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Wikipedia:Help for Non-Japanese Speakers/Archive/2013

最新のコメント:10 年前 | トピック:Northwest Airlines Flight 85 | 投稿者:WhisperToMe

Translation request


こんにちは! It would be great if someone would have time to check the translation of an article カーヴィ.

The article is about a municipality of Finland.

Juutila Foundry (ユーチラ 鋳造所) is the oldest bell foundry (is it ベル鋳造 in Japanese?) in Finland. Juutila foundry is an unique sand casting foundry in the Northern Europe.

Telkkämäki Nature Reserve is a slash-and-burn heritage farm (an unique of its kind in Northern Europe too). Would someone add these pieces of information to the article? (Juutila Foundry and Telkkämäki Nature Reserve are in English Wikipedia).

Are the Finnish locations written correctly in Katakana?

ありがとうございました! JpKaFi会話2013年2月2日 (土) 21:02 (UTC)

Moi! I made a new article about Juutila Foundry in Japanese from English one. ユーチラ鋳造所. I took pronunciation of "Juutila" from your article. Kiitos! --StClairAveWest会話2013年10月13日 (日) 05:08 (UTC)
StClairAveWest! Thank You for your time! Telkkämäki Nature Reserve and River Vaikkojoki are not yet available in Japanese. It would be great if someone is able to translate them. JpKaFi会話2013年10月14日 (月) 08:47 (UTC)

Translation request


Good day! I am BEKKE. I'd be grateful to someone who can translate for me the following text to Japanese, to be added as biography in the page Giulio Angioni in ja.wikipedia:

Giulio Angioni, professor at the University of Cagliari, is the author of about twenty books of fiction and a dozen volumes of essays in cultural anthropology. Giulio Angioni is considered one of the initiators of the Sardinian narrative of today in the European arena, which followed the work of individual prominent figures such as Grazia Deledda and Emilio Lussu. His best novels are considered to be Le fiamme di Toledo (Flames of Toledo), Assandira, Doppio cielo (Double sky), L'oro di Fraus (The gold of Fraus).--BEKKE会話2012年10月23日 (火) 11:32 (UTC)

チェック Done at ジュリオ・アンジョーニ by 朝彦 on 2012年12月4日 (火) 11:30 (UTC) --eveningmist会話2013年1月13日 (日) 03:40 (UTC)

it.wiki in trouble, once again, this time is worse than last year


Hi, this is just to let you know that the dangerous law that wasn't issued last year, when we blacked-out the site, is once again under discussion at the Italian Senate. This time things seem to be much much worse than one year ago. The act is now harder and contains many more obligations, so many and so dangerous that no sysops would work at such conditions because it would definitely be too risky. Very few among our users would go on editing BLPs or "spicy" topics any more because it could be very costly: up to 100,000 euros! And any legalised troll saying that something in our articles disturbs him, would be entitled to request an addition (inside the article) which actually we are not going to accept because the troll is not required to be honest and tell the truth, any liar would be legally welcomed and we couldn't even comment... (I'm not kidding, it's incredible but true...)
Moreover, this time the approval could more probably be forced by the so-called technical government (headed by Mr. Monti), and all the bigger Italian parties toghether (Berlusconians hands in hands with former communists - both had separately tried to enforce such an act before) are working for strengthening the act. So, this time we need a critical help from anyone, we need it now because the scheduled vote on next Monday could be the last time we can freely work on it.wiki. We need it strong because main Italian media are simply ignoring our protest, and we can't read any news about it outside the web.
So, please, please, please, do whatever you can in order to avoid at least that this can happen in a complete silence. Inform your deputy, call the closest Italian embassy, spam your papers and/or our Senators (open individual files for addresses), use your fantasy and do whatever you think might be strongly helpful in protecting Wikipedia, starting from spreading the news across the WikiWorld.
Any little thing you can do will be vitally important for it.wiki.
Thank you in advance --g (talk) 00:09, 27 October 2012 (UTC)



Not much to look at yet, but...[1]. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 2012年11月28日 (水) 07:11 (UTC)

Hello Nihonjoe. I have updated the page based on the English version. Content sections are commented out for now. --Penn Station (talk) 2012年11月28日 (水) 08:38 (UTC)

Northwest Airlines Flight 85


I apologize for posting in English rather than Japanese. Anyhow, I started en:Northwest Airlines Flight 85 on the English Wikipedia. The incident flight was traveling from Detroit Metro Airport to Tokyo Narita, and many passengers were Japanese, so the Japanese Wikipedia should start an article about this incident. It may not be ready for translation now, but I want you all to keep it in mind. Thank you WhisperToMe会話2012年12月25日 (火) 19:32 (UTC)

Alright, it's ready for translation. WhisperToMe会話2013年1月16日 (水) 18:12 (UTC)
チェック - Thank you to User:Richard Pman! WhisperToMe会話2014年8月18日 (月) 12:25 (UTC)

