Here, the Russian mafia is led by Viktor Putlova (played by Keith Szarabajka) and has a recurring role in the season 1, season 4 and season 5 as one of SAMCRO's biggest enemies for control of the territory in Northern California and Oregon.
  • In The Sopranos, there were many references and interactions with the Russian mafia. In this case, the New Jersey branch of the Russian mafia is led by Slava Malevsky (played by Frank Ciornei).
  • The Brighton Beach-based Yogorov crime family appears in the first three seasons of Person of Interest and is led by Ivan Yogorov (played by Olek Krupa).
  • The Netflix's series Bordertown is a Finish series that has one of the main characters as a former Bratva member. The character in question is the Detective Constable Lena Jaakkola (played by Anu Sinisalo) and secretly is (both) a member of the Russian mafia and a agent of the FSB.
  • The TNT series Claws portrays the main characters becoming involved with the Russian mafia in Central Florida. In Claws the Russian mafia was first led by Riva (played by Andrea Sooch) and later by Zlata Ostrovsky (played by Franka Potente), Riva's sister and they have a bloody rivalry with the Dixie Mafia and the Haitian Mob.
  • In the season 4 of Queen of the South, the Russian mafia is based in Atlanta, Georgia, is led by Oksana Volkova (played by Vera Cherny) and has business with Teresa Mendoza (played by Alice Braga), the main protagonist of Queen of the South, the founder and head of the powerful Mendoza Cartel, one of most powerful Mexican drug cartels.
  • In the Netflix South African series Queen Sono, the main villain of the series is Ekaterina Gromova (played by Kate Liquorish), a Russian high level military contractor and the heiress of the Gromova crime family, a prominent Russian mafia family based in South Africa and the enemy of Queen Sono (played by Pearl Thusi), the protagonist of the series.


  • The Russian mafia appears in multiple Grand Theft Auto games:
  • The main antagonist in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2002) is a Russian crime lord named Sergei Zavorotko.
  • A Russian black market arms trading syndicate known as the Zemy appears in the first mission of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs (2002).
  • Antikiller is a licensed PC game based on the eponymous gangster movie.[3] It came out in 2005 (Russian market) and 2007 (international market), respectively.[4]
  • Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (2005) features the North Korea branch of a Moscow-based Russian mafia group, led by Sergei Voronov before he is usurped by Josef Yurinov, which engages in war profiteering and black market arms dealing.
  • The SWAT 4 (2005) expansion pack SWAT 4: The Stechkov Syndicate includes seven new missions featuring the fictional Stetchkov crime family.
  • A London-based Russian mafia group called the Zahharov Organization, led by Vladislav Zakharov, is one of five playable gangs in Gangs of London (2006).
  • One of three gangs in Crackdown (2007) is the Volk (Russian for "Wolf"), which is made up of former soldiers from Eastern Europe.
  • The Hotline Miami games prominently feature the Russian mafia.
    • Hotline Miami (2012) features the Russian mafia as a group of antagonists, as well as the primary enemies.
    • Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number features the Russian mafia as the main protagonist faction of the second half of the game.
  • In the espionage RPG Alpha Protocol (2010), the protagonist must navigate a conflict between two rival Moscow organized crime groups, one of which is allied with the corrupt defense contractor the protagonist opposes.
  • The San Francisco-based bratva, an offshoot of the Brighton Beach mafia, appears in Watch Dogs 2 (2016), hiding within the city's Jewish population and undertake massive laundering operations and human trafficking schemes.
  • Russian mafia is featured in 2003 video game RoadKill, which is known as the "Dreg Lords". They drive garbage trucks, wearing bodypaints and are one of the player's enemies in later parts of the game.


  1. ^ Vosmerka” (2013年9月7日). 2023年1月25日閲覧。
  2. ^ Vosmerka” (2013年9月7日). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  3. ^ Cobbett, Richard (2013年4月20日). “Saturday Crapshoot: AntiKiller”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  4. ^ Антикиллер вся информация об игре, читы, дата выхода, системные требования, купить игру Антикиллер”. ag.ru. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。


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List of notable heist films[編集]

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キャラクタータイプ 説明
うっかりものの博士英語版 研究に没頭するあまり、物覚えの悪さや身だしなみの悪さなど、生活面での欠点が目立つ変わり者の天才科学者[1]マッドサイエンティストを邪悪な科学者とするなら、こちらは良い科学者となる。 ビーカー教授英語版
Action hero アクションもののヒーローで、物語の中の出来事が速いペースで進むことに慣れている人が多い。「選ばれし者(chosen one)」や「スーパーヒーロー(superhero)」と重なることが多い。A hero of an action story, often one who is comfortable with the fast pace of events in the story. Often overlaps with chosen one and/or superhero. Luke Skywalker, James Bond, Batman
Ace pilot 航空機の出現により、冒険物語のジャンル英語版が生まれ、そこではエース・パイロットが当然のようにヒーローとして登場した。戦争映画におけるエースパイロットの特徴は、しばしば「陽気で何ものにも縛られないが、仲間意識が強く(友情に厚く)、ストイックで、何に対しても万能」と描写されている[2]。The advent of aviation spawned a genre of adventure stories in which the ace pilot was the natural hero. Traits often attributed to the ace in war films are "boisterousness, camaraderie, stoicism and omnipotence".[2] Books and comics: Biggles and Hop Harrigan; Daredevil pilots in Hollywood films as the wars of the twentieth century were fictionalised, such as Flying Tigers and God Is My Co-Pilot;[3] later Maverick in Top Gun.[4][2]
Angry black woman An assertive, overbearing, opinionated, loud, and "sassy" black woman with a sharp tongue, often depicted as nagging and emasculating a male character.[5][6] Sapphire in Amos 'n' Andy,[7] Wilhelmina Slater in Ugly Betty,[8] Aunt Esther
Angry white man A reactionary, usually conservative white man who often begins as a victim of circumstance or progressive policy. This will often escalate into rage and violence, leading to the character's downfall or cementing him as a villain. Archie Bunker, William "D-Fens" Foster, Arthur Fleck
アンチヒーローAntihero A protagonist lacking conventional heroic qualities, such as courage, or idealism.[9] An antihero has weaknesses and may engage in criminal acts at times, but lacks any sinister intentions and is usually, if begrudgingly and unconventionally, ethical. Deadpool, Man with No Name, Eddie Valiant
Author surrogate A character sharing the traits of its author or creator.[10] The author surrogate may be disguised to some degree, or there may be little attempt to make them appear different (for example, they may have the same name and job). Jon Arbuckle, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski
Bad boy A roguish, good-looking macho, often a womanizer. In his frequent affairs, he shows a "dark triad" of Machiavellian traits. In historical fiction, he is a rake or cad. Tony Stark, Gregory House, Danny Zuko
Bard A lute-playing singer-songwriter in Medieval and Renaissance stories who sings about the events of the day to earn a living. The Bard may be a wandering troubador travelling from town to town, and playing at taverns (or busking when gigs are scarce), or they may have a steady job in a noble court, playing for royalty at feasts. The bard may overlap with the jester if they use their songs to speak blunt truths to a king or entertain the nobles with humour (also providing comic relief in the story). The bard may also be a wandering minstrel who voyages with the hero to chronicle the hero's exploits in song. Cantus in Fraggle Rock, Marillion in Game of Thrones, Dandelion/Jaskier in The Witcher, Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess
Battle-axe An old, domineering, brash and brazen woman Agnes Skinner, Thelma Harper, Marie Barone
Beatnik A hipster character, with a distinct counterculture style (usually wearing muted colors, leotards for women, a beret, and sunglasses), loves jazz and avant-garde art and poetry, marijuana, bongo drums, and has a disdain for anything popular in mainstream culture. Judy Funnie, Maynard G. Krebs, the cast of Off Beat Cinema
Besterman A protagonist or anti-hero in science fiction stories by Alfred Bester. These characters may have some aspects of what Nietzsche called the Übermensch, alongside negative traits. Besterman characters may behave in hard-to-predict ways. For example, a character may at first appear to be a brave savior, but then lapse into self-serving behavior. Ben Reich in The Demolished Man, Gully Foyle from The Stars My Destination
Bitter War Veteran[11] Man who fought as a soldier during a war; he usually leaves home a naïve young man, experiences the horrors of war, and returns home embittered and deranged. He often has flashbacks and nightmares about the war. John Rambo of First Blood and its sequels[12]
Black best friend In American films and television shows, a Black best friend is a secondary character, often female, who is used to "guide White characters out of challenging circumstances." The Black best friend "support[s] the heroine, often with sass, attitude and a keen insight into relationships and life.”[13] One criticism of the stock character is that little of their inner life is depicted.

