
英文维基 | 中文维基 | 日文维基 | 草榴社区





See ホアン・コ・ミン and en:Hoàng Cơ Minh.

OK? -- 2022年4月11日 (月) 07:24 (UTC)

google translate: 您需要在該主題的討論頁上發帖。這樣,你會找到一個人來討論這個話題。--Omotecho会話2022年4月17日 (日) 12:47 (UTC)




翻訳をしようと思いましたが、その過程でSVG画像内の文字列を上書きするため、手順を示すコモンズの解説書「SVG 形式ファイルの翻訳のしかた」を翻訳しました。

なお、翻訳用の原版はいずれもGoogleドキュメントで公開してあり、それを元型にするように「File:Movement_strategy_initiatives.png」 606197431 番(2021年11月8日12:49 (UTC) 時点における Abbad (WMF) の版で指定があります。以下の緑色と黄色のサンプル画像2点はいずれも、英語版です。

  • 使用する日本語版のメタページ。
  • 多言語版の戦略イニシアティブでは、英語版のまま転載。
  • 解説:English: Visual representation of the initiatives (and initiative groupings) that will be discussed for implementation during the Movement Strategy follow-up events, in January-February 2021.日付:2021年1月19日投稿。

--Omotecho会話) 2022年4月24日 (日) 12:31 (UTC) / --Omotecho会話) 2022年4月20日 (水) 03:29 (UTC) 説明を整理。 / Omotecho会話2022年4月19日 (火) 08:28 (UTC)


  • 使用する日本語版のメタページは、不明。
  • 多言語版はアラビア語、ドイツ語のみ。
  • 解説:English: Visual summary of the Movement Strategy initiatives. 日付:2020年11月20日。
表の中の題名は、「ウィキメディア運動戦略」([image title] Wikimedia Movement Strategy)。
  • 文字ラベル(個別のセル)を抽出。
  • ファイル名は「[Public] Movement Strategy Initiatives visual.svg」
→翻訳後の仮題:「Movement Strategy Initiatives visual_ja.svg」
no._(en) Initiative_(en)(英)
item_(en) item_(en)(英) 00notes_(en) 備考00
00 Summary of recommendations & initiatives


01 1. Increase the Sustainability of our movement
1. Support volunteers
2. Underrepresented communities
3. Increase movement awareness
4. Revenue and fundraising strategy
5. Enterprise-level API
6. Third party ecosystems
7. Revenue generation for movement
8. Environmental sustainability
02 2. Improve user experience
9(a). Platform UX methodology
9(b). Community engagement for UX
9(c). Adaptable UX for various devices
10.. Accessibility
11. Newcomer resources
12. Peer communication and collaboration spaces
13. Platform functionality and documentation
14. Cross-project tool development & reuse
15. Partnerships to develop Wikimedia API
03 3. Provide safety and inclusion
16. Code of Conduct
17. Private incident reporting
18. Baseline of community responsibilities
19. Safety assessment and execution plan
20. Develop local capacity for legal/regulatory advocacy
21. Platform mechanisms for safety (anonymization)
04 4. Ensure equity in decision making
22. Movement Charter
23. Interim Global Council
24. Global Council
25. Regional and thematic hubs
26. Flexible resource allocation framework
27. Guidelines for board functions/governance
05 5. Coordinate across stakeholders
28. Living documents to define responsibilities
29. Better communication & collaboration capacities
30. Technology Council
06 6. Skills and leadership development
31. Global approach for local skills development
32. Leadership development plan
33. Skills development infrastructure
07 7. Manage internal knowledge
34. Culture of documentation
35. Movement wide knowledge base
08 8. Identify topics for impact
36(a). Identify impact of Wikimedia projects
36(b). Identify and track high impact topics
36(c). Misinformation
37. Bridge content gaps
38. Initiatives for underrepresented communities
09 9. Innovate in free knowledge
39. Identify policy barriers to knowledge equity (notability)
40. Promote experimentation for knowledge equity
41. Technology, partnerships, formats, devices
10 10. Evaluate, iterate, adapt
42. Learn and evaluate progress towards strategy
43. Develop a comprehensive evaluation system
44. Iterate change processes
45. Adaptive policies for structures, budgeting, et al
no._(ja) イニシアティブ
item_(ja) 00notes_(ja)00
00 黄色「戦略イニシアティブ総覧」


