


勇気ある人々賞(英語: Profile in Courage Award、プロファイル・イン・カレッジ・アワード)は、アメリカの私設の賞で、先にジョン・F・ケネディの著書『勇気ある人々』(原書1956年刊『Profiles in Courage[注釈 1]』)で資質を述べた〔勇気のしるし〕を表彰する。対象は個人(しばしば公選代議士)とし、一般の世論あるいは行政その他の地域の関心にそむいてでも、連邦や州または地域がいだくより広壮な理想を追求し、キャリアや人生を危険にさらしてでも自分の良心を貫いた者とする。





受賞(年) 氏名 職位 貢献 その他の候補者
1990 カール・エリオット (父)英語版. 下院議員 (アラバマ州) 公民権諸法ならびに国家防衛教育法 (1958年 Hill-Elliott Act 法案)を有効にしようとしたため「両陣営(reactionaries)の激しい批判の的」となり、1964年に連邦議会議員の座を辞する。 ヘンリー・ベルモン、ユニタ・ブラックウェル、リロイ・

Henry Bellmon, Unita Blackwell, LeRoy Collins, Morris K. Udall

1991 チャールズ・ウェルトナー英語版

Charles Weltner

下院議員 (ジョージア州) For his decision to drop out of his race for reelection to a third term, rather than seek reelection and be bound by a party loyalty oath to support the candidacy of segregationist Lester Maddox. Frank P. Graham, George M. Michaels, Nicholas C. Wasicsko
1992 ローウェル・P・ウェイカー英語版

Lowell P. Weicker Jr.

下院議員、元同上院議員第85代コネチカット州知事英語版 For proposing, as governor of Connecticut, a budget that included the introduction of an unpopular state personal income tax and major spending cuts in order to address Connecticut's financial crisis.
1993 ジェームズ・フローリオ英語版

James Florio

ニュージャージー州知事(Governor of New Jersey、1990–1994)。下院議員(1975–1990)
1994 ヘンリー・ゴンザレス

Henry Gonzalez

1995 マイケル・サイナー

Michael Synar

1996 コーキン・チェルビーニ

Corkin Cherubini

教育委員長? 校長?

School superintendent

Efforts to rectify civil rights abuses in his small southern school district
1997 チャールズ・プライス判事

Judge Charles Price

連邦裁判所第15巡回裁判所判事(アラバマ州モンゴメリー郡Montgomery County, Alabama)。1983年から判事として裁判に立ち合い、2015年1月16日に退任。
1998 ニコラス・C・マーニオン

Nickolas C. Murnion


"Peacemakers of Northern Ireland"

Negotiators and signatories of the ベルファスト合意.の交渉人、代理人 Awarded to the negotiators and signatories of the Good Friday Agreement, "in recognition of the extraordinary political courage they demonstrated." Presented to John Hume, Gerry Adams, John Alderdice, Malachi Curran, David Ervine, Gary McMichael, Monica McWilliams, David Trimble, and George J. Mitchell.
1999 Russell Feingold U.S. Senator (Wisconsin) (1993–2011);[1] Wisconsin State Senator (27th District) (1983-1993).[2] For co-sponsoring the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
John McCain U.S. Senator (Arizona); Republican nominee in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. For co-sponsoring the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
2000 Hilda Solis Member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for the 1st district; United States Secretary of Labor (2009–2013) during the Obama administration; U.S. Representative (2001–2009)
2001 John Lewis

