
利用者:Natsuji Kohei/三池淵楽団

Natsuji Kohei
出身地 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の旗 北朝鮮
ジャンル クラシック音楽
活動期間 2009年 (2009)–現在
メンバー 50〜60人
Natsuji Kohei/三池淵楽団
ハングル 삼지연악단
漢字 三池淵樂團
RR式 Samjiyeon akdan
MR式 Samjiyŏn aktan

三池淵楽団チョソングル삼지연악단; RRSamjiyŏn aktan[1])は朝鮮民主主義人民共和国のクラシック音楽演奏団体(アンサンブル)である。また、三池淵管弦楽団とも呼ばれる。

オーケストラソロ、伝統的なヨーロッパのクラシック音楽、器楽歌曲の演奏、打楽器による演奏(パーカッション)を行っている。また、三池淵楽団は、北朝鮮の管弦楽団では珍しく女性のRi Suneが率いており、万寿台芸術団の傘下に置かれている。2009年、当時の北朝鮮最高指導者である金正日が三池淵楽団の設立を命じた時から始まった。その後、数人のメンバーが新しい牡丹峰楽団に加わり、その後の北朝鮮の最高指導者である金正恩は牡丹峰楽団を宣伝したため、三池淵楽団の人気は低下した。楽団のライブパフォーマンスは数多くあるが、レコードを発行したことがあるかどうかは不明である。




2009年1月、金正日[2][1]が2008年に脳卒中を起こした後、音楽グループの方針の変更に伴い創設された[1]。この楽団は、北朝鮮の音楽ユニットの傘下組織である万寿台芸術団[2][1]Merited Women's Instrumental Ensembleの演奏者から作られた[1]


Accordingly, a 2018 defector testimony of a performing arts graduate says: "Many beautiful 'princess-like' girls appeared in the Samjiyon Band, but typically you hear of them moving up to the Moranbong Band or Unhasu Orchestra."[5]


Kim Il-sung statue at Samjiyon Grand Monument in Samjiyon, the namesake of the band

The Samjiyon Band remains part of the umbrella organization Mansudae Art Troupe.[1] The Samjiyon Band itself is a chamber orchestra of young musicians who perform mostly classical music.[1][6] They perform separately from other Mansudae Art Troupe groups.[1]

The Samjiyon Band is distinct from the Samjiyon Orchestra that performed in South Korea at the start of the 2018 Winter Olympics,[7] although the orchestra might be formed from members of the Samjiyon Band.[5] This opinion is shared by multiple observers,[8] including the South Korean Ministry of Unification, and defectors familiar with the cultural circles. Both musical groups are namesakes of the town of Samjiyon, Ryanggang Province near Mount Paektu that is symbolic of the Kim dynasty.[5]

The Samjiyon Band performs traditional European classical music,[3] instrumental, percussion, and sung pieces,[5] ranging from orchestral to solos.[2] They play mostly wind and string instruments, such as violin, cello, harp, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, flute, and timpani, with the occasional piano, accordion, and saxophone.[2] Although titled a "band", "[i]t would have been fair to call the Samjiyon Band an orchestra because the band [includes] cellos, violins, and other orchestral instruments", according to a defector.[5] It sometimes performs together with foreign performers as part of cultural exchange, including a 2011 concert conducted by Pavel Ovsyannikov.[3]

Live performances of the Samjiyon Band are numerous, including a recent performance during 2017 New Year's celebration.[5] It is not known if the Samjiyon Band has released any records; their music is known abroad only through videos on YouTube.[1]



The band has between 50 and 60 members,[6] "winners of national and international contests and excellent graduates from Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory". The band members are in their 20s or 30s.[2]

The leader of the band in 2017 was Ri Sune (리순애), a female violinist. She also conducted the band. It is rare for a North Korean orchestra of its kind to be lead by a woman.[1] In 2018 the leader of the Samjiyon Orchestra that visited South Korea was Hyon Song-wol, another female artist.[9]

The band members have "long elaborately arranged hair that fit well with evening dress and classical music".[3]

Although North Korean bands routinely rotate members, some affiliations appear to be long-term. Such is the case of violinist Hong Su-kyong in the Samjiyon Band, for instance.[4]



This article on a musical group does not include a complete listing of members; you can help by expanding it. メンバーの完全な一覧ではありません。あなたはそれを編集することによって助けることができます。




  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Korhonen 2017, p. 8.
  2. ^ a b c d e Samjiyon Band”. Naenara. Foreign Languages Publishing House (16 January 2013). 3 February 2018閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c d e f Korhonen, Pekka (4 March 2014). “Rock Gospels: Analyzing the Artistic Style of Moranbong Band”. Sino-NK. 3 February 2018閲覧。
  4. ^ a b Korhonen, Pekka (2016年). “On prehistory”. Moranbong Band Discography 2012.07.06 – 2017.07.30. 3 February 2018閲覧。
  5. ^ a b c d e f Ha Yoon Ah (18 January 2018). “Why is North Korea sending the Samjiyon Orchestra to the Olympics?”. Daily NK. 3 February 2018閲覧。
  6. ^ a b Fifield, Anna (17 January 2018). “Will this North Korean band bring hits like 'Our Comrade Kim Jong Un' to South Korea?”. Washington Post. 3 February 2018閲覧。
  7. ^ Chung, Jane (2018年2月8日). “North Korean orchestra serenades South Koreans amid protest”. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-2018-northkorea-orchestra/north-korean-orchestra-serenades-south-koreans-amid-protest-idUSKBN1FS1Z6 2018年2月9日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Kim Jong Il's birthday poses propaganda opportunity”. Daily NK (19 January 2018). 3 February 2018閲覧。
  9. ^ Qin, Amy (2018年2月8日). “North Korean Orchestra Gives an Emotional Concert in the South” (英語). The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/08/world/asia/north-korea-orchestra-olympics.html 2018年2月9日閲覧。 

Works cited




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