01 * 1. Increase the Sustainability of our movement
*1. Support volunteers
*2. Underrepresented communities
*3. Increase movement awareness
*4. Revenue and fundraising strategy
*5. Enterprise-level API
*6. Third party ecosystems
*7. Revenue generation for movement
*8. Environmental sustainability
02 * 2. Improve user experience
*9(a). Platform UX methodology
*9(b). Community engagement for UX
*9(c). Adaptable UX for various devices
*10. Accessibility
*11. Newcomer resources
*12. Peer communication and collaboration spaces
*13. Platform functionality and documentation
*14. Cross-project tool development & reuse
*15. Partnerships to develop Wikimedia API
03 * 3. Provide safety and inclusion
*16. Code of Conduct
*17. Private incident reporting
*18. Baseline of community responsibilities
*19. Safety assessment and execution plan
*20. Develop local capacity for legal/regulatory advocacy
*21. Platform mechanisms for safety (anonymization)
04 * 4. Ensure equity in decision making
*22. Movement Charter
*23. Interim Global Council
*24. Global Council
*25. Regional and thematic hubs
*26. Flexible resource allocation framework
*27. Guidelines for board functions/governance
05 * 5. Coordinate across stakeholders
*28. Living documents to define responsibilities
*29. Better communication & collaboration capacities
*30. Technology Council
06 * 6. Skills and leadership development
*31. Global approach for local skills development
*32. Leadership development plan
*33. Skills development infrastructure
07 * 7. Manage internal knowledge
*34. Culture of documentation
*35. Movement wide knowledge base
08 * 8. Identify topics for impact
*36(a). Identify impact of Wikimedia projects
*36(b). Identify and track high impact topics
*36(c). Misinformation
*37. Bridge content gaps
*38. Initiatives for underrepresented communities
09 * 9. Innovate in free knowledge
*39. Identify policy barriers to knowledge equity (notability)
*40. Promote experimentation for knowledge equity
*41. Technology, partnerships, formats, devices
10 * 10. Evaluate, iterate, adapt
*42. Learn and evaluate progress towards strategy
*43. Develop a comprehensive evaluation system
*44. Iterate change processes
*45. Adaptive policies for structures, budgeting, et al

--Omotecho会話) 2022年4月24日 (日) 12:47 (UTC) 小見出しを分割。 / --Omotecho会話) 2022年4月24日 (日) 12:31 (UTC) / --Omotecho会話) 2022年4月20日 (水) 03:29 (UTC) 説明を整理。 / Omotecho会話2022年4月19日 (火) 08:28 (UTC)

訳文での accessdate の扱い


「accessdate」が翻訳元の英語版では「December 18, 2015」が加筆時に「December 18, 2015」と「2016-01-15」の2つになった。恐らく翻訳・加筆された日時を入れられたのだと思います。

  1. 自分で出典の[1]の内容を確認したなら「2016-01-15」が正。--2017年6月25日 (日) 20:49 (UTC)チェック



Hello, have you seen Wikipedia:井戸端/subj/デスクトップ版外装(スキン)改善バージョンの実装について yet? :)

Also, thank you for the translation of the blog post. It's online now: ウィキペディアのデスクトップ版のユーザー体験の改善はもうすぐです。 最新の更新情報を確認してください。

SGrabarczuk (WMF)会話2022年6月28日 (火) 04:27 (UTC)

Event Registration Tool: Demo and Invitation to Test


Hello Subscribers!

The Campaigns Product  Team from the Wikimedia Foundation will be hosting two office hours to  demo the new Event Registration Tool, and train organizers how to  use it. In these office hours, you will learn how to:

  • Create an event page in the new event namespace (as an event organizer)
  • Enable registration on your event page (as an event organizer)
  • Collect data on who registered for your event (as an event organizer)
  • Register for an event on the event page (as an event participant)

You can attend one office hour or both, depending on your availability on the following dates:

  • Session 1: Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:00 PM UTC
  • Session 2: Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM UTC

These events will be multilingual, with live interpretations in Arabic, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese, and Swahili. Note that Portuguese will be available on the 21st, but not the 23rd. We strongly encourage you to join and share your feedback on the tool. Your feedback will help us improve the tool so that Wikimedians can have a better event experience. To register, please reply to this email or sign-up to our page, by adding your signature.

