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Edit warring is not uncommon on Wikipedia, even and especially among veteran users. It is human nature for one to want it their way. When an edit war occurs, the desired outcome for Wikipedia is a compromise. Sock puppets are sometimes used to distort the balance in an edit war. Current guidelines allow for a maximum of three reverts for each user on a single day, and even fewer reverts may result in a block if it is obvious the user is being disruptive. If two users with opposite points of view are going back and forth, and another user jumps in, this would provide for six reverts for one side versus the three of the other. Seemingly, the user with support from one's own sock puppet account would win. But that is not the case. When an uncontrollable edit war occurs, sometimes administrators must go as far as blocking those involved in the dispute and/or protecting the page in question from all editing by non-administrators. When an edit war does occur, majority is not what determines the outcome. Edit wars are typically resolved by discussion/debate with the aim of achieving consensus.

Wikipediaにおいて、編集合戦は珍しいことではありません。ベテラン同士でも、編集合戦は起こり得ます。 自分自身のやり方でやりたいと思うのが、人間の本質です。 編集合戦が起こった時、最も望ましい解決方法は話し合いによる解決です。 ソックパペットは、編集合戦を自分に有利にするために使われることがあります。 現在、ガイドラインでリバートは1日最大3回しか認められていません。それ未満でも、明らかに妨害的だと認められれば、ブロックされることがあります。 対立する2つの意見を持つ利用者がリバートを繰り返し、他の利用者が介入すれば、片方は6回のリバートで、もう片方は3回のリバートとなり、一見、ソックパペットを使った側が勝つように見えます。 しかし、それは事実ではありません。 度を越した編集合戦が起きた時、管理者は関与したそれらのアカウントをブロックし、あるいはそのページを全保護しなければならなくなります。 編集合戦が起こった時、多数派の意見が採用されるわけではありません。編集合戦は基本的に、合意を得ることに焦点を当てた話し合いによって解決されます。



Many editors have already established for themselves a good reputation with a long edit history free of disruptive behavior. To have such is treasured. But then, all of a sudden, one may wish to perform some controversial edit that they do not wish to appear in that history. There are legitimate reasons for doing this. For example, one who does not wish for a good-faith edit to a pornography-related article to appear in one's edit history due to the personal stigma it may accompany is permitted to do this. But it is explicitly forbidden to use a second account to be intentionally disruptive and hide this from one's contributions. This phenomenon is called the good-hand bad-hand account. The editor who does this may be one who wishes to experimentally vandalize, violate Wikipedia's neutrality policy and engage in POV pushing, make threats against other users, or to otherwise disrupt Wikipedia to make a point. Some users will create separate accounts to engage in activities that are generally permitted, but may anger other users, such as proposing articles for deletion. While it does not actually distort consensus, having separate accounts that are not identified as such on user pages is frowned upon. It is not uncommon for an account used only to propose one or more articles for deletion to be a suspected sock puppet. In some most extreme examples, one might experiment to see the reactions of others or stir up artificial controversy between two or more of one's own accounts by having them edit war with one another, forming a discussion with two accounts seemingly being two separate people who disagree, or by creating an article with one account, then proposing it for deletion with another. All of these actions would constitute disrupting Wikipedia to make a point.

多くの編集者は、妨害的編集のない長い編集歴によって、自身の評判を築き上げています。そのような評判は得難いものです。しかし、編集者は自身の投稿記録に出したくないような、物議を醸す編集をしようと思うことがあります。善意によって行ったポルノ関連の編集を不名誉になることを避けるために隠そうとする場合など、それが正当で、認められるケースもあります。 しかし、非建設的な編集の記録を副アカウントによって隠すことは、明示的に禁止されています。 このようなアカウントは、「善玉と悪玉アカウント」と呼ばれ、試しに荒らしてみたり、中立的な観点を侵して一方的な視点を押し付けたり、ほかの利用者に危害を加えたり、その他Wikipediaで自分の意思を通すために使われることがあります。 あるいは、このような監視逃れアカウントを、方針上認められているものの恨みを買うような行動、例えば記事の削除依頼の提出に使う人もいます。これは実際の合意に不正な影響を与えるものではありませんが、利用者ページで紐付けされていない監視逃れアカウントの所持は好ましくありません。削除依頼を提出するためだけに使われるアカウントがソックパペットの疑いをかけられることは珍しくありません。 最も極端な例としては、他の編集者の反応を見る実験用に、あるいは、複数のアカウントで編集合戦をし、あたかも意見の対立する別人が議論しているように装ったり、自分自身が立項した記事に別アカウントで削除依頼を出すなどして論争を仕立て上げることも考えられます。



Wikipedia has a number of systems designed to enforce various policies and guidelines and altogether ensure the integrity of the encyclopedia. Newly created pages are patrolled. Recent edits are patrolled. Vandalism is reverted. References are checked.

