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愛称 The Nugget,
Ginger Magician,
Romford Slim
公式戦 28
非公式戦 47
世界選手権 1981, 1983, 1984, 1987–1989

スティーブ・デイビス, OBE, (Steve Davis OBE1957年8月22日 - )は、イギリスイングランド)・ロンドンプラムステッド出身のプロスヌーカー選手で、1980年代の6回の世界選手権優勝を含む、最も多くプロタイトルを獲得した選手である。

スティーブ・デイビスの最も活躍した期間は1980年代であり、彼は7年間スヌーカー世界ランク1位になり、8度の世界選手権決勝進出を果たした。彼は最初にテレビ放映の試合で147ブレイクを達成し、またスポーツ選手で最初に100万ポンドを稼いだ選手であった。Davis' most successful spell came during the 1980s, when he was the snooker world number one for seven years and reached eight world finals; along the way, he recorded the first televised 147 break and became the sport's first millionaire. 1980年代のスティーブ・デイビスの活躍を表して、当時の英国首相よりも頻繁にテレビに出ていたと言われている。Such was Davis' dominance in the 1980s, a popular saying suggested that he was on television more often than the Prime Minister of the time.[1]

1997年以来主要なタイトルからは遠ざかっているが、今もなお高いレベルでスヌーカーをプレーし続けており、ほぼ毎年世界のスヌーカープレーヤーのトップ16にランクインし続けている。2007/2008シーズンも15位であった。近年は、BBCのスヌーカー番組のスタジオ解説者としてテレビ出演のキャリアも積んでいる。Although he has failed to win a major title since 1997, Davis continues to play snooker at a high level, retaining his place in the elite world top-16 players almost every year. For the 2007–08 snooker season, he was ranked number 15. In recent years, Davis has also developed a television career as a studio analyst during the BBC's snooker coverage.

スティーブ・デイビスはナインボールの欧州とアメリカ合衆国のチーム対抗戦、モスコニカップの第1回に出場したことで、ポケットビリヤードの選手としても少々有名である。Davis also has some notability as a pool player and by playing in the first annual Europe versus US Mosconi Cup team nine-ball competition.

スヌーカーの戦歴Snooker career


初期の戦歴Early career


1976年の19歳以下のビリヤード選手権に優勝するなど、スヌーカーとイングリッシュビリヤードの両方の年代別タイトルを獲得したアマチュア時代の素晴らしい戦績をあげた後、デイビスはLuciania snooker empireのロンフォード(ロンドン東部のハヴァリング特別区の街)支部でプレーしていた。そこは彼が12歳のときに、プロスヌーカー選手のビック・ハリスによってデイビスの才能がバリー・ハーンの注目を受けるようになった場所である。After a successful amateur career in which he won age-group titles in both snooker and English billiards, winning Under-19 Billiards Championship in 1976,[2] Davis played at the Romford branch of the Luciania snooker empire where, at the age of 12, his talent was brought to the notice of Barry Hearn by professional player Vic Harris.[3] Davis ended his amateur career with international honours. One of his last wins as an amateur was against another future professional Tony Meo in the final to win the Pontins Open Championship.[4] スティーブ・デイビスは1978年の9月にプロに転向し、ポットブラックというトーナメントでテレビに初登場した。1979年にスヌーカーの世界選手権に初登場し、1回戦でデニス・テイラーに11対13で敗れた。 Davis turned professional in September 1978 and made his television debut on Pot Black where he played namesake Fred Davis.[5] He made his debut at the World Snooker Championship in 1979,[6] losing 11–13 to Dennis Taylor in the first round.[7]