Thank you!

~~~~--IBrazal (WMF)会話2022年7月18日 (月) 06:41 (UTC)

Campaign Product Team Office Hour - July 21, 2022


Hello Campaign Product Newsletter subscribers!

The Campaign Product Team will be having an office hour today, July 21, 2022 at 17:00 UTC via Zoom to demo the first release of the Event Registration Tool.

You may join the office hour using this meeting link.

We look forward to your participation.

Thank you.


The Campaign Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery会話2022年7月21日 (木) 14:46 (UTC)

利用者ページのカテゴリについて 20220812



1週間ほどお待ちしてもご対処いただけなければ、不躾ながらWikipedia:利用者ページ#他者による編集や削除依頼のガイドラインに従い利用者ページを他の利用者が直接修正させていただく場合もありますので、ご容赦ください。--Keruby会話2022年8月12日 (金) 22:08 (UTC)

Update on notifications


Hello again,

I thought you would be interested in the latest news about the [更新を通知] button, which is at mw:Talk pages project/Notifications#12 August 2022.

I am very happy about the results. The button increases the chance of a conversation with newcomers. People are more likely to respond. This is very important and very good.

People also respond faster. I am less certain about this. Is it good? If it is a normal question, it is good. But if I am fighting with an editor, perhaps it is not good for me to be quick. Perhaps I should be slow to reply, if I am angry.

I would like to know what you think.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年8月16日 (火) 18:16 (UTC)



コメント 選挙コンパスを使ってみました。コミュニティから集めた質問15問に有権者が「強く賛成←中立→強く反対」(プラス「わからない」)6択から回答し、候補者6名との一致度を示すアプリです。質問ごとに、ご自分にとって重要な質問を指定するボタンもあります(これを使って候補者との一致度に重みづけをしている?)。



さて、候補者の所信表明は動画があり、字幕は日本語でも読めるようになりました。5つだけサンプルをあげます。上記で触れた質問15問に、候補者が1分ずつ(?)回答しています。字幕の切り替えはだいたい以下の手順。また、字幕の切り替わりが早すぎる場合(早口で喋っている)、再生スピードを 0.75 や 0.5 に落としてみました。一時停止ボタンを押さなくても読み取れるかと思います(音声の劣化あり)。

  1. YouTube再生画面の下の端に歯車アイコンがあります。クリックして
  2. 「設定 > 字幕」と進み、言語一覧を開いて「日本語」を探してクリック。(この設定はどこかで固定できるのでしょうか?)



日本語版ウィキペディアの有権者数は、3千5百人弱と言いますが、少ないと思われませんか? 有権者かどうか、確かめてみませんか? 日本語コミュニティの票は60票前後とのこと(2022年時点・8月末[ア][イ])。


[ア] 運動戦略・組織統治チームの公式フォーラムによる(ウィキペディアの外にあり、自動翻訳で互いのコメントが読める)。
[イ] ボットのタグ

--Omotecho会話) 2022年9月4日 (日) 16:03 (UTC) 下線部の加筆訂正 / --Omotecho会話2022年9月1日 (木) 14:06 (UTC)

See zh:張信哲 or en:Jeff Chang (singer), OK?

-- 2022年9月9日 (金) 16:47 (UTC)

情報 標題のトークページに投稿してください。--Omotecho会話2022年9月10日 (土) 05:07 (UTC)





ご迷惑をおかけし、申し訳ありません。--Sethemhat会話2022年9月4日 (日) 12:50 (UTC)

では、【以下、加筆訂正】スレッドを改め場所を改め、メタウィキの件を含めて私論で下書きします書こうとしていることの下書きをします。お呼び立てしましたが、応じてくださり感謝申し上げます。--Omotecho会話) 2022年9月4日 (日) 15:43 (UTC) 下線部を加筆 / --Omotecho会話2022年9月4日 (日) 15:27 (UTC)
ノート:翻訳検証 の方にも明日返信します。--Sethemhat会話2022年9月10日 (土) 13:48 (UTC)
また私の申すことでもなく厚かましいのですが、どうか、これにて痛み分けにいたしませんか。関心の分野が重なることもあり、また別の機会にもご鞭撻ご先導をよろしくお願いします。このたびはまことにお手を煩わせました。--Omotecho会話2022年9月11日 (日) 22:44 (UTC)
争いをしているわけですので、「痛み分け」でもないと思います。私のメンション意図が説明でき、Omotechoさんのご懸念が解消されれば何も言うことはありません。こちらこそご迷惑をおかけしました。今後ともどうぞよしなにお願い致します。--Sethemhat会話2022年9月13日 (火) 12:00 (UTC)
どの方針なり、初学者向けのガイドなりを改訂したら良いのでしょう……。後から参加した人にしてみると、おすすめに乗ったら叱られた。公平でしょうか、どうでしょうか? 無知の知をどうするか。--Omotecho会話2022年9月13日 (火) 14:17 (UTC)
「おすすめに乗っ(てCXを使っ)たら叱られた」というのはこの前の井戸端のことだと思いますが、善意の翻訳者がこんな目に遭うのは大変遺憾です。ですから、このようなこともなくしていきたいと思っています。--Sethemhat会話2022年9月13日 (火) 14:54 (UTC)

Campaigns Product Update #4


Hello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!

We are excited to share our updates:

  • Event Registration v0
We have successfully launched Event Registration tool V0 on beta cluster and collected feedback from the first batch of testers. This tool is part of a more comprehensive organizing solution, the Event Center, which hopes to support movement organizers. Through this registration solution, organizers can collect useful data on campaign participants and their needs while respecting participant privacy.
Testing update. In our first round of feedback collection, testers were composed of different types of organizers around the movement with a language focus on Arabic, French, English, and Swahili communities. Most of the testers successfully created their test event registrations and signed up for a test event registration created by other organizers. Simple, easy to use, and aids in managing event participants were the common feedback we received from first-time users. In contrast, access and proper localization of the tool were the points for improvement identified. We are working on V1, which will include communication support and integration with the Programs and Event Dashboard. This will be released on Meta-Wiki soon. We hope to address accessibility during this launch and improve localization problems once the tool has been deployed in local wikiprojects.
The tool is still available for testing on the beta cluster. Feel free to leave feedback on our project talk page or this form.
  • Organizer Lab
    Looking for a way to learn how to effectively organize around sustainability? Join the beta version of the Organizer Lab on WikiLearn to understand how to effectively organize a global campaign around sustainability and climate change! Applications are open from September 22 - October 19, 2022. The Organizer Lab will be a 9-week online learning experience from the end of October until mid December that prepares participants to obtain knowledge about the topics that they wish to create, a call to action for strategic knowledge gaps, as well as more generalized Wikimedia organizing and campaign/event design skills.
Read more about the program!

What's Next:

