


プロイセン十字軍 (英語Prussian Crusade ドイツ語: Preußenfahrt リトアニア語: Kryžiaus žygiai į Prūsiją) は、ドイツ騎士団を中心としたカトリック勢力が13世紀を通じて行った、異教徒プルーセン人(古プロイセン人)に対する征服・改宗活動。ポーランド人の諸侯がプロイセンに遠征し失敗したのを受け、1230年代にドイツ騎士団がこのバルト人勢力に対する戦争を始めた。13世紀が終わるまでに、数度のプルーセン蜂起を鎮圧したドイツ騎士団は、プロイセンを完全に支配下におさめドイツ騎士団国が成立した。









1225年[18]もしくは1228年[19]、14名の北ドイツ騎士がコンラト1世とフリスティアンに雇われ、騎士修道会を設立した。 彼らはまずクヤフスキ地方のツェドリッツの領地、次いでドブジン城を与えられ、ドブジン(ドブリン)騎士団と呼ばれるようになった[20]。彼らは当初はプルーセン人をヘウムノ地方から追い払うのに成功したものの、まもなく反撃を受けてほとんどの騎士が戦死し、残存者はポメラニアのシフィエントペウク2世に保護された。カラトラバ騎士団もグダンスク付近に拠点を置いたが、あまり成功しなかった。









これ以前のポーランド人の遠征は主に東方のプロイセンの荒野を標的としていたが、ドイツ騎士団はむしろ西方へ進み、ヴィスワ川沿いに砦を建設していく方針をとった。彼らは西方のキリスト教世界から十字軍戦士がやってくるたびに毎年遠征をおこなった。初期のプロイセン十字軍は、主にポーランド人、ドイツ人、ポメラニア人からなり、as well as some Prussian militiamen auxiliaries. The Polish and Pomerellian dukes proved essential through their providing of troops and bases. Most of the secular crusaders would return to their homes after the end of the campaigns, leaving the monastic Teutonic Knights the task of consolidating the gains and garrisoning the newly built forts, most of which were small and made of timber.[32] ポーランドのSome secular Polish knights were granted vacant territories, especially in Culmerland, although most of the conquered territory was retained by the Teutonic Order. Colonists from the Holy Roman Empire began to immigrate eastward, allowing the foundation of a new town each year, many of which were granted Kulm law.[33]

十字軍の最初の標的は、ペピンという男が率いるポメサニア人だった。The crusaders began campaigning against the neighboring Pomesanians and their leader Pepin. Advancing from Nessau (Nieszawa) with the aid of Conrad of Masovia, Balk took control of ruins at modern Toruń and advanced toward the pagan-occupied Rogów. A local Prussian captain defected and handed that castle to the crusaders, who then destroyed the Prussian fort of Quercz or Gurske. The defecting captain then tricked Pipin into being captured by the Knights, ending Prussian resistance in the Culmerland.[34] By 1232, the Knights had established or rebuilt fortresses at Culm (Chełmno) and Thorn. Pope Gregory IX called for reinforcements, which included 5,000 veterans under the leadership of the Burgrave of Magdeburg.[35]

1233年夏、騎士団は1万人の軍勢を率いて遠征をおこない[36]、 and established a fortress at Marienwerder (Kwidzyn) in Pomesania. The Pomerellian dukes Swantopelk and Sambor supported a smaller army for an invasion of Pogesania during the winter of 1233-34. After a close battle, the pagan Pogesanians were routed on the frozen Sirgune River by the arrival of the ducal cavalry, and the battlefield was subsequently known as the "Field of the Dead".[37] The building of a fortress at Rehden (Radzyń Chełmiński) stabilized the eastern Culmerland in 1234.[38]