In the film The Devil Wears Prada, Tracie Thoms plays friend to lead character played by Anne Hathaway; Aisha Tyler played a friend to Jennifer Love Hewitt on The Ghost Whisperer; Lisa Nicole Carson played a friend to lead character Calista Flockhart on Ally McBeal

Black knight An evil fighter antagonist, whose identity is often concealed behind his visor. He may be associated with death. He battles the good knight-errant. Black Knight, Nathan Garrett, Darth Vader
Blind seer A mystic who is sightless, but uses spiritual or psychic powers to sense the events and sights around them. Chirrut in Rogue One, "One Hundred Eyes" in Marco Polo, Zatoichi (blind swordsman)
Boy next door A nice, average guy who is reasonably good-looking Marty McFly, Luke Skywalker, Rodney Trotter
Braggart The classical archetypes are Alazon and Miles Gloriosus.[14] A later example from the Italian commedia dell'arte is Il Capitano.[15]
Brains and brawn A duo with contrasting physical features, body types and personalities. The two are usually inseparable. One is small, yet intelligent, while the other is physically big, while at the same time being naïve or innocently dumb. The "brains" character can sometimes be silent while the "brawn" is talkative and loud, but this varies. Lennie Small & George Milton from Of Mice and Men, Wallace and Gromit, Pinky and the Brain, Toopy and Binoo, Astérix and Obélix.
Bug-eyed monster A staple evil alien[1] Formics, Alien
Bully A villainous character often found in stories centered around youth, especially in school. They delight in tormenting the protagonist. Scut Farkus in A Christmas Story, Roger Klotz in Doug, Bulk and Skull
Byronic hero Byronic heroes are dark, gloomy, and brooding. Their passionate nature is often turned inward, as they ruminate on a private torment or a dark secret from their past. They tend to be lonely and alienated, and have views or values that conflict with those of the wider community. The name refers to the Romantic poet Lord Byron. Lord Ruthven in The Vampyre (1819), Edmond Dantes from Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo (1844), Heathcliff from Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights (1847), and Rochester from Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre (1847)
Cat lady An eccentric, lonely woman, often living alone. She may be depicted as dotty and benevolent or as unhinged. Crazy Cat Lady, Arabella Figg,[16] Angela Martin
Chosen one A person destined by prophecy to save the world, frequently possessed of unusual skills or abilities. Anakin Skywalker, Harry Potter
Christ figure Someone who dies a martyr only to rise from the dead to fight evil, as in the story of Jesus. The similarity may be intentional or not. The Doctor, Spock, Harry Potter
Con artist A person who tricks people out of money by gaining, and then betraying their confidence. Del Boy, Artful Dodger, The King and the Duke
Conscience A character who provides moral guidance and advice to the protagonist. Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio, the Angel Clarence from It’s a Wonderful Life
Contender A competitive, scrappy underdog who is driven to keep trying to win. Rocky Balboa, Lightning McQueen, Daniel LaRusso
Cousin Oliver A young child who joins the cast of an ongoing series (usually a sitcom) after the previous younger characters have grown older and can no longer provide the comic plot lines they used to. Named after a character added in the final episodes of The Brady Bunch, after the youngest Brady step-siblings had grown into preteens. Nicky and Alex Katsopolis in Full House, Ricky Segall in The Partridge Family
Career criminal Often a cunning thief. Has a strange gait, slouched posture and devious facial expression. Flynn Rider, Bernie Rhodenbarr, Cash Register Thief
Crone A cruel, withered old woman, often occult or witch-like. See also Hag Wicked Witch of the West, Maleficent, Gruntilda
Curmudgeon A usually middle-aged or elderly character who outwardly is bitter, argumentative and politically incorrect. The curmudgeon usually has more sympathetic traits that are revealed over the course of a work of fiction. Knemon in Dyskolos, Alf Garnett, Grinch, Daisy Werthan
Damsel in distress A noble, beautiful young Lady in need of rescue, traditionally from dragons. In early 1900s films, she is threatened by a robber or kidnapper. Princess Peach, Princess Zelda, Daphne Blake
Dandy A good-looking, well-off young man more interested in fashion and leisure than business and politics. Prominent in Victorian writings. Dorian Gray, Lord Byron
Dark Lady A dark, malicious or doomed woman Lady Macbeth, Miss Trunchbull, Annie Wilkes
Dark Lady (Hispanic) This Hispanic or Latin stock character is a beautiful and aristocratic woman whose mysterious and inscrutable personality makes her seem alluring. Scholars have called the Dark Lady and the Latin lover the only two positive Hispanic stock characters.[17] Dolores Del Rio played various Dark Lady roles, such as Flying Down to Rio (1933) and In Caliente (1936)
Dark Lord An evil, powerful sorcerer. The dark lord is often wounded, though still powerful enough to defile the land. He may be a Devil archetype. Palpatine, Lord Voldemort, Thanos
Dastardly Whiplash A classic villain archetype from the silent film era, who will tie a maiden to train tracks or burn down an orphanage as part of their schemes, all while twirling a long mustache. They have over-the-top personalities. Dick Dastardly, Simon Legree, Robbie Rotten
Donor A supernatural being in fairy tales and fantasy literature who helps the protagonist Genie, Cosmo & Wanda
Doppelgänger A malevolent character that resembles but is not necessarily related to another, benevolent, character in the same fictional universe; may come from a parallel universe. Usually portrayed by the same actor in a dual role. Bizarro, Mirror Universe
Dragon lady A stereotype of East Asian and occasionally South Asian and Southeast Asian women as strong, deceitful, domineering, or mysterious.[18] The term's origin and usage arose in America during the late 1800s. This ethnic stereotype may negatively depict women as promiscuous, deceptive femme fatales. Anna May Wong in the movie Daughter of the Dragon 1931[19];Lucy Liu in her roles in Charlie’s Angels, Kill Bill, and Payback;Wai Lin in Tomorrow Never Dies
Drill Sergeant Harsh, bitter and sarcastic, this character from military fiction will either be loved or hated (or in some cases killed) for his iron will. Often his constant ordering and rigorous training might turn out to be for the good, or it can be done intentionally.[4] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket;[4] Career Sergeant Zim from Starship Troopers; a real-life example of this character type is Herbert Sobel from Band of Brothers.
Dumb blonde An attractive, young, blonde-haired woman with little common sense Goldie Hawn's characters on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Rose Nylund, Chrissy Snow
El bandido This pejorative stereotype of a Mexican bandit was common in silent era Western films. It depicted the characters as missing teeth, being poorly groomed (unshaven, unwashed hair), unintelligent, and as having a violent, treacherous, and emotionally impulsive disposition.[17] The villain in Bronco Billy and the Greaser (1914)
Elderly martial arts master A wise old man mentoring a young disciple in his ancient craft. The old man often needs to be avenged. Mr. Miyagi, Ra's al Ghul, Yoda, Splinter
Everyman An ordinary, humble individual, the Everyman may be a stand-in for the audience or reader. Homer Simpson, Dr. Watson, Jonathan Harker
Evil clown Violent, malevolent beings who ironically resemble circus clowns. This subverts the typical stereotype of clowns as happy, playful tricksters and instead uses their painted face and disguise as a source of menace. Joker, Killer Klowns, Pennywise
Evil twin A malevolent character that resembles and is usually related to (most commonly a literal twin of) another, benevolent, character in the same universe; usually portrayed by the same actor in a dual role. Adam Chandler, Alex Drake
Fall guy An unaware scapegoat for a villain's larger plot. Wilmer Cook, Biff from The Strawberry Blonde
Farmer's daughter A desirable, wholesome, and naive young woman, also described as being an "open-air type" and "public-spirited"[20][21] Bradley Sisters; Mary Ann Summers, Daisy Duke, Elly May Clampett
Farmer's wife In Western films, the "long-suffering farmer's wife" is a foil used as a contrast to the other female stock characters (Hooker with a heart of gold and the Schoolma'am).[22] The farmer's wife character also appears outside of Westerns. Mrs. Hale, the farmer's wife in Trifles
Female clown (Hispanic) In this stereotype, also called a "Mexican Spitfire" (or "Latin Spitfire"), a Hispanic woman's ditzy antics are used to make the audience laugh derisively at her. While she is alluring, her value as a full character is blunted by her comic treatment. This is the female version of the Male buffoon (Hispanic).[17] Carmen Miranda, Lupe Velez (notably in the eight-film Mexican Spitfire series that lent its name to the stock character)
Femme fatale A beautiful, alluring, woman who is also traitorous, cunning and deceptive. She draws men into a honey trap. Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct, Ruth Wonderly, Poison Ivy, Salome
Final girl A "last woman standing" left in a horror film after a killer or monster has eliminated her companions. Mina Harker, Laurie Strode, Sally Hardesty
Foil A character, especially in a double act, who is in most respects the opposite of the protagonist or straight man. The contrast between a character and their foil allows each characters' traits to be highlighted. Lou Costello, Lucy Ricardo, Draco Malfoy
Folk hero A character whose heroic acts are left behind in their people's consciousness, often centuries after their death. Robin Hood, Heracles/Hercules
Fool A court jester who made the king and nobles laugh by telling rhyming jokes and riddles, and by doing physical feats like juggling. Jesters could criticize people at court and make fun of Royal decisions, as long as the criticism was hidden amidst witty wordplay and riddles. Shakespeare used the fool as a main character so that he could have a character who could speak truthfully, even to a powerful king. Simpleton fools include Ivan the Fool. Wise fools include the Wise Men of Gotham, who only pretended to be simple as a ruse.
Fop A pejorative character in

English literature and especially comic drama, as well as satirical prints, the fop is a foolish "man of fashion" who overdresses, aspires to wit, and puts on airs. The fop may aspire to a higher social station than others think he has.

