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利用者:加藤勝憲/エクイティ (金融)












事業体は、単一の資産よりも複雑な債務構造を持つ。 事業体の特定の資産によって担保される負債もあれば、事業体全体の資産によって保証される負債もある。 事業が倒産した場合、資産を売却して資金を調達することが求められる。しかし、事業のエクイティは、資産のエクイティと同様に、事業の所有者に帰属する資産の額をおおよそ測るものである。



財務会計では、資本は資産から負債を差し引くことで求められる。 企業全体では、この値は、単一の資産の資本と区別するために、総資本と呼ばれることもある[3]。 基本的な会計方程式は、各会計期間の終了時に、負債と資本の合計が全資産の合計と等しいことを要求している。 この要件を満たすためには、資産合計と負債合計に不均等に影響を与えるすべての事象は、最終的に資本の変動として報告されなければならない。 企業は、総資産、特定の資本残高、負債と資本の合計(または赤字)を示す貸借対照表(または正味財産計算書)として知られる財務諸表に、その資本を要約する。

貸借対照表には、事業体の形態や目的に応じて、さまざまな種類の資本が記載される。 優先株式株式資本(または資本金)、資本剰余金(または追加払込資本)は、投資家や組織者からの事業への当初の出資を反映したものである。 自己株式は、事業が株主から株式を買い戻すために支払った金額を反映する資本の反対残高(資本の相殺)として表示される。 利益剰余金(または累積赤字)は、配当金を除いた純損益の累計である。 英国やその会計方法を採用している他の国々では、資本には、貸借対照表の特定の調整に使用される様々な準備勘定が含まれる。

Various types of equity can appear on a balance sheet, depending on the form and purpose of the business entity. Preferred stock, share capital (or capital stock) and capital surplus (or additional paid-in capital) reflect original contributions to the business from its investors or organizers. Treasury stock appears as a contra-equity balance (an offset to equity) that reflects the amount that the business has paid to repurchase stock from shareholders. Retained earnings (or accumulated deficit) is the running total of the business's net income and losses, excluding any dividends. In the United Kingdom and other countries that use its accounting methods, equity includes various reserve accounts that are used for particular reconciliations of the balance sheet.

もう一つの財務諸表である株主資本等変動計算書は、ある会計期間から次の会計期間へのこれらの株主資本勘定の変動を詳述している。 いくつかの事象が、企業の資本に変化をもたらす可能性がある。

  • Capital investments: Contributions of cash from outside the firm increase its base capital and capital surplus by the amount contributed.
  • Accumulated results: Income or losses may be accumulated in an equity account called "retained earnings" or "accumulated deficit", depending on its net balance.
  • Unrealized investment results: Changes in the value of securities that the firm owns, or foreign currency holdings, are accumulated in its equity.
  • Dividends: The firm reduces its retained earnings by the amount of cash payable to shareholders.
  • Stock repurchases: When the firm purchases shares into its own treasury, the amount paid for the stock is reflected in the treasury stock account.
  • Liquidation: A firm that liquidates with positive equity can distribute it to owners in one or several cash payments.



株式投資とは、直接または他の投資家から企業の株式を購入し、その株式が配当金を得るか、またはキャピタル・ゲインを得て転売されることを期待するビジネスである。 株式保有者は通常、議決権を取得する。つまり、取締役会の候補者について投票することができ、保有株式が十分な規模であれば、経営上の意思決定に影響を与えることができる。


Investors in a newly established firm must contribute an initial amount of capital to it so that it can begin to transact business. This contributed amount represents the investors' equity interest in the firm. In return, they receive shares of the company's stock. Under the model of a private limited company, the firm may keep contributed capital as long as it remains in business. If it liquidates, whether through a decision of the owners or through a bankruptcy process, the owners have a residual claim on the firm's eventual equity. If the equity is negative (a deficit) then the unpaid creditors bear loss and the owners' claim is void. Under limited liability, where the financial liability is limited to a fixed sum, owners are not required to pay the firm's debts themselves so long as the firm's books are in order and it has not involved the owners in fraud.

When the owners of a firm are shareholders, their interest is called shareholders' equity. It is the difference between a company's assets and liabilities, and can be negative.[4] If all shareholders are in one class, they share equally in ownership equity from all perspectives. It is not uncommon for companies to issue more than one class of stock, with each class having its own liquidation priority or voting rights. This complicates analysis for both stock valuation and accounting.



A company's shareholder equity balance does not determine the price at which investors can sell its stock. Other relevant factors include the prospects and risks of its business, its access to necessary credit, and the difficulty of locating a buyer. According to the theory of intrinsic value, it is profitable to buy stock in a company when it is priced below the present value of the portion of its equity and future earnings that are payable to stockholders. Advocates of this method have included Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher and Warren Buffett. An equity investment will never have a negative market value (i.e. become a liability) even if the firm has a shareholder deficit, because the deficit is not the owners' responsibility.

An alternate approach, exemplified by the "Merton model",[5] values stock-equity as a call option on the value of the whole company (including the liabilities), struck at the nominal value of the liabilities. The analogy with options arises in that limited liability protects equity investors: (i) where the value of the firm is less than the value of the outstanding debt, shareholders may, and therefore would, choose not to repay the firm's debt; (ii) where firm value is greater than debt value, the shareholders would choose to repay—i.e. exercise their option—and not to liquidate.




  1. ^ Cue (1 September 2023). “Security Premium Reserve Meaning with Example in Accounting”. Cuetax. Cuetax. 1 September 2023閲覧。
  2. ^ Maitland, F. W. (1909). Equity, Also, the Forms of Action at Common Law 
  3. ^ How to calculate total equity” (英語). AccountingTools. 2021年2月3日閲覧。
  4. ^ Difference Between Insolvency And Negative Equity”. Chron (September 8, 2020). April 29, 2021閲覧。
  5. ^ Merton, Robert C. (1974). “On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates.”. Journal of Finance 29 (2): 449–470. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1974.tb03058.x. http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/1874/SWP-0684-14514372.pdf?sequence=1. 


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