

一日だけの王様』はジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ作曲の2幕のオペラ・ブッファドラマ・ジョコーソである。Alexandre Vincent Pineu-Duvalが1838年から1840年の間に書いた戯曲「Le faux Stanislas」を原作としてフェリーチェ・ロマーニが書いたイタリア語のリブレットによる。ヴェルディが作曲した最初の喜劇である。

この作品の初演は1840年9月5日にミラノスカラ座で行われ、失敗に終わった。このとき、ヴェルディはオーケストラピット内で聴衆の反応を直接聞いていた。批評家はこの作品の作曲期間にヴェルディの2人の子どもと妻のマルゲリータ・バレッツィが死んだという個人的な状況がこの失敗に部分的に関係していると評した。要因は、スカラ座の座元がオットー・ニコライ作曲のオペラセリアIl templario英語版」のための歌手陣を手配しており、彼らがオペラブッファの経験を持たない歌手だったことである。スカラ座は残りの公演予定をキャンセルし、スカラ座での再演は2001年まで行われていない。



現在、この作品が上演されることは少ない。アメリカ合衆国での初演は1960年6月18日、英国での初演は1961年3月21日である。1981年6月にSan Diego Opera英語版の"Verdi Festival"の中で上演された。Along with Oberto英語版 and other early Verdi operas, it opened the New York Grand Opera Company’s "Viva Verdi!" 1994-2007 presentation of all Verdi's operas in chronological order under Vincent La Selva英語版.[2] Bronx Opera Company英語版 (NYC)はこの作品を1983年と1994年の2回上演している。

In 2008, Opera della Luna英語版 toured a version of the opera in the UK. In director Jeff Clarke's broad English-language adaptation, the story is moved to post-war Italy around the reign of Umberto II, infused with elements of organized crime, and political humour is added. One reviewer commented that the production "makes up for what it lacks in bel canto elegance by being a riotously funny, enormously enjoyable evening's entertainment".[3]

Sarasota Opera英語版 will perform the opera in 2013, when it will become the 29th work of the complete Verdi canon (in all its versions) to be presented by the company.[4] The Glimmerglass Festival英語版 has announced that it will present the opera during the 2013 Festival.[5]


Role Voice type 1840年9月5日の初演時のキャスト[6]
(指揮: - Eugenio Cavallini英語版)
Cavaliere di Belfiore, a French officer
バリトン Raffaele Ferlotti英語版
ケルバール男爵, the usurper バス Raffaele Scalese英語版
The Marchesa del Poggio, a young widow,
the Baron's niece, in love with Belfiore
ソプラノ Antonietta Marini-Rainieri英語版
ジュリエッタ・ディ・ケルバール, the Baron's daughter メゾソプラノ Luigia Abbadia英語版
Edoardo di Sanval, a young official,
la Rocca's nephew
テノール Lorenzo Salvi英語版
La Rocca, Treasurer to the Estates of
バス Agostino Rovere英語版
Count Ivrea, Commandant of Brest,
engaged to the Marchesa
テノール Giuseppe Vaschetti
Delmonte, esquire to the false Stanislao バス Napoleone Marconi
Servants, chambermaids, vassals of the Baron


[The Polish monarch, King Stanisław Leszczyński, an historical figure during the War of Succession, lost his throne after the Saxon invasion at the Battle of Poltav in 1709. He regained it in 1733, but was again deposed in 1736 and went into exile in France. The opera is set in 1733 when Stanislaw returned to Poland leaving a French officer, the Cavaliere di Belfiore, to impersonate him in France.]

Time: 1733
Place: Baron Kelbar's castle near Brest, France


1場: A gallery in the home of Baron Kelbar [7]

Belfiore, impersonating the Polish king Stanislaus, is a guest at the home of Baron Kelbar and he comments to himself on his change of fortune: Compagnoni di Parigi...Verrà purtroppo il giorno / "If only my old comrades in Paris could see me now, the most dissolute officer in the regiment turned philosopher king." [7] The Baron has recently arranged a political alliance by betrothing his daughter, Giulietta, to La Rocca, the Brittany Treasurer, but Giulietta prefers La Rocca's nephew, Edoardo. Another undesired marriage involves the Baron's niece, the Marchesa del Poggio, a young widow who is in love with Belfiore. She has become engaged to the Count of Ivrea because Belfiore has been unable to commit himself to marrying her, in spite of the fact that he does love her.

Knowing of the Marchesa's imminent arrival and concerned that she might reveal his false identity as the King, Belfiore writes to Stanislaw and asks to be released from his commitment. Edoardo reveals his predicament to the "King" and begs to be taken to Poland with him in order to forget about the woman he loves. In addition, when the Marchesa arrives and, upon being introduced to Belfiore as "the King", she pretends not to recognize him. Likewise, he pretends not to recognize her, but she is determined to test him by proclaiming her love for the Count: Grave a core innamorato...Se dee cader la vedova / " ".