Some editors, often veteran ones, have come up with sneaky tricks to circumvent these systems and bypass the enforcement using second accounts. For example, one might create an article with one account, then mark it as patrolled with another. One might vandalize a page with one account, then make a seemingly good faith edit immediately after with another, possibly marking it as a reversion of the vandalism. Or one might make a controversial edit to a page that one knows would not be liked by others, and then make a minor edit with another immediately after so the controversial edit is not the most recent and therefore goes unnoticed.

Wikipediaには、方針とガイドラインが守られるように複数のシステムがあり、それらが百科事典としての質を保っています。新しい記事は巡回されます。最近の編集も巡回されます。荒らしは差し戻され、出典はチェックされます。 編集者の中には(しばしばベテランが)、複数アカウントを使うことでこのようなシステムを巧みに出し抜こうと考える人もいます。例えば、あるアカウントで作った記事をほかのアカウントで巡回済みにする。あるいはあるアカウントで記事を荒らし、即座に別のアカウントで善意に見える編集を行い、それを荒らしの差し戻しとして「Mark」する(見せかける?)などです。ほかの人に異論が出されそうな論争のある編集を一つのアカウントで行い、そして別のアカウントですぐに細部の編集を行うことで、最近の編集から隠し、気付かれずに編集を行うことも考えられます。



In order to get a discussion started, a user may make an assertion, then have a sock puppet counter that assertion as if there were a real discussion occurring. Also, a user could, with multiple accounts, make such opposing comments within an existing discussion. Pump priming may occur as a method of testing a point-of-view, or the pump primer may actually want a particular outcome, but will give strong reasoning for the desired outcome, paired with weak reasoning for the opposing point-of-view. Pump priming is a direct violation of disrupting Wikipedia to make a point.

議論を始めるために、利用者がある主張をし、ソックパペットに反対させることで本当に議論があるように見せかけることが考えられます。また、既存の議論についても同じことが言えます。 そのような手法は、一方的な視点を「testing」するため、或いはある結果を求めて行われることもありますが、(以下翻訳未了)will give strong reasoning for the desired outcome, paired with weak reasoning for the opposing point-of-view. Pump priming is a direct violation of disrupting Wikipedia to make a point.(ここまで)

Possible signs


The following are possible signs that two accounts may be operated by the same person, that the likelihood may be low, or that, contrary to popular belief, there is no likelihood at all. These signs mostly focus on the knowledge the users of the suspected accounts may either have or lack, or the behaviors they exhibit. Most of the signs listed here have been derived from those used in prior sock puppet investigations that when listed as probable signs have led to positive identifications, and when listed as improbable signs have led to negative or inconclusive identifications. When one or more of these signs are present, this does not automatically mean that sock puppetry or even legitimate multiple account usage is definitely occurring. The more signs that are present, the more likely sock puppetry is occurring, though no accusations shall be made unless, beyond a reasonable doubt, one is really certain.

下記は、2つのアカウントが同一人物によるものである可能性を示す兆候です。その可能性は低いかもしれませんし、コミュニティの(popular)予想と違い、その可能性は全くないかもしれません。これらの兆候は主に、ソックパペット疑惑をかけられているアカウントがともに知っている/知らないことや、彼らが見せた行動に焦点を当てたものです。 ここに示された兆候は、過去、ソックパペット調査において使われていたもので、「Probable」な兆候が見られたときは同一人物、「inprobable」な兆候が見られたときは、「別人」(negative)或いは「非決定的」(inconclusive)と判断されていました。 一つ、あるいはそれ以上の兆候が現れたとしても、ソックパペット、正当な複数アカウントの使用が行われていると断定することはできません。より多くの兆候が見られれば、可能性はより高くなりますが、合理的な理由により確かにソックパペットだと断定できない限り、ソックパペット扱いすべきではありません。

Similar usernames


A pair of usernames consisting of the same word followed by a pair of numbers in succession (e.g. User:SockPuppet1 and User:Sockpuppet2) may be the same person with two accounts. But as a sockpuppet is defined as one using multiple accounts deceptively, it is more likely that such use would not be so overt. If the example of numbers in succession is seen, more likely, one of them was probably made because the username of the other one coincided.

