




あなたは、「Cross-wiki hoax? Greek letter "Yot"」に示されるポーランドのIP利用者群となんらかの関係がありますか。お答えがいただけないまま編集を続行された場合、対話拒否とみなします。--Peccafly 2009年3月21日 (土) 05:25 (UTC)[返信]

My edits are not introducing now any "hoaxes". I "reformed". 2009年3月21日 (土) 08:20 (UTC)[返信]

申し訳ありませんが、あなたの日本語能力は不十分すぎます。このままでは、JAWPへの編集をお断りせざるを得ません。少なくとも、本文への編集は当面、ご遠慮ください。また、上記のような返答は他の方を侮辱しているように捉えられます。適切な日本語もしくは分かりやすい英語をお使いになるように願います。--Los688 2009年3月21日 (土) 09:16 (UTC)[返信]

Excuse for poor Japanese, because of unintentional harshness I switch to English. 2009年3月21日 (土) 09:19 (UTC)[返信]

(en)Blocked.You are too poor to speak Japanese and English. Here is Japanese Wikipedia. You must speak good Japanese to edit articles. We are angry to your edits. 'My edits≠hoax' is NOT English. We cannot understand your thought.

(ja)ブロックしました。先に述べましたように、日本語能力が不十分すぎるままでの本文の編集はおやめください。英語の会話能力も十分でなく、他の方に不十分で不適切な返答を行なったまま、自己の編集を強行されたことは甚だ遺憾であります。'My edits≠hoax'の文章は英語ではありません。このようないい加減な返答をなされたことは、あなたの考えが他者に伝わらないばかりか、他者との対話をあまりにも軽視しているとみました。投稿方針を見直してください。--Los688 2009年3月21日 (土) 09:47 (UTC)[返信]

Please unblock me. I edit here in good faith, but you even don't explain revert reasons, Instead, please don't revert my edits, but correct and improve them. Removing all for part is unjustified. I switch to proper English. I will try to improve my edits and edit only these elements that are certain to me, such as tabled data. I formerly used logical mathematical operators for pictographic simplicity similar to that in Japan. Thanks for understanding. ㍐
Another panic comment from Polish hoax-meister....--Peccafly 2009年3月21日 (土) 12:03 (UTC)[返信]

Now all Greek articles here are OK, and they are polished and improved except disallowed "hoaxes", because I am now Polish-Maker making all polished as much as possible, but curently not "hoax" Meister from Deutschland. 2009年3月29日 (日) 08:57 (UTC)[返信]

Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/㍐ を提出いたしました。--Peccafly 2009年3月21日 (土) 11:55 (UTC)[返信]



I now improve and introduce here only those archaic letters that you already accepted here:

I already refrained here from disallowed behaviors such as "hoaxing" and machine translations and I now didn't wanted to put here any cross-wiki "hoaxes" like Greek letter "Yot" anymore. I was blocked here for former "hoaxes" and fixing already existing Greek letters that you accepted already, despite of their unrelatedness to "hoaxes". They are not "hoaxes". Please unblock me. I am no longer "hoaxer" here, because if I would still be him, I would put Greek letter "Yot" here, which I don't. Even Shota treats me as being self-improving here. I was forced to break block, don't knowing that breaking is disallowed because of rules written in Japanese, because accusing me for introducing here "hoaxes" which I don't do, without giving me chance to defend is very unfair. I even cannot use my talk page when logged. I hope that you understand me and unblock me. 2009年3月29日 (日) 08:50 (UTC)[返信]

Your requirements


I already knew here from edit logs when I came here that you here don't want Yot as Greek letter at all - you only here already allowed Japanese mention of Yot as Latin letter injected into Greek alphabet in Unicode - for you it is at once valid and "hoax", which is contradictory. All Greek images which I added are already allowed in en-wiki. Please don't treat my edits here as adding of Yot anywhere, because I already refrained from this former behavior here. Please don't revert edits unrelated to Yot. Not touching of Yot by me here proofs that I'm no longer "hoaxer" at all. I want edit constructively, which I already showed now as Wikipedia newbie. Please explain me what you dislike except Yot here? My edit wars were from misunderstanding of your reverts. 2009年3月29日 (日) 08:55 (UTC)[返信]



Excuse for all disallowed editing here such as "hoaxes", machine translations, etc... Please tell me what is disallowed here, and give me a chance. Thanks for unblocking. 2009年3月29日 (日) 08:45 (UTC)[返信]



あなたは無期限ブロックされました。今後ウィキペディアの編集を行うことは一切できなくなります。また、ブロックが自動的に解除されることもありませんのでご留意ください。今後の対話ならびに異議申し立てはメーリングリストで受け付けます。--背番号9 2009年3月30日 (月) 02:25 (UTC)[返信]