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純資産価値(英: Net asset value、NAV)とは、企業の資産価値から負債価値を差し引いたもので、オープンエンド型投資信託、ミューチュアルファンド、ヘッジファンド、ベンチャーキャピタルファンドなどに関連して用いられることが多い。米国証券取引委員会に登録されているこれらのファンドの株式は、通常、純資産価値で売買される。[3] また、ヘッジファンドやベンチャーキャピタルファンドにおいて、投資家がこれらのファンドの投資対象の価値を算出する際の主要な数値でもある。これは、企業の帳簿価格または純資産価値と同じである場合もある。純資産価値は、総資産価値を表す場合もあるが、投資家が保有する発行済株式数で割って、1株当たりの純資産価値を表す場合もある。

純資産価値: Net asset valueNAV)とは is the value of an entity's assets minus the value of its liabilities, often in relation to open-end, mutual funds, hedge funds, and venture capital funds.[1][2] Shares of such funds registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are usually bought and redeemed at their net asset value.[3] It is also a key figure with regard to hedge funds and venture capital funds when calculating the value of the underlying investments in these funds by investors. This may also be the same as the book value or the equity value of a business. Net asset value may represent the value of the total equity, or it may be divided by the number of shares outstanding held by investors, thereby representing the net asset value per share.[4]



純資産価値およびその他の会計および記録管理活動は、ファンド会計(有価証券会計、投資会計、ポートフォリオ会計とも呼ばれる)のプロセスによる結果である。ファンド会計システムは、ファンドへの投資資金の流入と流出、投資の売買、およびファンドの関連投資収益、利益、損失、営業費用を記録するために使用される高度なコンピュータ化されたシステムである。ファンドの投資およびその他の資産は、ファンドおよび関連する規制またはスポンサーの要件に応じて、毎日、毎週、または毎月、定期的に評価される。純資産価値を算出する目的で、世界中で使用される資産および負債の評価方法や評価基準は統一されておらず、評価に使用される基準は、状況、評価の目的、適用される可能性のある規制および/または会計原則によって異なる。例えば、米国で登録されたオープンエンド型ファンドでは、投資は通常、ニューヨーク証券取引所の取引時間中(通常は東部時間午後4時)の終値(公正価値を表すことを目的とする)を用いて毎日評価される。米国登録のマネー・マーケット・ファンドの場合、便宜上、その他の目的で、さまざまな要件が継続的に満たされていることを前提に、投資は「償却原価」で評価されることが多い。[6] インド証券取引委員会は、 2020年9月17日付けの通知で、午後1時までに投資信託の単位を購入する場合、投資金額の規模に関わらず、実現日(投資資金がAMCに到達した日)の純資産価値が適用されると発表した。[7]

Net asset value and other accounting and recordkeeping activities are the result of the process of fund accounting (also known as securities accounting, investment accounting, and portfolio accounting). Fund accounting systems are sophisticated computerized systems used to account for investor capital flows in and out of a fund, purchases and sales of investments, and related investment income, gains, losses and operating expenses of the fund. The fund's investments and other assets are valued regularly; daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the fund and associated regulatory or sponsor requirements. There is no universal method or basis of valuing assets and liabilities for the purposes of calculating the net asset value used throughout the world, and the criteria used for the valuation will depend upon the circumstances, the purposes of the valuation, and any regulatory and/or accounting principles that may apply. For example, for U.S.-registered open-ended funds, investments are commonly valued each day the New York Stock Exchange is open, using closing prices (meant to represent fair value), typically 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. For U.S.-registered money market funds, investments are often carried or valued at "amortized cost" as opposed to market value for expedience and other purposes, provided various requirements are continually met.[5] The Securities and Exchange Board of India issued a notice on 17th September 2020 stating that when purchasing mutual fund units before 1:00 PM the NAV from the day of realization (day when investment money reaches the AMC) will be applicable irrespective of the size of investment. [6]


At the completion of the valuation process and once all other appropriate accounting entries are posted, the accounting books are "closed", enabling a variety of information to be calculated and produced including the net asset value per share.