世界のスヌーカーの支配Dominance of world snooker


アレックス・ヒギンズには敗れたが、その前に前年優勝のテリー・グリフィスを破り準々決勝に進出した1980年の世界選手権での彼のプレーの後、デイビスは公に注目されることになった。Davis came to public prominence after his performance at the 1980 World Championship, where he reached the quarter-finals, knocking out defending champion Terry Griffiths en route,[8] before losing to Alex Higgins.デイビスは同じ年に初のメジャータイトルとなるUK Snooker Championship で優勝した。それは彼のライバルである2人、グリフィスを準決勝で9-0、ヒギンズを16-6で破っての優勝であった。Davis won his first major title in the same year - the UK Championship - during which he beat two of his close rivals, Griffiths 9–0 in the semi-finals and Higgins 16–6 in the final.[9] これは18ヶ月間に及ぶ支配の期間の始まりであった。This began an 18-month period of domination. 彼は1981年にWilson's Classic、Yamaha International Mastersとイングランドの複数のプロタイトルに勝利し、13シードにもかかわらず、ブックメーカーたちに1981年の世界選手権優勝の最右翼と好まれるようになった。He won the Wilson's Classic and then the Yamaha International Masters and English Professional titles in 1981,[2] and became the bookmakers' favourite to win the 1981 World Chanpionship, despite being seeded only 13.[要出典] 開幕戦で若き日のジミー・ホワイトに10-8で苦戦して勝った後、2回戦でヒギンズを、準々決勝でグリフィスをそれぞれ破り、ある場面で1時間以上もボールをポットすることができないという大苦戦した準決勝でディフェンディングチャンピオンのクリフ・ソーバーンを破った。After struggling to a 10–8 win over a young Jimmy White in the opening round, he defeated Higgins in the second round and Griffiths in the quarter-finals respectively, before outlasting defending champion Cliff Thorburn in a gruelling semi-final, during which Davis at one stage went for over an hour without potting a ball.[要出典] デイビスが18-12でドウ・マウントジョイを破り優勝した決勝戦は、世界チャンピオンとしての彼の地位を確立し、その祝賀会では彼のマネージャーのバリー・ハーンがデイビスを高く掲げて試合会場を突っ切った。Davis' 18–12 victory over Doug Mountjoy in the final confirmed his status as the world champion, and in celebration his manager Barry Hearn charged across the arena to lift him up in the air.[10] He would go on to reach seven out of the next eight world finals.

彼は続いてJameson Internationalでデニス・テイラーを9-0で破り世界タイトルを獲得し、1981年のUK Championshipでは準決勝でホワイトを9-0で完封勝ちし、決勝でグリフィスを16-3で破り、タイトルを守った。He followed up his world title win with a 9–0 final victory over Dennis Taylor in the Jameson International and then retained the UK Championship with a 9–0 whitewash over White in the semi-finals and a 16–3 win over Griffiths in the final.[9] これはほとんどのメジャー大会の決勝でデイビスとグリフィスが戦うこととなる6ヶ月間の始まりとなった。This began a period of six months in which Davis and Griffiths contested almost all the major tournament finals.この快進撃の中の1982年1月、オルドハムのQueen Elizabeth Hallで行われたLada Classicで、決勝戦はグリフィスに9-8で敗れたが、ジョン・スペンサー戦でテレビ中継中に史上初めて147ブレークを達成し、テレビのスポーツの歴史を作った。 During this run, in January 1982, Davis made television sporting history when he compiled the first televised 147 maximum break at the Lada Classic at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Oldham, against John Spencer,[11] though he was beaten 9–8 in the final by Griffiths.[12] 彼はその決勝での敗北を、2月に彼の3つ目のタイトルとなるMastersの決勝でお返しした。He made amends for that defeat in February by beating Griffiths in the final of the Masters, the first of his three titles there.[13]

