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Euro English
European English
話される国 European Union
表記体系 Latin (English alphabet)
Unified English Braille
ISO 639-3
Glottolog なし


Euro English or European English, less commonly known as EU English, Continental English and EU Speak, is an alleged group of pidgin dialects of the English language as used in Europe, based on common mistranslations and the technical jargon of the European Union (EU) and the native languages of its non-native, English-speaking population. It is mostly used among EU staff, expatriates and migrants from EU countries, young international travellers (such as exchange students in the EU's Erasmus programme) and European diplomats with a lower proficiency in the language.[1][2][3]



The usage of the English language in Europe progressed through the 19th century, when the British Empire inherited colonies elsewhere in Europe such as Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Menorca, Heligoland, and the Ionian Islands, the latter three in modern-day Spain, Germany, and Greece respectively.


The term "Euro English" was first used by Carstensen in 1986 to denote the adoption of anglicisms in Europe.[4]


The enlargement of the European Union over several decades gradually diminished the influence of two of the EU's working languages (German and French). The development of the Erasmus Programme created a new class of mobile Europeans who needed a lingua franca to communicate across Europe.


The question whether the appropriation of English by non-native speakers in Continental Europe is giving rise to a potential European variety of English has not yet been resolved. Mollin rejected Euro-English as a variety of English.[4] According to Forche, many of the features suggested to be characteristic of Euro-English could be identified as learners' mistakes, although there are some nativisation tendencies.


Euro-English was heavily influenced and dominated by British English, due to the United Kingdom having been an EU member state between 1973 and 2020. However, the UK's withdrawal in early 2020 means that the EU's scope of native English dialects has been mostly reduced to the varieties of Hiberno-English spoken in the Republic of Ireland; one source believes that this will allow room for Romance languages to have more of an influence on Euro-English.[5] There is also a possibility of a Romance language replacing English. Since the Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union in 2020, the Government of France wants to encourage greater use of French as a working language.[6]

Euro English in computers[編集]


The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository Project had drafted/defined "en-150" for English in Europe.

EU DGT style guide[編集]


The Directorate-General for Translation of the EU has a style guide for the English language to help write clear and readable, regular English. This guide is based on British English. It does not consider itself a guide for a distinct EU English that is different from real English, and merely mentions EU-specific terminology as a distinguishing feature.[7]


It prefers British English to American English, but recommends avoiding very colloquial British terms. This style guide defines the thousand separator as space or as a comma, and the plural of euro as euro.[7]

EU glossary[編集]


The many years of the EU's existence have led to the appearance of EU-specific vocabulary.




Non-native English speakers frequently drop the third person singular suffix (-s). For example: he often call meetings.[2]

ユーロ英語の話者、特に東欧出身者は、I come from Spainの代わりにI'm coming from Spainというように、進行形のアスペクトをstativeの述語で使うことがある。これは一般的に標準英語では許されないが、ユーロ英語では許される[1][8]。

Speakers of Euro English, in particular those from Eastern Europe, may use the progressive aspect with stative predicates, such as saying I'm coming from Spain instead of I come from Spain. This is typically not allowed in Standard English, but it is permissible in Euro English.[1][8]


ヨーロッパの英語話者に非常に高い頻度で現れる構文は、例えば、標準英語のthere were five people at the partyに対して、ユーロ英語のwe were five people at the partyである[1]。このような構文は、話者が常に何らかの大きなグループの一員であるかどうかを意味する、一種の強制的な「集団性」を英語に導入している。

A construction that appears with very high frequency in European speakers of English is, for example, Euro English we were five people at the party, as opposed to Standard English there were five people at the party.[1] Such constructions introduce a type of mandatory "clusivity" to the English language, in which the speaker always signifies whether they are a part of some bigger group.

ユーロ英語では、one can protect one's countryのように、不定人称代名詞oneの使用頻度もやや高い。これは、ヨーロッパの言語でこのような代名詞がより頻繁に使われていることを反映しているが、フランス語のonやse、スカンジナビア語のsigやsin、ドイツ語のsichなどのように、三人称の再帰代名詞として使われることもある。

Euro English also features slightly more frequent usage of the indefinite personal pronoun one, such as in one can protect one's country. This mirrors the more frequent usage of such pronouns in European languages, but is also sometimes used as third-person reflexive pronouns, such as with French on and se, Scandinavian sig and sin, German sich, etc.