He may be somewhat effeminate, although this rarely affects his pursuit of an heiress. He may also overdo being fashionably French by wearing French clothes and using French words.

Sir Novelty Fashion in Colley Cibber's Love's Last Shift (1696), Sir Fopling Flutter in George Etherege's The Man of Mode, Sir Fopling Flutter (1676), The Town Fop (1676, published 1677), and Lord Foppington in The Relapse (1696) by John Vanbrugh.
Gay best friend Beginning in the 1980s, screenwriters of romantic comedy films and TV shows set in high schools added the "gay best friend" stock character. This comedic character type has elicited controversy in the gay community, because while they have introduced "...queer storylines to mainstream audiences," they have also entrenched a stereotype that gay men's only "interests are makeovers, shopping and drama".[23] In addition, "gay best friend" characters tend to be sidelined into the role of giving relationship and fashion advice, and their character rarely has depth or development. Daniel Franzese's role as Damian in Mean Girls; the 2013 comedy film G.B.F., which uses the stock character term as its title
Geek An eccentric or non-mainstream person who is an expert or enthusiast obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit, with a general pejorative meaning of a "peculiar person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, boring, or socially awkward".[24] The geek character overlaps with the nerd, but the geek may be depicted in a more negative fashion. Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, "The Geek" from Sixteen Candles, "Doc" Emmett Brown from the Back to the Future films, Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters
Gentle giant A huge, strong man who, despite his fear-inspiring appearance, has a good heart. Fezzick, Kronk, Yukon Cornelius, Shrek
Gentleman thief A sophisticated, well-mannered, and elegant thief. He typically tries to avoid violence by using deception and his wits to steal. Kaito Kuroba, Sly Cooper, Neal Caffrey
Girl next door An average young woman, reasonably attractive, with a wholesome demeanor. Rachel Green, Carrie Bradshaw, Bridget Jones
Gracioso A stock character, popular in 16th-century Spanish literature, who is comically and shockingly vulgar Clarín, the clown in Pedro Calderón de la Barca's Life is a dream, is a gracioso.
Grande dame French for "great lady"; a haughty, flamboyant and elegant woman, prone to extravagant and eccentric fashion. She is usually a stereotype of an elderly high society socialite.[25][26][27][28] Constance in Gosford Park, Princess Dragomiroff in Murder on the Orient Express; Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest
Grotesque A deformed or disabled person whose appearance scares strangers or inspires pity, and who may be mistreated. He is a tragic figure. Quasimodo, Grizabella
Gung-ho American[29] American military character who is overly enthusiastic and unquestioningly convinced about the right-mindedness of its war.[30][31]
Halfbreed harlot This pejorative stereotype of a Mexican prostitute was common in Western films. She is the female counterpart to El bandido, a pejorative stereotype depicting a violent Mexican bandit. The "halfbreed harlot" is depicted as a lusty nymphomaniac with a hot temper. Filmmakers use the character to serve as a sex object and provide titillation to viewers.[17] Chihuahua, the girlfriend of Doc Holliday in My Darling Clementine (1946)
Hag A wizened, withered, and bitter old woman, often a malicious witch. Baba Yaga, Wicked Queen, Gruntilda
Hardboiled detective A private investigator or police officer rendered bitter and cynical by violence and corruption. They are often hard-drinking antiheroes who use questionable tactics. Typically the protagonist in film noir crime movies and hardboiled novels and pulp fiction. Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, Perry Mason
Harlequin A clown or professional fool who pokes fun at others, even the elite. Till Eulenspiegel, Krusty the Clown
Holmesian detective A masterful police detective or private investigator who is modelled on the fictional 19th century detective Sherlock Holmes. These characters may emulate his perceptiveness, intelligence, and use of deductive reasoning. Hercule Poirot, Columbo, Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
Hooker with a heart of gold A prostitute who has a good moral compass and intrinsic morality. Nancy, Fantine, Inara Serra, Sonya from Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
Hopeless romantic A loving, passionate character that often finds "love at first sight". He is obsessive over a romantic partner (or love interest), usually views life very optimistically.

