


こんにちは、Cccidnyさん。はじめまして! ウィキペディア日本語版へようこそ!

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Cccidnyさんがウィキペディアにおいて実り多き執筆・活動をなされることを楽しみにしております。 --R28Bot 2008年5月7日 (水) 15:34 (UTC)[返信]



人体盗の翻訳ありがとうございます。初版の要約欄のタイプミスについてはノート:人体盗を読ませていただきました。しかし、現在のウィキペディア日本語版では他言語版からの翻訳の際には、翻訳時の要約欄で翻訳元へリンクすることでGFDL 1.2の4-Iや4-J等を満たすと解釈しています。そのため、削除依頼を提出させていただきました。

Cccidnyさんや他の利用者による加筆が続いていった後に削除されてしまうと非常に勿体ないと考えますので、今のうちに一旦削除して、問題がない形式で再投稿していただく方が良いと考えています。もしよろしければ、上述の削除依頼に翻訳者からの票をお願いします。--iwaim 2008年5月9日 (金) 08:09 (UTC)[返信]

編集回数のチェックを行わずに投票の依頼をしてしまって申し訳ございません。票ではなくコメントとして意思表明していただけると審議の参考になると思います。--iwaim 2008年5月9日 (金) 18:17 (UTC)[返信]
横から失礼します。この翻訳文章は純粋な日本語の文章として非常におかしな部分が多く(「人体盗」という熟語も日本語の辞書に載っていません。また、日本語として意味が非常に理解しにくいです)、英語から日本語に翻訳するときにweb翻訳などの機械的な翻訳を記事全体の文章に行った結果の異質な日本語ではないのかと推測出来るのですが、どのような翻訳作業を経て日本語版への記事立項を行ったのか教えて頂けたら幸いです。--MioUzaki 2008年5月12日 (月) 13:42 (UTC)[返信]

(indent reset) I am sorry, my (not machine) Japanese may not be good enough for you. Also, I appreciate if you read this page. Cccidny 2008年5月12日 (月) 15:27 (UTC)[返信]

Thank you for the answer. then 人体盗 and ロンドン・バーカーズ wrote to don't use the machine. I understood it. (I have already read the ノート:人体盗, my doubt doesn't make the title a problem. if you use the machine translation, thats vioration of JAWP prohibited matter) thank you again.--MioUzaki 2008年5月12日 (月) 15:51 (UTC)[返信]

(インデント戻します) 再投稿ありがとうございます。--iwaim 2008年5月22日 (木) 12:56 (UTC)[返信]



I appreciate your great job! Although there are problems on language, the article is very interesting. I've corrected and added few more information on the description of Bulgarian monsters. Perhaps we need a few more people to make the article looking better. The parenthesis "(" and ")" should be written as "(" and ")" respectively in ja.wp. Thanks. --Peccafly 2008年5月13日 (火) 12:34 (UTC)[返信]

About titles of the page I made.


There are a lot of discussions going on about the titles of the page I made. Some of them are related to each other. Followings are the pages I made. I appreciate if you can add comments here. Cccidny 2008年5月14日 (水) 17:30 (UTC)[返信]

It is ロバート・ノックス now.
Now is is moved to ロサンゼルス上水路.

Hi, I noticed these thorough the deletion of 人体盗. Personally, I think it's better to move

  • 人体盗 -> ボディスナッチング (w/o middle dot, I think it is more common for the words which are not name of people, like ボディケア)
  • ボガアト -> merge to ボガート、since the subject of the former is already mentioned (briefly) in the latter.

The others need no move, IMHO. --Makotoy 2008年5月22日 (木) 00:31 (UTC)[返信]

I think need to movie

and == See also ==(chapter) is transrated into == 関連項目 ==in jpw.--ゲルマニウム 2008年6月5日 (木) 11:11 (UTC)[返信]

The girlfriend of prince is ケイト・ミドルトン, not ケート・ミドルトン. Also ハイゲイト phonetically, sounds similar to Higate. Cccidny 2008年6月7日 (土) 14:24 (UTC)[返信]
I do not think that it is necessary to move "ハイゲイト墓地" to "ハイゲート墓地" since the pronounciation "ay" as of "pay" can be transcripted either "エイ" or "エー". On the other hand, if Robert Knox's surname is pronouced like "noks", then it is better to move it to "ロバート・ノックス". --Peccafly 2008年6月11日 (水) 07:05 (UTC)[返信]
Hi! It has been 1 week since we suggested ボガアト to be marged with ボガート, I mergerd them today. Thank you for the good effort. --Peccafly 2008年6月18日 (水) 08:06 (UTC)[返信]

