Wikipedia:オフラインミーティング/Japan SciCom Forum Workshop 2019
Japan SciCom Forum Workshop
[編集]This workshop aims to help scientists and science communicators to understand Wikipedia. Although Wikipedia is now widely regarded as a basic information resource for citizens, especially children and students, the relationship between Wikipedia and specialists is not very good. Specialists and academics tend to consider Wikipedia as a source of unreliable information, while Wikipedia communities are often at odds with specialists because Wikipedians sometimes find their behaviour ‘bossy’ at their standard. The facilitator of the session, the organiser of the Wikipedia Translation Class Project, hopes to bridge the gap between these two communities.
The workshop consists of two parts: lecture and practice. In the first part, the facilitator explains basic rules and cultures of Wikipedia. As of March 2019, there are 288 Wikipedias in different languages, and each Wikipedia has a distinct editing community, culture, and rules. Beginner Wikipedians, especially specialists, must understand its culture and rules before editing articles. This part also discusses the problems of Wikipedia, including reliability and gender bias.
In the second part, participants practice Wikipedia editing. The participants are required to log in to Wikipedia and make their own ‘sandboxes’, or the user’s own practice field for preparing drafts. The facilitator also invites questions and free discussions, for the participants will most likely come up with various questions while playing around in the sandboxes.
Note: Please bring your own laptop and mouse. Do avoid using a touchpad or tablet, for they may make it difficult for beginners to edit Wikipedia. Create your own Wikipedia account in advance. If you would like to maintain your own privacy, choose the username which does not easily reveal your real identity.
- Help:ログイン - まずはアカウントを作成しましょう。
- Wikipedia:記事名の付け方
- Help:新規ページの作成
- Wikipedia:翻訳のガイドライン - 翻訳元の記事の日時を書くのが大事です!
- Help:カテゴリ&Wikipedia:カテゴリの方針 - 記事には必ずカテゴリをつけましょう。読み仮名のようなものである「デフォルトソート」も忘れずに!
- Wikipedia:出典を明記する - 出典を追加するのは常に大事です。
- Wikipedia:検証可能性 - ウィキペディア執筆上の重要なルールのひとつです。
- Wikipedia:独自研究は載せない - 学者はオリジナルリサーチを目指しますが、それはウィキペディアではやってはいけません!気をつけましょう。とくに一次資料のみに頼った分析はウィキペディアでは嫌われますので、そこは学者の習慣を抑えて信頼できる二次資料を用いて記事を書くことを心がけましょう。
- Wikipedia:記事どうしをつなぐ - 作った記事から他の記事へリンクを、また他の記事から新記事へリンクをはりましょう。
- 荒らしやいたずらは厳禁です。荒らしやいたずらを行った場合、投稿ブロックもあり得ます。