



ミートパペット行為 とはウィキペディア上の用語で、自分の味方あるいは代理として議論に参加させるために、他の(よくある場合では新規の)編集者を勧誘する行為を指します。通常は議論の中で合意形成に影響を与える目的で行われます。

Meatpuppetry is a Wikipedia term meaning the recruitment of (typically, new) editors to join a discussion on behalf of or as proxy for another editor, usually with the aim of swaying consensus in that discussion.


Meatpuppetry gives a misleading impression of participation in the discussion, and of the support and opposition to different views expressed. While Wikipedia assumes good faith especially for new users, the recruitment of new editors to Wikipedia for the purpose of influencing a survey, performing reverts, or otherwise attempting to give the appearance of consensus is strongly discouraged. A new user who engages in the same behavior as another user in the same context, and who appears to be editing Wikipedia solely for that purpose, may be subject to the remedies applied to the user whose behavior they are joining. The term meatpuppet is derogatory and should be used only with care.

Do not recruit meatpuppets. It is considered highly inappropriate to advertise Wikipedia articles to your friends, family members, or communities of people who agree with you, so that they come to Wikipedia and support your side of a debate. If you feel that a debate is ignoring your voice, then the appropriate action is to remain civil, seek comments and involvement from other Wikipedians, or pursue dispute resolution. These are well-tested processes, designed to avoid the problem of exchanging bias in one direction for bias in another.


Wikipedia has policies and processes to mitigate the disruption caused by meatpuppetry:

  1. 多くの討論や議論における合意は理想的には、編集者による投票の数ではなく、方針に関して編集者によって挙げられる意見に基づくべきです。新規参加者ではおそらく、ウィキペディアの方針や慣例を理解したり、他のユーザーが未だに述べていない証左を示したりといったことはうまくいきません。
  2. 投票や投票に準じた形をとっている場では、新規ユーザーは数に入れられなかったり軽視されたりするかもしれません。特に新規ユーザーの多くが同じ意見を表した場合です。
  3. 英語版の Arbitration Committee問題を解決するために、同じ意見を持ったアカウント群において一人のユーザーによるソックパペット行為が行われているか、あるいは複数のユーザーによるミートパペット行為が行われているかが不確かな場合は、Arbitration Committee はそれらの行為が存在するものとして取り扱っても構わないと決定しました[1]
  1. Consensus in many debates and discussions should ideally not be based upon number of votes, but upon policy-related points made by editors. Newcomers are unlikely to understand Wikipedia policies and practices, or to introduce any evidence that other users have not already mentioned.
  2. In votes or vote-like discussions, new users may be disregarded or given significantly less weight, especially if there are many of them expressing the same opinion.
  3. For the purposes of dispute resolution, the Arbitration Committee has ruled<ref>[[Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/Regarding_Ted_Kennedy#Sockpuppets]]</ref> that when there is uncertainty whether a party is one user with sock puppets, or several users acting as meatpuppets, they may be treated as one entity.
  1. ^ en:Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/Regarding_Ted_Kennedy#Sockpuppets