Tom Hansen, Brian Griffin

Housewife A busy mother of the protagonist family, she takes care of the children and does the housework. Her appearance ranges from homely to average. Morticia Addams, Jane Jetson, Marge Simpson
Hotshot A reckless, impulsive macho character known for taking risks. Martin Riggs, Agent J, Axel Foley
Idiot savant A person with extraordinary genius in a narrow area who has a social or developmental disability, often consistent with being somewhere on the autism spectrum. Forrest Gump, Raymond "Rain Man" Babbitt, Shaun Murphy
Immigrant A character from a foreign land whose bizarre manners, quirky behavior and unusual traditions often clash humorously with Western cultural norms. Balki Bartokomous, Luigi Basco, Fez, Latka Gravas, Borat
Incompetent Officer[4][32] Usually from a wealthy background, the incompetent officer is usually senior to the hero and an antagonist in military fiction.[要出典] The incompetence is depicted either as stemming from blind innocence or fundamental stupidity.[32]
Ingenue An attractive young woman who is endearingly innocent and wholesome. Ariel, Snow White, Dorothy Gale
Jewish mother A nagging, loud, highly-talkative, overprotective, smothering, and overbearing mother, who persists in interfering in her children's lives long after they have become adults and is excellent at making her children feel guilty for actions that may have caused her to suffer. Molly Goldberg, Auntie Nelda
Jock (athlete) A male athlete who is often muscular, but not very smart. He may also be a bully. Flash Thompson, Nathan Scott, Brom Bones
Keystone Kop A bumbling police officer, named after the Keystone Kops comic silent film series. May have a predilection for donuts. If set in the southern United States, the character is usually also portrayed as racist, corrupt and lacking regard for the rights of whom he is accusing. Chief Wiggum, Barney Fife, Rosco P. Coltrane,[33] Charlie Dibble
Knight-errant A noble Knight on a quest for his Lady or who is seeking some Holy Grail. He expresses his courtly love for his beloved from afar. Lancelot, Aragorn, Bronn, Jack Reacher[34]
Latin lover A handsome, sharply-dressed man who seduces women with his suave, confident demeanor and his elegant courtship and tango dancing skills. Paradoxically, he shows both tenderness and "sexual danger". He draws the woman into a passionate romance that is doomed due to the pair being enmeshed in an intrigue. The Latin lover may be Italian, Spanish, Latin American, or French.[17] Rudolph Valentino, Ricardo Montalban, Gilbert Roland
Legacy hero A character thrust, often unwillingly, into the role of a hero through nepotism, sometimes having been previously unaware of their family's legacy. Luke Skywalker, Frodo Baggins, Silk Spectre (Laurie Juspeczyk)
Little Green Men Small humanoid extraterrestrials with green skin and antennae on their heads;[35] known familiarly in science fiction fandom as LGM The Great Gazoo, Little Green Men from Toy Story
Loathly lady A woman who appears to be a hideous hag, often cursed; her beauty is revealed when the curse is lifted. (Male characters with the same characteristics also exist, such as the Beast in Beauty and the Beast.) The order may be reversed, as well; a beautiful maiden may be cursed and transformed into a hag. The Wife of Bath's Tale, Princess Melusine in the French dynastic mythology Dame Ragnelle, The Frog Prince (with male gender).
Loner An isolated, alienated person who struggles to connect with people. Frank Castle, Holden Caulfield
Lovable loser A woebegone, yet sympathetic and usually determined, character for whom nothing goes right Charlie Brown, Sad Sack, Milo Murphy
Lovers Main characters who deeply fall in love, despite the blocking effect of other characters or events; often moonstruck, star-crossed lovers that are strongly fraternizing with the "enemy". They may face a tragic end. Romeo & Juliet, Tony and Maria in West Side Story
Machiavelle A villain who is obsessed with power and willing to do immoral acts to secure or enhance their position. A machiavelle villain typically follows the principles set out by Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince, a guidebook for 16th century rulers. The machiavelle devises ruthless plots to eliminate rivals and is willing to do anything, including betrayal of allies or murdering his people, to win more power. Examples in Shakespeare include Richard of Gloucester in Richard III and both Edmund and Cornwall in King Lear.
Mad scientist An insane or eccentric scientist or professor, often villainous or amoral.[1][36] Not all mad scientists are evil; some intend to be benevolent, but unintentionally cause an accident due to their hubristic attempt to play God in the lab. May have an Igor, a hunchbacked assistant. Victor Frankenstein, Dr. Henry Jekyll, Dr. Moreau
Magical Negro A black man with special insight or mystical powers, who ends up coming to the aid of the white protagonist. Uncle Remus, Uncle Tom, John Coffey, Bagger Vance
Male buffoon (Hispanic) This stereotype is used for comic relief. The characters' struggle to learn English or control their hot-blooded temper is used as a source of humor.[17] Pancho in The Return of the Cisco Kid, Sgt. Garcia in Walt Disney's Zorro, Ricky Ricardo in I Love Lucy
Mammy archetype A rotund, homely, and matronly black woman. She has a sunny demeanor and she is devoted to her role as a cook and caregiver. This archetype originated during the era of slavery, and it is considered to be a pejorative racial stereotype. Aunt Jemima, Mammy Two Shoes, Calpurnia in To Kill a Mockingbird
Man alone Someone whose extreme moral beliefs have led them to be friendless. Rorschach (Walter Kovacs)
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Usually static young female characters who have eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish, dreamy, and attractive. They often exist only to serve as a source of inspiration to the male character, and as such, little of their inner life is depicted. Zelda Spellman, Bo Peep, Debora from Baby Driver
Mary Sue Usually a young adult female characters who is perceived to have zero flaws or weaknesses while being skillful or powerful in a way not justified by their backstory. A "Mary Sue" is often beloved by all other characters that interact with her. The male equivalent has been referred to as a "Gary Stu" or "Marty Stu". Arya Stark from HBO's Game of Thrones series, for her heroic role in the show's finale; Rey (Star Wars)
Mean Popular Girl An attractive teenage girl who has high status at her school, but is often mean to less popular and less good-looking or lower-status girls. Chloé Bourgeois in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, Nina Harper in Braceface, Regina George in Mean Girls
Middle child In a family setting, usually the second of three children, who is often neglected and/or disrespected due to their parents (and the overall story) paying more attention to the youngest and oldest siblings Stephanie Tanner, Jan Brady, Meg Griffin[37]
Miles Gloriosus A boastful soldier whose cowardice belies his claims of a valour-filled past. Originally from the comic theatre of ancient Rome, this stock character was often from a low class and he was typically engaged in sexual dalliances, excess drinking and thievery. Falstaff, Baron Munchausen, Buzz Lightyear
Milkman A delivery person roped into a sexual affair with a married customer. Common in pornographic films; the delivery person need not be delivering milk, though this specific type was a common joke when milk delivery was a common profession. Ernie Price
Miltonic hero A romanticized type of antihero who is both charismatic and wicked. The Miltonic hero resists the instructions of authority figures and feels that moral rules do not apply to them. The name refers to poet John Milton. Milton's Satan character in Paradise Lost, Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, Melmoth in Melmoth the Wanderer (the title character sells his soul to the Devil)
Mother's boy An awkward man who is excessively attached to his mother. Often he continues to act in a childish, submissive fashion even into adulthood. Private Pike, Howard Wolowitz, Eddie Kaspbrak
Mother-in-law A stereotypical portrayal of a character's spouse's mother; frequently a battle-axe and always disapproving of her daughter/son-in-law. Pearl Slaghoople
Mythological king A king in myth and/or legend, usually a heroic one. King Arthur
Napoleonic villain A usually comic villain whose short stature drives him to seek world domination. Named after the common (but false) myth regarding Napoleon Bonaparte's height. Lord Farquaad, Plankton, The Brain, Boris Badenov
Nemesis A persistent, indefatigable villain, equal to or better than the hero(es) in skill and power, who thwarts all attacks and reappears even after being killed. In serial and episodic fiction, a nemesis will often evolve into an archenemy.
Nerd A socially-awkward, obsessive, or overly-intellectual person. They are often interested in doing well in school (academically and in terms of behavior). They tend to dress in unfashionable clothes. The geek character is similar, but may be depicted in more negative manner. Will McKenzie, Steve Urkel, George McFly
Nice guy A male character of wholesome morals, agreeable personality and usually modest means. In romantic fiction, he usually struggles with finding women willing to date him (since, as the phrase goes, "nice guys finish last"); in ideal happy endings, he finds a woman more appropriate for him (possibly a Manic Pixie Dream Girl) than those who rejected him Granville, Tim Canterbury, Neville Longbottom, Marty Piletti
Noble savage An idealized Indigenous person or otherwise "wild" outsider who is uncorrupted by civilization. Chingachgook, Mowgli, Tarzan
Outlaw A bandit depicted in a romanticized way, often charismatic and appealing, despite their lawless conduct. Robin Hood, Billy the Kid, Jesse James
Pantomime dame A pantomime portrayal of female characters by male actors in drag. Widow Twankey, Mary Sunshine
Paul Lynde type An easily irritated villain with a distinctive, whiny and slightly effeminate voice. Named after character actor Paul Lynde, who played numerous characters of this style during the prime of his career in the 1960s and 1970s, and adopted by numerous others after Lynde's death in 1982. Norman Normanmeyer, Roger the Alien
Petrushka A Russian kind of jester.
Pierrot French pantomime, a sad clown Pagliacci, Puddles Pity Party
Pirate A romanticized stereotype of high seas pirates of the 18th century. Features may include a black tricorn hat with skull and crossbones, unkempt facial hair, missing body parts (e.g. eyepatch, peg leg, hook for a hand), adventurous but surly demeanor, and a distinctive accent. Variants on the theme include air pirates and space pirates. Captain Hook, Long John Silver
Preppy In 1980s TV shows and films (or in works set in this era), preppies are students or alumnus of Ivy League schools who have American upper class speech, vocabulary, dress, mannerisms and etiquette.[38] Like the related yuppie stock character of the 1980s, preppies range from benign (albeit materialistic and pretentious), to arrogant or even immoral. Jake in Sixteen Candles, Steff McKee and Blane McDonough in Pretty in Pink
Prince Charming Rescuer of the damsel in distress
Princesse lointaine A romantic love interest and beloved sweetheart and girlfriend for a Knight-errant. Dulcinea, Guinevere
Psycho-biddy An embittered, usually psychotic, faded ex-celebrity, typically an old woman. Baby Jane Hudson, Norma Desmond, Joan Crawford as portrayed in Mommie Dearest
Raw Recruit Young, naive and impressionable, the Raw Recruit has to learn how to live with military discipline and understand the reasons behind the way the military works. He often ends up in a position of leadership (as an Idealistic Lieutenant) by the end of the story. They may have a "tragic" death towards the end of the movie.[4] Juan Rico of Starship Troopers; a parody of this character is Dead Meat from the comedy Hot Shots!, whose obviously impending doom is played for laughs; "Soap" MacTavish from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare also fits this category, becoming a Captain in the sequel.
Rebel A maverick who refuses to follow society's rules and conventions. He may simultaneously be a loner or hotshot. John Bender
Redneck AnchorHixploitationIn the 1970s, B movie "hixploitation" films depicted rednecks as Appalachian or Southern "good old boys" involved in illicit moonshine operations. Other redneck subtypes include crooked Southern sheriffs, "back-road racers", and truckers. [39] Smokey and the Bandit (1977), Deliverance (1972), Breaker! Breaker!, Moonshine County Express
Redshirt A minor, expendable character who is killed soon after being introduced. This refers to characters from the original Star Trek television series, often from the security or engineering departments of the starship, who wore the red Starfleet uniform. They are cannon fodder. Stormtroopers in Star Wars, Goombas in Super Mario
Reluctant hero A character who is thrust against their will into a heroic role; overlaps with the everyman and the antihero Shaun Riley, John McClane, Neo
Rightful king A usurped, just ruler whose return or triumph restores peace. The rightful king may be a reluctant hero who is reticent to take the throne. Simba, King Arthur, Pastoria, King Richard
Schoolma'am A pretty young woman schoolteacher in a frontier town or settlement. Her wholesome, virginal demeanor, modest dress, and education distinguish her from the other Western female stereotype (whores at the brothel or saloon). Schoolmarms represent civilization. Pretty, young teachers may be a love interest for the hero. Old teachers tend to be spinsters who are strict disciplinarians.