デイビスの18ヶ月間に及ぶ支配の期間の終焉は1982年4月だった。それは、1982年のWorld Snooker Championshipの1回戦でトニー・ノウルズに1-10で敗れ、初めて世界チャンピオンとしてクルーシブルシアターに戻ってきたときに受ける「クルーシブルの呪い」の犠牲者となったことであった。「Davis' 18-month period of total dominance ended in April 1982 when, falling victim to the Crucible Curse affecting first-time world champions on their return to the Crucible, Davis suffered a 10–1 loss to Tony Knowles in the first round at the 1982 World Snooker Championship.[7] その年の後半、彼は準々決勝でグリフィスに敗れ、UK Snooker Championshipの3連覇を逃した。Later that year, he was denied a third consecutive UK title with defeat in the quarter-finals to Griffiths.[要出典] それらの2つの後退に続いて、彼は4つ目の世界タイトルWorld Doubles Championship をトニー・メオとのペアで制した。Following those two setbacks, he won the first of four World Doubles titles with partner Tony Meo.[2] Davis regained the world title the following season with a session in the final to spare, defeating an overwhelmed Thorburn 18–6; Thorburn had seen his previous three matches go to a deciding frame and a late finish.[14] Davis lost 16–15 to Higgins in the 1983 UK Championship final,[9] despite having led 7–0 in the opening stages.[15] In 1984, he became the first man to retain his world title at the Crucible Theatre by beating Jimmy White 18–16 in the final.[16] He also regained the UK title in 1984 by beating Higgins 16–8 and thereafter held it until his defeat in the semi-finals in 1988 to the up-and-coming Stephen Hendry, comprehensively beating Neal Foulds in the 1986 final and then White 16–14 in the close-fought 1987 final.[9] Davis had looked set to lose the 1985 final to Willie Thorne who, leading 13–8 in the best of 31 frames match, missed a blue which would have given him a 14–8 lead. Davis won the frame and then seven of the next eight to win 16–14.[9]

Black ball final


One of his most memorable matches was one he lost: the 1985 World Championship final against Dennis Taylor. Davis seemed set for his third consecutive win, with an opening session of near-faultless snooker giving him a 7–0 lead, which was extended to 8–0 in the evening session, before Taylor bounced back to trail only 7–9. From 12–12 the pair traded frames before Davis forged ahead to lead 17–15. However, Taylor clawed his way back to 17–17 and the match went into a deciding frame. With the scores close, Taylor potted to the final colours to leave the black as the winner-takes-all ball. After a series of safety shots and attempts at potting it, Davis overcut the black, leaving Taylor with a reasonably straightforward pot to secure the championship. The "nailbiting" finale drew 18.5 million viewers, a record post-midnight audience on British television and a record audience for BBC Two.[17] The Template:Cuegloss finish was voted the ninth greatest sporting moment of all time in a 2002 Channel 4 poll.[18]

Davis holding the World Championship Trophy

He gained a measure of revenge over Taylor shortly afterwards, winning their Rothmans Grand Prix final, also in the deciding frame, and with a 2:14am finishing time.[要出典] At the 1986 World Championship, having seen off White 13–5 in the quarter-finals and Thorburn 16–12 in a gruelling semi-final, Davis faced 150–1 outsider Joe Johnson in the final, but lost 18–12 to the Yorkshireman.[19] The result did not affect his position at the top of the world rankings, as he had won the UK, the Grand Prix and the British Open in the past year.[要出典] At the end of 1986 he beat Neal Foulds to win the UK Championship.[9]

Davis started 1987 well as he won the Mercantile Credit Classic in January, beating defending champion Jimmy White 13–12.[要出典] At the World Championship, he met Johnson in the final again, and regained the title by winning 18–14.[20] In doing so, he also became the first player to win the UK Championship, Masters and World Championship in the same year (this feat has since been equalled by Stephen Hendry, John Higgins and Mark J. Williams).[要出典] Davis went into the 1988 World Championship, having won the Fidelity International and the UK Championship. He also retained the Mercantile Credit Classic and regained the Masters title which included a 9–0 whitewash of Mike Hallett, regained the World Cup with England and won his fourth Irish Masters title.[要出典] In the World Championship itself he rarely Template:Cuegloss, beating Hallett 13–1, Tony Drago 13–4 and Thorburn 16–8 en route to the final, where at 8–8 with Griffiths after two sessions, he pulled away to secure his fifth world title, winning 18–11.[21] In the 1988–89 season Davis won the Grand Prix, beating Alex Higgins in the final, but his unbeaten run of four UK Championship titles came to an end with a 9–3 loss to Hendry in the 1988 semi-final. He did not win another major title that season until the World Championship, when he completed the heaviest victory in a world final of the modern era with an 18–3 victory over John Parrott.[22] In the same tournament he also set the record for the fewest frames conceded (23) at an individual world championship en route to winning it. By the end of the 1980s, he was snooker's first millionaire.[2]

