

このページでは、アーティスト、バンド、アルバム、曲など、音楽に関連するトピックに特筆性の概念を適用する際の編集者向けのガイドラインを提供します。特筆性のガイドラインを満たさないことは、迅速な削除の基準にはなりません。ただし、記事の主題が重要または重要であることを示さないアーティストまたはバンドに関する記事は、基準 A7に基づいて迅速に削除できます。たとえ異議が唱えられたとしても、重要性の単なる主張は、A7 に基づく迅速な削除を回避する可能性があり、記事をウィキペディアに含めるかどうかを決定する ために、完全な削除提案または削除プロセスのための記事が必要になります。

ウィキペディアの音楽報道の改善に多大な時間を費やしている多くの人は、百科事典の記事に値する音楽トピック (バンドやミュージカル シアター グループなど) には注目度が必要であると感じています。これらの基準のいずれかを満たしていないからといって、記事を削除しなければならないわけではありません。逆に言えば、これらの基準のいずれかを満たすことは、記事を保管しなければならないという意味ではありません。むしろ、これらは一部の編集者が、記事の削除にリストされている記事を保持するかどうかを決定する際に使用する経験則です。

ウィキペディアの検証可能性特筆性に関する基準を満たすには、問題の記事は基準が真であることを実際に文書化する必要があります。記事の中で情報源がない、または情報源が不十分であると主張したり、トーク ページや AfD ページでバンドの重要性を主張したりするだけでは十分ではありません。基準の通過が主張されたという理由だけで記事を確実に調達しなければならない という免除。

一般的な伝記記事の特筆性ガイドラインについては、 Wikipedia:存命人物の伝記も参照してください。



Musicians or ensembles (this category includes bands, singers, rappers, orchestras, DJs, musical theatre groups, instrumentalists, etc.) may be notable if they meet at least one of the following criteria.

Note that regardless of what notability criterion is being claimed, the claim must be properly verified by reliable sources independent of the subject's own self-published promotional materials. It is extremely common for aspiring musicians who want a Wikipedia article for the publicity to make inflated or false notability claims, such as charting hits that did not really chart (or which charted only on a non-notable WP:BADCHART) or nominations for awards that are not prominent enough to pass criterion number 8 (below). Thus, notability is not determined by what the article says, it is determined by how well the article does or does not support the things it says by referencing them to independent verification in reliable sources.

  1. Has been the subject of multiple, non-trivial, published works appearing in sources that are reliable, not self-published, and are independent of the musician or ensemble itself.[note 1]
    • This criterion includes published works in all forms, such as newspaper articles, books, magazine articles, online versions of print media, and television documentaries[note 2] except for the following:
      • Any reprints of press releases, other publications where the musician or ensemble talks about themselves, and all advertising that mentions the musician or ensemble, including manufacturers' advertising.[note 3]
      • Works consisting merely of trivial coverage, such as articles that simply report performance dates, release information or track listings, or the publications of contact and booking details in directories.
      • Articles in a school or university newspaper (or similar), in most cases.
  2. Has had a single or album on any country's national music chart.
  3. Has had a record certified gold or higher in at least one country.
  4. Has received non-trivial coverage in independent reliable sources of an international concert tour, or a national concert tour in at least one sovereign country.[note 4]
  5. Has released two or more albums on a major record label or on one of the more important indie labels (i.e., an independent label with a history of more than a few years, and with a roster of performers, many of whom are independently notable).
  6. Is an ensemble that contains two or more independently notable musicians, or is a musician who has been a reasonably prominent member of two or more independently notable ensembles.[note 5] This should be adapted appropriately for musical genre; for example, having performed two lead roles at major opera houses. Note that this criterion needs to be interpreted with caution, as there have been instances where this criterion was cited in a circular manner to create a self-fulfilling notability loop (e.g. musicians who were "notable" only for having been in two bands, of which one or both were "notable" only because those musicians had been in them.)
  7. Has become one of the most prominent representatives of a notable style or the most prominent of the local scene of a city; note that the subject must still meet all ordinary Wikipedia standards, including verifiability.
  8. Has won or been nominated for a major music award, such as a Grammy, Juno, Mercury, Choice or Grammis award.
  9. Has won first, second or third place in a major music competition.
  10. Has performed music for a work of media that is notable, e.g., a theme for a network television show, performance in a television show or notable film, inclusion on a notable compilation album, etc. (But if this is the only claim, it is probably more appropriate to have a mention in the main article and redirect to that article. Read the policy and notability guideline on subjects notable only for one event, for further clarifications).
  11. Has been placed in rotation nationally by a major radio or music television network.
  12. Has been a featured subject of a substantial broadcast segment across a national radio or television network.


  1. Members of notable bands are redirected to the band's article, not given individual articles, unless they have demonstrated individual notability.
  2. Singers and musicians who are only notable for participating in a reality television series may be redirected to an article about the series, until they have demonstrated that they are independently notable.



