
利用者:Mac Matsumoto

こんにちは!Mac Matsumoto と申します。 Hallo!! My name is "Mac Matsumoto".









・使い方が分からないうえに面倒にもなるのでウィキメールは致しません。お話(質問)がございましたら会話ページにお願いします。ただ気が向いたら執筆活動を行うので返信できる保証がないことを前提としてお願いいたします。なお、基本的に返信時は「さん or 様」付け・敬語を使用します。

長文失礼しました。 2019年11月 USER NAME: Mac Matsumoto

English Ver

*Because the translation is based on the English grammar learned in the Japanese textbook, the translation may be wrong. However, I hope that this translation will convey the meaning of the sentence I want to convey correctly.

My profile[編集]

I am a Japanese living in Japan and registered in July 2018.

The reason I started writing was because I had doubts about the first post, “Google's hidden command list”. I was addicted to Google games at the time. However, that article seems to have been deleted now.

*Google's hidden command list is in Japanese.

My user name has no special meaning. However, the Japanese surname "Matsumoto" in the user name is not part of my name.

When I created this page, I am still active only at "ja-two.iwiki.icu". If another local wiki account is being used, you may have started using the account.

I have a request.[編集]

1. I don't use Wikimail. Please talk and ask questions on the conversation page. However, please note that there is no guarantee that you can reply because of irregular updates. In addition, please understand that the English text may be incorrect when replying in English.

2. There are various summary sentences in the history display, such as sentence format and bulleted list. Please forgive me if the writing method is different.

3. Do not ask questions about personal information.

I think that the accuracy of “information” is required in the Internet society. But I think the articles I write are based on my subjectivity. I would like the person who is browsing this user page.

“Don't fully trust all of the information edited by [Mac Matsumoto].”

Sorry for the long sentence. I'm sorry for the poor English. Thanks for watching!

November 2019. USER NAME: Mac Matsumoto




UTC+9この利用者の標準時日本標準時 (UTC+9)です。
この利用者はMicrosoft Windowsを使用してウィキペディアに寄稿しています。
この利用者はMicrosoft Edgeを使用してウィキペディアに寄稿しています。
ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
この利用者は漢検3級を持っています。 漢検box
英検準2級 この利用者は英検準2級を持っています。I hold The STEP test Pre-2nd Grade certificate. 英検Box