Later years


As of February 2008, that win was Davis' last world title, though he continued to compete and win tournaments into the 1990s. His last major win as World number one was the 1989 Grand Prix, in which he beat Dean Reynolds 10–0 in the final;[23] Davis did not win another major title until the 1992 Mercantile Credit Classic.[要出典] In the 1990 World Championship, Jimmy White denied him an eighth consecutive final appearance when he won their semi-final 16–14.[24] Davis was replaced as world number one by Stephen Hendry at the end of the 1989–90 season. For the most part he has retained his place in the top 16, and reached the semi-finals in the World Championships again in 1991 and 1994.[25][26] Among other victories, he won four of his eight Irish Masters titles, the European Open, the Mercantile Credit Classic and consecutive Welsh Open titles during the early 1990s.[要出典] His successful defence of his Welsh Open title in 1995 is to date his last ranking title.[27]

Arguably the most memorable of his later tournament wins came in the Masters in 1997. Trailing his opponent Ronnie O'Sullivan 8–4 in the final, he won the next six frames to secure a 10–8 win.[28] That win remains his last in a major snooker tournament. Davis dropped out of the top 16 after the 2000 World Championship and failed to qualify for the championship for the next two years,[要出典] before subsequently enjoying an up-turn in form and winning his place back in the 2003–2004 season. He was runner-up in the Welsh Open to O'Sullivan in 2004, losing 9–8 after having led 8–5,[27] while in 2005, he reached the quarter finals of the World Championships before losing to eventual winner Shaun Murphy.[29]

The 2005 UK Championship, held in York in December 2005, saw Davis' most successful performance at a major tournament for several years. He reached his 100th career final by beating defending champion Stephen Maguire 9–8 despite having trailed 7–4, a win which included a 145 break in the penultimate frame; and then Stephen Hendry (for the first time in twelve years) 9–6 in the semi-finals. In the final he met the rising Chinese star Ding Junhui, who is thirty years his junior - equalling the largest-ever disparity in ages between ranking tournament finalists[要出典] - but lost 10–6.[30] Despite losing, it took him to third place in the provisional rankings, his highest position in a decade.[要出典] In the same season he reached the second round of the World Championships, again losing to Murphy.[30] Davis' performances through the 2006–07 season, including reaching the UK Championship quarter-finals and the Welsh Open semi-finals, ensured he "achieved his dream" to still be a top-16 player at the age of 50.[31]

As of 2008, Davis has won a record 73 professional titles, excluding his two English Professional titles, 28 of them in ranking events.[32] His record of six world titles in the modern era has been bettered only by Stephen Hendry and no player has yet matched his tally of six UK titles. Davis has also compiled over 300 competitive centuries during his career.[33]



In the book Master of the Baize, a detailed comparison and ranking of snooker pros, authors Luke Williams and Paul Gadsby rated Davis among the top three greatest snooker players of all time.[34]

Pool and Billiards


In 1994, Steve Davis began playing in professional nine-ball pool events regularly.[要出典] He is partly responsible for the institution of the Mosconi Cup,[要出典] a multi-day competition between teams from Europe and the USA, inspired by and based on the format of golf's Ryder Cup. He has represented Europe in the tournament on eleven occasions,[35] and was a member of the team's 1995 and 2002 wins; his victory against the US's Earl Strickland clinched the 2002 competition for Europe.[36]

He has taken notable victories in his pool career, including his "shock" winning streak at the 2000 World Pool Championship, where he cameback from an 8–2 deficit to take 9–8 win over then-reigning world champion Efren Reyes, following it up with victories over 1997 world champion Ralf Souquet and 1998 champion Takahashi Kunihiko.[要出典] In 2001, Davis nearly won his first title in pool at the World Pool League. However, Efren Reyes defeated him in 9–5 the final.[37] Pool commentator Sid Waddell gave him the nickname "Romford Slim",[38] suggesting him to be the UK's answer to the famous American pool player Rudolph "Minnesota Fats" Wanderone.

He dislikes eight-ball pool as played on English-style tables in British pubs and clubs, considering it a "Mickey Mouse" game because of its under-sized cue ball in relation to the other balls.[39]

In the past Davis occasionally played in professional English billiards tournaments.