Need help for my master thesis


Hi everybody! Some of you might already have heard of me or read my messages on some user pages...I'm a student from Vienna currently writing my master thesis about knowledge sharing via translation. I chose Wikipedia as an example to show how this goes hand in hand, how helpful it can be and how it works. But I need your help for it, or to be more exact, I need the help of Wikipedians who contribute to Wikipedia by translating from English into Japanese or vice versa (or for the matter, Japanese-German and vice versa would be great, too). I have composed a questionnaire I would like to have answered which you can take a look at on my user page (it is in English and Japanese, you may answer in both languages as well). There you will also find the link to it (it is an anonymous online survey) and more information about me, my thesis and the questionnaire as a whole! As I need as many responses as possible, I would be very happy if you could help me by answering the questionnaire (as long as you meet the "critieria") or at least spread the word. You do not need to tell me that you answered it, just do it and with every sumbitted survey, my face will brighten up. ;) Thanks a lot, everybody! Your help is really appreciated! -- OkonomiyakiNeri会話2013年1月6日 (日) 13:58 (UTC)


"Kintsukuroi" Article?


I just encountered the word "Kintsukuroi"[2] and looked it up in the English Wikipedia -- there is no "Kintsukuroi" article. My first thought was "cool, I'll write a Kintsukuroi article". My next though was "I bet there's a Kintsukuroi article in the Japanese Wikipedia".

Is there an article on "Kintsukuroi" in the Japanese Wikipedia? As I have *zero* command of Japanese I can't even search for it. Would someone please look? It there one? If I offer to assist in translating it into English, subject of course to my total lack of Japanese, does a Japanese Wikipedia editor want to collaborate with me? Let me know.

Or, perhaps "Kintsukuroi" is in the English Wikipedia but is latinized differently. 2013年1月16日 (水) 01:09 (UTC)

This artistic repair work is also known as "Kintsugi" and the article titled as such is already in the English Wikipedia (See Kintsugi). Unfortunately, there is no article about Kintsukuroi or Kintsugi in the Japanese Wikipedia except for the last line of 漆#接着剤(Urushi as adhesive agent), which gives a brief definition of Kintsugi. --Ryota7906会話2013年1月16日 (水) 18:25 (UTC)
Just one of those occasions where EnWiki with its enormous number of contributors beats JaWiki even for things native to Japan. This is not a rare sight. I remember starting an article about en:Ohaguro just because it only existed in En. --朝彦会話2013年1月17日 (木) 09:48 (UTC)



Just a heads up that Wikidata will be coming to the Japanese Wikipedia in a few weeks. When this happens, articles will get their list of other languages from Wikidata and will no longer need to maintain a local copy in the article's Wikitext. The local links will suppument or override the information from Wikidata. Editing the list on Wikidata will update all languages automaticly. This wasen't anounced propely on the English Wikipeda and it resulted in a few edit wars with prople mistaking the removal of interlanguage links as vandilisim. Might be a good idea to start updating help and policy pages to let people know of the incomming changes. Just FYI. 2013年2月17日 (日) 01:36 (UTC)

Problems with setting the new account


Hi everyone. I'm italian and new to your site even if I already got started asking useful hints at 利用者:Sorakara023 as generic IP. In his talk I explained him I got problems settin up my account. I started with adding the mail and even clicking on the "english" I decided to add a different name, different from my usual nickname. When I got back to en.wikipedia and I had to log in while in this japanese account I was still on, my english nick got red and reported the japanese nick 利用者‐会話:Nick_Pascale. Later on, after having compiled my home page, I decided to avoid problems setting up a new account as "Nipas" (this one) even if registered with a different email.

May I ask you to set this account "Nipas" with the other email and cancell "Nick_Pascale" ?. Begging your pardon for the problem I caused, please agree my best regards for your kind help.--Nipas会話2013年3月3日 (日) 19:58 (UTC)



フランソワ・オランド RaphaelQS会話2013年3月14日 (木) 23:05 (UTC)

チェック Done Reverted. Merci! --eveningmist会話2013年3月15日 (金) 16:37 (UTC)

Articles about sextortion


Does anyone know if there are Japanese language newspaper articles that discuss "en:sextortion" (sexual extortion)? If so, what name is used for it in Japanese? Thanks WhisperToMe会話2013年4月4日 (木) 00:24 (UTC)

[3]、性的搾取、性的奴隷、ja:性的奴隷ja:児童性的虐待。-- 2013年4月4日 (木) 09:35 (UTC)
Thanks for finding these things. I wonder if the Yomiuri Shimbun or other major Japanese newspapers have written articles on it. WhisperToMe会話2013年4月5日 (金) 05:42 (UTC)
How about these;
--eveningmist会話2013年4月7日 (日) 10:18 (UTC)
Thank you for finding them! I checked the words "性的虐待" in a Japanese-English dictionary and it seemed like it means "sexual abuse" - Does Japanese have a more precise word that means "sexual extortion"? I had found the words for "sextortion" in French and Chinese and used those to make stubs, and with cooperation of native speakers I helped develop Spanish, French, and Chinese subtitles for File:Sextortionagent_interview.ogg so the users of the Spanish, Chinese, and French Wikipedias could fully understand the presentation WhisperToMe会話2013年4月9日 (火) 07:56 (UTC)
Strictly speaking, "sexual extortion" is "性的強要" or "性的な強要". FWIW, "sexual abuse" is "性的虐待"; "sexual slavery" is "性的奴隷"; "sexual exploitation" is "性的搾取". There are some Japanese language newspaper articles on "性的強要" such as 【韓国ブログ】自殺女優に性的強要はあったか「公正な捜査を!」, 性的強要、イタリアでは女性の約6%が経験=調査, and 性行為脅迫時は性的強要罪新設して処罰. -- 2013年9月4日 (水) 19:18 (UTC)