Some words are given a plural with a final "s" in Euro-English, such as "informations" and "competences", to match similar words in European languages (such as informations and compétences in French), while this pluralisation is incorrect in British or American English.[9]


ヨーロッパの英語話者の間では、フォーマルな文脈では単数形のtheyを好むことが非常に多いが、アメリカやイギリスの英語ネイティブスピーカーは歴史的にこれをインフォーマルな口語表現とみなしてきた。 [10][疑問点 - ノート]これは、フランス語のvous、ドイツ語のSie、古いスペイン語のvos、デンマーク語やノルウェー語のDeなど、ヨーロッパの言語における「単数複数形」の用法を、格式のレベルという点で反映している。

It is extremely frequent among European speakers of English to prefer the singular they in formal contexts, whereas native English speakers in the US and UK have historically considered it an informal colloquialism.[10][11][12][疑問点] This mirrors the usage of "singular plurals", in terms of levels of formality, in European languages, such as French vous, German Sie, older Spanish vos, Danish and Norwegian De, even though all of these examples are strictly used in the second person.


Standard English Euro English Origin
Current Actual The English adjective actual has undergone semantic shift and is now a false friend (cf. cognates in German aktuell, Dutch actueel, French actuel, Romanian/Spanish/Catalan/Galician actual, Portuguese atual, Italian attuale, Czech aktuální, Polish aktualny).[13]
To plan (for), include, provide (for) To foresee French prévoir.[14]
Bureaucracy Berlaymont[1]
Conditions Conditionality[1]
Six months Semester[1]
He has retired to his office He has retired to his cabinet Unknown[15]
Deadline Delay[5] Unknown[15]
Planning Planification Formed in imitation of a Romance language; compare French planification, Spanish planificación.[16]
To refrain from doing something To hop over Used in Nordic countries.[1]
To be naive To be blue-eyed Used in Nordic countries (and is understood in Germany).[1][17]
To overcharge To salt[1]

The English plural of the word euro was first defined as euro without a final s, before becoming euros with a final s.



Template:Languages of Europe


  • Pinker, Steven (2014). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century. Penguin. ISBN 9780698170308. https://books.google.com/books?id=FzRBAwAAQBAJ 
  • Ross, Michael; West, Keith (2002). Delivering the Framework for Teaching English. Nelson Thornes. ISBN 9780748762620. https://books.google.com/books?id=8GOK_qihH3cC 



[[Category:ヨーロッパの言語]] [[Category:英語の方言]] [[Category:未査読の翻訳があるページ]]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Brexit could create a new 'language'” (英語). The Independent (2017年9月20日). 2021年1月25日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b “The EU will still speak English but in its own way”. Financial Times. (2016年6月29日). https://www.ft.com/content/9c896238-3a0e-11e6-9a05-82a9b15a8ee7 2021年3月2日閲覧。 
  3. ^ Trudgill, Peter. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society 
  4. ^ a b Mollin, Sandra (2006). Euro-English: Assessing Variety Status. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. p. 6. ISBN 382336250X 
  5. ^ a b Sonnad (2016年5月11日). “The English language could get really weird if Britain leaves the EU” (英語). Quartz. 2021年1月25日閲覧。
  6. ^ Forrest (2021年6月10日). “El francés sustituirá al inglés como el "idioma de trabajo" de la Unión Europea” (スペイン語). The Independent in Spanish. 2021年10月10日閲覧。
  7. ^ a b English Style Guide. European Commission. (2022). https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2022-12/styleguide_english_dgt_en_2022_11_28.pdf 
  8. ^ Salakhyan, Elena (2012). “The Tübingen Corpus of Eastern European English (TCEEE): From a small-scale corpus study to a newly emerging non-native English variety”. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics. 
  9. ^ Nordquist (2017年3月21日). “Euro-English in Language”. ThoughtCo.. ThoughtCo. 2018年7月28日閲覧。
  10. ^ Pinker 2014, p. 260.
  11. ^ Ross & West 2002, p. 180.
  12. ^ Nicaise (2020年3月30日). “The Tragedy of the Singular 'They'”. Free Inquiry. 2024年4月3日閲覧。
  13. ^ How to Write Clearly, Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission, http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/eu/fight_the_fog_en.pdf 2018年7月28日閲覧。 
  14. ^ Gardner, Jeremy (8 May 2013), A Brief List of Misused English Terms in EU Publications, European Court of auditors Secretariat General Translation Directorate, オリジナルの10 August 2013時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://web.archive.org/web/20130810041828/http://ec.europa.eu/translation/english/guidelines/documents/misused_english_terminology_eu_publications_en.pdf 
  15. ^ a b 10 Funny Euro-English Words We Might Hear More Of Soon” (2016年5月19日). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  16. ^ Gardner, Jeremy (2016). Misused English words and expressions in EU publications. European Court of Auditors. https://www.eca.europa.eu/Other%20publications/EN_TERMINOLOGY_PUBLICATION/EN_TERMINOLOGY_PUBLICATION.pdf 
  17. ^ Duden | blauäugig | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft” (ドイツ語). www.duden.de. 2021年1月25日閲覧。