  • Organizer User Rights. We are reaching out to a pool of administrators from Arabic, French and Swahili communities to collect feedback on what is the best way to define organizer user rights, what privileges to give to community organizers, and what are the limitations of these privileges. Feel free to reach out to our product ambassadors or send an email to ibrazal-ctr@wikimedia.org if you are interested to be part of these conversations.

Community Feedback:

"Participants have been always asking the organizers are asked by participants whether they are registered, now participants will just look directly if they are registered, Thank you for creating the system"
- French Organizer

“I think that the platform will facilitate the process of promoting events and searching for participants”
- Arabic Organizer

Thank you!

The Campaigns Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery会話2022年9月21日 (水) 06:30 (UTC)



改名のご助言ありがとうございました。ご助言に深く感謝しています。私はウィキペディア初心者なので、単に分からないからお聞きするのですが、双葉学園の削除の審議は、まだ当面続くのでしょうか?一般的な情報でも構いません。何か教えて頂ければと思っています。--一般社団法人ラックス会話2022年10月15日 (土) 02:01 (UTC)

こんにちは。後々、私のこのページはアーカイブされてしまい、あれはどこに書いてあったかなというときにご不便をおかけしてしまいます。貴方様のトークページにお返事しますね。--Omotecho会話2022年10月15日 (土) 10:55 (UTC)
ご助言ありがとうございました。なぜ、審議が進まないかが良く分かりました。ご指摘の件につきましては、反省しています。率直に注意頂きありがとうございました。今後に反映させて頂きます。--一般社団法人ラックス会話2022年10月15日 (土) 11:39 (UTC)



メモ まだ噂話のレベル。10月に入って動きはあったか?

気になったので英語版ウィキペディアのトークページの投稿#The_ACLU_and_the_NSA_may_soon_square_off_in_the_Supreme_Court_—_over_Wikipedia から転記し、試しに訳してみます。

  • 投稿の骨子は、en:wikipedia:Wikimedia Foundation に加筆するかどうか。
  • NSAによる利用者の登録情報の「調査」をめぐり、ウィキメディア財団の法律顧問(←赤リンクUser:APalmer_(WMF) )が懸念を表明している由(メールアドレスなど)。
    • 典拠:2022年9月27日付、grid.news発信「ウィキペディアを巡って最高裁判所で対峙の予測、ACLU VS NSA」。

--Omotecho会話2022年10月17日 (月) 06:36 (UTC)

Best place for an announcement

コメント 2022年10月1日時点のまとめ:
議論ツールって何? これはベータ機能と言って、個人設定で有効にすると使えるようになる拡張機能が主題です。(個人設定=デスクトップ表示で画面上欄外の真ん中あたりにボタンがあります。)
ただ、要望を聞き取ろうにも内容をざっと伝える使い方ガイドや変更・改善の要望をどこに出せばよいかなど、編集機能チームで悩んでいる由。私 Omotecho 個人は日本語版ウィキペディアで質問や申し入れを円滑にするには便利だと感じます。
いずれ、議論ページの使い心地を試していただくとして、このまとめに関してなり何かご指摘などありましたら、以下のスレッドにご参加ください。 --Omotecho会話2022年10月1日 (土) 07:48 (UTC)

Omotecho-san, I hope you or @AppleRingo777 can help me make an announcement here. I'm not sure what the best page is, and I would like it to be posted in Japanese. You can see the English Wikipedia announcement. The news is:

The Beta Feature for Discussion Tools will be updated soon. The change will add some information to each ==section== on talk pages. If you don't have the Beta Feature enabled, you will see no change this month. If you have the Beta Feature enabled, but you don't like the new change, you can turn off the new change in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion (look for "議論のアクティビティを表示する").

I don't think we have a screenshot showing these changes in Japanese. Would that be helpful, or is a very short announcement better?

(It's late at night in my timezone. I post this now because it might still be daytime for you. I will check back tomorrow.)--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年9月19日 (月) 06:06 (UTC)

@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん honestly, I am quite lost at how we will centralize feedbacks from our peers at ja language communities... after reading your input, I've looked too deep too narrow on wikis and realized that the whole project of Flow -> Reply is not quite visible to ja speakers, is it?

@AppleRingo777さん usually has more realistic solutions, and we had shared concerns on terminology at MSIG's ratification process. However, I am afraid vocaburary/terminology/mini-dictionary for your work range is a live theme as well, IMHO (further at #Terminology). Shame we don't share the same vocabulary to be even at discussions, while we discuss on Replying. As Reply tool is an essential tool for me, that helpless feeling inflates. Wish more ppl will enjoy conversing, maybe in the future through AI assisted MT functionalities. Maybe different level of problem is mixed here, just wish it's more navigator-friendly in any language.

My offer.
Is mirroring the detailed Talk_pages_project/Replying into a one-pager on jawiki helpful? (details hereinafter at #Team plans, then and now) Can you draw up a TOC kind of list of topics, so that the history/what we are at now is visible?

No statistics at hand, but I am lucky to sit back and prompt my reply using the Reply tool, then input comes back from the other party(ies), time lug is shrinking: my hunch tells me you need not to operate full wikitext editing, but link easily to pages/backlogs you wish to focus the discussion on.

Seeing how we are moving into a realm of sharing and working together, but without speaking the same terminology. Where are we heading?
  • no Grossary full entry offered to better communicate, and users will prefer input in their mother tongue to express freely.
Team plans, then and now
Or as Japanese people love to read plans (any plans including room layouts hunting for apartments ads), summing up the detailed alk_pages_project%2FReplying into a one-pager will be a handy sheet a ja contributor will look at to start thinking what else they can point out they love/love to see.
Internationalization (Mediawiki)
And now in the case of ja speakers, there are tons of translation work we left open-issue back from feedback Version 1, Mediawiki or Metawiki.
I have abandoned my idea of localizing your endeavours into ja for months, but rethinking if you can officially put through that page into internationalization.