Translation request


Does the following picture really show an anti atom rally from fukushima desaster article inside eWP ? Request for translation of japanese banners inside the picture with no anti atom signs just children ballons at Meiji Shrine side. Maybe correcting yourself inside eWp & answer here or to my email address kayuweboehm(at)yahoo.de. Also general contact wished for japanese information. INFORMATION also that buttons... are not readable with normal browser of german internet shop.

Anti-nuclear power plant rally on 19 September 2011 at the Meiji Shrine complex in Tokyo.
It is indeed an anti-nuclear-power rally. The white banner in the background reads 原発再稼働阻止 "Stop Re-Operation of Nuclear Power Plants". --朝彦会話2013年7月27日 (土) 18:18 (UTC)

Incarceration of women


女牢 and en:Incarceration of women are linked together. Would somebody mind adding content specific to Japan to the English article, and content about the West to the Japanese article? Thanks WhisperToMe会話2013年5月5日 (日) 02:40 (UTC)

An article on Osamu Hirota, Tamagawa University


Osamu Hirota works in a particular field of Maths which is pioneered by Indian mathematician en:K. R. Parthasarathy (probabilist) regarding Quantum Probability and others. Only a few mathematicians all over the world work in this field like en:Viacheslav Belavkin who is russian, en:Robin Lyth Hudson who is from UK. Even this field is not well covered in English wikipedia. I am a regular contributor in English wikipedia and I want to make a biography of Osamu Hirota there. So it will be a good starter if a japanese wikipedia biography exists. Regards. Solomon7968会話2013年5月13日 (月) 18:30 (UTC)

Unfortunately, no articles here make the slightest mention of him. But how about this instead. Here is his profile page at Tamagawa University Quantum ICT Research Institute [4] (Sorry if you have already found it). --Ryota7906会話2013年5月17日 (金) 21:46 (UTC)

Dear all citizens from the world of freedom


I am here to told you a horrible story about Chinese wikipedia registered users removing "unwanted" contents systematically such as "the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989" and "Tank Man" from the related articles, for example "Type 59 tank". In these articles they remove everything about Tiananmen or tank man, including links, pictures, or even just text, they won't let any wordings (such as "1989" or 64 which represnts "June 4") survive in these articles. Any content about June 4 had been removed recent years, and it seems no one would dare to change the condition.

In some cases, they even request for deleting the whole articles. For example, in the talk page of "Tank man" Chinese version, you can even see how they attempted to delete the whole article.

Here are just some of the notable examples. Recently they even tried to remove an article about Masanjia Labor Camp by laying "there is no report by western media." Then a guy added some links such as Huffington Post, Daily Mail and CNN. A user from China then questioned if The Huffington Post and Daily Mail of British "reliable sources of news". That Chinese user kept on saying "you should not write such article just after reading those bias reports" and "those are not reliable sources of News". That guy keep on blaming and another user from China also join.

They also talk of removing links about june four protect. They consider those adding or talking about june 4 as bad guys damaging the Chinese wikipedia.

Sorry for the inconvenient I caused, as all links I post are all Chinese only. I just hope to raised the attentions.

Solar updraft tower


Hello, I was going thru interwiki links of article en:Solar updraft tower and found out two linked pages here: ソーラー アップドラフト タワー and ソーラータワー. Are they duplicates? --Harriv会話2013年5月26日 (日) 22:58 (UTC)

Yes, they are. ソーラー アップドラフト タワー is the general article, while ソーラータワー is talking about a specific type developed by an Australian company. I guess they need to be merged at some point. --サイファーズ会話2013年6月5日 (水) 23:08 (UTC)
Thank you for clarification. I fixed interwiki -links. --Harriv会話2013年6月10日 (月) 10:50 (UTC)

With respect to translation request


Where can I Will may be carried out translation request?--Fgrfdes会話2013年6月6日 (木) 00:33 (UTC)

We have WP:TRANSL for articles, but perhaps people who cannot read or write in Japanese may request a translation here.--miya会話2013年6月13日 (木) 13:47 (UTC)

Social media


Hello, I'm currently doing a quick survey about Wikipedia communities and social media. It would be awesome if someone can provide me answers for these questions.

  1. Does Japanese Wikipedia has an official Facebook Fan Page? If not, is there any unofficial Facebook Page or Group? (official here means community acknowledged)
  2. If there is such page, how many people became admin (manager, content creator, etc.) in that Page? How long has it existed?
  3. Does Japanese Wikipedia has an official Twitter handle?
  4. If yes, how many people have access to that handle? And how long has it existed?
  5. Does Japanese Wikipedia has any other social media presence (official or unofficial), such as G+, Identi.ca, etc.

