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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
日付: 1948年11月4日
形式: 安全保障理事会決議
会合: 377回
コード: S/1070
文書: 英語

投票: 賛成: 9 反対: 1 棄権: 1
主な内容: パレスチナ情勢に関して
投票結果: 採択

中華民国の旗 中国
フランスの旗 フランス
イギリスの旗 イギリス
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
ソビエト連邦の旗 ソビエト連邦
アルゼンチンの旗 アルゼンチン
ベルギーの旗 ベルギー
カナダの旗 カナダ
シリアの旗 シリア

国際連合安全保障理事会決議61(こくさいれんごうあんぜんほしょうりじかいけつぎ61、: United Nations Security Council Resolution 61, UNSCR61)は、1948年11月4日にに国際連合安全保障理事会で採択された決議。パレスチナ情勢に関して休戦・撤兵について規定をすると同時に独自に新たな委員会を設立するものである。



国際連合安全保障理事会決議54でなされた停戦は、パレスチナの将来の状況の平和的調整en: Adjustment (law))に達するまで有効であり続けると決定した。そのため、理事会はこの地域の軍隊を10月14日の時点の位置まで撤退させることを命令し、調停人代理はそれを超えて軍隊の移動ができない暫定的な線を設定する権限を与えられた。理事会はまた、中立地帯は当事者間の交渉によって、あるいはそれができない場合には調停人代理の決定によって確立されるものとした。






The Security Council,
Having decided on 15 July 1948 that, subject to further decision by the Security Council or the General Assembly, the truce shall remain in force in accordance with resolution 54 (1948) of that date and with resolution 50 (1948) of 29 May 1948 until a peaceful adjustment of the future situation of Palestine is reached,
Having decided on 19 August that no party is permitted to violate the truce on the ground that it is undertaking reprisals or retaliations against the other party, and that no party is entitled to gain military or political advantage through violation of the truce,
Having decided on 29 May that, if the truce was subsequently repudiated or violated by either party or by both, the situation in Palestine could be reconsidered with a view to action under Chapter Ⅶ of the Charter of the United Nations,
Takes note of the request communicated to the Government of Egypt and the Provisional Government of Israel by the Acting Mediator on 26 October following upon the decisions adopted by the Security Council on 19 October 1948 ;
Calls upon the interested Governments, without prejudice to their rights, claims or positions with regard to a peaceful adjustment of the future situation of Palestine or to the position which the Members of the United Nations may wish to take in the General Assembly on such peaceful adjustment :

(1) To withdraw those of their forces which have advanced beyond the positions held on 14 October, the Acting Mediator being authorized to establish provisional lines beyond which no movement of troops shall take place ;
(2) To establish, through negotiations conducted directly between the parties, or, failing that, through the intermediaries in the service of the United Nations, permanent truce lines and such neutral or demilitarized zones as may appear advantageous, in order to ensure henceforth the full observance of the truce in that area. Failing an agreement, the permanent lines and neutral zones shall be established by decision of the Acting Mediator ;

Appoints a committee of the Council, consisting of the five permanent members together with Belgium and Colombia, to give such advice as the Acting Mediator may require with regard to his responsibilities under this resolution and, in the event that either party or both should fail to comply with sub-paragraphs (I) and (2) of the preceding paragraph of this resolution within whatever time limits the Acting Mediator may think it desirable to fix, to study as a matter of urgency and to report to the Council on further measures it would be appropriate to take under Chapter VII of the Charter.








  1. 国際連合の主要機関として、総会、安全保障理事会、経済社会理事会、信託統治理事会、国際司法裁判所及び事務局を設ける。
  2. 必要と認められる補助機関は、この憲章に従って設けることができる。


  1. ^ S/RES/61(1948) - E - S/RES/61(1948) -Desktop”. undocs.org. 2021年11月29日閲覧。
  2. ^ 国際連合憲章”. 2021年11月29日閲覧。





