

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
日付: 1965年3月19日
形式: 安全保障理事会決議
会合: 1193回
文書: 英語

投票: 賛成: 11 反対: 0 棄権: 0
主な内容: 国際連合キプロス平和維持軍の活動期限の延長
投票結果: 採択

中華民国の旗 中国
フランスの旗 フランス
イギリスの旗 イギリス
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
ソビエト連邦の旗 ソビエト連邦
ボリビアの旗 ボリビア
コートジボワールの旗 コートジボワール
ヨルダンの旗 ヨルダン
マレーシアの旗 マレーシア
オランダの旗 オランダ
ウルグアイの旗 ウルグアイ

国際連合安全保障理事会決議201(こくさいれんごうあんぜんほしょうりじかいけつぎ201、: United Nations Security Council Resolution 201)は、1965年3月19日国際連合安全保障理事会で採択された決議である。キプロス問題に関する過去の決議を再確認し、問題解決に向けて貢献してきたすべての国に感謝した上で、国際連合キプロス平和維持軍の活動期限を1965年6月26日まで3ヶ月延長した。


The Security Council,

Noting that the report of the Secretary-General recommends the maintenance in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, created by Security Council resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964, for an additional period of three months,

Noting that the Government of Cyprus has indicated its dcsire that the stationing of the United Nations Force in Cyprus should be continued beyond 26 March 1965,

Noting from the report of the Secretary-General that, while the military situation has on the whole remained quiet during the period under review and while the presence of the United Nations Force has contributed significantly to this effect, nevertheless the position remains one of uneasiness in several points, with the consequent danger of a renewal of fighting with all of its disastrous consequences,

Renewing the expression of its deep appreciation to the Secretary-General for his efforts in the implementation of Security Council resolutions 186 (1964) of 4 March, 187 (1964) of 13 March, 192 (1964) of 20 June, 194 (1964) of 25 September and 198 (1964) of 18 December 1964,

Renewing the expression of its deep appreciation to the States that have contributed troops, police, supplies and financial support for the implementation of resolution 186 (1964),

1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 (1964), 187 (1964), 192 (1964), 193 (1964) of 9 August 1964, 194 (1964) and 198 (1964) and the consensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd meeting, on 11 August 1964;

2. Calls upon all States Members of the United Nations to comply with the above-mentioned resolutions;

3. Calls upon the parties concerned to act with the utmost restraint and to cooperate fully with the United Nations Force;

4. Takes note of the report of the Secretary- General;

5; Extends the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established under Security Council resolution 186 (1964), for an additional period of three months, ending 26 June 1965.