Thanks beforehand! Bennylin会話2013年6月13日 (木) 13:16 (UTC)

Hello, Bennylin,
  1. We don't have a official Facebook page. Typical Japanese Wikipedians do not want to reveal the real name. Therefore it is difficult to use Facebook. I don't know unofficial page exist or not.
  2. (no answer)
  3. We don't have an official Twitter handle. Some Japanese Wikipedians like to use Twitter with #jawp tag.
  4. (no answer)
  5. Some Japanese Wikipedians like to use: irc://chat.freenode.net/Wikipedia-ja and/or a textboard "2ちゃんねる"'s boards, etc.
Best. --Freetrashbox会話2013年6月13日 (木) 13:49 (UTC)
Freetrashbox, have some Japanese Wikipedians considered starting Facebook accounts under aliases? I'm sure some people do that. WhisperToMe会話2013年6月17日 (月) 05:43 (UTC)
ありがとう, Freetrashbox. Bennylin会話2013年6月17日 (月) 15:32 (UTC)

Moving ハングドラム to ハング (楽器)


As you can check out in the Englisch Wikipedia article Hang (instrument) (and in any other language version of the article too) ハングドラム is not the correct name of the instrument. Therefor I want to move the article from ハングドラム to ハング (楽器). ハング (楽器) is already used in ハング. But I don't find a link to the move page in the Japanese Wikipedia like in other language versions of Wikipedia. Can somebody help me to move the article? --Ixkeys会話2013年7月17日 (水) 09:07 (UTC)

To rename an article in ja, it must reach consensus at Proposal for Renaming (minimum duration one week after proposal). However, I would advise you to first be sure that the instrument is commonly called ハング rather than ハングドラム among Japanese speakers, because that is the primary criteria for article names. Word usage can be different between languages, not always being a word-to-word correspondence. I understand that it may be a misnomer according to its inventors, but my quick web search suggests that it is much more commonly called ハングドラム in many of the Japanese websites. Even for a paper reference that gives "hang" in its English title, it refers to it as ハングドラム in Japanese [5]. --朝彦会話2013年7月17日 (水) 16:14 (UTC)
Thanks for your quick and helpful advise. Can I write my proposal for Renaming in English? --Ixkeys会話2013年7月17日 (水) 16:27 (UTC)
The PFR page asks the propser to follow a fixed format (which is, obviously, Japanese), and that page is not meant for discussions (each entry only provides a pointer to the discussion page). Perhaps you might want want to give your argument at ノート:ハングドラム#ハングドラムかハングか, because consensus would have to be reached there anyway. --朝彦会話2013年7月17日 (水) 16:46 (UTC)

Image that are in jawiki domain


I notice once in a while that some of the image used in ja wikipedia uses image that are in the ja-two.iwiki.icu domain. If for example I try to update the english article of a page, and I try to add an image for the info box. what is the correct way of using the image for use in other language wiki. For example for train stations, places. Do I copy the image and place it to commons? I am actually quite new at this, can others explain what you do when you re-use image to other language wiki --Napoleon.tan会話2013年7月18日 (木) 13:48 (UTC)

Go ahead. Upload it to commons. (There are exceptions. See below.) You are always free to re-use/re-upload most images hosted on ja WP and move it to Commons. (Free usage is the whole point of the free licenses in the first place.) Just make sure you select the correct license when you upload it to commons.
There are a few ways to do this, but you can either use this form at Commons or you can use Move-to-commons assistant to assist you. After you're done, please label the original image here with Template:NowCommons.
The exception is when the image is hosted here on the grounds of the so-called "Freedom of Panorama" (FOP). Commons does not allow FOP images, but architectural works in Japan are hosted on here (and only here) on the grounds of an Exemption Doctrine Policy. Those images would have Template:屋外美術 pasted on the image page. --朝彦会話2013年7月27日 (土) 18:13 (UTC)
May I correct u. Commons accepts FoP for architecture but not fort art.--Sanandros会話2013年7月28日 (日) 06:48 (UTC)
Just as I said. "architectural works." --朝彦会話) 2013年8月5日 (月) 00:54 (UTC) Sorry, I understood you the other way. In that case, ja having an EDP doesn't make much sense because the EDP is also for architectural works. --朝彦会話2013年8月5日 (月) 00:55 (UTC)

Help, Emergency


Hello! I am not a japanese speaker. I made an article Oshin(2013 film) in Japanese language , but I think it has some problems. Please look and see what the warning says! Because I don't know japanese AT ALL! ThanksWikitranser会話2013年7月27日 (土) 13:12 (UTC)