プロイセン司教オリヴァのフリスティアンは征服地の3分の2の領有を主張し、残りをドイツ騎士団に与えようとした。。The bishop of Prussia, Christian of Oliva, claimed two-thirds of conquered territory, granting one-third to the Teutonic Order. The papal legate William of Modena mediated between the two sides, granting the Knights two-thirds but reserving extra rights for the bishop. The Teutonic Knights also sought the incorporation of the small Order of Dobrzyń into the larger Teutonic Order. Conrad of Masovia was furious with this proposal and demanded the return of the Dobrzyń Land, which the Knights were reluctant to do; Duke Conrad subsequently refused to aid the crusaders any further.[39] With the approval of the pope and the bishop of Płock, the Teutonic Knights assimilated the Order of Dobrzyń in a bull on April 19, 1235; the displeased Conrad of Masovia had the castle of Dobrzyń returned to him. In 1237 the Teutonic Knights assimilated the Sword-Brothers or Livonian Order, a military order active in Livonia, after they were nearly wiped out by Lithuanians in the Battle of Saule.

1236年、マイセン辺境伯ハインリヒ3世の援助を受けた十字軍はヴィスワ川の両岸から北上し、ポメサニア人の大部分を服属させた。翌1237年の遠征の際にはハインリヒ3世は参加しなかったものの、マイセン辺境伯としては2隻の大きな川舟を出して、プルーセン人の小舟を撃破した。トルソのプルーセン人の集落の近くにWith the support of Henry III, Margrave of Meissen, in 1236, the crusaders advanced north along both banks of the Vistula and forced the submission of most Pomesanians. Although Henry did not participate in the 1237 campaign against the Pogesanians, the margrave supplied the Order with two large river-boats which defeated the smaller craft used by the Prussian tribes. Near the Prussian settlement of Truso, Elbing (Elbląg) was founded with colonists from Lübeck, while Christburg (Dzierzgoń) protected the land east of Marienwerder.

1238年から1240年にかけて、ドイツ騎士団はヴァルミア、ナタンギア、ヴァルミアを攻撃した。しかしホネイダのヴァルミア人の砦を包囲していた小部隊が逆襲を受けて壊滅した[40]ため、マルシャルのディートリヒ・フォン・バーハイムがより大勢の軍勢を率いてホネイダにやってきた。ヴァルミア人の指揮官Kodruneが降伏・改宗の意思を見せるとホネイダの守備兵が彼を殺したが、結局この砦はディートリヒによって陥落した [41]。 The fort on the Vistula Lagoon was renamed Balga and rebuilt in 1239 to protect the Order's territory in Ermeland. A Prussian counterattack to reclaim the fort failed, and the local Prussian leader Piopso was killed.[42] Seasonal reinforcements led by Otto I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, consolidated Teutonic control over Natangia and Bartia.



また十字軍の騎兵やクロスボウ兵が慣れない森林がちの地勢に悩まされる一方で、この地を熟知しているプルーセン人はより小規模で機動力のある部隊をつくって十字軍を苦しめた。プルーセン人やポメレリア人はドイツ騎士団の砦の大半を奪い、1244年のレンゼンの戦いでは騎士団を破ったが、騎士団の息の根を止めるための攻城能力が欠如していた。While the Prussian and Pomerellian troops captured the majority of the Order's castles and defeated the Knights at Rensen in 1244, they lacked the siege capabilities to finish the Knights off. The Germans used their politics and diplomacy to divide Swantopelk from the Prussians. The Poles sought the Pomerellian prince's territory along the Vistula, while the papal legate, the future Pope Urban IV, wanted the Christians to direct their energies against pagans instead of each other. Swantopelk ceased aiding the Prussians in 1248, while most of the latter agreed to peace in the Treaty of Christburg in February 1249. The treaty granted civil liberties and considerable autonomy to native converts to Christianity. While the majority of tribes followed the terms of the treaty, intermittent fighting continued until 1253, with the Natangians even defeating the Order at Krücken in November 1249.