Off the table


Davis has become known for his coolness and impeccable conduct in high-pressure situations, earning himself the nicknames "The Ginger Magician" and "The Nugget". [40] His initial lack of emotional expression and somewhat monotonous interviewing style earned him a reputation as boring. As a result, the satirical television series Spitting Image gave him the ironic nickname Steve 'Interesting' Davis.[41] Davis himself has long played upon this image, particularly as a pundit and commentator for the BBC's snooker coverage and as a guest on television quizzes such as They Think It's All Over.[42] In 2007, his image is being used as "reliable" in a series of advertisements for Irish Life.[43]

ファイル:How to be really interesting by Steve Davis book cover.jpg
How To Be Really Interesting front cover

He is co-author (with Geoff Atkinson) of the comedy book How To Be Really Interesting (1988) and the more serious Steve Davis Plays Chess (1995) (with David Norwood).[44] In 1988, Davis was named the BBC Sports Personality of the Year and was made an MBE.[45] He was awarded an OBE in 2001,[28] and is currently honorary president of the Snooker Writers' Association.[46]

Davis has taken up his non-snooker interests in the public arena too. In 1983, he hosted The Steve Davis Sports Quiz for Channel 4 and later a soul music show for commercial radio stations, titled Steve Davis' Interesting Soul. Since 1996 he has presented a show dedicated to Progressive Rock and the Canterbury Scene on his local radio station, Phoenix FM.[47] He is also a keen chess player and was, for a while, the President of the British Chess Federation.[48] He also appeared in a Heinz Baked Beans advertisement in the 1980s (featuring snooker commentator Ted Lowe with the pay-off line "really interesting" and Davis 'assessing' his beans on toast as if it were a snooker situation, and chalking his cutlery)[49] and Crosse and Blackwell adverts in 1994.[要出典]

He has also become a proficient poker player, with successful appearances at televised tournaments;[要出典] one of these included an appearance at the final table together with fellow snooker player Jimmy White, who eventually won.[要出典] Later, at the 2006 World Series of Poker, Davis finished 579th in the no limit Texas hold 'em main event, winning $20,617.[50] Davis is a big fan of the French progressive rock band Magma, and even organised a concert in London so he could watch them.[51] He is on the board of Leyton Orient football club, which he has revealed to be more of a gimmick; Davis has been Charlton Athletic fan most of his life,[52] and Barry Hearn is the Orient chairman.[要出典]

He lives in Brentwood, Essex, is divorced and has two sons.[38]