My Darling Clementine, Helen Crump Taylor, Miss Turlock

Scrooge An old, wealthy boss who refuses to spend money and prefers to hoard it. The character is based on the miserly, penny-pinching, and mean-spirited old Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol. Scrooge characters range from excessively thrifty, but otherwise benign types, to avaricious, cold-hearted types who are willing to allow harm to come to others. J. Paul Getty as portrayed in All the Money in the World , Randolph and Mortimer Duke in Trading Places, Mr. Potter, Jack Benny
Senex amans This stock character in medieval romances and classical comedies is an old, ugly man who is married to a pretty young woman. The senex amans, which is Latin for "ancient lover", is depicted as having wrinkles, greying hair, and struggling with impotence. He is often cuckolded by a good-looking young man who charms the young wife. Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" and "The Merchant's Tale," Marie de France's "Guigemar" and "Laustic" and Tristan and Iseult. In Aphra Behn's Oronooko, the old king of Ghana is a senex amans, as he is trying to seduce the young woman Imoinda.
Senex iratus A father figure and comic archetype who belongs to the alazon or impostor group in theater, manifesting himself through his rages and threats, his obsessions and his gullibility Pantalone, Arthur Spooner, Grampa Simpson
Sexy grandma An elderly or late middle aged woman who has an open and active sex life. A similar character in early middle age may be known as a MILF or a cougar. Mona Robinson, Blanche Devereaux, Sue Ann Nivens, Jeanine Stifler
Shrew A woman given to violent, scolding, particularly nagging treatment of men. Lois Griffin, Wilma Flintstone
Sidekick A friend who accompanies the main character or hero. A sidekick may also simultaneously be a bard, fool, or other stock character. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a slave named Jim accompanies Huck Finn on his travels. In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo has his loyal friend Samwise Gamgee by his side throughout.
Sinnekins Pairs of devilish, impish characters who exert their perfidious influence on the main character. Flotsam and Jetsam, Pain and Panic, Thing Number 1 and Thing Number 2, Winged monkeys
Sissy In the 1930s, the "sissy" or "pansy" was a pejorative stereotype used as one of the earliest gay stock characters in Hollywood films. "Sissy" characters had an "...extremely effeminate boulevardier type sporting lipstick, rouge, a trim mustache and hairstyle, and an equally trim suit, incomplete without a boutonniere."[40] Filmmakers used the characters to elicit a "quick laugh", and they never had any character depth. These roles "...cemented the gross stereotypes of gay men that are still seen today."[40] In director George Cukor's film Our Betters, the foppish character Mr. Ernest, character actors such as Edward Everett Horton had a number of these roles, Broadway Melody and Myrt and Marge had male costume designer characters that followed this stereotype
Sleazy lawyer A corrupt attorney who uses technicalities to get obviously-guilty, but wealthy and well-paying, clients acquitted. Sleazy lawyers are driven by a mixture of desiring wealth and a ruthless, competitive desire to win at all costs. They are masters at manipulating witnesses, D.A.s and judges to ensure they win. They range from lawyers who work within the law, by gaming the system or finding loopholes, to those who break the law by destroying evidence or intimidating witnesses. Billy Flynn, Saul Goodman, Lionel Hutz
Sleazy politician An elected official who is embroiled in corruption and scandals such as taking bribes, using secret slush funds, embezzling money, or engaging in affairs with staff (or other sexual misconduct). They may be hypocrites, who speak out against crime, while using illegal drugs and hanging out in brothels. Frank Underwood, Willie Stark, Boss Hogg[41][42]
Slow burn A character who begins as calm and collected but increasingly becomes more angry and exasperated as the childish antics of those around them escalate Squidward Tentacles, Theodore J. Mooney, Emil Sitka in the works of The Three Stooges
Soubrette A female character who is vain, girlish, mischievous, lighthearted, coquettish, and gossipy. The role of the soubrette is often to help two young lovers overcome the blocking agents (e.g. chaperones or parents) that stand in the way of their blossoming romance. Violet Gray, Susanna in The Marriage of Figaro, Gretchen Wieners in Mean Girls, Poison Ivy
Southern belle An elegant, beautiful young woman of the American Old South's upper class. She speaks with a Southern accent and is flirtatious. There is a good, wholesome variant and a vain, darker version. Scarlett O'Hara, Blanche Dubois, Elsie Stoneman
Spear carrier A minor character who appears in several scenes, but mostly in the background roles. The term is a reference to minor characters in old plays set in Roman eras who would literally carry a spear as they played guard characters. Imperial Royal Guards from Star Wars
Starving artist An impoverished painter, jazz musician, screenwriter, or novelist who is so dedicated to their artistic vision, that they refuse to sell out and do commercial art (or pop music, or mainstream feature films, etc.). They live in an attic or couch surf, dress shabbily, and struggle to put food on the table. The depiction ranges from a romanticized, rose-tinted glasses portrait of libertine, Absinthe-sipping bohemians to a gritty social realist examination of the artist's impoverished existence. A starving artist may also be a troubled artist. The depiction of Jerry Mulligan in An American in Paris, both male leads in Withnail & I, Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard, the painter and playwright in Design for Living, various bohemians working as actors, artists, and writers in Moulin Rouge!, Llewyn Davis in Inside Llewyn Davis
Straight man A sidekick to a funny person who makes his partner look all the more ridiculous by being completely serious. Oliver Hardy, Bud Abbott, Moe Howard
Succubus A demon that appears in the form of a female lover. The male version of a demon-lover is an incubus. Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"
Superhero A noble, brave being with extraordinary powers who dedicates their life to defending the general public.[1] Thor, Shazam, Sonic the Hedgehog
Superfluous man In Russian 19th century literature, a dashing young aristocrat who is bored from his privileged life, and who distracts himself from his sense of ennui by engaging in intrigues, casual affairs, duels, gambling, and drinking. He is selfish and manipulative, and cares little about others or broader issues in society. Eugene Onegin
Supersoldier A soldier who operates beyond human limits or abilities Captain America, Master Chief, Bloodshot, Universal Soldier
Supervillain The nemesis to the Superhero, the supervillain is a sinister being and plots crimes against society. Their origin story, which explains why they turned evil, is often important to their character. Lex Luthor, The Joker, Dr. Evil
Swashbuckler A joyful, noisy, and boastful Renaissance era or Cavalier era swordsman or pirate. He is chivalrous, courageous, and skilled in sword fighting and acrobatics as he seeks vengeance on a corrupt villain. In films, the story may be set in the Golden Age of Piracy. D'Artagnan, Zorro, Jack Sparrow
Thug A henchman or gang member who commits violent crimes Bill Sikes, Francis Begbie, Biff Tannen
Thug (Black) In American films and TV shows, Black men are depicted "...playing drug dealers, pimps, con-artists and other ... criminals".[43] A criticism of this stock character is that the "...disproportionate amount of Black people playing criminals in Hollywood fuels the racial stereotype that Black men are dangerous and drawn to illicit activities."[44] The Wire, Denzel Washington in Training Day, the gun runner character Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson) in Jackie Brown
Tiger mom A stereotype of East Asian mothers who relentlessly push their children to achieve success. Tiger moms set the highest standards and insist that their children strive for top marks so they can get into the best schools. In US TV and movies, this ethnic stereotype depicts East Asians as a "model minority". Bi Sheng Nan in Tiger Mom
Token black character A character with no distinguishing characteristics whose sole purpose is to provide nominal diversity to the cast. In 1980s TV shows, screenwriters introduced the "African-American workplace pal" stock character as a way to add a Black character in a secondary role.[45] Token Black, Franklin in Peanuts, Isaiah
Tomboy A girl or young woman with boyish and/or manly behavior. Merida, Mulan, Rainbow Dash, Princess Daisy
Tortured artist A painter, sculptor, or other creator frustrated with their artistic challenges, or with being misunderstood. They may have mental health issues or addiction, and they are hard to be around due to their narcissism and frustration. Brian Topp, Vincent van Gogh
Town drunk A male in a small town who is intoxicated more often than sober. They often have a good heart and may end up helping the protagonist. Barney Gumble, Otis Campbell, Uncle Billy
Tragic hero A hero with a flaw, mistake, or misconception (hamartia) that leads to their eventual death and downfall. Historically, they were the main character in a Greek or Roman tragedy. The flaw often arises due to the character's hubris. Despite the character's flaw, the audience usually finds them to be admirable or appealing at a broader level, which increases the dramatic impact of their downfall. Michael Corleone, Jay Gatsby, Randle McMurphy
Tragic mulatto A mulatto who is sad or suicidal because they fail to fit in with white or black people. The tragic mestizo has a similar clash with whites and Native Americans. Half Breed, Eliza, Cassy, and Emmeline in Uncle Tom's Cabin, Peola Johnson in Imitation of Life
Tricky slave A cunning individual, of a lower social class than the heroes (originally bound in slavery), who facilitates the story's completion in exchange for improvement of his lot Jeeves, Puss in Boots
Tsundere In Japanese anime and manga, a character who is initially cold (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. Similar in temperament to the curmudgeon, but usually young and female. Asuka Langley Soryu, Tsuyukusa from Amatsuki
Übermensch[1] A (often only seemingly) perfect human being Superman, Hercules, Don Pedro
Vamp A woman with dark hair, usually seen wearing jet black dresses, and having a macabre sense of humor. A goth variant of the femme fatale. Morticia Addams, Vampira, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Natasha Fatale
Vice An allegorical evil part in medieval morality plays.
Village idiot A person known locally for ignorance or stupidity; this character often turns out to be brave and sweet, and is sometimes underestimated (see Wise fool). Michelangelo, Bertie Wooster, Patrick Star
Villain[1] An evil character in a story. Shere Khan, Professor Moriarty, Count Dracula
whisky_priest Whisky priest A priest or ordained minister who shows clear signs of moral weakness, either due to alcohol use or other forbidden activities, while at the same time teaching a higher standard and showing courage and moral resolve on a broader level. Father Callahan, Father Jack, Harry Powell
White friend In fiction centered around a group and/or family of people of color, the white friend is an exaggerated parody of white stereotypes, including awkwardness, inability to dance, and being an all-around square. Chelsea Daniels in That's So Raven, Tom Willis
White hunter Khaki-clad, pith-helmeted Caucasian big-game hunters or safari leaders in Africa, used to illustrate the Imperial or racist mindset of the colonial era. Allan Quatermain, Kraven the Hunter, Redvers Fenn-Cooper
Wimp Weak-willed, mild-mannered, ineffectual, not well-liked and easily manipulated Wallace Wimple, Caspar Milquetoast, Arthur Carlson
Wise fool A person who seems like an idiot or simpleton, who may speak inarticulate nonsense in one moment, only to later show wisdom later on. The fool's mocking humour shows his ability to understand events or speak blunt truths to a leader. Puck, Goofy, Pumbaa, Forrest Gump
Wise old man An elderly, learned character who provides mentoring and wisdom to the protagonist. In fantasy, he may also be a wizard. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Gandalf, Albus Dumbledore, Merlin
Yokel An unsophisticated country person whose rural accent and coarse manners are used for comic relief. Trevor Philips, Cletus Spuckler, Dale Gribble
Youngest child The underestimated youngest child in a family of many children, usually all of the same gender. Often portrayed as the most childlike of the three due to their youth. In a continuing live-action series, they may be effectively succeeded by the even younger "Cousin Oliver." Stewie Griffin, Maggie Simpson
Youxia A Chinese type of the Knight-errant Fong Sai-yuk
Yuppie In 1980s and early 1990s films and TV (or works set in that era), a young, urban professional who is driven by their goals of career success and achieving wealth. Typically a lawyer, financial executive, or businessperson, they love their luxury car (a Saab or BMW), their house in a trendy downtown neighbourhood, dressing in designer clothes, and eating at hip restaurants. May be depicted as benign for satirical purposes, or depicted as immoral, villainous profiteers. Gordon Gekko, Patrick Bateman, Jordan Belfort
ザンニ英語版 コメディア・デラルテに登場する召使のキャラクター。ザンニには2つのタイプがあり、1つは鋭敏で狡猾な下僕、もう1つは愚かでバカな下僕である。彼らは第一ザンニ、第二ザンニと呼ばれた。メッツェティーノとブリゲッラは第一ザンニ、アルレッキーノとプルチネッラは第二ザンニの例である。第二のザンニはコミカルな存在である。Servant characters in commedia dell'arte. Zanni was of two distinct types: one is an astute, cunning servant and the other is a silly, stupid servant. They were called First Zanni and Second Zanni. Mezzetino and Brighella are examples of the First Zanni; Arlecchino and Pulcinella are examples of the Second Zanni. The Second Zanni provides comic relief. Arlecchino (or Harlequin), Brighella, and Pulcinello.

