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Admin Coaching is a program designed to match experienced users with administrator hopefuls for one-on-one coaching. The experienced users, being better versed in the qualities expected of a prospective admin, help the hopefuls learn the ways of Wikipedia.


This program is designed for people who have figured out the basics of editing articles; they're not newcomers any more, but they might want some help in learning new roles. Some might like suggestions about how to learn vandal patrol, or mentoring on taking an article to featured status, or guidance with a proposal they plan to make at the Village Pump, for example.

管理者養成プログラムは、 管理者への立候補で信任されることを保証はしません。結局、それはあなたの責任であって、あなたのコーチの責任ではないのです。コーチはあなたにロープを教えるでしょうが、ロープで何をやるかはあなたの責任です。幸運を!

Admin Coaching does not guarantee that you will pass RfA. Ultimately, this is your responsibility, not the responsibility of your coach. A coach may teach you the ropes, but what you do with the ropes is up to you. Good luck!




Do not wait for the coordinator to do anything. The project coordinators do, at times, make efforts to contact people and connect students with coaches. However, if you wish to speed up the process, do this yourself. If you are a student who wants a coach, look at the status page and look for a coach without a student. If you are a coach and want a student, contact one near the top of the request list. Just do it. But please be sure to update the status and requests pages, so everyone knows what is going on.


The current project coordinators are MBisanz and Malinaccier. Please contact them if you have a question or concern.

指導を受ける前のチェックリスト(Checklist before requesting coaching)


A glance at the 'Requests for Adminship page will show that there are no official requirements for becoming a Wikipedia administrator. Anybody can apply regardless of their Wikipedia experience. However this does not mean that there are no standards to be aware of.

実際のところ、管理者権限は、パーセンテージや数ではなく、コミュニティの信頼と信用を基準として評価されます。また、それぞれの編集者は候補者が管理者となるに相応しいか評価する彼等自身の方法を持っているでしょう。誰もが立候補できるとはいえ、信任されなかった管理者への立候補を再査定すると、ただちにコミュニティが多くの不文の期待を持っていることが分かります。成功の見込みがほんの少ししかないと判断された立候補は早期終了されます; そのような信任されなかった候補者は、期待が明確に満たされなかった事例を例証しています。

The reality is that adminship is evaluated in terms of communal trust and confidence, not percentages and numbers, and each editor will have their own way to assess a candidate's readiness for the role. While anybody can apply, a review of failed RfAs will quickly show that members of the community have many unwritten expectations. Applications that are judged to have little chance of success are often closed early; such failed candidacies illustrate cases where expectations clearly are not being met.


Areas where many or most editors may have expectations include the breadth and duration of experience, stability and professionalism as a community member (quality of interaction), and understanding of the Wikipedia ethos and main policies. Other signs of helpfulness or work undertaken in the community are also looked on favorably. Whilst no specific numbers exist for any of these, it is often possible to identify areas where a number of editors will feel that sufficient experience has not yet been obtained.


In short, RfA is a process of discussion and assessment.

管理者要請プログラムの目的は、潜在的な候補者が管理者権限への適当な準備を整えられることを確実にするのを助けることです。一般的にいって、あなたの管理者コーチは あなたが管理者に立候補する前に、あなたの編集をレビューし、あなたがさらなる経験を積まなければならない、あるいはあなたの編集スタイルを変更しなくてはならない領域についての洞察を提供するでしょう。あなたのコーチは、あなたが立候補の潜在的な障害を評価することを助け、またあなたが管理者へ立候補する準備を助けるでしょう。

The purpose of the Admin Coaching Project is to help ensure that potential candidates are adequately prepared for adminship. Generally your admin coach will review your edits and provide insight as to areas where you should get more experience, or changing your editing style, before submitting an RfA. Your coach will help you to assess potential stumbling blocks and help prepare for your RfA.


Whilst it is possible that you will be accepted for coaching or pass an RfA despite not meeting the basic criteria below, if the quality of your work and your ability to get along with others merits it, in many cases editors who are very much below RfA standard should apply for adoption as a first stage, before applying for admin coaching.




