

種別Rural Weekly Newspaper
設立者Kavita Devi
Meera Jatav
編集長Kavita Devi
設立30 May 2002 in Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh, India
言語Multiple editions in Hindustani dialects such as Bundeli, Bhojpuri, Awadhi, Bajjikka, etc
本社所在地Karwi, Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh
発行数6000 copies with a claimed readership of 20,000 (2012)


memo: タイムズ・オブ・インディア


カバル・ラハリヤ (日本語訳: 新しい波[1]) はインドの日刊紙である。is an Indian newspaper, published in various rural dialects of Hindi, including Bundeli, Avadhi and Bajjika dialects. The newspaper was started by Nirantar, a New Delhi-based non-government organisation which focuses on gender and education.[2][3] Initially seen as a women-only publication,[4] it now covers local political news, local crime reports, social issues and entertainment, all reported from a feminist perspective.[2] As of September 2012, its total print-run, all editions included, was around 6000 copies; the management claimed an estimated readership of 80,000. Since its digitalisation its outreach has massively extended.

Circulation and reach


Started in 2002,[5] Khabar Lahariya became an eight-page weekly local newspaper. The first issue of the paper was published in May 2002 from the town of Karwi in Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh, in the local Bundeli dialect of Hindi. In 2012, the newspaper launched editions from Mahoba, Lucknow and Varanasi districts of Uttar Pradesh in Bundeli, Awadhi and Bhojpuri dialects respectively. The newspaper also has an edition published from the Sitamarhi district of Bihar in Bajjikka dialect, and from Banda, Uttar Pradesh, in the Bundeli dialect.[4] As of September 2012, its total print-run, all editions included, was around 6000 copies sold in about 600 villages in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar[6] with an estimated readership of 20,000.[2][7]

The website of Khabar Lahariya was launched on 13 February 2013 in Mumbai.[8] The website, which bears a striking resemblance to the printed newspaper, curates and republishes the best articles of the newspaper. It is also the only website where content is available in the local dialects in which the newspaper is brought out. Some stories on the website are now available in English.[9]

Starting in 2016, the newspaper shifted largely to a digital format launching a video channel and creating news in video clips.[10] The women journalists collective now runs a digital media agency covering stories from rural India, mostly from the state of Uttar Pradesh.[11] As a result of digitalisation, the news outlet has substantially increased its reach.[12] Owing to the support of the readers' community, Khabar Lahariya grew from a local newspaper in 2002 to publishing their own website in 2013, and launching their own subscription model, Sound, Fury and 4G in 2019.[1].

Distinctive features


The intellectual input for the newspaper is provided by a collective of 40 rural women journalists. The newspaper is written, edited, produced, distributed and marketed entirely by rural women from disadvantaged communities (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Dalits and Muslims).[6] The women who report the stories also edit, produce, distribute and market the newspaper. Meera Jatav is the Editor-in-Chief and has been working from Karwi since the newspaper was started in 2002. The newspaper specialises in exposing local scandals. It mainly carries local news that, although primarily of interest to its rural readership, has wider resonance nationally and internationally. Examples are reports on violence against women, discrimination against Dalits, deaths in illegal mining operations, and the rise of Hindu nationalism.[13]

Awards and recognition


In 2004, the collective of women journalists bringing out Khabar Lahariya was awarded the prestigious Chameli Devi Jain Award for Women in Journalism. In 2009, the newspaper was awarded the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize.[14] Following this, plans to expand the newspaper were made.[2] In 2012, the newspaper went on to win the Laadli Media Award for gender sensitive reporting. Also, in the same year the Indian news channel Times Now awarded Khabar Lahariya the Amazing Indian Award. In 2013 the newspaper was presented with the Kaifi Azmi Award in memory of poet Kaifi Azmi. The award is presented by the All India Kaifi Azmi Academy every year on the anniversary of his death.[15]

In 2014, German media channel Deutsche Welle awarded the prestigious Global Media Forum Award to the newspaper's website at the Best of Blogs annual conference held in Bonn in Germany.[16][17]