Open-ended funds



Net asset value is commonly used in the context of open-end funds. Shares and interests in such funds are not traded between investors, but are issued by the fund to each new investor and redeemed by the fund when an investor withdraws. A fund will issue and redeem shares and interests at a price calculated by reference to the NAV of the fund, with the intention that new investors receive a fair proportion of the fund and redeeming investors receive a fair proportion of the fund's value in cash.


For example, if a fund has a NAV of $200 million and 1 million shares in issue on a certain day, the "NAV per share"—the price at which shares are issued—is $200. A person investing $40 million on that day will therefore be given 200,000 shares. Immediately following their investment the total NAV of the fund will be $240 million, as the new investor's cash becomes part of the fund and is available for investment by the fund. The investor will then be entitled to 1/6 of whatever the fund's value is when they withdraw their investment, if in the meantime their 1/6 ownership is not altered by any further withdrawals or investments to the fund.


The valuation of the assets and liabilities of an open-ended fund is therefore very important to investors. If the NAV in the above example had, with the same assets, been calculated as $160 million (and the NAV per share as $160), the investor would have been given 250,000 shares and would become entitled to 1/5 of the fund's value.

これに対し、クローズドエンド型ファンドは投資家間の公開市場で取引され、市場価格で売買され、純資産価値(NAV)に基づいていない。[8] そのため、クローズドエンド型ファンドの株式または持分の価格は、当事者が合意した価格となり、ファンドの純資産価値と一致しない場合がある。このようなファンドの公開株式は、一般的に純資産価値を下回る価格で取引されている。

In contrast, closed-end funds are traded in the open market between investors, bought and sold at market prices and not based on NAV.[7] So the price of shares or interests in a closed-end fund will be whatever the parties agree it to be, which may not correspond to the fund's NAV. Publicly traded shares in such funds generally trade at a price below NAV.



証券評価における不正な価格付けは、意図的な不正な価格付けにより、証券に割り当てられた価値が証券の実際の価値を反映していない場合に発生する。[9][10][11] 不正な価格付けは、トレーダーが管理する証券ポートフォリオの証券がどれほどの価値(証券の純資産価値)があるかについて、投資家やファンドの経営陣を欺くものであり、 。そのため、パフォーマンスを偽って表示することになる。[12][13][14] 悪徳トレーダーが不正な価格設定を行うと、勤務先の金融会社からより高いボーナスを得ることができる。彼らのボーナスは、彼らが管理する証券ポートフォリオのパフォーマンスに基づいて計算されるためである。[12][13][15]

Mismarking in securities valuation takes place when the value that is assigned to securities does not reflect what the securities are actually worth, due to intentional fraudulent mispricing.[8][9] Mismarking misleads investors and fund executives about how much the securities in a securities portfolio managed by a trader are worth (the securities' net asset value) and thus misrepresents performance.[10][11] When a rogue trader engages in mismarking, it allows them to obtain a higher bonus from the financial firm for which they work, where their bonus is calculated by the performance of the securities portfolio that they are managing.[10][11][12]

Valuation of assets in open-ended funds and hedge funds



The NAV of a collective investment scheme (such as a U.S. mutual fund or a hedge fund) is calculated by reference to the total value of the fund's portfolio (its assets) less its accrued liabilities (money owed to lending banks, fees owed to investment managers and service providers, and other liabilities).[13]

ヘッジファンドの純資産価値の算出は、ファンドの収益および費用の発生額の計算、および有価証券の時価評価を含め、ファンド管理者の主要な業務である。なぜなら、投資家がファンドの株式を売買する価格となるからだ。[17] 管理者による正確かつタイムリーな純資産価値の算出は不可欠である。[17][18]

Calculation of the net asset value for a hedge fund, including the calculation of the fund's income and expense accruals and the pricing of securities at current market value, is a core fund administrator task, because it is the price at which investors buy and sell shares in the fund. The accurate and timely calculation of NAV by the administrator is vital.[14]

2003年、ランサー・グループの投資家たちは、意図的に「誤解を招く」純資産価値(NAV)の声明を公表したとして、ヘッジファンド管理者であるシティコを提訴した。[19][20] 最終的にシティコは、ランサーのファンドの管理者を辞任することを投資家に通知したが、説明はしなかった。シティコは、評価の妥当性についてランサーの取締役会に意見を求めた事実を指摘したが、ニューヨーク南部地区のシャイラ・シャインドルリン判事は、「これらの行動はシティコ・グループが数値に疑問を抱いていることを示しているが、シティコ・グループがプロセスへの関与を隠蔽しようとしているとも解釈できる」と述べた。[19]最終的に、シティコは投資家と和解した。[19]