Typical experience level for starting Admin Coaching[2]


Perceptions at RfA


Total edits[4]

1750 管理者立候補の候補者は、たいていの場合2000から3000を超える編集をもち、プロジェクトにおける活動の大量の履歴を持っています。もし、あなたの活動がおもに荒し対策であるならば、あなたは容易にこの数の二倍に到達するでしょう。もしあなたの作業の大部分が自動的なもの(荒し対策やそのほうな他のもの)ならば、他人の行動をパトロールするのと同じくらい、コンテンツをウィキペディアの記事に追加したことを示す準備しましょう。上記の数、つまり編集回数は、編集のよりもはるかに重要ではないことを覚えておいてください; 繰り返しの(同じような)編集は、管理者への準備として小さなことでしかありません。

Candidates at RfA often have upwards of 2000 - 3000 edits, showing an extensive history of activity on the project. If you are primarily a vandal fighter, you can easily double these numbers. If most of your work is automated (Twinkle, Anti-vandalism, and the like), be prepared to show a history of adding content to Wikipedia articles as well as patrolling others' actions. Note that above a certain number, edit count is far less important than edit quality; more (similar) edits do little to prepare for adminship.


Main space edits[4]

200 多くの利用者は、プロジェクトにおける標準名前空間(記事名前空間・メイン名前空間)での経験を欠いている人は、プロジェクトの中心的な問題と価値を認識していない傾向にある、という見方をとるでしょう。これにも関わらず、一定の数の管理者立候補(とくに、自分のプロジェクトにおける関心に正直な利用者、そのような利用者は一般的に、標準名前空間での活動を補うほど、標準名前空間以外での幅広く強い好ましい参加の履歴を示しています)は信任されています。多くの編集者にとって、500~1000くらいの(そして全編集における合理的な比率の)標準名前空間での編集は、典型的には最小のものです。10,000回の編集を持つものの、標準名前空間での編集を無視している候補者は、管理者立候補で信任されるのが難しいでしょう。

Many users will take a view that someone who lacks experience in the main article space of the project is inherently less likely to be aware of core issues and values of the project. A number of RfA's succeed despite this, especially users who are honest about their focus on the project; such users generally have shown a broad and strong history of positive involvement outside mainspace to compensate for this area. For most editors, around 500 - 1000 mainspace edits (and a reasonable proportion of all edits) would be a typical minimum. A candidate with 10,000 edits, but negligible mainspace edits may find it hard to pass an RfA.


Content writing


Should have a history of editing/contributing articles.

一定の数の編集者は、より明確に候補者がコンテンツを理解しており、手続きを理解しているだけではないことを示すために、たんに標準名前空間の履歴だけではなく、コンテンツを書いた肯定的な指標となる投稿が欲しいと感じています。典型的な例は、en:Wikipedia:Did you knowや、より好ましくはおすすめ記事です。秀逸な記事となる特筆すべき投稿は、とても望ましいです。

A number of editors go further than wanting a mainspace history, and feel that a positive measurable contribution to content-writing is desirable, to clearly demonstrate that a candidate is content aware, not just process aware. Typical examples include DYKs and preferably a Good Article. Significant contribution to a featured article is seen very positively.


Participation in XfD's


Desired, but not required.

削除審議は、編集者が具体的な問題への洞察力と理解力を示すキーとなる方法です(他には、Wikipedia:コメント依頼en:Wikipedia:Third opinion、そしてコンテンツに関係する掲示板での活動などもあるでしょう)。準管理者的な性質の判断を示すプロセスにおける意義深い活動は好意的に見られ、方針と規範がどのように働くかについてのあなたの理解のとても有力な証拠をコミュニティに提供するでしょう。この文脈における有効な数は30から100のどこかでしょうが、通常は、厳格な数値的基準は存在しません。

Deletion debates are a key way that an editor can show insight and perception in judging a specific matter. (RFC, 3O, and involvement in content-related noticeboards may be others). Significant involvement in processes that show judgment of a quasi-administrative nature are looked on favorably, and provide very good evidence to the community of your understanding of how policies and norms operate. Significant in this context would be anywhere from 30 to 100, but as usual, no hard figure exists.


Policies and guidelines


Prospective coachees should demonstrate an understanding of the basic policies and guidelines.


Prospective candidates should be able to research and find the appropriate policies and guidelines, and have a good working familiarity with the main policies and norms of the community. No user knows all of these, nor is RfA an examination of your knowledge of each one. A good working knowledge of norms and policies, and how they bear on situations you are likely to encounter is what is sought. If you do not know, then asking, or checking consensus, is a norm as well.