Tournament wins






Notes and references

  1. ^ “Steve Davis, OBE”. Sporting Life. http://www.sportinglife.com/snooker/general/profiles/sdavis/ 2007年1月2日閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b c d Chris Turner (2004年). “Player Profile: Steve Davis”. The Global Snooker Centre. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  3. ^ Chris Turner and Janie Watkins (2005年). “Player Profile: Tony Drago”. The Global Snooker Centre. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  4. ^ Steve Davis”. Matchroom Sport. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  5. ^ Tributes to cue king Fred Davis”. BBC News (1998年4月16日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  6. ^ John Dee (2004年1月26日). “Snooker: Davis happy to return to elite”. The Daily Telegraph. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  7. ^ a b Snooker: Hicks heaps misery on erring Davis”. The Independent (1995年4月19日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  8. ^ A Profile for Terry Griffiths”. Terry Griffiths Matchroom. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  9. ^ a b c d e f UK Championship history”. BBC Sport (2002年11月28日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  10. ^ 1981: Davis begins his reign”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  11. ^ Steve Davis, OBE” (2006年). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  12. ^ Carl Marsden (2007年9月5日). “Piece of snooker history ended up at rugby club”. Oldham Advertiser. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  13. ^ Masters roll of honour”. BBC Sport (2008年1月7日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  14. ^ 1983: Davis' title but Thorburn's 147”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  15. ^ Back from the dead”. BBC Sport (2000年11月28日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  16. ^ 1984: Davis outshines White”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  17. ^ 1985: The black ball final”. BBC Sport (2002年4月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  18. ^ “100 GREATEST SPORTING MOMENTS – RESULTS”. Channel4.com. http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/G/greatest/sporting_moments/results.html 2007年4月16日閲覧。 
  19. ^ 1986: Johnson stuns snooker world”. BBC Sport (2002年4月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  20. ^ 1987: Davis' revenge on Johnson”. BBC Sport (2002年4月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  21. ^ 1988: Davis does it again”. BBC Sport (2002年4月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  22. ^ 1989: Davis makes it six”. BBC Sport (2002年4月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  23. ^ Chris Turner (June 2002). “Player Profile: Dean Reynolds”. The Global Snooker Centre. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  24. ^ 1990 - Cue Stephen Hendry”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  25. ^ 1991: Parrott finally gets reward”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  26. ^ 1994: Hendry beats White in classic”. BBC Sport (2002年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  27. ^ a b Welsh Open: Previous winners”. BBC Sport (2005年1月14日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  28. ^ a b Biographies; Steve Davis: Presenter”. BBC Press Office (2007年). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  29. ^ Saj Chowdhury (2005年4月27日). “Murphy beats Davis to reach semis”. BBC Sport. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  30. ^ a b WORLD SNOOKER - Steve Davis”. Sporting Life. 2008年2月26日閲覧。
  31. ^ “Davis Rolls Back The Years”. Yahoo. ( エラー: この日付はリンクしないでください。). http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/05052007/4/davis-rolls-years.html 2007年5月11日閲覧。 
  32. ^ The Global Snooker Centre
  33. ^ Chris Turner's Snooker Archive: Snooker's Top Century Makers” (2007年). 2007年4月15日閲覧。
  34. ^ “Hendry rated as best-ever player”. BBC. ( エラー: この日付はリンクしないでください。). http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/snooker/4444185.stm 2007年1月2日閲覧。 
  35. ^ EU History”. Matchroom. 21 April閲覧。
  36. ^ “Europe Win Mosconi Cup For First Time Since 1995”. 9ballpool.co.uk. ( エラー: この日付はリンクしないでください。). http://www.9ballpool.co.uk/news/story.html?id=87 2007年4月21日閲覧。 
  37. ^ World Pool League Back In Poland” (2001年). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  38. ^ a b Steve Davis”. Inside Pool (2004年). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  39. ^ "9 Ball News: Uk8ball.com interviews Steve Davis at the nineball worlds"”. UK8Ball.com ( エラー: この日付はリンクしないでください。). 2007年5月3日閲覧。 Davis made it clear that he is only critical of the game when it is played with an undersized cue ball (which is not the case in WPA competition nor in the IPT-style stripes-and-solids game more broadly known as eight-ball.
  40. ^ Profile on worldsnooker.com”. World Snooker (2008年). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  41. ^ Mr Interesting...On the Spot”. BBC Lancashire. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  42. ^ "They Think It's All Over"”. Internet Movie Database. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  43. ^ Snapshot of our Select investments”. Irish Life. 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  44. ^ Davis, Steve; David Norwood (September 1995). Steve Davis Plays Chess. B.T. Batsford Ltd. ISBN 0-7134-7813-6 
  45. ^ Sports Personality 2006 - Past winners: 1988-1992”. BBC (2003年11月27日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  46. ^ Jonathan Rawcliffe & Phil Harlow (2005年). “Crucible Diary - Day Two”. BBC Sport. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  47. ^ The Interesting Alternative Show”. 2007年4月20日閲覧。
  48. ^ FIDE Honours” (2007年). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  49. ^ Davis: An 'interesting' legend”. BBC Sport (2001年4月12日). 2008年2月25日閲覧。
  50. ^ Player Database - Results for Steve Davis”. CardPlayer.com. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  51. ^ Lee Honeyball (2004年). “My obsession”. The Observer. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  52. ^ Nicoli, Luke (November 2007). “Steve Davis”. FourFourTwo: 110. 
  53. ^ a b Became a ranking tournament in 1984. In all, Davis has won this tournament six times. See UK Snooker Championship
  54. ^ a b Became a ranking tournament in 1984. In all, Davis has won this tournament six times. See Classic (snooker)
  55. ^ STEVE 'ROMFORD SLIM' DAVIS”. 2008年2月25日閲覧。

Template:Snooker World Number Ones Template:BBC Sports Personality of the Year winners