



Firefox on Windows 7

Test on 2013-08-15


Firefox 22.0 on Windows 7

Example 1


I input "ファイヤーフォックス♙" on editing page but it became "ファイヤーフォックスファイヤーフォックス♙" when saved.
Example 2


When I input "ファイヤーフォックスで編集", a pawn came out. When I clicked on the right of the pawn, an endless repetition started. I had to click before the first "ファイヤーフォックスで編集♙" to stop it.
Example 3


I input "ファイヤーフォックスで", pushed the space bar once and then input "編集".
Example 4
See the image caption:
I input "ぷれーりーどっぐ" as the caption and pushed "Enter"; then a pawn appeared.
Example 5
See the second image caption:
I input "プレーリードッグ" as the caption and clicked the right of the pawn, an endless repetition started. I had to click before the first "プレーリードッグ" (or perhaps push "Enter"?) to stop it.
プレーリードッグプ レーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグ♙
:If you put and keep one-byte characters in the end of the text (ex. caption), a pawn would not come out. プレーリードッグ :If you put two-byte characters in the end of the text, a pawn would come out. プレーリードッグ♙ :If you put two-byte characters in the end of the text, a pawn would come out and the cursor would come to the left of the first letter of the line. And if you click on the right of the pawn, crazy endless pasting would begin until you click and/or push ENTER somewhere above the pawn: プレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグプレーリードッグ♙

Test on 2013-08-19


Firefox 23.01 on Windows 7

Example 1
Cursor places itself before the first character; a pawn comes out.


Example 2
Cursor places itself before the first character; a pawn comes out.


Example 3
I input "ふぁいやーふぉっくすで", pushed the space bar once and it turned into "ファイヤーフォックスで"; when I added "へんしゅう", it comes BEFORE the "ァイヤーフォックスで" (the first character "フ" disappeared) like "へんしゅうァイヤーフォックスで"; when I pushed the space bar, it turned into "編集ァイヤーフォックスで♙" as below (cursor came between "編集" and "ァイヤーフォックスで"):


Example 4


I input "しろい" and pushed the space bar ("しろい" turned into "白い"): the cursor came AFTER the first letter.


I input "まっしろい" and pushed the space bar ("まっしろい" turned into "真っ白い"): the cursor came AFTER the firsit letter.


I input "まっしろい" and pushed "Enter",  the cursor came AFTER the first letter.


I input "ものすごくしろい" and pushed the space bar ("ものすごくしろい" turned into "ものすごく白い" ) ; When I pushed "Enter",  the cursor came BEFORE the first letter and a pawn came out.


I input "ものすごくしろい" and pushed "Enter",  the cursor came BEFORE the first letter and a pawn came out.


  • Note 1:A pawn comes out ONLYin many cases WHEN I input letters on the last place of the last line. in the field. Any letter or even a space seems prevent a pawn (though the cursor would move to a strange space as well).
  • Note 2: A pawn flashes for a second when I input the first letter.(I noticed it when I was editing an image caption which made my browser very heavy)
  • Note 3:If you push "Del" just before the Image , the caption of the image would come OUT of the image field.真っ白い子猫♙

まっしろいこねこ♙ っ白い子猫♙ っしろいこねこ♙