管理者立候補に先んじて、あなたが試す機会がないとしても、管理者ツールに関係する方針について学ばなければならないでしょう。これらのことを、en:WP:ANIで議論されている事例を読んだり、en:Category:Requests for unblockにリストされている利用者のコメントを検証したりすることによって、あなたは学ぶことができます。

You will have to learn about the policies related to admin tools, which you will not have the chance to try out prior to RfA. You can do this by reading examples of cases discussed at en:WP:ANI, or tracking the comments to users listed at en:Category:Requests for unblock.

削除審議(前述)などのような議論への投稿、質問への回答評価、彼等の記事の編集のような他のことから、〔方針や規範の〕熟知の優れた証拠が得られます。あなたがそのときだと感じるなら、方針のノートページ、Wikipedia:井戸端en:WP:ANIに見解を投稿することが奨励されます; もしあなたのコメントが助けになり、(理想的には)洞察に満ちたものであれば、他の人々、経験のある編集者、そして管理者の尊敬を得られるかもしれません。

Further evidence of familiarity comes from contribution to debates such as xFD (above), answering questions and assisting others with their editing of articles. You are encouraged, when you feel ready, to contribute views on policy talk pages, at the village pump policy page, and at en:WP:ANI; if your comments are helpful and (ideally) insightful, you can earn the respect of other, experienced editors and administrators.


If you edit and comment as intelligently and responsibly as an admin, you will be given the respect of an admin.


Number of active months on Wikipedia


3 months


Usually as with edit count, a significant history of active months is sought, typically a minimum of 6 - 8 months. Few editors will feel you can establish a track record in less than around 4-5 months of active editing.


History of incivility, vandalism or being blocked


An editor who is habitually or grossly uncivil or has been blocked, may need at least 3 months to put this in the past. Vandalism is more serious, implying a wilful desire to disrupt, and may need 6-9 months without incident before it will be considered genuinely a historic matter


Incivility in editing is one of the quickest ways to fail an RfA. As an administrator you will represent Wikipedia to new editors. No matter what you have seen from others, adminship at this time requires a fairly high general standard of patience and civility, and a long track record of civil good quality conduct.


If you have been blocked, people will definitely consider that, but will be open to explanations, since a block can happen for many reasons. Evidence as to whether a block shows a problem will be sought, but the community is often willing to trust people who were in that past blocked for a reason that does not reflect on the future, when a block was valid and the candidate deserved the block. Valid reasons for actions that lead to blocks, or overturned blocks, can largely eliminate the need for period of time to have elapsed to demonstrate that the behavior is unlikely to recur.


Vandalism or other actions that involve deliberate intention to disrupt (puppetry, for example) by contrast is serious, and it will often be a year or more before other editors are willing trust you with admin tools, if at all. The more serious an offense, the more there must be evidence that you have acknowledged your mistake(s) and that your edits demonstrate a change of attitude.


Breadth of exposure.


Should have involvement in to one to three different projects/tasks/etc.


User seeking RfA should have exposure to several projects/tasks/etc. This may be as few as 4 - 6, or "a wide breadth of exposure to many areas".

  1. ^ 候補者と指導者をマッチングするときは、ガイドラインの大部分を満たす人が優先されるでしょう。
  2. ^ When matching candidates to coaches, preference will be given to those who meet most of the guidelines.
  3. ^ a b 加えて、もしあなたの主要なウィキペディアへのかかわりが荒し対策である場合は、あなたは記事に適切にタグをつけ、利用者ページに告知をし、荒し報告をしていなくてはなりません。 編集者は、editcountitis(編集回数偏執? 編集回数水増し?)に注意しなくてはなりません。
  4. ^ a b Additionally, if your primary involvement on Wikipedia is Vandal Fighting, you should be tagging articles appropriately, posting notices on user pages, alerting AIV, etc. Editors should also be warned about editcountitis. The number of edits is ultimately less important than the quality of said edits.




So you feel that en:WP:Admin coaching isn't right for you at this time. Maybe you feel that you need more experience. Maybe you are happy editing and don't want the responsibility of the extra tools. Maybe you have some skeletons in your closet and need time and experience to regain the community's trust. These are some things you can do that will help you build experience regardless of your eventual goal.