Hi. The article has been proposed for deletion due to the following reasons.
  1. It is strongly suspected that you have used machine translation to generate the article text. This is strictly prohibited because: (a) Current machine translation engines into Japanese create very low-quality text, in part due to a very different language structure from other languages. (b) Usage of machine translation tools complicate legal matters. We cannot tell whether the source text is original or is copied from somewhere else. (c) Many machine translation engines prohibit commercial usage of output text, which is not compatible with our GFDL/CC license model. Even if the terms of use of the engine allows for commercial use, you should still not post the output results directly as the article text due to the other reasons above. [ Deletion policy Case B-1]
  2. The article name does not comply with Article Title Guidelines. [Deletion policy Case D]
  3. The film is already covered in a section in おしん, and is a duplicate.
    (Moreover, the style manual does not allow wikilinking in the heading, so I have reverted one of your edits at おしん. )
All contributors to this wiki are expected to adhere to the established rules here. Even if you don't know Japanese at all like you say, that will not relieve you of that expectation. However, this wiki does incorporate well-written material from other-language wikis from time to time (under Guidelines for Translation), so you are always welcome to indirectly contribute to this wiki by writing a good article in the language you are comfortable with. --朝彦会話) 2013年7月27日 (土) 17:50 (UTC) Edited 朝彦会話2013年7月27日 (土) 17:54 (UTC)

I have never wanted to violate the rules, I wanted one the best Japanese dramas have a wiki page, and I used machine translation(I was not aware of the rule of course). So, you said you assist making a better article. Before it is deleted, make it correct.

Wikitranser会話2013年7月27日 (土) 20:32 (UTC)

I'm sorry that your good-faith contribution turned out to be against the rules that we have. I truly appreciate your willingness to have this article, but I don't think the article has much of a chance as a stand-alone article. The first editions has to be deleted anyway because we don't allow edition with potential legal problems even in the edit history (because they are still public). What we do here usually is either we delete the whole article, or we delete only the editions with problems and leave the better editions (using WP:REVDEL). However, the latter option is ruled out because the article name is wrong in the first place, and moreover, all the participants in the deletion discussion currently seems to agree unanimously that this topic can just be mentioned in おしん and is not ready for a stand-alone article yet. If things accumulate enough to support a stand-alone article, the relevant section in おしん could be considered for a split into its own article (as proposed by User:Chiba ryo) — which I estimate would be happening in a while, but not now. --朝彦会話2013年7月27日 (土) 21:15 (UTC)

I love Japanese culture and people(somehow close to our culture)! I wish I could edit it much better. But I think obedience of the rules is of more improtance. Good Luck! Wikitranser会話2013年7月27日 (土) 21:35 (UTC)

خیلی ممنون — thank you for your understanding on this matter, and for your interest in Japanese culture. Close to your culture? That's nice! You are always welcome to stop by to ask any Wikipedia-related questions, propose translations from other-language Wikipedias, etc. Have a nice day. --朝彦会話2013年7月27日 (土) 21:53 (UTC)

Japanese Baseball Scandal: Pictures of a Mizuno Baseball


Hi I wrote on german WP an articel about that recent baseball scandal. And now i asked in your sports portal if someone can take a pic of that baseball. But till now nowbody answered me. I didn't try it in the baseball portal cause nobody edited that since 2008. Can someone tell me where else I can ask for a pic or are in this portal just people who don't speak english? Thx for answering.--Sanandros会話2013年7月28日 (日) 06:59 (UTC)

Translated your post at the sports portal. --朝彦会話2013年8月5日 (月) 00:53 (UTC)
User:Chiba ryo has a reply on your question at the portal. --朝彦会話2013年8月5日 (月) 16:35 (UTC)

Translation requests into Japanese

Logo Wiki Loves Monuments
Logo Wiki Loves Monuments

Hello, I am a member of the international team of Wiki Loves Monuments who takes care of the upload campaigns used with the picture contest Wiki Loves Monuments next month. For these upload campaigns we need to translate some templates into various languages so that as much as possible people can participate in their own language.

In Japanese we need translations for the following templates:

  1. Commons:Template:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 (used on files to mark they are uploaded during the contest)
  2. Commons:Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments August (used above the upload wizard saying that the picture contest has not started yet)
    • To translate: Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 has not started yet.
    • To translate: Wiki Loves Monuments will start in September. You may still share your images, but they will not be eligible for the competition.
  3. Commons:Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments finished (used above the upload wizard saying that the picture contest is over)
    • To translate: Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 is closed.
    • To translate: You may still share your images, but they will not be part of the competition.
  4. Commons:Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments no contest (used above the upload wizard of a country which does not participate)
    • To translate: This country does not participate this year in Wiki Loves Monuments 2013.
    • To translate: You are welcome to upload pictures with this upload wizard, but they will not be part of the photo competition.
  5. Commons:Template:Upload campaign use Wiki Loves Monuments (used after someone has uploaded a file)
    • To translate: Thank you for submitting your photos to Wiki Loves Monuments.
    • To translate: Our volunteers will add photos to the relevant articles and lists.
  6. For a label above a field where uploaders can enter the (unique) identifier (code) of a monument:
    • To translate: Monument ID
  7. For above the upload wizard during September:
    • To translate: Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 Japan Upload Wizard.
    • To translate: Website of the contest
    • To translate: Other countries

You can translate the lines on Commons by creating a subpage with the translation, or put the translation below here or above under the English lines and I will create the subpage on Commons. The ones without a link should be translated here. I will visit this page the coming days. Thanks for the help! Romaine/Romaine会話2013年8月4日 (日) 02:16 (UTC)