1250年代に西部のプルーセン人を服属させた後、北や東へ勢力を拡大しようとしたドイツ騎士団は、サンビアで多くの人口を有していたサンビア人と衝突した。騎士団の指揮官ハインリヒ・シュタンゴ・フォン・クリシュトブルクは、1252年にヴィスワ・ラグーンを横断し、異教徒の聖地ロムヴァを攻撃しようとしたが、サンビア人に敗れ、シュタンゴは戦死した[43]。教皇と騎士団新総長ポッポ・フォン・オシュテルナは、巻き返しを図るために対サンビア人十字軍の結成を説き始めた。1253年、ポッポと地区司令官のディートリヒ・フォン・グリューニゲン、それにマイセン辺境伯はガリンディア人の反乱を鎮圧したが、十分な懲罰を加えることができなかった。あまり圧力を強めると、彼らがポーランド人のもとに逃れてしまう恐れがあったためである[44]。教皇インノケンティウス4世はドミニコ会の僧に十字軍を触れ回らせ、騎士団もハンガリー、ボヘミア、その他神聖ローマ帝国の諸侯に援助を求める使節を派遣した。ドイツ騎士団が十字軍の結集を待っている間に、リヴォニア騎士団はメーメルを建設し、 With the rebellious tribes pacified, Pope Innocent IV directed Dominican monks to preach the crusade, and the Order sent embassies to the Kings of Hungary, Bohemia, and the princes of the Holy Roman Empire. While the Order waited for the crusaders to arrive in Prussia, the Livonian branch founded Memel (Klaipėda) along the Curonian Lagoon to prevent the Samogitians from assisting the Sambians.

Later campaigns[編集]

バルティア、ナタンギア、ヴァルミアはキリスト教に改宗したが、東方のスドヴィア(ヤドヴァグ族)とリトアニアは異教信仰を守り、ドイツ騎士団との抗争を続けていた。プロイセン蜂起の際、スカルマンタス率いるヤドヴァグ族がバルティアのLed by Skalmantas during the Great Uprising, the Sudovians sacked Bartenstein (Bartoszyce) in Bartia, which was to be the focal point of their borders. Defenseless against the Sudovians, the Natangians and Bartians allied with the Teutonic Knights for protection, although little assistance could be provided initially. The Christian Natangians clans gathered in 1274 and killed 2,000 of the Sudovian raiders; Grand Master Anno von Sangerhausen recruited Thuringians and Meisseners to complete the Teutonic recovery of Natangia.[45]

その後、ドイツ騎士団はThe Teutonic Knights then used Nadrovia and Memel as bases against Scalovia on the lower Memel River. Scalovia would then serve as a base against pagan Samogitia, which separated Teutonic Prussia from Teutonic Livonia. Because of this threat, the Lithuanians provided assistance to the pagan Scalovians, and the crusaders and pagans each engaged in border raids to distract enemy forces. Because the pagans were strongly defended in the wilderness, the Teutonic Knights focused on travelling up the Memel River toward the strong pagan fort Ragnit. Theodoric of Samland led 1,000 men in the assault. Artillery fire forced the defenders from the ramparts, allowing the crusaders to storm the walls with ladders and slaughter most of the pagans. Theodoric also captured Romige on the other bank of the Memel. The Scalovians retaliated by sacking Labiau near Königsberg. Conrad von Thierberg escalated the conflict by sending a large raid against Scalovia. Nicholas von Jeroschin documented the crusaders as killing and capturing numerous pagans. When the Scalovian warriors went in pursuit of the captured pagans, Conrad shattered the would-be rescuers in an ambush which killed the pagan leader, Steinegele. Most Scalovian nobles quickly surrendered to the Knights in the battle's aftermath.[46]

1283年夏、コンラート・フォン・ティアーベルクがプロイセンの長に任じられ、 Conrad von Thierberg the Younger was named Provincial Master of Prussia and led a large army into Sudovia, finding little resistance. The Knight Ludwig von Liebenzell, who had once been a captive of the Sudovians, negotiated the surrender of 1,600 Sudovians and their leader Katingerde, who were subsequently resettled in Samland. Most of the remaining Sudovians were redistributed to Pogesania and Samland; Skalmantas was pardoned and allowed to settle at Balga. Sudovia was left unpopulated, becoming a border wilderness that protected Prussia, Masovia, and Volhynia from the Lithuanians.[47] The Prussians rebelled in short-lived uprisings in 1286 and 1295, but the crusaders firmly controlled the Prussian tribes by the end of the 13th century.

