
利用者:Was a bee/Geo/36

Japanese sample 1


Down the shift key at "2003年", Japanese text is only shown "2003年" in popup window, but English text is translation of "2003年 アメリカでウォシャウスキー監督の新作映画" (from start character "2" to last character "画" just before wiki-link text).

Japanese sample 2


Selection of text is sometimes works, sometimes does not work.

First example is partial selection does not work. Although selecting part of text (to say a word), translation is whole text (sometimes selection of word at start position of the text can work).

  • 国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所は国連の補助機関です。 (means "UNHCR is UN's agency.")
  • 国際連合 難民高等弁務官事務所 は 国連 の 補助機関 です。 (separated Japanese text with space into word. Japanese language does not use this type of spacing. This is only for convenience of code test.)
  • 国際 連合 難民 高等 弁務官 事務所 は 国連 の 補助 機関 です。(more separated with space. Same as above.)
  • 国 際 連 合 難 民 高 等 弁 務 官 事 務 所 は 国 連 の 補 助 機 関 です。(more separated with space. Same as above.)

Second example is whole selection does not work. Select whole text below, and "shift button down at start position of the text" does work. But "shift button down at other position of text" sometimes does not work. I can not figure out when this works and when this doesn't. But "selecting whole and translating it" procedure sometimes works, and sometimes does not work.

Japanese sample 3


Selection feature (part selection and whole selection) of Firefox works perfectly at sentence at the top. But it does not works sentence below. I suppose...when some non-standard characters (e.g. spaces or so) appeared in the text, this will happen. This happen in many part of talk page, and some part of article. I don't think this is huge problem. But if possible to fix, it would be very perfect.

  • 国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所は国連の補助機関です。 (means "UNHCR is UN's agency.")
  • 国際連合 難民高等弁務官事務所 は 国連 の 補助機関 です
  • コメント 国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所は、国連の補助機関です。--Was a bee 2010年10月12日 (火) 09:24 (UTC) (this text has a space at after comment template)