Useful links:
- m:A guide to Japanese Wikipedia
- Wikipedia:Chatsubo for non-japanese-speakers - Village Pump for non Japanese speakers
- Wikipedia:井戸端 - Village Pump
- Wikipedia:ウィキペディアン・オフラインミーティング - Meetup
署名をするには、チルダを4つ並べます。例: ~~~~ セーブするとユーザ名と時間に自動的に変わります。
Joiさんがウィキペディアンとして日本語版ウィキペディアを楽しまれることを願っています。よろしければ自己紹介をなさいませんか。 質問は、井戸端、[[Wikipedia:Chatsubo for non-japanese-speakers|Chatsubo]]へどうぞ。私の会話ページで質問してくださることも出来ます。 :)
Shortly, have fun :) --[[利用者:Aphaia|Aphaea*]] 2004年10月25日 (月) 15:22 (UTC)
[編集]Hi Joi, how are you doing?
If you have a time, would you like to help us on ガングニヘソ again? A user on Frysian Wikipedia expanded it and he translated it into English kindly. But parts of them are a bit tough for me, specially the last paragraph. I tried to put the article into Japanese, but I don't convince I could grasp the meaning. If you give a look to the article, and point my misunderstanding, it would be greatly kind of you.
Danny has organized m:Translation of the week from this first step. Now we are in the third round. If you have any interest, please visit the page, and let your frineds know this campaign. We need many good translators as many as possible. Cheers. --[[利用者:Aphaia|Aphaea*]] 2004年11月11日 (木) 17:28 (UTC)
TUSC token 85e35d65c47f1ce7854d60aa04e32cfb
[編集]I am now proud owner of a TUSC account! 85e35d65c47f1ce7854d60aa04e32cfb