(Lifetime Achievement Award)
An American civil rights movement leader and politician, Lewis was the U.S. Representative for ジョージア州5区 from 1987 until his death in 2020. He was the dean of the Georgia congressional delegation, and his district included three quarters of Atlanta.
Gerald Ford 38th President of the United States For his controversial pardon of Richard Nixon, which arguably cost him the 1976 election.
2002 Kofi Annan A Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 1997 to December 2006. Annan and the UN were the co-recipients of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.[3] He is the founder and chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation, as well as chairman of The Elders, an international organization founded by Nelson Mandela.[4][5]
Dean Koldenhoven Former mayor of Palos Heights, Illinois Political courage in speaking out against religious discrimination and calling for tolerance within his community.
"Public Servants of September 11" Representatives of NYPD, the FDNY, and the military Risked their lives on September 11, 2001 attacks
2003 Dan Ponder, Jr. He was a member of the Georgia House of Representatives from 1997 to 2000. He is a member of the Republican party.[6] In 2003, he received the Profile in Courage Award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.[7] He was elected mayor of Donalsonville, Georgia in 2013.[8][9] Took a contentious stand in favor of hate-crimes legislation in Georgia, which may have cost him his seat in the state House.
David Beasley Executive Director of the U.N. World Food Programme.[10] Beasley served one term as the 113th Governor of South Carolina from 1995 until 1999, as a member of the Republican Party. For his efforts to remove the Confederate battle flag from atop the state capitol.
Roy Barnes Governor of Georgia (1999–2003). For his efforts to minimize the Confederate battle emblem on Georgia's state flag.
2004 Sima Samar A well known woman’s and human rights advocate, activist and a social worker within national and international forums, who served as Minister of Women's Affairs of Afghanistan from December 2001 to 2003.
Cindy Watson Former North Carolina State Representative
Paul Muegge State Senator
2005 Joseph Darby The whistleblower in the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal.
Shirley Franklin Mayor of Atlanta (2002–2010)
Bill Ratliff Texas State Senator (1988–2004)[11]
Victor Yushchenko Third President of Ukraine (2005–2010)
2006 Alberto J. Mora A former General Counsel of the Navy 国防総省内部で働きかけ、 ジョン・ユー()が提唱する法的根拠に反論するよう、またグアンタナモ湾収容キャンプにおける収監囚の尋問(coercive interrogation tactics)は憲法違反(違法)であると主張した。
John Murtha U.S. representative (Pennsylvania)
2007 Bill White Mayor of Houston (2004–2010) ホワイト知事のすばやい対処により、ハリケーンのカタリナとリタで被災し住むところを失った何万もの家族を受け入れ、確実に人命を救った。

"Mayor White's quick actions in welcoming thousands of families displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita most certainly helped to save lives."

Doris Voitier Superintendent of Schools, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana 「言葉では語り尽くせないほどの逆境にありながら、D・ボワティエはセント・バーナード教会区の学校群を再建(ハリケーン・カタリナ被災後)、自分が属するコミュニティの子どもたちが帰宅した時、勉強して成長する場を確保した。」

"Despite insurmountable odds, Doris Voitier rebuilt the schools of St. Bernard Parish [after Hurricane Katrina], making sure the children of her community had a place to learn and grow when they returned home."

2008 Jennifer Brunner Ohio Secretary of State
Debra Bowen Secretary of State of California (2007–2015); member of the California State Legislature (1992-2006)
William Winter

(Lifetime Achievement Award)
Governor of Mississippi (1980–1984)
2009 Edward M. Kennedy U.S. Senator (Massachusetts)
Brooksley Born Chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (1996–1999)

Sheila Bair

第19代議長、連邦預金保険公社 (FDIC)[12]世界金融危機 (2007年-2008年)(リーマンショック)当時、氏は(連邦)政府の対応において顕著な役割を占めた。議長職を任期5年で拝命(2006年6月26日)、任命者はジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領。
Leymah Gbowee and the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace Helped bring an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003.
2010 Karen Bass Bass represented the 47th district in the California State Assembly 2004–2010, and was Speaker of the California State Assembly 2008–2010 (second woman, third African American speaker).
Dave Cogdill Republican politician who served as a State Senator from California's 14th State Senate district from December 2006 to December 2010.
Darrell Steinberg英語版 A member of the California State Senate representing the 6th District. He had also previously served as a member of the California State Assembly (1998–2004) and as a member of the Sacramento City Council (1992–1998). He is a member of the Democratic Party.
Michael Villines英語版Michael Villines Former California State Assemblyman, who served from 2004 to 2010 representing the 29th district.
2011 エリザベス・レデンボー