An Indian documentary film about the newspaper titled Writing with Fire was released in 2021. It has won numerous international awards, including some at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 94th Academy Awards.[18][19] The publication also won a Courage Award from the International Women's Media Foundation in June for how it "disrupts and interrogates the status quo, where newsmakers have long been male, upper-caste, and politically connected".[20][21]


  1. ^ Sen, Arijit (May 2016). “Digital Journalism Start-Ups in India”. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. 6 August 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブTemplate:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  2. ^ a b c d “After UN award, rural Indian women's weekly has expansion plans”. Deccan Herald. http://www.deccanherald.com/content/17769/after-un-award-rural-indian.html 18 September 2012閲覧。 
  3. ^ “Report like a Dalit girl:one Indian publication shows how”. https://in.reuters.com/article/india-women-dalit/report-like-a-dalit-girl-one-indian-publication-shows-how-idINKBN1581E4/ 
  4. ^ a b Sharma, Kalpana (23 March 2008). “And Now The Good News”. The Hindu. オリジナルの26 March 2008時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20080326224951/http://www.hindu.com/mag/2008/03/23/stories/2008032350070300.htm 17 September 2012閲覧。 
  5. ^ Poonam, Snigdha (30 March 2015). “Kidnap, rape and ‘honour’ killings: on the road with a female reporter in rural India” (英語). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/mar/30/female-reporter-rural-india-khabar-lahariya-feminist-newspaper 
  6. ^ a b Wander, Andrew (8 September 2012). “Reading the Future”. Al Jazeera. http://www.aljazeera.com/focus/2009/09/20099882935561705.html 17 September 2012閲覧。 
  7. ^ How India’s first all-women newsroom is creating a media revolution”. BBC News (30 May 2022). 21 Apr 2023閲覧。
  8. ^ Mazumdar, Anurag (14 February 2013). “UP to Bihar: Why a group of rural women journalists went online”. First Post. http://www.firstpost.com/living/up-to-bihar-why-a-group-of-rural-women-journalists-went-online-624914.html 14 February 2013閲覧。 
  9. ^ Khabar Lahariya (खबर लहरिया)” (英語). Khabar Lahariya (खबर लहरिया). 2022年3月12日閲覧。
  10. ^ Doshi, Vidhi (10 August 2016). “India’s all-female paper goes digital to make gender taboos old news” (英語). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/aug/10/india-all-female-newspaper-khabar-lahariya-gender-taboos-old-news 
  11. ^ From experiment to national phenomenon: The story of Khabar Lahariya” (英語). Asian Correspondent (2018年11月12日). 2019年7月18日閲覧。
  12. ^ Print-Digital, 20 years of Khabar Lahariya” (英語). Khabar Lahariya (खबर लहरिया) (2022年3月1日). 2022年3月12日閲覧。
  13. ^ Singh, Anita (2022年3月9日). “Storyville: Writing With Fire, review: the all-female newspaper speaking truth to power in India” (英語). The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/storyville-writing-fire-review-all-female-newspaper-speaking/ 2022年3月12日閲覧。 
  14. ^ “Newspaper by rural Indian women wins UN literacy award”. The Hindu. (4 August 2009). オリジナルの25 January 2013時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://archive.today/20130125105757/http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/001200908041021.htm 23 February 2012閲覧。 
  15. ^ “Kaifi Azmi’s 11th death anniversary”. http://www.kaifiyat.in/kaifi-azmis-11th-death-anniversary= 
  16. ^ Waves of news sweep the Indian countryside”. DW.com (30 June 2014). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  17. ^ Khabar Lahariya - a weekly paper run by women journalists wins German Award”. THe News Minute (10 July 2014). Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  18. ^ Khabar Lahariya: Tale Of India's Only All-Women Newsroom in 2022 Oscars Race”. TheQuint (25 December 2021). 2021年12月26日閲覧。
  19. ^ “‘Pebbles’ out of Oscars 2022 race, ‘Writing With Fire’ advances to next level”. The Hindu. (22 December 2021). ISSN 0971-751X. https://www.thehindu.com/entertainment/movies/pebbles-out-of-oscars-2022-race-writing-with-fire-advances-to-next-level/article38010118.ece 2021年12月26日閲覧。 
  20. ^ The IWMF Announces 2021 Courage in Journalism Award Winners - IWMF”. www.iwmf.org. 2021年12月27日閲覧。
  21. ^ Pathak, Sushmita (26 November 2021). “India's all-female news outlet faces sexism, death threats. A new film tells the story”. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/04/04/980097004/indias-lowest-caste-has-its-own-news-outlet-and-shes-in-charge 2021年12月27日閲覧。 