/ja subpages have been made for 1.–5.
6. Monument ID
7. Upload wizard
Wiki Loves Monument 2013 日本 アップロード・ウィザード
I chose not to translate the name of the campaign, due to the difference of the nuance of the word "love" in our language, and a literal translation can sound quite foreign and machine-translation-ish. --朝彦会話2013年8月5日 (月) 01:14 (UTC)
Thanks you very much! 6 and 7 have been transferred. Welcome to Wiki Loves Monuments! Romaine会話2013年8月5日 (月) 10:53 (UTC)

Help to translate


Please help to translate my article on the Japanese, I'm not so good yet know this language now.
HAMACHI会話2013年8月9日 (金) 08:34 (UTC)



皆様、お疲れ様です。最近ドイツのウィキペディアにde:Basketball-Asienmeisterschaft 1991の新案の記事をされました。このドイツのきじを日本の記事(「jp:1991年バスケットボール男子アジア選手権」)に見合わせたら、開催期間と第番回は違います。日本の記事に外部リンクはありませんので、チェックすることが出来ませんでした。ドイツの記事にこのfibaリンクが証票として使われます。多分その2つの開催は違うかもしれませんが、情報のチェックを頂きませんか。よろしくお願致します。 -- Elmo rainy day会話2013年8月24日 (土) 12:38 (UTC)

ご指摘どうもありがとうございます。開催期間と順位はともに1993年バスケットボール男子アジア選手権のものでしたので、ご提示いただいたFIBAリンクを出典として訂正させていただきました。--Ryota7906会話2013年8月24日 (土) 22:41 (UTC)
Ryota7906様、チェックとご修正ありがとうございました。お疲れ様でした。-- Elmo rainy day会話2013年8月25日 (日) 11:01 (UTC)

Question about Japanese text at File:PohnpeiAirport.jpg


At File:PohnpeiAirport.jpg there has been trouble in reading three characters of a Japanese banner at the airport.

    Please have your completed 5004 Form, Passport, Onward Ticket and Entry Permit (if Applicable) Available upon approaching the booth"
  • Japanese: "ようこそ ポンペイ州へ
    入国申請書を記入しパスポート、帰路航空券、及び、エントリーパーミット (???)を添えブースまでお進み下さい。"

What are the ?s - Don't they correspond to the "(if Applicable) "? Thanks WhisperToMe会話2013年8月24日 (土) 16:36 (UTC)

It looks like "所持者" to me. -- 2013年8月24日 (土) 16:47 (UTC)
I've noticed some others say it looks like 所持者 which according to Jisho means "possessor" - So that means the meaning is different from the "if Applicable" in the English one. In what context is it being used? WhisperToMe会話2013年8月24日 (土) 21:35 (UTC)
In this case, "所持者" means "The person who possesses it". In this case, the Japanese sentence is slightly different from the English sentence.--Freetrashbox会話2013年8月25日 (日) 08:03 (UTC)
"所持者" (bearer, holder, possessor) could be correct. The English and Japanese texts differs slightly, "5004 form" vs. "Immigration application form", "onward ticket" vs. "returning air ticket", etc. --Maxima m会話2013年8月25日 (日) 17:37 (UTC)
Ok. What I did was account for some differences, such as indicating that a 5004 form is an immigration form in the annotations. WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 17:44 (UTC)
In that context, "所持者" implies "only those who possess it." Overall, there is not much difference between English and Japanese description in meaning.--T_suzu (Talk/History) 2013年8月25日 (日) 17:54 (UTC)
Also, how do you say "If Applicable" in Japanese? (context: "Please have your[...] Entry Permit (if Applicable) ") WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 17:48 (UTC)
That would be "該当する場合."--T_suzu (Talk/History) 2013年8月25日 (日) 17:54 (UTC)
I see. Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! By having these descriptions it'll help people better understand how bilingual signs work and how English can be translated into Japanese. WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 18:03 (UTC)

For the signs that are in English only, how do you say: "Sorry No transiting passengers beyond this point" - And I am not sure how the following names/places are rendered in Japanese: "KASELEHIE • RAN ANNIM • MOGETHIN • PAING KOWOS" Thank you, WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 18:07 (UTC)

I would suggest "乗り継ぎ客は、この先へ入れません。". "Transit passenger can not (or is not entitled to) enter beyond this point." "Sorry" is "申し訳ありませんが", but is not common in such law enforcing occasion. --Maxima m会話2013年8月25日 (日) 18:53 (UTC)
Thank you! WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 19:05 (UTC)
I found out that "KASELEHIE • RAN ANNIM • MOGETHIN • PAING KOWOS" are in fact ways of saying "Hello" in the languages of the FSM: Pohnpeian, Chuukese, Yapese, and Kosraean. WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 19:44 (UTC)

Question about victim and nationality lists of Japan Airlines Flight 123


Where is the full victim list and set of nationalities for Japan Airlines Flight 123 (日本航空123便墜落事故)? I found partial lists (I added a partial nationality count to en:Japan Airlines Flight 123) but I haven't been able to find a full list. WhisperToMe会話2013年8月25日 (日) 22:56 (UTC)

I don't think you will be able to find a full detailed list of all the victims, as some of them couldn't be identified, and others might have excluded from the public list for privacy reasons. --サイファーズ会話2013年10月16日 (水) 19:38 (UTC)

Question on book title


Google Translate suggested that "コンザ村の子どもたち―ケニア・ナイロビ日本人学校教師の記録" translates to "Children of Konza Village-Record of a Japanese School Teacher in Nairobi, Kenya" - Is this correct?