If I may point out, you know, frustration among any-wiki editors tends to accumulate when finding doors after doors closed at their nosetip IMHO, even so they ventured to wade through on Mediawiki...

Could we share a broader scope how we could encourage involvement from among any-wikis on Reply tool? Five yrs ago, it was the Stone Age! Unfortunately, your team is still in the mist to many of us on jawiki. I really hate to see what Team has succeeded and contributed are not helping Contributors to appreciate how far we have improved Replying on talk pages, and thus be able to move towards working together.

Not limited to the theme we brainstorm here, and I am aware and appreciating how Comcom as well as Community related teams are gearing up. Too bad my time not long enough supporting each nick of dis-communication which is a high bar to jump, esp if you don't equip yourself with a very strong jumping stick of multilingual assets...
Cheers,--Omotecho会話2022年9月20日 (火) 09:16 (UTC)
screenshot with changes marked
I have made a Japanese-language screenshot and marked the changes. Please read the last part of mw:Help:DiscussionTools/ja (partially translated – I have been updating the page). This is about the new change. Later, there will be some small changes (e.g., "Reply" instead of "[reply]").
I love ❤️ the idea of mirroring a page here. Would be better to mirror the help page?
The help page is (perhaps?) easier to understand. But, it has no plans.
The project page is mw:Talk pages project/Usability (not /Replying). But, it is long and complex.
If you want the /Usability page, I think mw:Talk pages project/Usability#Strategy and approach is important. Do you want the ==Background== section, too? It has a lot of notes and quotations.
I would also like to remind people that the Japanese Wikipedia helped design this project: Wikipedia:2019年ノートページに関する協議. Two Japanese editors are quoted in the mw:Talk pages consultation 2019/Phase 1 report.
I would like you to pick the page.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年9月23日 (金) 03:37 (UTC)
@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん Thank you pointing me to the 2019 page (phase 1&2). Here we come a long way, congrats! We have indicated the urgency of bottlenecks with pencil icons. ✎✎✎ So, initially, we jumped over three hurdles of:
  • Confusion, Mobile users, and wikitext?
In short, we are asking editors to see how we have reached better usability, ie, we have filled those holes found back in 2019, no? Or a simple infograph will do the job, like baking a cake; 1) ingredients are those three ✎✎✎ topics, 2) churned and oven baked, 3) and now we have very handy reply tool <3 (;
If we focus the feedback along those three points, then, I guess it replies to what ja editors might wanted to see in 2019, ie two editors pointing out signing or editing on Mobile. Anything else can wait for next stage IMHO.
mirroring a page here;
do we stich up two parts from mw:Talk pages project and mirror them? Not sure if we need to translate those sections at their original location, but how do we link the mirror and keep them updated (?_?)
  • Sum up mw:Talk pages project/Usability#Background: that section reads good and explains for those new to this topic: as a wrap-up, handy for anybody why this functionality is helpful for many people, junior or senior. Inclusive either you wish to stick to wikitext editing or not;
  • mw:Talk pages project/Usability is put into ja 100% to date. It is very resourceful/too long (if we see how jawp is written in general.) If there be any short yes/no quiz to filer your needs, and you jump to the exact topic/section, -> also see #open issues;
  • I agree mw:Talk pages project/Usability#Strategy and approach is important. Giving a link would be enough if there be anybody keen to see the bigger picture.
The new changes;
  • translated those new additions at mw:Help:DiscussionTools/ja, the last part. A bit shaking up ja to be more instructive and like hands-on guide.
open issues, or not urgent
♪1 How do we realize a one-pager for mw:Talk pages project/Usability? You aim at understanding how each new change will attract thumbs up/down, or likes/dislikes may vary? Tempting but takes time if we will:
  • flyer type: digest the content into a plain list of links to new changes; or,
  • a news clip type: short essay mentining the part very new to the community at the moment? See MSIG newsletter, links will jump you to details, and still, the one-pager reads good as a digest.
♪2 Glossary could be translatable?--Omotecho会話2022年9月25日 (日) 06:09 (UTC)
I have marked the Glossary for translation.
I have copied the help page to Help:議論ツール. There is one new sentence in English.
To make the page: Would you like me to put the English in 利用者:Whatamidoing (WMF)/sandbox, and when we are satisfied, you could edit the page to remove the English and add Japanese? Or is it easier to use the translation system at MediaWiki.org?
I suggest (a gentle suggestion, and please, be a friend, and tell me if it is the wrong idea) that we eventually name the stitched-together page something like Help:議論ツール/Plans (with the title in Japanese, of course).--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年9月30日 (金) 21:39 (UTC)
Thank you finding time to move forward, and on my side: Help:議論ツール is updated to clarify wording: templates localized.
One question.
Do you need to keep <span dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr" lang="en">{{int:discussiontools-preference-visualenhancements}}</span> at the bottom of that page? Or can I comment-out?
