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- Mandala. José Argüelles; Miriam Arguelles (1972) Shambhala Publications.
- 『マンダラ』ホセ&ミリアム・アーグエイエス著、中村正明訳、青土社、2006年、ISBN 978-4791762613
- The Transformative Vision: Reflections on the Nature and History of Human Expression. (1975) Shambhala Publications.
- The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. (1987) Inner Traditions.
- 『マヤン・ファクター―テクノロジーを超えた道』ホゼ・アグエイアス著、高橋徹訳、滝元隆伸監訳、ヴォイス、1999年、ISBN 978-4900550094
- 『マヤン・ファクター 新版―2012年の真実(リアリティ)』柳瀬宏秀訳、福井久美子訳、柳瀬宏秀監修、三五館、2008年、ISBN 978-4883204441
- Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems. (1984) Inner Traditions.
- Surfers of the Zuvuya: Tales of Interdimensional Travel. (1989) Inner Traditions.
- 『時空のサーファー』ホゼ・アグエイアス著、住倉良樹訳、椎原美樹訳、高橋徹監訳、モデラート、2005年、ISBN 978-4944202218
- The Arcturus Probe: Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation. (1996) Light Technology Publishing.
- 『アルクトゥルス・プローブ―銀河連盟と現在進行中の調査、及びその物語』ホゼ・アグエイアス著、高橋徹訳、たま出版、1996年、ISBN 978-4884814762
- The Call of Pacal Votan: Time is the Fourth Dimension. (1996) Altea Publishing.
- 『「新しい時間」の発見 甦るマヤの預言―人類はなぜ“偽りの時間”の中にいるのか』ホゼ&ロイディーン・アグエイアス著、高橋徹訳、風雲社、1997年、ISBN 978-4938939045
- Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs (2002) Inner Traditions.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 1 : Book of the Throne. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2005) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 2 : Book of the Avatar. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2006) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 3 : Book of the Mystery. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2007) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 4 : Book of the Initiation. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2008) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 5 : Book of the Timespace. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2009) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 6 : Book of the Transcendence. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2010) Law of Time Press.
- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 7 : Book of the Cube. José Argüelles/Valum Votan; Stephanie South/Red Queen (2011) Law of Time Press.
- Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness (2011) North Atlantic Books.