I have moved ロバート・ノック to ロバート・ノックス. The former will be deleted soon. - TAKASUGI Shinji (会話) 2008年6月27日 (金) 15:07 (UTC)[返信]

I'm sorry if I have made you angry on ノート:人体盗#Move (or rename). Are you still against renaming the article to 死体泥棒, which is an attested word in several Japanese sources? - TAKASUGI Shinji (会話) 2008年7月8日 (火) 10:01 (UTC)[返信]

(indent reset) I do recomment to follow rules in wikipedia. This is the second warning, (as requested by rules.) You need to read previous discussion. Your rename at モルトセイフ and further comment will be considerd to be vandalism. Cccidny 2008年7月8日 (火) 13:13 (UTC)[返信]

Is it wrong to ask you to speak Japanese? Why is it a vandalism? Well, if you don't understand Japanese, I'd like to say that my Japanese was polite at ノート:モルトセイフ and it had no insult at all. - TAKASUGI Shinji (会話) 2008年7月8日 (火) 15:02 (UTC)[返信]
Vandalism is your rude attitude at ノート:人体盗#Move (or rename) and rename モルトセイフ not following rule. Cccidny 2008年7月8日 (火) 16:47 (UTC)[返信]



ロス・アンジェルス上水路‎ that you had written a little while ago was moved to ロサンゼルス上水路. The reason for "Los Angeles" is translated ロサンゼルス in Japanese. (As for ロス・アンジェルス, the redirecting link is goto the ロサンゼルス. thats not recommended. ) As for the translation of Japanese, the usage of 「・ (Naka-guro) 」 is vague, Please the translation work and hold out. Thanks for your effort. --MioUzaki 2008年6月11日 (水) 06:39 (UTC)[返信]

Cccidnyさん: I guess that MioUzaki moved your article because it is favourable to use the transcription which is the same as existing article on Ja.wp normally. --Peccafly 2008年6月11日 (水) 07:34 (UTC)[返信]
MioUzakiさん: 熱心な活動お疲れ様です。余談ですが、外国語を書くことは読むことよりもずっと大変なものですので、Cccidnyさんの日本語を読む能力はそれなりに高いのではないかと想像しています。多分、日本語でも大丈夫・・?--Peccafly 2008年6月11日 (水) 07:34 (UTC)[返信]

Discussion of the article "mortsafe"


Hello! I now came here to talk about the article "mortsafe". Maybe Mr TAKASUGI Shinji was a little bit offencive against you, and also he was too early to rename the article this time, but I believe that he does never want to do vandalism, and I am pretty sure that he is innocent. I explained him that it was too early and he did understand what I told. This shows that he is not vandal, as you told. He studied a book which describes abour mortsafe in Japanese language, so that he was confident that this should be written as "モートセーフ" in Japanese languae. Now I want you not to call him a vandal, let's follow to this fundamental Wikipedia:Assume good faith. I also told him not to be offencive too. --Peccafly 2008年7月8日 (火) 17:10 (UTC)[返信]

Yes, I would like to follow the rule. However, it is not easy with his (her) logic and attitude. I think I respect his (her) work, so I made a redirect page. Rename is clearly against the rule here.Cccidny 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:04 (UTC)[返信]

About renaming of the article


We have only a few people on the discussion page of the article, and it seems to be difficult to get a solution since none of them changes each oppinion. Maybe we need more people to talk about this, and I believe we can solve this problem later. --Peccafly 2008年7月8日 (火) 17:10 (UTC)[返信]

Yes, that helps. Do you know how "minor" is pronounced among musicians? It may be マイノール. Cccidny 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:04 (UTC)[返信]
I think that should be "マイナー". --Peccafly 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:20 (UTC)[返信]
No, They use マイノール also. Cccidny 2008年7月10日 (木) 22:29 (UTC)[返信]
"マイナー" must be much common. [1], [2], [3]、etc... --Peccafly 2008年7月11日 (金) 01:07 (UTC)[返信]

About your language


I can understand that Mr TAKASUGI Shinji hurt you by labelling you a "Anglocentrist", and I am sure that this was improper a little bit. But I know you can write Japanese language very well (not perfect though), and some of us (ja.wp editors) do not understand English language at all. Therefore I believe that it is better for you to talk in Japanese language on the discussion page, and more of us can understand your opinion well.