Thank you indeed to turn it into translatable. Wish we'd invite more hands, esp those who are new to reply tool maybe?
Workspace for stitched-together page
For where to work on the for future plans: subpage sounds good to me, as I am not so techie but on the liberal arts side (;
Technically speaking, among those two options: darn, very tough question.
  • if we once copy the original in en to that sandbox, it's always handy to compare translation original/output;
  • on the other hand, translation system at MediaWiki.org:
    • (-) looking at diff is a bit complicated if you update the source language.
    • (+) speeds up the task in my case;
    • (+) advantage is for consistency: that we can reuse sentenses/expressions applied in other meta pages;
      • and of course, input there will be stored in the translation memory, an investment sort of.
Oh, does it mean working on meta is easier or not? Working locally on jawp might lower the touch and feel of "foreign-ness" in general. Not quite sure the scalability of familiarness enriched or not...
I am so appreciating discussion/reply tool, wish ppl will enjoy it more than they might speculate at the first step. Cheers,0--Omotecho会話2022年10月1日 (土) 06:50 (UTC)
Because the translation system speeds up the task for you, I have started the page at mw:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/DiscussionTools. Please read it and improve it. I have tried to shorten and simplify some of it. Is there anything else that is important to add this week?--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月7日 (金) 05:33 (UTC)
I meant to say: you can translate it at MediaWiki.org, and then we can export it and post it on any page you would like. I prefer for it to end up here, not on a "foreign" wiki. The translation work can happen anywhere.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月7日 (金) 05:34 (UTC)
Understood, and let me start maybe on Monday, can I? My hand are tied for now.
Sorry it's been stretching your time Gomen'nasai.--Omotecho会話2022年10月7日 (金) 06:36 (UTC)
I have marked the page for translation – a very rough system for dividing the page, and not nearly as good as Shirayuki's elegant approach. But perhaps it will be good enough for this one project.
Please feel free to make changes. I welcome your help in getting the appropriate information on the page.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月7日 (金) 16:06 (UTC)
@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん, ooops, our path did not cross in time. Thank you moving forward, I appreciate your thoughts. Could you look into an in-progress sandbox therein?
  • Open-issues marked with green circle;
  • you will find the biggest diff as the sections re-arranged wildely;
  • reason: as jawp community tends to speed-read the first 2/3 sections and leave the page.
--Omotecho会話2022年10月7日 (金) 16:37 (UTC)
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん, I rearranged the page, into unti-clockwise order so to speak. Considered that scan reading is norm among jawp users weighing if they join/watch a particular discussion or not.
Do you think that format suits your idea of proposing request for comments? Tell me if I assemble the sandbox back to the order of your original writing.(:0--Omotecho会話2022年10月10日 (月) 08:26 (UTC)
Overall, I like your changes very much. Here are my questions and answers:
  1. Where it says "please take a look at the test wiki and share your thoughts", should it link to the talk page/the place to share your thoughts?
  2. "Do we mean compared to the old one which applies square brackets": Yes, the planned change removes the [square brackets], adds bold, and adds Capitalization (in languages that have capital letters and translators that approve of using them on buttons). If this change is a bad idea in Japanese (e.g., it is too hard to read bold text; the word is too small; people dislike it for any reason at all), then I hope that Japanese editors will tell me. The Editing team may need two systems (because the word is very small in Arabic), and they want the Japanese Wikipedia to have the best system for Japanese speakers.
  3. For "Page frame", see File:DiscussionTools Page Frame add space 2022 ja.png. I drew a thin line to mark the change from the old style to the proposed style. The extra space is small. If an extra space is wrong in Japanese (or, conversely, if it should be bigger or different), please tell me! They want appropriate spacing for each language.
  4. Citation templates: Is it suitable to use a citation template without a name? Perhaps it could say "Senior editor" or "Editor from English Wikipedia" instead of the username.
  5. @Cudo29 has very kindly helped me with the glossary this weekend. I do not think we can merge the glossary with the bigger one. Some definitions at mw:Talk pages project/Glossary/ja are specific to this project. (For example, some projects say that a new editor has 0 to 10 edits. Others say 1 to 100 edits.) I would not want to confuse people at the main glossary on Meta-Wiki.
What is the best page name? Are we (almost) ready to post it here?--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月10日 (月) 19:32 (UTC)

(outdent) We are at the last step to publish the page on jawp. *_(^o^)/*

I am happy you liked the new section arrangements, and further revised the sandbox, made it clear users are requested for comments (pseudo-RfC). Is it too radical?

