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議論の結果、ブロック見送り に決定しました。





盧氏県2021年5月15日 (土) 13:59の版から2022年3月31日 (木) 03:13の版までの連続16版を版指定削除

夏淑琴2022年1月9日 (日) 03:25 (UTC) の第 87427256 版を版指定削除

2021年ウィキメディア財団の中国語版ウィキペディアに対する行動 2022年3月17日(木)13:20 (UTC) の版からの2022年3月18日(金)02:17 (UTC) の版までの連続14版を版指定削除



晞世道明さんは言った「轉錄有版權作品,謊報為己作」は 「著作権で保護された作品をコピーし、盗作でした」

Midleadingさんは言った「Assifbus所有聲稱用戶自行翻譯的Translation命名空間貢獻經查都不是用戶自行翻譯。」 は 「被依頼者さんによって翻訳されたと主張する被依頼者の翻訳名前空間の投稿はどれも被依頼者自身によって翻訳されていません。(google translation)」




--PAVLOV会話2022年5月16日 (月) 09:05 (UTC)[返信]


This is my speech on Metawiki. PAVLOV tried to hit me in various ways. I hope Japanese Wikipedia administrators and Japanese wiki communities can know the whole story.Assifbus会話2022年5月15日 (日) 02:23 (UTC)[返信]

PAVLOV joined Chinese Wikipedia in 2020. PAVLOV didn't know the rules at that time, so he was reprimanded several times by the administrator of Chinese Wikipedia "虫虫飞". After the foundation's action, "虫虫飞" was banned permanently. PAVLOV thinks that those who support “虫虫飞” are his enemies. Soon, PAVLOV deliberately deleted "孙淑芳" from the Chinese wiki. There was no problem with this article, but PAVLOV said that this article had copyright problems.

PAVLOV has always regarded me as an enemy because I support "虫虫飞" and oppose the actions of the foundation. After September 2021, PAVLOV withdrew from Chinese Wikipedia, and in March 2022, PAVLOV returned. PAVLOV once again deliberately deleted the items that I edited without problems, and I forgave him. (That's why I later said to him, "I regret not shooting you when you first returned." The original intention of this sentence is that I regret not banning you permanently because of this matter. )

In March, 2022, PAVLOV took advantage of my personality weakness, deliberately angered me, and then successfully blocked me on Chinese Wikipedia for three months. After the Chinese Wikipedia was banned, I came to the Chinese Wikipedia Library to make contributions. I just arrived in late March, and PAVLOV rushed to track and monitor on April 2nd. The administrator of Chinese Wiki Library and a senior user have both pointed out the problem of PAVLOV tracking and monitoring me.

In April, 2022, PAVLOV and I quarreled twice in the Chinese Wiki Library. The first time was PAVLOV's attempt to interfere in the administrator election of Chinese Wiki Library, and PAVLOV tried his best to prevent me from becoming an administrator. He said to another user on Chinese Wikipedia, "I don't understand how a person who has been permanently banned from English Wikipedia can run for administrator?" PAVLOV is not based on my contribution in Chinese Wiki Library, but a personal vendetta. In order to end the first conflict, I voluntarily withdrew my application as an administrator. In the second conflict, some articles I wrote in the Chinese Wiki Library infringed the copyright. I admitted my mistake to the community and the administrator, and the administrator warned me. However, PAVLOV ignored the description of "translation from Chinese Wikipedia" in other related free texts and deliberately deleted it.Assifbus会話2022年5月15日 (日) 02:26 (UTC)[返信]

I explained to "user: 柏尾菓子" why I expressed my opinion on the user page, but PAVLOV seemed to have found another opportunity. He made a rumor that my statement explaining the facts on the user page was a "personal attack" on him. Oh, my God, the administrator can go and have a look. I didn't scold him, I just explained the facts.He is very afraid of others telling the truth.Assifbus会話2022年5月15日 (日) 02:39 (UTC)[返信]