What if I am not an Anglo Saxon? Cccidny 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:04 (UTC)[返信]
It was him who called you an "Anglocentrist", and I think it is improper to label somebody like this way. Anyway, I understand that maybe it is not easy to talk in Japanese language, but some of us are unable to understand English language, so I think it is very kind of you if you can talk in Japanese language on discussion page of articles. (You do not need to talk in Japanese here to me if you don't want to though, since I can use English a little) --Peccafly 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:20 (UTC)[返信]
I can try. But the last part of translate at モルトセイフ would totally be waste of time, I do not want to be involved and this is the reason I do not want to. You know my Japanese, don't you? Cccidny 2008年7月10日 (木) 22:34 (UTC)[返信]
If you feel it is waste of time to talk about the title of the article, then you do not need to. But I, TAKASUGI Shinji, and Noche de la pena as well are quite confident that this should be "モートセーフ" as we can see other given examples モータル (mortal)、モータルコンバット (Mortal Kombat)、イモータル (immortal) (by TAKASUGI Shinji), "Lord Voldemort"(ヴォルデモート卿)や、ウォルター・スコットの小説Old mortality(オールド・モータリティ) (by Noche de la pena). Anyway redirects will be created automatically after moving an article so everything will be all right soon. As you say, it is much more creative to go on to the next article. Good luck. --Peccafly 2008年7月11日 (金) 01:29 (UTC)[返信]

(indent reset) It looks better now. You are a star. By the way, whatever I meant 'waste of time' is discussion which arises from discrepancy (due to wrong translate). Cccidny 2008年7月11日 (金) 21:44 (UTC) Maybe I have talked too much this time, but I hope you understand my opinion. Anyway I like your jobs very much and when you write an article, I will check it and make it looking better :) --Peccafly 2008年7月8日 (火) 17:10 (UTC)[返信]

Thanks a lot. It is creative to move onto next article. To cope with him (her) is simply waste of time. It is not my intension to waste your time either. 2008年7月9日 (水) 15:04 (UTC)

I also do not want to waste of time either....


I'm very sorry if I was wrong, but I guess you disagree my proposals because they traces Mr TAKASUGI Shinji's proposals, and you don't like him, maybe? I sincerely believed those articles should be renamed to make them looking better, and also believed that it is not so difficult for you to agree with my ideas, moving モルトセイフ to モートセーフ, and 人体盗 to 人体泥棒. There are no any major differences between each pairs, I guess. I know you strongly disagree to transcript "body" as "死体", so I suggested to transcript it as "人体" instead. Isn't this compatible with your idea? --Peccafly 2008年7月16日 (水) 09:02 (UTC)[返信]

Thank you for your visit. It looks like there is a comminucation error. For モルトセイフ, your logic (also Mr TAKASUGI Shinji) is that follow Japanese reference, which makes sense. So, 死体用金庫 looks like one of them also, unless Mr TAKASUGI Shinji added. I simply asked. For 人体盗, check my post on its page. One point I do not understand is if that book is gold standard. We just need to leave logical trace in discussion pages, which somebody may read in future. Cccidny 2008年7月16日 (水) 21:12 (UTC)[返信]
All of the articles I made have same problem, as they do (or and did) not exist in Japan hence no Japanese name. ブーギマン、バークとヘア殺人、トウパス、ロス・アンジェルス上水路、ボガアト have been renamed with reasonable explanation. I do not like rename process of ロバート・ノック. We (including you, somebody and me) only need to make logical and reasonable explanation. By the way, I will be away for 7-10 days. Once things look good, go ahead. Good luck! Cccidny 2008年7月17日 (木) 22:05 (UTC)[返信]
OK, I understand. The current discussion there become more creative and friendly to each other, so I guess everything will be ok soon. Have a nice time! Ciao.--Peccafly 2008年7月18日 (金) 13:20 (UTC)[返信]



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