公開年 邦題


Among the most popular:

STX Financing, LLC
STX Entertainment
業種 Entertainment
その後 Merged with Eros International plc
後継 ErosSTX
設立 2014年3月10日 (10年前) (2014-03-10)
創業者 Robert Simonds
Bill McGlashan
United States
Robert Simonds
(Co-Chairman & CEO)
  • STX Films
  • STX Television
  • STX Alternative
  • ErosSTX International
ウェブサイト erosstx.com

STX Financing, LLC, doing business as STX Entertainment, was a mini-major American entertainment and media company that creates, produces, distributes, finances and markets film, television and digital media, which includes live events and virtual reality.

STX Financing, LLC商号STXエンターテインメント」として事業を展開していた)は、かつて存在したアメリカのミニメジャースタジオ。映画やテレビ、ライブイベントやバーチャルリアリティを含むデジタルメディアの制作・プロデュース・配給・資金調達・マーケティングを行うエンターテインメント・メディア企業。

同社は、映画プロデューサーのロバート・シモンズと企業家ビル・マクグラシャン英語版によって2014年に設立された。中国企業のHony CapitalテンセントPCCW、アメリカ企業のTPG Growthリバティ・グローバルのほか、ジジ・プリッツカーBeau WrigleyDominic Ngなどの個人投資家が同社に投資している[46][47][48]

2020年4月、STX社はインドの映画スタジオ「Eros International plc」と合併することを発表した。この合併は2020年7月に完了し、合併後の会社名は現在「ErosSTX」となっている。ニューヨーク証券取引所には、「ESGC(エロスSTXグローバル)」として上場している[49]




2018年10月、STX社は、米中貿易戦争や中国本土の株式市場における株価の乱高下による香港市場の情勢悪化を理由に、IPOを中止した[55]。中国企業のHuayi Brothers Media社との共同出資契約全般が2018年末に失効し[56]、2019年4月には共同創業者のビル・マクグラシャンが名門大学裏口入学スキャンダル英語版による起訴を受けて解雇された[57]。 STX called off its IPO in October 2018, citing the China–U.S. trade war, and conditions having deteriorated in Hong Kong due to turbulence in the mainland Chinese equity market. An overall co-funding agreement with Chinese company Huayi Brothers Media lapsed at the end of 2018, and in April 2019, co-founder Bill McGlashan was fired due to his indictment in the college admissions bribery scandal.

2020年4月16日、STXはインドの映画・テレビスタジオEros International plcと合併することを発表した。Simondsは、この合併により、"ハリウッドとボリウッドの専門知識と創造的文化を持つ初の独立メディア企業が誕生すると同時に、両社が中国市場に進出した重要な点を活用する "と述べている。統合された会社は、Erosのニューヨーク証券取引所への上場を継承し、株式公開されることになる[58]。合併は2020年7月30日に完了し、[59]統合された会社は9月にErosSTX Global Corporationとして新しいロゴとブランディングを発表した[60][61]。統合された会社は1億2500万の新しい株式資金調達を行い、JPMorganが主導して3億5千万を信用供与された[49]。 On April 16, 2020, STX announced that it would merge with the Indian film and television studio Eros International plc. Simonds stated that the merger would create "the first independent media company with the expertise and creative cultures of Hollywood and Bollywood, while also leveraging the important inroads both companies have made into the Chinese market." The combined company would be publicly-traded, inheriting Eros' listing on the New York Stock Exchange.[58] The merger was closed on July 30, 2020;[59] the combined company unveiled a new logo and branding as ErosSTX Global Corporation in September.[60][61] The combined entity raised $125 million of new equity funding and received $350 million in credit led by JPMorgan.[49]


ErosSTX社の取締役会は、同社の共同会長兼CEOのロバート・シモンズ英語版、共同取締役会会長のキショール・ルーラ英語版、共同社長のリシカ・シン英語版、Shailesh Rao、Dhirendra Swarup、Nick Stone、Dilip Thakkar、John Zhaoで構成されている[59]

アンドリュー・ウォーレンがErosSTX社の最高財務責任者を務めている。Rishika Lulla SinghとNoah Fogelsonは、ErosSTX社の共同社長である。プレム・パラメスワランはErosSTX社の企業戦略部長を務めている。Adam FogelsonはSTXフィルムズ社の会長[59]。ジェイダ・ミランダはSTXテレビ社のクリエイティブ開発・制作社長[62]ジェイソン・ゴールドバーグ英語版はSTXオルタナティヴ社のチーフ・クリエイティブ・オフィサー[63]。John FriedbergはErosSTXインターナショナル社の社長である[64]

ErosSTX's board of directors is composed of Robert Simonds, the company's co-chairman and CEO; Kishore Lulla, executive co-chairman; Rishika Singh, co-president; and Shailesh Rao, Dhirendra Swarup, Nick Stone, Dilip Thakkar, and John Zhao.

Andrew Warren serves as chief financial officer of ErosSTX. Rishika Lulla Singh and Noah Fogelson are co-presidents of ErosSTX. Prem Parameswaran is head of corporate strategy at ErosSTX. Adam Fogelson is chairman of STX Films. Jada Miranda is president of creative development and production of STX Television. Jason Goldberg is chief creative officer of STX Alternative. John Friedberg is president of ErosSTX International.