Composers, songwriters, librettists or lyricists, may be notable if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Has credit for writing or co-writing either lyrics or music for a notable composition.
  2. Has written musical theatre of some sort (includes musicals, operas, etc.) that was performed in a notable theatre that had a reasonable run, as such things are judged in their particular situation, context, and time.
  3. Has had a work used as the basis for a later composition by a songwriter, composer or lyricist who meets the above criteria.
  4. Has written a composition that has won (or in some cases been given a second or other place) in a major music competition not established expressly for newcomers.
  5. Has been listed as a major influence or teacher of a composer, songwriter or lyricist that meets the above criteria.
  6. Appears at reasonable length in standard reference books on their genre of music.

Where possible, composers or lyricists with insufficient verifiable material to warrant a reasonably detailed article should be merged into the article about their work. When a composer or lyricist is known for multiple works, such a merger may not be possible.



Composers and performers outside mass media traditions may be notable if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Is frequently covered in publications devoted to a notable music sub-culture.
  2. Has composed a number of notable melodies, tunes or standards used in a notable music genre.
  3. Is cited in reliable sources as being influential in style, technique, repertory or teaching for a particular music genre.
  4. Is cited by reliable sources as having established a tradition or school in a particular music genre.
  5. Has been listed as a significant musical influence on musicians or composers who meet the above criteria.




音楽作品に固有のものとして、次の基準の少なくとも 1 つを満たす場合、その音楽作品は特筆性に値する可能性があります。

  1. 自費出版ではなく、それを作成したミュージシャンや演奏者から独立した、信頼できる情報源に登場する自明ではない複数の出版作品の主題となっています。
    • この基準には、新聞記事、書籍、雑誌記事、印刷媒体のオンライン版、テレビ ドキュメンタリー[note 2] など、あらゆる形態の出版物が含まれますが、次の場合を除きます。
      • プレス リリースの転載、ミュージシャンまたは演奏者が音楽作品について語るその他の出版物、およびメーカーの広告を含む、音楽作品に言及するすべての広告。
      • 学校または大学の新聞 (または類似のもの) の記事。
  2. この音楽作品は、ある国の国内音楽チャートにも登場しています。
  3. この音楽作品は、少なくとも 1 つの国でゴールドディスク以上の認定を受けています。
  4. この音楽作品は、主要な音楽賞を受賞またはノミネートされています。(Category:日本の音楽賞)
  5. この音楽作品は、メディアで使用されました(たとえば、ネット番組やテレビ番組のテーマ、テレビ番組または注目すべき映画でのパフォーマンス、注目すべきコンピレーション アルバムへの収録などです。おそらく、メインの記事で言及し、その記事にリダイレクトする方が適切です. さらに、ひとつの出来事に特筆性がある場合、特筆性 (人物)もお読みください)。
  6. 録音は、主要なラジオまたは音楽テレビネットワークによって全国的に放送されていました。
  7. この録音は、全国のラジオまたはテレビ ネットワークの実質的な放送での主要な主題となっています。




アルバムには独自の特筆性が必要であり、その特筆性は継承されず、客観的な証拠が必要です。アルバムが著名なミュージシャンや演奏者によって公式にリリースされた録音であるということ自体は、独立した記事の理由にはなりません。逆に、アルバムが著名なミュージシャンや演奏者の作品である必要はなく、一般的な特筆性のガイドラインを満たしている場合、単独の記事に値します。スペースが許せば、トラック リストにすぎないアルバムの記事は、アーティストのメインの記事またはディスコグラフィーの記事に適切に統合できます。






未発表の素材 (デモ、ミックステープ、ブートレグ、プロモーションのみのレコーディングを含む) は、信頼できる情報源で独立した重要な報道がある場合にのみ注目に値します。

未発表のアルバムは、検証可能で適切に参照された情報が十分にあれば、記事の対象となる可能性があります。これは一般的に、アルバムのタイトル、トラック リスト、およびリリース日がすべてアーティストまたはレコード レーベルによって公式に確認されるまで、独立したアルバム記事とすべきではありません。

近い将来のリリース日が確認されているアルバムに関する記事および情報は、信頼できる情報源によって確認する必要があります。将来のリリースに関する十分な信頼できる情報が得られるまで、単独の記事を作成しないでください。たとえば、「(アーティスト) の次のアルバム」というタイトルの記事があり、アルバムに収録される可能性のあるタイトルや曲に関するブログやファン フォーラムの憶測のみで構成されている将来のアルバムは、 Wikipediaの方針違反であり、アーティストの記事でのみ議論されるべきであり、それについて検証可能な情報 がある場合にのみ議論されるべきです.