In the event that two accounts have a common word (e.g. User:Sock puppets and User:Green sock), the likelihood of the two accounts being operated by the same person likewise is low unless the word or name used is so unusual that it would be practically unknown to anyone else, and the newer of the accounts was formed not too long after the older one (meaning that no one would have known to copy it).

同じ言葉の後ろに連続した数字が続いている複数のアカウント(例えば、利用者:ソックパペット1利用者:ソックパペット2)は同一人物によるものかもしれません。 しかし、ソックパペットが偽って複数のアカウントを使うことと定義されているように、多重アカウントは他人に気づかれないように運用されることが多いです。もしこのような例が見られたなら、ある言葉を使ったアカウント名に先行するものがあったからであると考えるべきでしょう。 (以下翻訳未了)In the event that two accounts have a common word (e.g. User:Sock puppets and User:Green sock), the likelihood of the two accounts being operated by the same person likewise is low unless the word or name used is so unusual that it would be practically unknown to anyone else, and the newer of the accounts was formed not too long after the older one (meaning that no one would have known to copy it).(ここまで)

Precocious edit history


Naturally, as one would expect, one who is new to something has little skill, and becomes more of an expert over time as experience is gained. A newbie's edits may be deficient in meeting editing requirements and skills (such as referencing, wikifying, etc., though they should not be discounted), may have some test edits, and may even exhibit some inappropriate behavior at times, up to and including vandalism and edit warring. One with a longer edit history would have more knowledge about correct policies and procedures, and may be familiar to the requirements to provide sources, recommendations to provide internal links and navboxes, and with some more complicated techniques (such as building charts, uploading images, or designing new templates). This commonly leads one to believe that an account with only a few edits that has been performing at a high level of knowledge of wiki rules and language is a sockpuppet.

When a new account's first edits appear like those made by a veteran editor, showing good knowledge of how Wikipedia works, it is likely that the account is a sockpuppet. But the user may not be a sockpuppet, and might instead be one who has prior experience with IP editing, has carefully read instructions, policies, and guidelines prior to editing, has worked a lot on other sister projects, has read a book on Wikipedia such as Wikipedia – The Missing Manual, or has been coached by another editor known to them (see WP:Newbies aren't always clueless). Or else the account may be a second account used legitimately (see WP:Sock puppetry#LEGIT) or that of one who has abandoned an earlier account and legitimately started over (see WP:Clean start).

Of particular concern is when multiple accounts are used simultaneously, particularly for a common cause, such as commenting on a deletion discussion, thereby giving the appearance of multiple votes. If an account that participated in the debate was created after the discussion began, the comments given by the new account will not be automatically discounted, but its comments may be given less consideration due to the possibility of sock puppetry.

一般的に、as one would expect, 新しいことをしようとする人は最初はそのことに慣れていません。そして経験を積むにつれて、そのことに慣れていきます。新規利用者の編集は最初、Wikipediaに要求される水準に達していなかったり、(例えば出典の提示、Wiki文法等において。though they should not be discounted)テスト投稿や不適切なものであることがあります。荒らし行為や編集合戦を行うこともあるかもしれません。経験を積むにつれて方針や正しい編集のやり方について知識を得て、出典の提示、内部リンクやnavboxes、さらにより複雑な技術 (表の作成、画像のアップロード、テンプレートの作成)が使えるようになります。これにより、通常、編集回数の割に高いスキルを持つ利用者はソックパペットの疑いをかけられることとなります。

新規利用者が熟練利用者のような行動を見せたり、Wikipediaの仕組みについて精通している場合、そのアカウントはソックパペットである可能性が高いです。 しかしそうでない可能性もあります。その利用者は先にIP利用者として活動していたのかもしれません。編集を始める前に方針やガイドラインを熟読していたり、姉妹プロジェクトで経験を積んでいたのかもしれません。Wikipediaに関する本(「Wikipedia – The Missing Manual」のような)を読んでいたり、知り合いの編集者に教えてもらった可能性もあります。(see WP:Newbies aren't always clueless)。複数アカウントの適正利用や、(see WP:Sock puppetry#LEGIT)再スタートした利用者かもしれません。 (see WP:Clean start).