At launch, the film division of STX focused its efforts on creating a new model. Rather than pursuing the traditional distribution process, the company secured direct distribution agreements with North American theater chains AMC, Regal, Cinemark, Goodrich, Marcus Theatres and Carmike Cinemas.[65] In early 2015, the company signed a multiyear television output agreement to release films exclusively to Showtime Networks and its channels Showtime, The Movie Channel and Flix, during the premium television window. The deal covers STX Films theatrical releases through 2019.[66] In April 2015, the company entered into a multiyear partnership with Universal Studios Home Entertainment for Universal to handle marketing, sales and distribution services for Blu-ray, DVD and VOD platforms for STX Films theatrical titles in North America.[67] Distribution was then transferred to Studio Distribution Services, LLC., a joint venture between UPHE and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. That same month, STX Films closed a three-year slate deal with Huayi Brothers, one of China's largest film studios, enabling the companies to co-produce and co-distribute 12 to 15 films annually.[68][69][70] In January 2017, STX Films signed a marketing and distribution agreement with Luc Besson's EuropaCorp Films USA to release their upcoming slate of films in the US.[71][72] In February 2018, STX Films announced it would distribute Netflix and Martin Scorsese's mob drama The Irishman in China along with Media Asia Entertainment Group.[73]

In May 2018, it was reported that STX would distribute and oversee production on Tencent Pictures and Free Association's film adaptation of the digital comic book Zombie Brother, to be directed by David Sandberg.[74] In July 2018, STX Films acquired domestic distribution rights to the civil rights drama The Best of Enemies, starring Taraji P. Henson and Sam Rockwell, directed by Robin Bissell, and scheduled to be released on April 5, 2019.[75]

Film projects[編集]

In line with its mission to make medium-budget, star-driven content, STX Films projects have included Hustlers starring Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu,[76] I Feel Pretty starring Amy Schumer,[77] Second Act, a romantic comedy starring Jennifer Lopez and directed by Peter Segal,[78] Bad Moms starring Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Christina Applegate;[79] Molly's Game, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin and starring Jessica Chastain;[80] The Gift, written, co-produced and directed by Joel Edgerton and starring Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall;[81] The Edge of Seventeen starring Hailee Steinfeld;[82] The Foreigner starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan;[83] Secret in Their Eyes starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts;[84] The Boy starring Lauren Cohan;[85] and Free State of Jones starring Matthew McConaughey.[86] In 2015, STX Films acquired its first feature at the Toronto International Film Festival, purchasing the worldwide rights to the sci-fi, action adventure Hardcore Henry for US$10 million.[87]

In 2017, STX Films announced its expansion into animation and family content with a partnership with the Uglydoll brand. The UglyDolls film was produced by Robert Rodriguez, director of the Spy Kids film franchise, and it features the voices of Pitbull, Kelly Clarkson, Nick Jonas, Blake Shelton, and Janelle Monáe.[88][89] It performed poorly at the box office.[90][91] In January 2019, it was reported that STX is planning an animated UglyDolls television series with Hulu.

In January 2018, STX Films and Tencent Pictures announced a co-development deal with Jason Statham targeting the Chinese film market. Statham starred in Furious 7 and The Fate of the Furious, China's two highest-grossing imported films ever.[92] In February 2018, STX Films signed a deal with Alibaba Pictures to co-develop and co-produce the action-sci-fi film Steel Soldiers, produced by Robert Zemeckis. Under the deal, STX Films will handle US and international distribution with Alibaba Pictures retaining rights in Greater China.[93]

In January 2019, STX Films had their first number one box office opening with The Upside, which stars Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston and earned $19.59 million in its opening weekend,[94] and went on to earn over $100 million at the domestic box office.[95] STX earned praise for its efficient marketing of the film, and for trimming The Upside from an R to PG-13 rating to widen its audience.[94] That month, it was reported that Hart is partnering with STX Films to produce and star in two comedies: a body switch comedy called Black Friday, and an untitled international romantic comedy.[96]

Hustlers had its world premiere at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival, and was theatrically released in the US on September 13, 2019. It grossed $105 million in the US and Canada, and $157.6 million worldwide.[76][97] The Gentlemen, written, directed and produced by Guy Ritchie and starring Matthew McConaughey, was released theatrically in January 2020. It grossed $115.2 million at the box office worldwide.[98] As of July 2020, upcoming STX films include Greenland starring Gerard Butler, Run Rabbit Run starring Elisabeth Moss, The Godmother starring Jennifer Lopez, Night Wolf starring Kevin Hart, and Muscle starring Vin Diesel.[59][99]

Awards and recognition[編集]

In 2016, STX Films became the fastest studio ever to hit $100 million at the domestic box office with the R-rated comedy Bad Moms. The film has earned more than US$180 million worldwide,[100] was the first R-rated comedy since The Hangover to get an A on CinemaScore and was the most profitable film of the year (by net profit).[101] The film also earned a People's Choice Award for Best Comedy.[102] The 2017 American crime drama Molly's Game was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay[103] along with BAFTA,[104] WGA,[105] and Golden Globe nominations.[106] The Edge of Seventeen was nominated for an MTV Movie Award for Movie of the Year,[107] a Directors Guild Award for Outstanding Achievement in a First-Time Feature[108] and a Golden Globe Award for Hailee Steinfeld.[109] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 95%.[110]

Genre films have also received recognition. The psychological horror-thriller The Gift was nominated for a Directors Guild Award for Outstanding Achievement in a First-Time Feature[111] and won a Sitges Film Festival[112] and Fangoria Chainsaw Award.[113] The Space Between Us starring Gary Oldman was nominated for Choice Sci-Fi Movie and Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actor at the 2017 Teen Choice Awards.[114] The horror thriller The Bye Bye Man overperformed industry expectations with a US$13.5 million domestic opening weekend.[115] The Foreigner, a co-production with Jackie Chan's Sparkle Roll Media, crossed $100 million in global box office revenue in October 2017. The film is one of the most successful U.S. and China co-productions, being classified as "a clear winner given that it cost just $35 million" and "a fine example of how a Chinese co-production can work."[83][116][117]

In 2019, Hustlers earned Jennifer Lopez the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress[118] and award nominations including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress,[119] Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role,[120] Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Supporting Actress,[121] and the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female.[122]

STX Films strives for female diversity in front of and behind the camera.[80] More than 20 films have starred or were directed by women.[123]

STX Television[編集]

The television division's first project was the 2014 drama-thriller State of Affairs, starring Katherine Heigl and Alfre Woodard. The 13-episode series was developed by STX TV (as it is stylized) and sold to NBC.[124][125] In 2015, STX TV produced the NBC pilot Problem Child, based on the 1990 film of the same name.[126]

In April 2016, STX TV expanded into unscripted and reality content, hiring veteran TV producer Jason Goldberg. A few months later, the variety show Number One Surprise launched, which was the first TV series created by a US-based company specifically for broadcast in China. The series premiere in November 2016 on Hunan TV, a Chinese TV station, along with digital platforms Mango TV and PPTV, was viewed nearly 300 million times, and by January 2017 it was the #1 show in China with over 1 billion views.[127][128]

In May 2017, STX TV announced it had acquired the first TV project from Kevin Kwan, author of Crazy Rich Asians.[129] In August 2018, Amazon Studios gave a script-to-series order for the untitled project, a globe-hopping drama set in Hong Kong, about a powerful family and their business empire.[130] In July 2017, E! greenlit the reality series The Platinum Life, produced by STX TV and Tower 2 Productions.[131] In November 2017, STX TV announced its first scripted show Valley of the Boom, a six-part docudrama series about the 1990s tech boom from showrunner and director Matthew Carnahan and executive producer Arianna Huffington. The show airs on NatGeo, with STX distributing in China.[132] It premiered on January 13, 2019.[133] STX Television produced season 23 of True Life, which aired on MTV in 2017. The company also produced the docuseries A Little Too Farr, following American country singer-songwriter Tyler Farr, which premiered on Verizon's go90 streaming service. In February 2018, Fox and STX TV announced that it is developing an unscripted series based on its film Bad Moms.[134] In April 2018, Mother Media Group, founded by former Endemol Shine and 20th Century Fox executives, signed a first-look deal with STX TV. Under the pact, the companies will collaborate to create, produce and distribute unscripted and hybrid series.[135]

In 2018, it was reported that Netflix gave a six-episode series order to STX TV's hybrid docudrama miniseries Ottoman Rising, which tells the story of Mehmed the Conqueror;[136] later retitled Rise of Empires: Ottoman, it premiered on Netflix on January 24, 2020.[137] It was also announced that YouTube Red will produce a TV spinoff based on STX's 2016 film The Edge of Seventeen, with an entirely new cast.[138]