2018年8月5日、シロナガスクジラの死骸が打ち上げられているのが発見された。体長10 メートルほどの本年生まれの子どもでオスと見られている。シロナガスクジラはアジアでは壊滅したとされており[16]、本種が日本列島の海岸に打ち上げられ、生物学的な調査ができるのは初めてであり、調査のために国立科学博物館が引き取ることになった[17]。なお、三浦半島東日本では数少ない組織的な古式捕鯨が行われていた地域でもあり[18]、アシカ猟も盛んだった[19]ことからも、由比ヶ浜も本来はクジライルカニホンアシカの生息地であったと思われる(三浦半島#自然環境を参照)。

  1. ^ 鎌倉市教育委員会 2001 p.3
  2. ^ 鎌倉歴史文化交流館 2021 pp.26-27
  3. ^ 鎌倉市教育委員会 1998 pp.10-11
  4. ^ 鎌倉市教育委員会 2003 pp.5-6
  5. ^ “きのう・二つの海の祭典 “ミス”に挑む“赤旗” カーニバルと平和祭り 鎌倉20万の人出”. 神奈川新聞. (1952年8月18日) 
  6. ^ 鎌倉平和推進実行委員会, ed (2019). 伝えたい平和への願い―平和都市宣言 60 周年記念誌. 鎌倉平和推進実行委員会、鎌倉市文化人権課. p. 7 
  7. ^ “検問所を設け警戒 きょう日共・海の平和祭”. 読売新聞. (1952年8月17日) 
  8. ^ 『画報現代史 : 戦後の世界と日本 第13集 (1952年7月-1953年1月)』国際文化情報社、1955年、877頁。 
  9. ^ “海の平和祭 3万人が集まる”. 読売新聞. (1957年8月11日) 
  10. ^ “海の平和祭開く”. 読売新聞. (1959年8月16日) 
  11. ^ “鎌倉で海の平和祭”. 読売新聞. (1961年8月6日) 
  12. ^ “海の平和祭 鎌倉で核実験反対に五千人”. 読売新聞. (1962年8月12日) 
  13. ^ “海水浴場のネーミングライツ、スポンサーを募集/鎌倉”. 神奈川新聞. (2013年4月4日). オリジナルの2021年3月9日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20210309041229/https://www.kanaloco.jp/news/social/entry-114104.html 2021年3月9日閲覧。 
  14. ^ “鎌倉の海水浴場、鳩サブレー老舗・豊島屋が命名権者に/神奈川”. 神奈川新聞. (2013年5月16日). オリジナルの2021年3月9日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20210309041044/https://www.kanaloco.jp/news/government/entry-115525.html 2021年3月9日閲覧。 
  15. ^ “海水浴場名は変えず 命名権で豊島屋「市民の親しみ」優先”. 神奈川新聞. (2014年5月16日). オリジナルの2020年12月4日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20201204145759/https://www.kanaloco.jp/news/social/entry-47352.html 2021年3月9日閲覧。 
  16. ^ 宇仁義和, 2019年, 『戦前期日本の沿岸捕鯨の実態解明と文化的影響―1890-1940年代の近代沿岸捕鯨』, 87頁, 東京農業大学
  17. ^ 漂着したのはシロナガスクジラだった!国内で初 神奈川 鎌倉”. NHK NEWS WEB. 2018年8月6日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2018年8月6日閲覧。
  18. ^ 河野博, 2011年, 『東京湾の魚類』, 第323頁, 平凡社
  19. ^ 中村一恵 (1993年1月). “三浦半島沿岸に生息していたニホンアシカについて”. 神奈川県立博物館. 神奈川県立博物館研究報告第22号. pp. 81-89. 2023年11月16日閲覧。