Excessive support for one's cause


Very often, there will be an editor who will try to edit in a certain manner that is viewed as controversial in the eyes of the majority of the Wikipedia community. Normally when this happens, since Wikipedia is ruled by consensus, the majority view is likely to win and prevent the minority view from making its way into the final outcome of a dispute. Especially when the minority view is extremely unpopular, it is unlikely to get much support. The majority of editors agree on doing the right thing, even if they do not agree themselves with the majority view. What's more, reliable sources that are believed to be accurate are what make true winners. Point-of-view pieces that do not provide information at a neutral stance are not considered to be in the reliable sources category, especially for subjects of a controversial nature. A level of support greater than what can be expected from the overall population combined with other signs can be a possible sign of either sock or meat puppetry.

よく、Wikipediaコミュニティの大多数から論争的と判断される手法で編集を行う編集者がいます。Wikipediaはコンセンサスにより運営されるため、大抵、多数派が勝ち、少数派の意見が結論となることはありません。少数派の意見が一般的ではない時は特に、賛同意見を得にくいです。編集者の大多数は、彼ら自身が合意できなくても正しい行動をとることに同意しています。さらに、正確なものと考えられている信頼できる情報源が、真に誰が正しいかを決めます。中立的な立場に立っていない情報源は、特に論争を呼ぶ話題において、信頼できる情報源とみなされません。The overall population combined with other signsから期待されることができる以上のレベルの支援はソックパペットやミートパペットである可能性があります。

Excessive awarding of barnstars


Receiving a barnstar is generally considered to be a great honor. It shows that one has worked hard to make useful contributions to Wikipedia. Many users are proud of the barnstars they've received and actively display them on their user pages. Anyone can award a barnstar to anyone. Even an IP user can award or receive a barnstar. There are no qualifications required. This is nice because anyone who wants to award one in good faith can do so. At the same time, anyone who wants to award one in bad faith can do so. It is therefore possible to award a barnstar to one's own sock puppet account, or to one who is acting as a meatpuppet for one's own cause in order to help legitimize the cause. The recipient can then justify his/her cause by stating "look, I was awarded a barnstar." This level of pride does not ever justify favor for the minority point-of-view, or any other actions contrary to Wikipedia guidelines, even when there is no sock or meat puppetry involved. But it has been interpreted as a suspicious sign for sock or meat puppetry.

バーンスターはWikipediaに有意義な貢献をした証であり、受け取ることは一般的に栄誉なことであると考えられています。多くの利用者はバーンスターを受け取ったことを誇りに思い、積極的に利用者ページに貼り付けます。 バーンスターは自由に使えるものです。IP利用者であっても、バーンスターを送ったり受け取ったりすることができ、それに資格はありません。これは良心により授与したい人がそうできるという点で優れた仕組みですが、同時に悪意を持って使うこともできます。 例えば、自分自身のソックパペットアカウントや、自身の行動を正当化するためのミートパペットに送ることができます。そして、受け取った人はこう述べるのですー「私はバーンスターを授与されました」。バーンスターが少数派のPOVや、Wikipediaのガイドライン違反を正当化することはありません(仮にそれがソックパペットやミートパペットでなかったとしても)。しかし、これはソックパペットやミートパペットの兆候とみなされています。

Repeating the same disapproved activity


if a single account is used to repeat the same edit, and it is continually reverted, that is well known as an edit war. A single user engaging in an edit war against multiple editors opposing the activity is almost certain to be blocked if the behavior is not stopped. If multiple editors without a long history come into the scene, these may be sock or meat puppets. This may not only include edits to existing pages, but also creation of troublesome pages, uploading of problematic files, copyright violations, personal attacks, spam, or other behaviors in bad faith after being warned. Simply changing the name of a page does not resolve the problem. Editors engaging in such disruptive activity may attempt to be sneaky for using different names for such pages each time, just like they use different names for their accounts that are sock puppets. The names may or may not have resemblance to one another.