Elizabeth Redenbaugh

School Board Member, New Hanover County, North Carolina ノースカロライナ州のニューハノーバー郡教育委員会の一員として、「校区再編案に盛り込まれた人種隔離を感得し、それを正した」行いに対して。<br />For her actions, as a member of North Carolina's New Hanover County School Board "against what she perceived as racial segregation in school redistricting plans."
ワエル・ゴニムほかエジプト国民 "presented to Wael Ghonim in honor of all Egyptians who stood up, at great personal risk, for the principles of democracy and self-governance" in the Egyptian revolution of 2011.
2012 Marsha K. Ternus, David L. Baker, and Michael J. Streit Justices of the Iowa Supreme Court "[I]n recognition of the political courage and judicial independence each demonstrated in setting aside popular opinion to uphold the basic freedoms and security guaranteed to all citizens under the Iowa constitution." The justices joined the unanimous Iowa Supreme Court ruling, Varnum v. Brien, that legally recognized same-sex marriage in Iowa; "[a]lthough the Court’s decision was unanimous, it provoked a political backlash. In November 2010, voters removed Ternus, Baker and Streit from office following an unprecedented campaign financed in part by national interest groups opposed to same-sex marriage."
Robert S. Ford Diplomat; United States Ambassador to Algeria (2006-2008); United States Ambassador to Syria (2010-2014)[13] For "bold and courageous diplomacy" that "provided crucial support to Syrians struggling under the brutal regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad."
2013 Gabrielle Giffords Former U.S. Representative for アリゾナ州8区 (2007–2012) "[I]n recognition of the political, personal, and physical courage she has demonstrated in her fearless public advocacy for policy reforms aimed at reducing gun violence." Giffords survived an assassination attempt that left her with a severe brain injury.
2014 George H. W. Bush 41st President of the United States "[I]n recognition of the political courage he demonstrated when he agreed to a 1990 budget compromise that reversed his 1988 campaign pledge not to raise taxes and put his re-election prospects at risk."
Paul W. Bridges Mayor of Uvalda, Georgia "[F]or risking his mayoral career with his decision to publicly oppose a controversial immigration law in Georgia" (Georgia House Bill 87). Bridges joined a federal lawsuit filed by the ACLU to stop the implementation of the law.
2015 Bob Inglis Former U.S. Representative for サウスカロライナ州4区 (1993–1999; 2005–2011) "[F]or the courage he demonstrated when reversing his position on climate change after extensive briefings with scientists, and discussions with his children, about the impact of atmospheric warming on our future. Knowing the potential consequences to his political career, Inglis nevertheless called on the United States to meaningfully address the issue."
2016 Dan Malloy Governor of Connecticut (2011–2019) For "courageously defend[ing] the U.S. resettlement of Syrian refugees and personally welcom[ing] a family of Syrian refugees to New Haven after they had been turned away by another state."
2017 Barack Obama 44th President of the United States "[F]or his enduring commitment to democratic ideals and elevating the standard of political courage in a new century."
2018 Mitch Landrieu Mayor of New Orleans "[F]or his leadership in removing four Confederate monuments in New Orleans while offering candid, clear and compassionate reflections on the moment and its place in history."
2019 Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives "[F]or putting the national interest above her party's interest to expand access to health care for all Americans and then, against a wave of political attacks, leading the effort to retake the majority and elect the most diverse Congress in our nation's history."


  1. ^ Robillard, Kevin (May 14, 2015). “Feingold running for Wisconsin Senate”. Politico. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/russ-feingold-wisconsin-senate-117948 10 February 2016閲覧。 
  2. ^ Nelson, James (February 4, 2016). “Sen. Ron Johnson claims Russ Feingold is a career politician”. PolitiFact. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2016/feb/04/ron-johnson/sen-ron-johnson-claims-russ-feingold-career-politi/ 10 February 2016閲覧。 
  3. ^ Kofi Annan - Biographical”. www.nobelprize.org. 2016年9月12日閲覧。
  4. ^ Annan. “The Nobel Peace Prize 2001”. nobelprize.org. 25 July 2013閲覧。
  5. ^ Kofi Annan | Ghanaian statesman and secretary-general of the United Nations”. 2016年9月12日閲覧。
  6. ^ Ga House - Hon. Dan E. Ponder, Jr. (GA SH 160)”. ga.gov. 8 May 2015閲覧。
  7. ^ Dan Ponder, Jr.”. jfklibrary.org. 8 May 2015閲覧。
  8. ^ Donalsonville News, Mayor-elect Ponder's plan of action”. Donalsonville News. 18 May 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。8 May 2015閲覧。
  9. ^ Ponder wins Donalsonville mayor’s race by three votes - www.millercountyliberal.com - Miller County Liberal”. millercountyliberal.com. 18 May 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。8 May 2015閲覧。
  10. ^ Archived copy”. 2017年5月1日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2017年5月8日閲覧。
  11. ^ Bill Ratliff Archived September 2, 2006, at the Wayback Machine., Texas State Politics, University of Texas
  12. ^ FDIC: Board of Directors & Senior Executives”. Fdic.gov. 2010年11月23日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年10月17日閲覧。
  13. ^ Gordon, Michael R. (February 28, 2014). “American Envoy to Syria Steps Down”. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/01/world/middleeast/american-envoy-to-syria-steps-down.html April 28, 2014閲覧。 



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