Songs and singles are probably notable if they have been the subject[1] of multiple,[2] non-trivial[3] published works whose sources are independent of the artist and label. This includes published works in all forms, such as newspaper articles, books, television documentaries or reviews. This excludes media reprints of press releases, or other publications where the artist, its record label, agent, or other self-interested parties advertise or speak about the work.[4] Coverage of a song in the context of an album review does not establish notability. If the only coverage of a song occurs in the context of reviews of the album on which it appears, that material should be contained in the album article and an independent article about the song should not be created.

Notability aside, a standalone article is appropriate only when there is enough material to warrant a reasonably detailed article; articles unlikely ever to grow beyond stubs should be merged to articles about an artist or album.

A standalone article about a song should satisfy the above criteria. Any of the following factors suggest that a song or single may be notable enough that a search for coverage in reliable independent sources will be successful.

  1. Has been ranked on national or significant music or sales charts. (Note again that this indicates only that a song may be notable, not that it is notable.)
  2. Has won one or more significant awards or honors, such as a Grammy, Latin Grammy, Juno, Mercury, Choice or Grammis award.
  3. Has been independently released as a recording by several notable artists, bands, or groups.

Notable covers can have a standalone article provided it can be a reasonably-detailed article based on facts independent of the original.

  • Note 1: Songs that do not rise to notability for an independent article should redirect to another relevant article, such as for the songwriter, a prominent album or for the artist who prominently performed the song.
  • Note 2: Sources should always be added for any lore, history or passed-on secondary content. Wikiversity and Wikibooks have different policies and may be more appropriate venues for this type of content.



Concert tours are probably notable if they have received significant coverage in multiple independent reliable sources. Such coverage might show notability in terms of artistic approach, financial success, relationship to audience, or other such terms. Sources that merely establish that a tour happened are not sufficient to demonstrate notability. Tours that cannot be sufficiently referenced in secondary sources should be covered in a section on the artist's page rather than creating a dedicated article. A tour that meets notability standards does not make all tours associated with that artist notable. Michael Jackson's 1988 Bad is an example of a notable concert tour.



Wikipedia should not have a separate article on a person, band, or musical work that does not meet the criteria of either this guideline or the general notability guideline, or any subject, despite meeting the rules of thumb described above, for which editors ultimately cannot locate independent sources that provide in-depth information about the subject. Wikipedia's goals include neither tiny articles that can never be expanded, nor articles based primarily on what the subjects say about themselves.

However, information about such subjects may be included in other ways in Wikipedia, provided that certain conditions are met. Material about a musician, group, or work that does not qualify for a separate, stand-alone can be preserved by adding it into relevant articles if it:

For example, material about individual members of a musical group is normally merged into larger articles about the group. Songs may be described in a discography or one of the many lists of songs. Appropriate redirects from the subject's name and entries in disambiguation pages can be created to help readers find such information.


  1. ^ Self-promotion and product placement are not the routes to having an encyclopedia article. The published works must be someone else writing about the musician, ensemble, composer, or lyricist, or their works. (See the self-published sources policy for details about the reliability of such sources, and the conflict of interest policy for treatment of promotional, vanity material.) The barometer of notability is whether people independent of the subject itself have actually considered the musician, ensemble, composer, or lyricist notable enough that they have written and published non-trivial works that focus upon it. The rationale for this is easy to see – someone simply talking about themselves in their own personal blog, website, book publisher, social networking site or music networking site, etc., does not automatically mean they have sufficient attention in the world at large to be notable. If that was so then everyone could have an article. Wikipedia is not a directory.
  2. ^ a b 「公開された作品」を構成するものは、意図的に広範です。 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグ; name "published"が異なる内容で複数回定義されています
  3. ^ For example, endorsement deal publicity (including sell sheets, promo posters, fliers, print advertising and links to an official company website) that lists the artist as an endorser or contains an "endorsement interview" with the artist.
  4. ^ This criterion has been disputed in the past and has been reworded numerous times as a result. Past significant discussions: 2006, 2008.
  5. ^ Generally speaking, in a small ensemble, all people are reasonably-prominent, but, for example, being members of the chorus (not prominent) in two Broadway musicals (dozens of people involved) usually wouldn't be enough.

NSONG notes

  1. ^ The "subject" of a work means non-trivial treatment and excludes mere mention of the song/single, its musician/band or of its publication, price listings and other non-substantive detail treatment.
  2. ^ The number of reliable sources necessary to establish notability is different for songs from different eras. Reliable sources available (especially online) increases as one approaches the present day.
  3. ^ "Non-trivial" excludes personal websites, blogs, bulletin boards, Usenet posts, wikis and other media that are not themselves reliable. Be careful to check that the musician, record label, agent, vendor. etc. of a particular song/single are in no way affiliated with any third party source.
  4. ^ Self-promotion and product placement are not the routes to having an encyclopedia article. The published works must be someone else writing about the song/single. The barometer of notability is whether people independent of the subject itself (or of its artist, record label, vendor or agent) have actually considered the song/single notable enough that they have written and published non-trivial works that focus upon it.