It is a book title:

  • 日高 博子 (seems to be "Hiroko Hidaka"). 『コンザ村の子どもたち―ケニア・ナイロビ日本人学校教師の記録』. [ほるぷ出版]]). November 1984. ISBN-10: 4593534089. ISBN-13: 978-4593534081.

Keep in mind there is also a Japanese expatriate school called en:Nairobi Japanese School or ナイロビ日本人学校. Thanks, WhisperToMe会話2013年8月28日 (水) 03:21 (UTC)

"Children of Konza Village - Record of a teacher of Nairobi Japanese School, Kenya". You can find more detailed bibliography (in Japanese) on the NDL OPAC. The then principal of the school was shot dead, on a salary pay day of 1995 ..... I remenber. The school is (I think it still is) in a open forest of Langata, suburb of Nairobi. --Maxima m会話) 2013年8月28日 (水) 10:41 (UTC) --minor addition --Maxima m会話2013年8月28日 (水) 10:45 (UTC)
Thank you! I did find some interesting things about the school, so I started an article in English. Do you know editors who are willing to start an article in Japanese? WhisperToMe会話2013年8月28日 (水) 12:46 (UTC)
It's me. See my user page and talk page, then you can presume the reason. I got so surprised. The page ナイロビ日本人学校 is still missing in JAWP. Google says it is a secondary school [6], but is a primary and secondary school. --Maxima m会話2013年8月28日 (水) 13:52 (UTC)
Wow! Please let me know if/when you start the article :) - I also put it on a request list for the Swahili Wikipedia. WhisperToMe会話2013年8月28日 (水) 23:24 (UTC)
Turns out Google Maps indicates a separate site for the elementary school campus. The elementary school is labeled as ザ・ナイロビジャパニーズスクールエレメンタリー secondary school is labeled as ナイロビジャパニーズセカンタリースクール WhisperToMe会話2013年8月29日 (木) 03:03 (UTC)

Reliable sources for Holp Shuppan


I want to start an English article on en:Holp Shuppan (ほるぷ出版) but I am having trouble finding reliable sources in English or Japanese. Does anyone know of such sources?

Thanks WhisperToMe会話2013年8月29日 (木) 04:36 (UTC)

I found this page, enough to start a stub, and I guess you can translate non controversy info from the Japanese article. --サイファーズ会話2013年10月16日 (水) 19:29 (UTC)

Open call for Individual Engagement Grant proposals


Apologies for writing in English

The Wikimedia Foundation and the Individual Engagement Grants Committee invite you to submit proposals for grants of up to $30,000 to support 6-month projects that improve the Wikimedia community. These grants fund individuals or small teams to organize, build, create, research or facilitate something that enhances the work of Wikimedia’s volunteers.

The deadline to submit proposals in this round is 30 September 2013. You can also get involved by collaborating on ideas for new projects in the IdeaLab. Hope to see you there! Keegan (WMF)会話2013年8月29日 (木) 22:48 (UTC)

Requesting help for translation


Hello. I wanted to translate en:Comparison of operating systems into this wikipedia, therefore I started this subpage: 利用者:Zerabat/オペレーティング·システムの比較, to continue translating article before it would be ready to stay as an article. I would like to be supported from a japanese speaker to continue translating process. Thanks. --ゼラバト ⇔ 会話 2013年9月14日 (土) 01:37 (UTC)

マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 문서의 등장인물 목록


マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 (MLP: FIM) 문서에서 등장인물 목록을 정리할 필요가 있다고 봅니다. 일회성으로 등장하는 (심지어 지나가는) 인물(Photo Finish (フォトフィニッシュ)나 Sapphire Shores (サファイアショアーズ) 등)을 여기에 싣는 것은 정말로 아니라고 생각하며, 몇 가지 사실관계에 어긋나는 부분도 눈에 띕니다. 가령 MLP: FIM에 등장하는 서양 용(ドラゴン)은 1기 7회(ドラゴン注意報)에 나오는 붉은 용만 있는 게 아니며, 1기 24회(やきもちスパイク)에도 다른 색깔의 용이 등장하고, 아직 일본에서 방송 안한 2기 21회(Dragon Quest)에는 용들이 떼로 나옵니다. 결정적으로, Spike(スパイク)가 용이 아니면 무엇입니까?