  • Christiansen, Erik (1997) (ドイツ語). The Northern Crusades. London: Penguin Books. p. 287. ISBN 0-14-026653-4 
  • Fahne, Anton (1875) (ドイツ語). Livland: Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen- und Sitten-Geschichte. Düsseldorf: Schaub'sche Buchhandlung. p. 240. ISBN 0-14-019501-7 
  • Gieysztor, Aleksander; Stefan Kieniewicz; Emanuel Rostworowski; Janusz Tazbir; Henryk Wereszycki (1979) (ドイツ語). History of Poland. Warsaw: PWN. p. 668. ISBN 83-01-00392-8 
  • Halecki, Oskar (1970). A History of Poland. New York: Roy Publishers. p. 366. ISBN 0-679-51087-7 
  • McClintock, John; James Strong (1883). Cyclopædia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature: Vol. VIII: PET-RE. New York: Harper & Brothers. p. 1086 
  • Perlbach, Max (1886) (ドイツ語). Preussisch-Polnische Studien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters. Halle: Max Niemeyer. p. 128 
  • Seward, Desmond (1995). The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders. London: Penguin Books. p. 416. ISBN 0-14-019501-7 
  • Töppen, Max (1853) (ドイツ語). Geschichte der Preussischen Historiographie von P. v. Dusburg bis aus auf K. Schütz. Berlin: Verlag von Wilhelm Hertz. p. 290 
  • Urban, William (2003). The Teutonic Knights: A Military History. London: Greenhill Books. p. 290. ISBN 1-85367-535-0 
  • Wyatt, Walter James (1876). The History of Prussia, Volume 1. London: Longmans, Green and Co.. p. 506 
  • Livonian Crusade
  • Wendish Crusade
  • Prussian Uprisings


  1. ^ Christiansen, p. 38
  2. ^ Gieysztor, p. 50
  3. ^ Wyatt, pp. 22-23
  4. ^ Wyatt, p. 24
  5. ^ Gieysztor, p. 77
  6. ^ Recent Issues in Polish Historiography of the Crusades Archived 2007-11-28 at the Wayback Machine. Darius von Güttner Sporzyński. 2005
  7. ^ Urban, p. 50
  8. ^ Gieysztor, p. 69
  9. ^ Wyatt, p. 29
  10. ^ Wyatt, p. 47
  11. ^ Urban, p. 51
  12. ^ Gieysztor, p. 94
  13. ^ Wyatt, p. 32
  14. ^ Gieysztor, p. 93
  15. ^ a b Wyatt, p. 33
  16. ^ Wyatt, p. 34
  17. ^ Wyatt, p. 39
  18. ^ McClintock, p. 720
  19. ^ Perlbach, p. 61
  20. ^ Wyatt, p. 36
  21. ^ Christiansen, p. 82
  22. ^ Wyatt, p. 81
  23. ^ Christiansen, p. 83
  24. ^ Dariusz Sikorski, 'Neue Erkenntnisse ueber das Kruschwitzer Privileg' in Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 51 (2002), p. 317-350
  25. ^ Halecki, p. 35
  26. ^ Urban, p. 43
  27. ^ Due to a clerical mistake by Peter von Dusburg, the arrival of the Teutonic Knights has sometimes been given as 1226; see Töppen, pp. 276-79. Töppen states von Landsberg arrived in Masovia in 1230, while Fahne states von Landsberg arrived ca. 1228; see Fahne, p. 50
  28. ^ Fahne, p. 50
  29. ^ Töppen, p. 276
  30. ^ Urban, p. 52
  31. ^ Seward, p. 101
  32. ^ Christiansen, p. 106
  33. ^ Urban, p. 57
  34. ^ Wyatt, pp. 92-93
  35. ^ Wyatt, p. 95
  36. ^ Urban, p. 56
  37. ^ Wyatt, p. 99
  38. ^ Christiansen, p. 105
  39. ^ Wyatt, p. 101
  40. ^ Wyatt, p. 143
  41. ^ Wyatt, p. 151
  42. ^ Wyatt, p. 152
  43. ^ Wyatt, pp. 203-204
  44. ^ Wyatt, pp. 209-210
  45. ^ Urban, p. 63
  46. ^ Urban, p. 67
  47. ^ Urban, p. 78



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