Please see a final question #5 therein. I will think of where you will add message to help people find that page: where do tech ppl huddle on jawp?

FYI: Some love to *input on Meta/MediaWiki* rather than jawp to prevent ear-marking. Or outreach to lower traffic ja_WikiVoyage/ja_WikiSource surprise you they come and input. Maybe will to contribution/return courtesy is enhanced when you are in a smaller room with less ppl.

Would you help me a tech mess I made? Sorry, I failed to move the wikitable (title and spacing after ":") to the top. Would you move it to where it belongs, to the first section with the visible template please? (winnie: Due my monitor size, I enlarge 150% to read in wikitext but can't COPY_PASTE exactly between {|&|} brackets /: ).

My answers before we finish:

3. Spacing: Yes, I see the spacing change.

> For "Page frame", see File:DiscussionTools Page Frame add space 2022 ja.png....

4. Citations: summed up what they talked marked the link is in en.

> Citation templates: Is it suitable to use a citation template without a name?

Sorry, I missed what you mean. Or the threshold of Seniorness is 500+ on jawp.

> Perhaps it could say "Senior editor" or "Editor from English Wikipedia" instead of the username.

Side note: I know it will be a red carpet sort of, but... Citations, in the future, can we suggest refs to jawp past talks maybe? Of course, that's not quite handy to do for me, however, I remember I was told once: Click cite tag, jumping to pages written in en only makes you sense you are decentralized. Well, we have machine translation, don't we? (;--Omotecho会話) 2022年10月11日 (火) 03:29 (UTC) outdented: added underlined part. / Omotecho会話2022年10月11日 (火) 03:23 (UTC)

About 🟢#5:
The new bit – which might say "最新のコメント:1 か月前 | トピック:Whats new? | 投稿者:" – has two clickable links. One takes you directly to the newest comment (very nice, for a long discussion). The other takes you to the ==Section== where the newest comment is (useful if you want to read the whole discussion).
If you click「閲覧」(second underlined "tab" but in black), it takes you... well... to your current position. The top of every page says "User page Discussion Read Edit source Add topic View history". The 「閲覧」button is the old "Read" tab. (I made the picture in the new Vector 2022, which looks a little different from what I am accustomed to. The page title is higher, and the buttons are lower.)--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月11日 (火) 03:54 (UTC)
Where to post: We could write a small message at Wikipedia:お知らせ/ウィキメディア共通 and Wikipedia‐ノート:ノートページのガイドライン.
Syunsyunminminさんmight know where Japanese people talk about technical problems. Wikipedia:利用案内?
I am happy to have people talk to me on any page, at any wiki. If they prefer MediaWiki.org, then a link like https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Talk_pages_project/Usability/Prototype?uselang=ja will show the buttons in Japanese. I don't want people think the options are English or silence.
I think I have fixed all the links in mw:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/DiscussionTools/sandbox. If you want more quotations from Japanese speakers, then you could look in Wikipedia:2019年ノートページに関する協議. Every comment was read at least three times in 2019. I picked mostly short comments for the final reports, but we read and thought about all of them. A link to Wikipedia:2019年ノートページに関する協議 would be nice in that long list of [1][2][3][4][5]... I will go add it. Also, if you think a comment in mw:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/DiscussionTools/sandbox is not very important, then please feel free to remove it.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月11日 (火) 04:44 (UTC)
@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん; Wish our fingers were not too fast racing. Could you add citation to 2019 jawp discussion please?
  • Moved the wikitalbe for page title refresh.
  • Listed old/new as opening doors to visually challenged will join discussion.
  • Glossary, a small touch up, reached 100%; jawp links and so on.
Cheers, I'll return tomorrow. See you, 0--Omotecho会話2022年10月11日 (火) 04:58 (UTC)
mw:User:Whatamidoing_(WMF)/DiscussionTools/sandbox#cite_note-3 links to the 2019 jawiki discussion. Is that enough, or do we need more?
The page looks good to me.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月11日 (火) 19:48 (UTC)
Yes, #cite-note 3 looks good to me, and we are ready to publish/copy on a jawp page. Then I can take care of no.3 below, when you go through nos.1-2 please:
  1. create a new page;
  2. input on Village Pump/jawp and inform ppl, as well as request feedback;
  3. message at those portals/groups you picked up.
Additional place to feedback: I updated with the following:
A plea to visit and drop feedback to the full set of questions.--Omotecho会話2022年10月13日 (木) 22:01 (UTC)
What should the new page be called? Help:議論ツール/ソフトウェア開発 ? Help:議論ツール/企画 ? Something else? If you give me the link, I can copy it, or you can pick a page title and copy it yourself. (I copied the words from the articles about ソフトウェア開発 and 企画.)
After the new page exists, I think announcements should be posted at:
  1. Wikipedia:お知らせ/ウィキメディア共通
  2. Wikipedia‐ノート:ノートページのガイドライン
  3. Wikipedia:利用案内
Should they say something like this?
If you translate the message for me, I can post it on those three pages. Alternatively, I can post in English, and you can post the translation after the English. --Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月14日 (金) 20:31 (UTC)
