

Dear Japanese Wikipedia community,

my name is Kurt Jansson, I have been a contributor to the German language Wikipedia right since its start in 2001. I am also the president of Wikimedia Germany, the German chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation.

I'm currently writing a diploma thesis about the Wikipedia project and its editions in different languages. It's a qualitative study based on interviews with six different Wikipedia communities. I hope you to answer eight questions concerning your community and the encyclopedia you've created. I have put the questions on a subpage of my user page and would like you to answer them there. You can use the discussion page to discuss your answers within your community and agree on your joint answers.

Obviously I would like you to answer my questions the wiki way: You may edit the existing answers that are already there, but try to find consensual answers that the core community can agree on. If there are controversial points of view: say so, elaborate on them and point out if one of them represents the majority's opinion. The final answers should be in English, but of course you can translate the questions and use Japanese on the discussion page to discuss your answers and integrate the thinkings of non-English speakers.

Deadline for the answers is April the 29th. Of course I will make the results of my study public and publish them under a free license. I am sure this is a great opportunity for every Wikipedia community to tell others about their project and also to learn from others. But of course this will work best if the answers of other communities don't influence your own answers. So if you have to peek, please try nevertheless to focus on an answer that fits best for your own project.

I'm using mailing lists and village pumps to call attention to the interview questions. If you know other or more appropriate places to raise people's attention, please put this notice there. I'd also be happy if you could translate this notice into Japanese so that people with no English skills feel also invited to participate in this survey.

Thanks for taking part!

Best wishes,


--以上の署名のないコメントは、Kurt Jansson会話投稿記録)さんが 2007-04-17 20:45 (UTC) に投稿したものです。


日本のWikipediaの皆さま。こんにちは。Kurt Janssonと申します。2001年からドイツ語版Wikipediaの編集に参加しております。 ドイツのWikimedia(Wikipediaの支部)の代表もしております。

さて、私はWikipedia言語版間の差異についての卒業論文を作成中です。6言語の異なるWikipediaコミュニティへの取材をベースにして作成しようと考えています。私の利用者ページにUser:Kurt Janssonに8つの質問を作成しました。わかる範囲でいいので答えてください。

ただ答えるといっても、Wikipediaの作法(wiki way)で答えてください。Kurt Janssonの質問ページを編集し、回答は回答者間の合意を目指すようしてください。回答者間に意見の衝突があれば、(1)その衝突の内容について詳細に指摘すると共に、(2)多数派の意見を教えてください。最終的な回答は英語でお願いします。もちろん途中の議論は日本語で自由に行って頂いても構いません。




英語ができない人にも調査に参加できるように、この文を日本語に訳してもらえるとありがたいです。 以上です。よろしくお願いします。Kurt


以上、適当な(いい加減な)翻訳です。間違いあればご自由に編集して直すなり補足してください。--fromm 2007年4月18日 (水) 16:07 (UTC)[返信]

細かいところですが、ところどころ修正しました。--Widehawk 2007年4月19日 (木) 16:29 (UTC)[返信]

deadline extension for participation in Wikipedia study


Dear Japanese Wikipedia community,

I am conducting a study of the Wikipedia communities in six different languages for my diploma thesis. Please read my initial announcement for more information.

I owe a big "thank you" to everybody who has helped answer my questions.

So far over 50 people across six Wikipedia communities have contributed to their community's answers and I am grateful for their help. However, for the study to be comprehensive I need more people to get involved. Some communities also seem to need more time to discuss and work out the answers.

Therefore I have extended the deadline for participation until May 13th.

I have used mailing lists and village pumps to spread the announcement about my research questions, but every community has their own channels for the distribution of information. So, I ask you to help get more people involved to make sure the results accurately represent your community.

When phrasing the answers, please approach it as if you were writing a Wikipedia article: try to work on joint answers that your community can agree on. The answers don't need to be neutral in an NPOV kind of way, but please try to give a comprehensive picture of the processes and ideals of your community.

The questions can be found at User:Kurt_Jansson/questions; please edit the questions page to contribute.

Best wishes,

Kurt --以上の署名のないコメントは、Kurt Jansson会話投稿記録)さんが 2007-04-29 22:49 (UTC) に投稿したものです。