ある利用者が同じ編集を繰り返し、そしてそれが繰り返しリバートされることは、編集合戦として知られています。そして、複数の利用者を相手に編集合戦を繰り返し、それをやめない利用者はほぼ確実にブロックされます。 もし複数の、編集歴の浅いアカウントがそのような編集合戦に現れたら、それはソックパペット、ミートパペットかもしれません。これは存在するページに対する編集だけでなく、troublesomeなページの作成、問題のあるファイルのアップロード、著作権侵害、個人攻撃、スパム等の悪意を持った行動全てに当てはまります。Simply changing the name of a page does not resolve the problem. Editors engaging in such disruptive activity may attempt to be sneaky for using different names for such pages each time, just like they use different names for their accounts that are sock puppets. The names may or may not have resemblance to one another.

Editing identical articles


If two accounts have a history of edits to one or more of the same articles, or especially many identical articles, this may lead to suspicion that they may be operated by the same person. There may be even more suspicion if the edit(s) themselves are nearly identical, and even more so if they are disruptive in nature. Then again, two different people who have an interest or experience in a certain field may work on many identical articles. For example, people living in the same area (who may or may not know each other personally) may edit lots of articles on regional interests. Fans of a sports team may edit articles on many of its players. Those with knowledge in biology may also have studied chemistry. As many musicians also act, those who work on songs of the musician may also be involved with movies the star is in. In all, each article (unless it is lacking of proper wikification) is contained in one or more categories, is linked from one or more articles, and is often listed in one or more templates. Those who view the links or categories will therefore be led to view and often edit common pairs or groups of articles. So if any two or more accounts are used to edit common articles in such groups frequently, it is unlikely two or more of them are operated by the same person. If two accounts operated by the same person are used to deceptively show more support for a cause, such as multiple "votes" on an AfD or a controversy created by a fake edit war between the two accounts, a violation has occurred. But if one account is used to contribute useful information to an article, and another is used in an unrelated productive manner (such as to fix spelling errors), no harm has occurred, and no action shall be taken. If a checkuser inquiry or other evidence finds that two accounts are using the same IP address to edit the same articles, this does not necessarily mean the same person is operating both accounts. It is not uncommon for people who live or work together or who otherwise know each other to have common interests, or even to have face-to-face discussions about the same articles. Provided that there is no meatpuppetry or canvassing, and each person is editing in a manner that s/he naturally would independent of the other, this is acceptable. It is even possible for two or more people to be making disruptive edits to the same article with no connections to one another whatsoever. If there is a subject that is of high interest to an immature or ideologically-bent crowd, and the article is popular among this crowd, it is possible to see more than one unconnected person performing the exact vandalism or POV editing to the article. When this occurs, the proper action is to consider protecting the page in question rather than accusing those involved in the disruptive behavior of sock puppetry. If those involved have a history of doing the same collectively to multiple articles, then it is more likely sock puppetry may be occurring.

二つのアカウントに1つ、あるいはそれ以上の同じ記事への投稿記録が見つかった時は(特に共通した記事数が多い時)、これらのアカウントが同一人物によるものである可能性が出てきます。また、それらの編集が似通っていたり、本質的に破壊的である場合、その疑いはさらに強いものとなるでしょう。しかし、同一の分野に興味や経験がある複数の利用者が多くの共通の記事を編集している可能性もあります。例えば、知り合いか否かに関わらず同じ地域に住んでいる人が地域関連の記事を編集する場合。スポーツチームのファンが、多くの選手の記事を編集する場合。Those with knowledge in biology may also have studied chemistry. As many musicians also act, those who work on songs of the musician may also be involved with movies the star is in.

Edit warring


Deletion discussions


Knowledge that an obscure article exists


Connection to the article


Always there when needed


Chronology of edits


Days on and off


Accounts with occasional usage


Accounts used only briefly




Fictitious locality


Fictitious personality


Lack of establishment into the community


Similar writing/editing styles


Common spelling/punctuation/grammar errors


Uploading of multimedia


IP sock puppetry


Browser parameters


Single-purpose accounts


Behaviors on other sites


Being a witness


Triggers of a sock puppet investigation


Use of a single-purpose account


Uncivil editing


Planned vandalism


Engaging in an edit war




Account block


See also