2場: the Garden of Kelbar's castle

Giulietta is alone with her attendants and expresses unhappiness in having to marry an old man: ’Non san quant'io nel petto...Non vo' quel vecchio / " “. When the Count and La Rocca arrive, followed in succession by Belfiore and Edoardo and then the Marchesa (who was planning to help the lovers), Belfiore draws the Count and La Rocca away on the pretext of discussing state business, leaving the young lovers alone with the Marchesa.

3場: the gallery of Kelbar’s castle

Maintaining his role as the King, Belfiore makes the Treasurer an offer of advancement which would include marriage to a rich widow. By accepting, he agrees not to marry Giulietta. When the treasurer tells the Baron that he refuses to marry his daughter, the Baron is affronted and challenges him to a duel. To add to the confusion all around, the Marchesa immediately proposes that Giulietta and Edoardo be married immediately. However, the false King returns and proposes that he will decide on a solution that will satisfy everyone.


1場: the gallery of Kelbar’s castle

Following the "King's" pronouncement, the servants are mystified and they sing a carefree chorus which leads to Edoardo seeking their support and announcing his hope of still be able to marry Giulietta: Pietoso al lungo pianto...Deh lasciate a un alma amante / " ".

Belfiore, the Treasurer, and Giulietta enter discussing the reasons for the Baron's opposition to his daughter's marriage to Eduardo. Giulietta explains that the young man's poverty is the main objection and so Belfiore immediately rules that the Treasurer must give up one of his castles and give over a sum of money to the young man, and then all will be well. The latter is somewhat reluctant to disobey his sovereign, but seeks a way out of his duel with the Baron.

2場: a veranda overlooking the castle gardens

Belfiore and the Marchesa meet on the veranda, the former still unable to reveal who he really is. This incenses the lady, who boldly states that it is her intention to marry the Count of Ivrea. However, she cannot understand why Belfiore is taking so long to reveal himself and still hopes for his change of heart: (andante) Si mostri a chi l'adora... / " ". When Count Ivrea is announced, she takes a defiant stand (cabaletta): Si, scordar saprò l'infido / " ". Since Eduardo has pledged to join the "King" when he goes to Poland, Giulietta is determined to get the King to rescind the commitment. The Count enters and the Marchesa once again states that she will marry the Count. However, Belfiore immediately forbids the marriage for 'reasons of state' and announces that he and the Count must leave for Poland to deal with state business.

All express their feelings, but things come to a halt when a letter arrives for Belfiore. It is from King Stanislaw announcing his safe arrival in Warsaw and releasing Belfiore from his task of impersonating him. In return, the king has created him Marshall of France. Before dropping the disguise, the "King" proclaims that Giulietta and Eduardo are to be married and, having received the Baron's consent, reads the true king's letter and reveals his true rank. He expresses his love for the Marchesa and all ends happily with the prospect of two weddings.


Year Cast
(Di Belfiore, Kelbar, Marchesa, Edoardo)
Opera House and Orchestra
1951 Renato Capecchi英語版,
Sesto Bruscantini英語版,
Lina Pagliughi英語版,
Juan Oncina英語版
Alfredo Simonetto,
Orchestra Lirica e Coro della RAI Milano
Audio CD: Warner-Fonit
Cat: 8573-82664-2


1973 Ingvar Wixell英語版,
Jessye Norman,
Fiorenza Cossotto,
José Carreras
Lamberto Gardelli,
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ambrosian Singers
Audio CD: Philips
Cat: 422429
2010 Guido Loconsolo,
Andrea Porta,
Anna Caterina Antonacci英語版,
Ivan Magri
Donato Renzetti,
Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Regio di Parma英語版,
(Recording of a performance on 31 January)
DVD (Blu-ray, PAL): Unitel Classica
Cat: 720304


  1. ^ Martin, George (2003). “Verdi Onstage in the United States: Un giorno di regno. The Opera Quarterly 19 (1): 3–15. doi:10.1093/oq/19.1.3. http://oq.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/19/1/3?ck=nck 2007年9月3日閲覧。. 
  2. ^ NYGO's repertory
  3. ^ Shirley, Hugo. "Verdi: Un giorno di regno", Musical Criticism, 26 July 2008, accessed 15 November 2009
  4. ^ Announcement of the 2012/13 season, 15 March 2012 Retrieved 15 March 2012
  5. ^ Press release announcement of 2013 season on glimmerglass.org Retrieved 25 July 2012
  6. ^ Budden, p. 70.
  7. ^ a b Scene titles and English translations taken from Budden, Vol. 1, pp.78-87
  8. ^ Recordings on operadis-opera-discography.org.uk
  9. ^ Hertzmann , Erich, "Reviews of Records - Verdi: Un Giorno di Regno, Radio Italiana; Alfredo Simonetto/Verdi: Luisa Miller; Radio Italiana; Mario Rossi; Verdi", The Musical Quarterly, #38 (3), July 1952 ,pp. 498-500


en:Category:Drammi giocosi en:Category:1840 operas en:Category:Operas set in France en:Category:La Scala world premieres