Alright, straight forward: how does the following three points a-b-c sound to you? I am on a run at the moment, sorry it's quite sketchy/too much details under the Side notes.
a. Create a page on jawp
I will create a page, Wikipedia:xyzxyz, then invite ppl on some page and go along DMCA: learnt three things from the #link below.
b. Invitation note
Yes, your note is very kind and I will translate it by your 17:00 today.
c. Where to post invitation.
After the RfC page is created, I need somebody's advice on where to post invitations:
  • deff need to post on VillagePump/ja (井戸端), while I was noted that DMCA might apply that local only users will post therein (?).
  • Not sure if "1. Wikipedia:お知らせ/ウィキメディア共通" is a better place to post IMHO, for pro it's a subpage; con I worry about a segregation discussion regarding wikipedia:Notice/ja did not concluded yes/no:
># Wikipedia:お知らせ/ウィキメディア共通
># Wikipedia‐ノート:ノートページのガイドライン
># Wikipedia:利用案内
Side notes
  • I was not aware/comprehend if Wikipadia:Notice/ja (お知らせ)[1] is on WMF's list of contacts on each wiki: Is it the only safe place to prompt ppl's attention and feedback request, if I were a WMF staffer (?.?)
  • depending on how old you are on wikis, "customer satisfaction/approval" kind of logic tends to backfire against function-related upgrades.
  • maybe it is a good time to rethink about the Demogaphy of jawp, and introduce an Event/education Dashboard kind of viewpoint. How could we prevent we-customers kind of attitude towards Tech improvements, in an age of SNS?
  • Always, I like the democratic setting, that most improvement is paired with your preference, and it's my responsibility/wiki right and disable/able on my User:Omotecho/Preference.
  • The link showcases the general mentality shared among editors past Junior phase but not quite Senior. I guess you might read a hickup or reaction of newer editors towards changes "dropped from WMF and I don't like it" kind of dialogue. (sigh)
Notes: 1=FYI, Wikipadia:Notice/ja had a heated debate if/if not to segregate WMF notices and local notices. Reason: WMF notices are too often, they choke the space and merginalise what local users need more attention from peers.
Cheers, maybe I am too hungry now (!)--Omotecho会話2022年10月17日 (月) 08:42 (UTC)
@Whatamidoing (WMF)さん, here it goes.
Page name
As follows, and it literally reads in en as: wikipedia:discussion_tool_updates/phase_2_(2022).
  1. for the time being, the new page and Help page will overwrap.
  2. not now, and when discussion stalls, we can split the new page and;
  3. update the existing Help:議論ツール, as ppl will go and learn.
Message to invite in ja;
I remember a few non-native ja speakers work on jawp, and they might benefit message in en. How about laying out as;
thread title in ja -> collapse en message by default with |1= 英語オリジナル版 / The English original version ::::::::|2= ::::::::Hi everyone,....}} -> message in ja starts.
  • さらにもう一段、ご協力をお願いできるようであれば、メディアウィキにテスト版の使い方とアンケートがあります。そちらにも日本語でけっこうですので、回答をお願いできると誠に幸いです。
  • [link こちらのページで改訂箇所の一部]をご説明しています。
On jawp, I noted prefix Wikipedia is given to any page related to jawp-wide topic discussion.--Omotecho会話2022年10月18日 (火) 03:47 (UTC)
@Whatamidoing (WMF), page created, but can't solve redlinks: for eg the button with/without squar brqcket {{int|discussiontools-replylink|lang=ja}}. Could you fix please? 0--Omotecho会話2022年10月18日 (火) 17:52 (UTC)
I'll look at it now.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月18日 (火) 20:45 (UTC)
Does it look correct now?--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月18日 (火) 20:53 (UTC)
What can I do next? Do you still need answers to the three questions above?--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月18日 (火) 21:07 (UTC)
One link is dead above:
👉[link こちらのページで改訂箇所の一部]をご説明しています。
--Omotecho会話2022年10月19日 (水) 07:57 (UTC)
Jack in a box ! I hear a murmer "なんだこりゃ /: " I will fix and add (英語)next to a link.
Is the target page planned for traslation?
Ended proofreading, and AFAIK it's a blue light now. will invite ppl at two pages.
0--Omotecho会話2022年10月19日 (水) 08:22 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── I was looking on the wrong page for the broken link. 🤦🏻‍♀️ {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|dtenable=1}} is a Help:マジックワード. It automatically (auto-"magic"-ally? 🪄) changes the link to match the page. On your page, it makes a link to //ja-two.iwiki.icu/w/index.php?title=利用者‐会話:Omotecho&dtenable=1 but if you put the magic code on Wikipedia:井戸端, then it will say "Wikipedia:井戸端" in the middle instead of "利用者‐会話:Omotecho". This link (if you click on it) will let you see most of the changes on the page where you are reading about it.

I have marked mw:Talk pages project/Usability for translation. Would you like to be a translation admin, so you can do that yourself? Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月19日 (水) 18:16 (UTC)

Only parts appealing/catchie are put into ja: actually, we'd need a genious maybe Pols12's golden knowledge: I chopped up /Usability/en, put that into ja on separate page, then we wish to have it re-assembled, align with Usability/en. Do you think /sandbox above is applicable as ingredient to fabricate /Usability/ja page? Or too complicate if not bilingual ja/en? 0--Omotecho会話2022年10月20日 (木) 06:17 (UTC)
I think that any amount of text in Japanese is helpful.--Whatamidoing (WMF)会話2022年10月24日 (月) 19:45 (UTC)