2017年、STXシュールレアル社は、ニコロデオンの短編『Nickelodeon's Ultimate Halloween Haunted House 360 Challenge』でインタラクティブ・デイタイム・エミー賞にノミネートされ[141]、テレビ芸術科学アカデミーとフェイスブックとのコラボレーションによる第68回エミー賞の360°制作で、ショルティ賞のBest Use of 360 Videoを受賞しました。 [142] 2017年6月、STXシュールレアル社は、メディア・サービス・エージェンシーであるHorizon Mediaとのパートナーシップを発表し、同ブランドの新しいUNCVRユニットのためにVRおよび没入型コンテンツを開発・制作することを発表しました[142]。2018年、STXシュールレアル社は、エド・ヘルムスが製作・監督を務めた『New Tricks』[143]、STXフィルムズ社の映画『マイル22』のスピンオフ作品『The Kiev Exchange』[143]ケヴィン・スミスが脚本・製作・監督を務めた『ジェイ&サイレント・オブ英語版 VR』[143]デイヴ・バウティスタデレク・コルスタット英語版によるタイトル未定のプロジェクトなど、オリジナルプロジェクトのリストを発表した[143]


In 2017, STX Surreal was nominated for an interactive Daytime Emmy Award for the Nickelodeon short Nickelodeon's Ultimate Halloween Haunted House 360 Challenge and won a Shorty Award for Best Use of 360 Video for their 360° production of the 68th Emmy Awards, in collaboration with the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and Facebook.[144] In June 2017, STX Surreal announced a partnership with media services agency Horizon Media to develop and produce VR and immersive content for the brand's new UNCVR unit.


2018年11月、STXシュールレアル社は、ロバート・ロドリゲス監督がミシェル・ロドリゲスを主演に迎えた実写短編VR映画『The Limit』を、主要なモバイルヘッドセットとダンボール製ビューアーを附属したAndroidスマホの両方でリリースした。また、iOSPlayStation VRWindows Mixed Realityでもリリースされる予定である[148][149]。アカデミー賞を受賞した視覚効果スタジオのDNEGが本作のポストプロダクションを手掛けた[150]

2018年12月には、STXオルタナティヴと改称された部門が、トレーシー・エドモンズ英語版とファーストルック開発・制作契約を結び、従来のプラットフォームとオルタナティブ・プラットフォーム向けに脚本付き・脚本なしのコンテンツを共同で制作・開発すると報じられた。最初のプロジェクトは、アンジェラ・バート=マリー英語版の著書『Games Divas Play』をベースにした『Games People Play』で、2019年4月23日にBETでプレミア上映された[151][152]

ErosSTX インターナショナル[編集]

2016年4月には、グローバルな製作・配給能力をさらに拡大するために、STXインターナショナルという海外事業部門が設立された。ロンドンに本社を置くこの部門は、Film4の元責任者であるデビッド・コッセ英語版が率いている[153]。この部門は、アンディ・サーキスの監督デビュー作『ブレス しあわせの呼吸』(2017年にロンドン映画祭のオープニングを飾った)[154]リース・ウィザースプーン主演の『ホーム・アゲイン』、ジェレミー・レナーエリザベス・オルセン主演のスリラー映画『ウインド・リバー』など、6作品を公開予定作品としてスタートした[155]。公開予定作品の追加タイトルには、リドリー・スコット監督の『ゲティ家の身代金』、モルテン・ティルドゥム監督のスリラー『The Marsh King's Daughter』、バート・レイトン英語版監督の強盗映画『アメリカン・アニマルズ』などがあり、STXフィルムズでメインとなる公開予定作品のタイトルも含まれている[156]。STXは、『アイリッシュマン』の海外配給権を5000万ドルで購入した。同社が2020年にErosと合併した後、海外部門はErosSTX Internationalと改称された[157]

Film library[編集]



放送チャンネル Comment
ザ・ブック CIA大統領特別情報官英語版
State of Affairs
NBC 2014 – 15 Co-produced with Universal Television, Abishag Productions, and Aardwolf Productions

True Life
MTV 2016 Co-produced the episode True Life: We Are Orlando

Number One Surprise
Hunan TV/Mango TV/PPTV 2016–present Co-produced with XG Entertainment

A Little Too Farr
go90 2017 Co-produced with Tower 2 Productions

The Platinum Life

75th Golden Globe Awards Red Carpet Show
Tencent Video 2018 Co-produced with Tencent

Alex Strangelove
Netflix 2018 Originally meant to be distributed by STX, but ended up producing the film.

The Limit
STX Surreal 2018

Valley of the Boom
National Geographic Channel 2019 Co-produced with Matthew Carnahan Circus Productions

Games People Play
BET 2019–present with Edmonds Entertainment

Flip It Like Disick
E! 2019–present with Tower 2 Productions, Disick Industries, Jenner Communications and Ryan Seacrest Prods.

Work It
Netflix 2020 Streaming film
Jay and Silent Bob VR[158] STX Surreal TBA Co-production with View Askew Productions
Untitled Dave Bautista Series[158]
Untitled Derek Kolstad Project[158]
New Tricks[158] Co-production with Pacific Electric Picture Co.
The Kiev Exchange[158] Co-production with Film 44 and Film 45
Untitled Kevin Kwan and David Sangalli Scripted Series[159] TBA
Untitled Bad Moms reality series[160] Fox TBA


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  46. ^ Ryan Faughnder, "STX Entertainment secures funding from China's Tencent and PCCW", Los Angeles Times, April 11, 2016.
  47. ^ Rebecca Ford, "Showtime, STX Entertainment Announce TV Deal and First Four Films", The Hollywood Reporter, January 20, 2015.
  48. ^ Dave McNary, "'John Malone Invests in STX Entertainment Through Liberty Global", Variety, November 30, 2017.
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  52. ^ a b Wayne Ma and Julie Steinberg, "'Bad Moms' Movie Studio Plans Hong Kong IPO", Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2017.
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  66. ^ Dave McNary, "STX Entertainment, Showtime Announce TV Output Deal and First 4 Films", Variety, January 20, 2015.
  67. ^ Rebecca Ford, "STX Entertainment Signs Pact With Universal Studios Home Entertainment", The Hollywood Reporter, April 7, 2015.
  68. ^ Anita Busch and Nancy Tartaglione, "STX Entertainment Pacts With China's Huayi Bros For 12-15 Pics Per Year", Deadline.com, April 1, 2015.
  69. ^ Brent Lang, "STX Entertainment Chief Says Huayi Deal 'Supercharges Our Business Plan'", Variety, April 1, 2015.
  70. ^ Richard Verrier, "China's Huayi Bros. Media closes film slate deal with STX Entertainment", Los Angeles Times, April 2, 2015.
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  73. ^ Anita Busch, "STX To Distribute Martin Scorsese's 'The Irishman' After All With China Deal: The Crazy Backstory", Deadline.com, February 9, 2018.
  74. ^ STX Joins China's Tencent Pictures & Free Association Team On 'Zombie Brother'”. Deadline Hollywood. 2019年2月6日閲覧。
  75. ^ Taraji P. Henson-Sam Rockwell Drama 'Best of Enemies' Bought by STX”. Variety. 2019年2月6日閲覧。
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  77. ^ Mike Fleming Jr, "STXfilms Buys Amy Schumer Pic 'I Feel Pretty': Cannes", Deadline.com, May 25, 2017.
  78. ^ Mia Galuppo, "Jennifer Lopez to Star in Romantic Comedy 'Second Act' for STX", The Hollywood Reporter, June 22, 2017.
  79. ^ Anthony D'Alessandro, "'Bad Moms' Sleeps Its Way To The Top Of The B.O.; Becomes STX's First $100M Domestic Hit", Deadline.com, September 3, 2016.
  80. ^ a b Scott Mendelson, "With Jessica Chastain's 'Molly's Game,' STX Continues To Bet On Women", Forbes, August 15, 2017.
  81. ^ Mannie Holmes, "Joel Edgerton, Jason Bateman Celebrate STX Entertainment's First Premiere of The Gift'", Variety, July 31, 2015.
  82. ^ Pete Hammond, "With 'The Edge Of Seventeen', Toronto Saves One Of The Best For Last", Deadline.com, September 16, 2016.
  83. ^ a b Nancy Tartaglione, "'The Foreigner's Wayne Marc Godfrey On Decade-Long Journey; STX/Sparkle Roll China Co-Pro Soon Passing $100M Offshore", Deadline.com, October 27, 2017.
  84. ^ Nancy Tartaglione, "....Acquired by STX" Deadline.com, December 2, 2014.
  85. ^ Nancy Tartaglione, "STX/Lakeshore Horror Pic 'The Boy' Scares Up China Release Date Via Huayi", Deadline.com, March 16, 2016.
  86. ^ Nancy Tartaglione, "IM Global Strategy Pays Off With Strong Sales On 'Free State Of Jones' & More – AFM", Deadline.com, November 17, 2014.
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