In 2003, investors in Lancer Group sued hedge fund administrator Citco for allegedly knowingly disseminating "misleading" Net Asset Value (NAV) statements.[15][16] Citco ultimately informed investors that it was resigning as administrator to Lancer's funds, but did not provide an explanation. While Citco pointed to the fact that it had sought statements from Lancer's board of directors as to the propriety of the valuations, Southern District of NY Judge Shira Scheindlin wrote: "Although these actions demonstrate Citco Group's questioning of the numbers, they could also be interpreted as Citco Group's efforts to shield its own involvement in the process".[15] Ultimately, Citco settled with investors.[15]

Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich (SDNY) の訴訟は、純資産価値(NAV)関連の義務を適切に処理しなかったことに対するファンド管理者の責任に関する主要な訴訟である。[21][22] 被告は2016年に原告Anwarに2億3500万ドルを支払うことで和解した。[2 1][22] 裁判所は和解に先立ち、この訴訟において「原告の申し立てから、投資家に送付されたファンドの純資産価値の声明を原告が信頼し、実際に信頼していたことを管理者が認識していたと推測するのが妥当である。したがって、裁判所は原告が投資家と管理者の間に注意義務を生じさせる関係を申し立てていると判断する」と述べた。[23]

The case of Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich (SDNY) is the major case relating to fund administrator liability for failure to handle its NAV-related obligations properly. The defendants settled in 2016 by paying the Anwar plaintiffs $235 million.[17][18] The court held in the case, prior to the settlement, that "it is reasonable to infer from Plaintiffs' allegations that the Administrators were aware that Plaintiffs would—and did—rely on their statements of the Funds' NAVs that were sent to the investors.... Accordingly, the Court finds that Plaintiffs allege a relationship between the investors and the Administrators that gives rise to a duty of care ...."




Turning to operating companies as opposed to investment companies (mutual funds), in determining whether shares in a public company are a cheap or expensive investment, one tool used by investors is a comparison of the company's current market capitalization (being the price at which the market values the company) with its NAV. The NAV may be below the market price for the following reasons:

  • 財務諸表における会計原則や金額の表示方法は世界中で異なっており、さまざまな管轄区域における企業の比較可能性を曖昧にしている。財務諸表の価値は通常、その管轄区域の関連する会計原則に基づいて記録されるが、これは以下のすべての点に影響を与える。 Accounting principles and bases of presentation of amounts in financial statements differ worldwide, blurring the comparability of companies in various jurisdictions. Financial statement values are typically recorded based on their local jurisdiction's related principles of accounting, which affect all the remaining points below.
  • 企業の資産の現在の価値は、純資産価値の計算に使用される財務諸表に反映される取得原価とは異なる可能性が高い。   The current value of a company's assets likely differ from the historical cost reflected in the financial statements used in NAV calculations.
  • 純資産価値は、企業の現在の資産および負債の状況を説明するものである。投資家は、その企業が大きな成長見込みを持っていると考えるかもしれない。その場合、投資家はその企業に対して純資産価値以上の金額を支払う用意があるだろう。 The NAV describes the company's current asset and liability position. Investors might believe that the company has significant growth prospects, in which case they would be prepared to pay more for the company than its NAV.
  • のれん(これは概して企業の将来の利益創出能力を表す)などの資産は、必ずしも貸借対照表に記載されるわけではないため、純資産価値の計算には含まれない。Certain assets, such as goodwill (which broadly represents a company's ability to make future profits), are not necessarily included on a balance sheet and so will not appear in an NAV calculation.

企業の市場価値が常に純資産価値を上回るとは限らない。例えば、2007年6月には、リバティ・メディア・コーポレーションの株価は純資産価値(または「コア資産価値」)の30~50%下で取引されていたとアナリストや経営陣は推定している。[要出典] 企業の市場価値が純資産価値を下回る場合、企業を清算して資産を個別に売却する方が、継続企業として経営を続けるよりも利益になると判断される場合がある。

A company's market value will not always be greater than its NAV. For example, analysts and management estimated that Liberty Media Corporation was trading for 30-50% below its net asset value (or "core asset value") in June 2007.[要出典] Where a company's market value is lower than its NAV, it may be considered more profitable to wind the company down and sell off its assets individually rather than continue to run it as a going concern.