이런 자잘자잘한 등장인물들은 팬들이 운영하는 위키인 일본어판 FIM Wikia에 맡기고, 일본어판 위키페디아에서는 자주 등장하는 인물에만 집중해야 합니다. 아니, 가공의 인물이 등장하는 매체를 다룬 다른 문서에서도 비슷하게 나아가고, 다른 자잘한 건 팬 위키에 맡겨야 합니다. 일본어판 위키페디아가 언제까지 팬들의 백과사전이 되야 합니까? JSH-alive/talk/cont/mail 2013年9月14日 (土) 15:29 (UTC)

해즈브로(ハズブロ)와 野村トーイ


ハズブロ 문서에서 野村トーイ 부분을 분리해야 하는 거 아닙니까? 野村トーイ가 말기에 해즈브로에 인수되어 일본 지사 노릇을 한것일 뿐, 이 두 회사는 근본부터 아무런 관련이 없습니다. 野村トーイ 문서 끝부분에 "1992년에 미국의 장난감 회사인 해즈브로에 인수되어 ハズブロージャパン으로 사명을 바꾸고 해즈브로의 일본 지사 역할을 하다 경영부진으로 1998년에 トミー에 매각됐다" 하고 적는 게 적당하지, 말기에 해즈브로에 인수됐다고 ハズブロ 문서에 뭉뚱그려 서술하는 건 진짜로 아닙니다. JSH-alive/talk/cont/mail 2013年9月14日 (土) 15:52 (UTC)

Help with Master of Martial Hearts


Would someone mind taking the character profiles in en:Talk:Master_of_Martial_Hearts#Character sheets for ZS2 and using them to expand en:Master of Martial Hearts?

Thanks WhisperToMe会話2013年10月13日 (日) 19:39 (UTC)

Help with an Image replacement Issue on a Userpage needed


I'm an more experienced wikimedia-user often working with WM-issues of improvement related to existing WM-images
(clearing up especially of en-text, general formatting and links; enhancing images themself; issues of naming and replacing with more suitable versions)
Now I've realized that (until now) the jp.wikipedia is the only one to hinder me replacing an userpage-image — thought of being obsolete — with a follower version.
And my above first asking for support from 2013-11-17 (22:59 UTC) seems to be unheard until now. ;-(

I think of it as a little unhappy situation ... anyone out there to help?

regards; for more communication please use my en-User-Page ; Jaybear会話2013年11月19日 (火) 10:01 (UTC)

Coat of arms of Gabriel de Aviles, Viceroy of the Río de la Plata


Hello! Please, I need help to translate this phrase: Coat of arms of Grabriel de Avilés, Viceroy of the Río de la Plata to Japanese to write down in the shield on ガブリエル・デ・アビレス・イ・デル・フィエーロ (第2代アビレス侯).

Is it possible that the translation would be リオ・デ・ラ・プラタ副王第2代アビレス侯ガブリエル・デ・アビレス・イ・デル・フィエーロ紋章 ?

I apologize for my japanese mistakes!

I hope it would not be too much trouble. Thanks in advance!--Duche de Cleves会話2013年11月23日 (土) 14:43 (UTC)

I need help to check this file 伊予鉄道_愛媛200か5127_-_01.jpg


This file's information is deleted, but the file is still alive. Please check it and delete if possible. Thanks!Jeffreyjhang会話2013年11月29日 (金) 04:22 (UTC)

Help translate from English


Hello. I am Xaris333 from Cyprus. I speak Greek and English. Can you help me translate 2 paragraphs from English to your language, about a football team? Pls answer at my talk page. Xaris333会話2013年12月6日 (金) 02:14 (UTC)

About the Font (フォントに関する)


I can't write Japanese well, so I am reporting the problem in English, but you can reply in Japanese because I can read it(日本語を読める).

I have already reported this problem to zh:Wikipedia:互助客栈/技术#字體變更?(Chinese). The problem is: browsers cannot switch characters to the correct font with {{Lang}}. See this page:

The Simplified Chinese characters (簡体字) is strange. The reason is they are not viewed in proper font. The proper 明朝体 of Simplified Chinese is 宋体(SimSun), but my browser view it in MS ゴシック!

This didn't happened yesterday, but I suppose that the cause is the update of Internet Explorer 11 (I checked the log and found that a update of IE was installed yesterday.). Anyway, since the update was published by Microsoft, many users might be affected. There are 2 ways of solving this problem:

  • To create templates like {{JIS2004フォント}} for both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
  • To make an improvement on {{Lang}}. (NOT RECOMMEND)

Thank you. ありがとう。--H2NCH2COOH会話2013年12月8日 (日) 03:01 (UTC)

This is due to a bug of IE11. The font in the settings is ignored. Lucas0123会話2013年12月14日 (土) 15:35 (UTC)



Is the image of a person with a bag over their head at 慰安婦の碑 vandalism? Google translate does a hideous job with Japanese so I can't tell. Magog the Ogre会話2013年12月28日 (土) 21:01 (UTC)

I do not consider the image as a result of vandalism, as the caption says "the statue covered with a mask in protest against installation." However, there might be more appropriate images to portray the subject.--T_suzu (Talk/History) 2013年12月28日 (土) 22:19 (UTC)
I understand that the image came from a YouTube video by Tony Marano (aka Texas Daddy).[7] [8] [9] I am inclined to see the video as a protest against false propaganda, but I also understand that our friends on the Korean peninsula would probably call it mindless vandalism. In any case, Texas Daddy appears to retain the copyright of the image so I do not think it is admissible in Wikipedia. --Dwy会話2013年12月29日 (日) 14:24 (UTC)