

en: Moina Mathers oldid=860714273 より翻訳

パリで行われるイシスの儀式のため、エジプト風の装束に身を包むモイナ (1899年撮影)
術士アブラメリンの聖なる魔術の書の、夫・マグレガーによる英訳版のためモイナが描いたイラスト (1897年制作)

モイナ・メイザース(Moina Mathers、1865年2月28日 - 1928年7月25日)は、19世紀から20世紀にかけて活動した芸術家・オカルティスト。本名はミナ・ベルクソン(Mina Bergson)。





父のMichel (enワルシャワ生まれの作曲家で、"Louisa de Montfort"・"Salvator Rosa"といったオペラで音楽的な成功を収めた。祖父は外科医・歯科医のJacob Levison(1799年頃生)、祖母はロンドン出身のKatherine Levison(1800年頃生)。 Moina, then named Mina, or Minna, was born in Geneva, Switzerland, to a talented and influential Polish-Jewish family from father's and English and Irish from mother's sides, moving to Paris, when she was but two years of age. Her father, Michel Bergson, achieved some musical success in composing the operas Louisa de Montfort and Salvator Rosa, he was a native of Warsaw and member of the influential Bereksohn family. Moina Mathers' grandfather, Jacob Levison (born c. 1799) was a surgeon and a dentist. Her grandmother was Katherine Levison, born in London in c. 1800. Her maternal aunt was Minna Preuss, born in Hull, Yorkshire, in 1835, and her mother, Kate, née Levison, was also born in Yorkshire. Her eldest brother, Henri Bergson, 1859–1941, joined the faculty of the College of France and is best known for authoring the philosophical work Creative Evolution. He was also the president of the British Society for Psychical Research.[2]

美術の才能に恵まれていたミナは、15歳でスレード美術学校に入学した。19世紀末当時、スレード校は若い女性に美術を奨励していることで知られていた。スレード校でミナは優秀な成績を収め、在学中に制作した絵画で奨学金と4つの賞状を手にした。在学中、後にアトリエを共用することとなるベアトリス・オフォーと知り合った他、同じく在学中の1882年にはアニー・ホーニマン英語版とも面識を得、後に友人となる。後にアニーは、自らも黄金の夜明け団の一員となって団を支援しながら、メイザース夫妻に多額の資金援助をすることとなる。[3] Moina was a talented artist and joined the Slade School of Art, at the age of fifteen. The Slade was known for encouraging young women in the Arts, at the turn of the nineteenth century. Moina was awarded a scholarship and four merit certificates for drawing at the School. She became friends with Beatrice Offor, with whom she shared a studio. It was also at the Slade in 1882, that Moina met her future friend Annie Horniman, who would become the major financial sponsor for the Matherses, as struggling artists and occultists, in backing the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.[4]

1887年、大英博物館で研究に励んでいたミナは、当時大英博物館によく出入りしていたマグレガー・メイザースと知り合う。その1年後、マグレガーは魔術結社「黄金の夜明け団」を設立し、ミナは1888年3月に最初の入会者として同団に参加した。魔法名(motto)はVestigia Nulla Retrorsum(ラテン語:「」)。 Moina met her husband, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, in 1887, while studying at the British Museum, where Samuel was a frequent patron. A year later, her future husband founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, one of the most influential organisations in the Western Mystery Tradition. Moina was the first initiate of this Order in March, 1888. Her chosen motto in the Golden Dawn was Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum, meaning "Prudence never retraces its steps." A year later in 1890, she married S. L. Mathers and Mina Bergson became Moina Mathers. In their occult partnership, her husband was described as the "evoker of spirits" and Moina as the clairvoyant "seeress", who often illustrated, as an artist, what her husband "evoked".[5] In March 1899, they performed the rites of the Egyptian goddess Isis, on the stage of the Théâtre La Bodinière in Paris.[6]

1918年にマグレガーが死去すると、モイナは黄金の夜明け団の後継結社であるアルファ・エト・オメガを受け継ぎ、その女首領(Imperatix)の座に就いた[7]。 1928年、ロンドンにて死去。




  1. ^ Wasson, Tyler. (1987) Nobel Prize Winners: An A.H. Wilson Biographical Dictionary. H.W. Wilson Co. Pg. 90 ISBN 0-8242-0756-4
  2. ^ Greenburg, Louis. (1976) "Bergson and Durkheim As Sons and Assimilators: The Early Years." French Historical Studies 9 Issue 4 pg. 619-634
  3. ^ Greer, (1995), pp. 40-45
  4. ^ Greer, (1995), pp. 40-45
  5. ^ Greer, 1995, pp.40-47
  6. ^ Greer, 1995, pp. 222-225
  7. ^ Greer, 1995, pp. 348-358


  • Greer, Mary K. (1995) ‘’Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses." Rochester, Vermont: One Park Street. ISBN 0-89281-607-4