In contrast to fund valuation, the assets of a company will generally be valued for the purpose of a NAV calculation using the book value, the historical cost, or the amortised cost of the company's assets, or an appropriate combination of the three.

Real estate investment trusts



NAV is one of the valuation indices of real estate investment trusts (REITs, pronounced "Reets"). NAV is normally quoted "per investment unit" where the value is divided by the number of total outstanding investment units. In simple terms, NAV is an adjusted net asset value reflecting the market values of real estate properties held by an investment corporation. The degree of premium/discount on individual investment unit prices relative to the per-unit NAV serves as the yardstick for assessment. The NAV index is synonymous to the adjusted price-to-book ratio in which factors such as unrealized losses/gains of owned properties and brand values are reflected. News companies such as PropertyMall typically report on a REIT's NAV when the company reports it.[19]

Variable insurance and variable annuity contracts



Variable universal life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts often are structured somewhat similarly to mutual funds, and they may vary in value as securities and markets fluctuate. Typically, these insurance or annuity products issue "units" of ownership to policyholders/annuitants in exchange for their investment—similar to shares of a mutual fund. Also similar to a fund, the assets, liabilities, and net assets of these product entities are valued periodically, resulting in an asset unit value or AUV or UAV per share, which is similar to NAV for a fund.







  1. ^ Net Asset Value” (英語). Corporate Finance Institute. 2022年12月21日閲覧。
  2. ^ Net Asset Value | Investor.gov”. www.investor.gov. 2022年12月21日閲覧。
  3. ^ Net Asset Value | Investor.gov”. www.investor.gov. 2023年1月3日閲覧。
  4. ^ Raymond James (August 9, 2011). “Glossary of Investment Terms”. raymondjames.com. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  5. ^ A Guide To Understanding Mutual Funds”. Investment Company Institute. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  6. ^ “SEBI Modifies NAV value rules for mutual Funds - Economic Times”. The Economic Times. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/sebi-modifies-nav-rules-for-mutual-funds/articleshow/78178954.cms 
  7. ^ The Importance of Net Asset Value (NAV) Within Closed-End Funds”. Closed-End Fund Association. 2022年12月21日閲覧。
  8. ^ Daniel Strauss (November 29, 2019). “Morgan Stanley reportedly fires or places on leave at least 4 traders while investigating millions in hidden losses | Markets Insider”. Business Insider. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  9. ^ Eugene Ingoglia, Todd Fishman, Mark Daniels (April 22, 2020). “Amid falling markets, valuation challenges and mis-marking fraud risks rise”. Investigations Insight. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  10. ^ a b Aziz Abdel-Qader (January 31, 2020). “Morgan Stanley Names Two New Heads for FX Options Desk; Silverman and Jeurissen are replacing Thiago Melzer, who was fired in November amid allegations of mismarking securities.”. Finance Magnates. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  11. ^ a b George J. Benston (2006). Fair-value accounting: A cautionary tale from Enron. 
  12. ^ Atanasov, Vladimir A.; Merrick, Jr; Schuster, Philipp (2019-07-11) (英語). Mismarking Fraud in Mutual Funds. Rochester, NY. SSRN 3395430. 
  13. ^ CFA Institute. (2008). Derivatives and Alternative Investments. pg 177. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. ISBN 0-536-34228-8.
  14. ^ 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「autogenerated2」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  15. ^ a b c Scharfman, Jason (2014). Hedge Fund Governance: Evaluating Oversight, Independence, and Conflicts. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0128025123. https://books.google.com/books?id=y7OYBAAAQBAJ&q=citco+administrator&pg=PA106 
  16. ^ Katie Benner (May 9, 2011). “Pulling the veil on the veil pullers”. Fortune. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  17. ^ 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「autogenerated4」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  18. ^ 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「autogenerated1」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  19. ^ Hammerson - General”. Propertymall.com. 2012年3月20日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年4月17日閲覧。