

bitbank is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan. It is run by bitbank, inc. [1] with its headquarter in Tokyo, Japan. The company’s core business is spot trading on the order book and also offers cryptocurrency sales and lending services. The firm was officially licensed by the Financial Services Agency of Japan as a registered cryptocurrency exchange operator (Registration No. 00004, issued by the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau) in September of 2017. While few crypto-exchanges in Japan are open to registration of non-Japanese entities, bitbank is one of them, available in 3 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese).

1  General information


Bitbank Inc. was founded in May 2014 by Noriyuki Hirosue with its previous name bitcheck inc., subsequently changed its name to the actual one in 2014 - bitbank inc.

In July 2015, bitbank launched a bitcoin futures exchange, called bitbank Trade (until April 2019) for the first time in Japan of this kind of service.

In March 2017, bitbank launched cryptocurrency spot trading service “bitbank.cc” and is growing as one of the reference companies characterized by its spot trading volume.

The founder, Hirosue, also has some other leading roles of essential organizations in the cryptocurrency industry such as the director of Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association, and the chairman of Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association.

2 Security measures


Cryptocurrencies are exposed to various vulnerabilities. bitbank has been implementing technical measures to minimize such risk factors, such as its deployment of a multisig hot wallet and cold wallet management system; multisig is an authorization mechanism that requires approval from multiple people for transaction of cryptocurrency, which is adopted to all of its wallet storages.

bitbank is ranked No.1 in Japan for security, according to the Exchange Security Report published by ICORating.

3  Cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin Ticker symbol :BTC
  • Ethereum Ticker symbol: ETH
  • Ripple: Ticker symbol: XRP
  • Bitcoin Cash: Ticker symbol: BCH
  • Litecoin: Ticker symbol: LTC
  • Monacoin: Ticker symbol:MONA
  • Stellar: Ticker symbol: XLM
  • Qtum: Ticker symbol: QTUM

3  Core businesses

  • bitbank.cc
    • Cryptocurrency exchanges: Buy and sell a variety of types of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin through the order book.
    • Cryptocurrency sales: Buy and sell a variety of types of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin through bilateral transactions between bitbank, inc. and its clients.
  • Cryptocurrency lending
    • By lending their crypto-assets to bitbank inc., clients get paid interests at maturity date.
  • bitbank MARKETS
    • News and information media of crypto-market analysis

4  History

  • 2014
    • May Establish bitcheck inc.
    • Install Japan's first bitcoin ATM in Nishi Azabu, Tokyo
    • Launch "bitcheck wallet” the service that customers can buy bitcoins with credit cardsSep    Launch "bitcheck pay", Japan's first bitcoin payment service
    • Change its company name to bitbank inc.
    • Oct  Launch of "BTCN", cryptocurrency market analysis media
  • 2015
    • Jun    Launch of bitbank Trade, a bitcoin futures exchange
  • 2016
    • May   Publication of “Blockchain no shogeki” by Noriyuki Hirosue editorial: Nikkei BP
    • Jun Launch of "Blockchain Daigakko" distance learning school regarding to blockchain


  • Mar Launch of bitbank.cc, cryptocurrency exchange
  • Aug Third-party funding from Ceres inc., reaches 5.5 billion JPY
  • Sep Registration by the Financial Services Agency of Japan as a cryptocurrency exchange operator (Registration No. 00004, issued by the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau)
  • 2018
    • Mar Launch of cryptocurrency lending service
    • May   Reach No.1 in the world at Ripple (XRP) trade volume
  • 2019
    • Feb    Reach 48% of Japan’s average spot trade volume
    • Mar End of bitbank Trade service
    • Jun Appointment of Hirosue as the director of Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association and the chairman of Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association.
  • 2020
    • Oct Launch of Buy/Sell service of cryptocurrency

5  Member organization

  • Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA)
  • Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association (JCBA)
  • Blockchain Collaborative Consortium (BCCC)

6  Footnotes

  1. ^ information, bitbank 企業情報 |Corporate. “会社概要 - bitbank 企業情報 |Corporate information” (日本語). bitcoinbank.co.jp. 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  2. ^ 株式会社インプレス (2019年1月11日). “ビットバンク、ビットコインFX取引所「bitbank Trade」を4月に終了 〜2月より各機能を順次停止、BTC残高は同社の「bitbank」へ自動移行” (日本語). 仮想通貨 Watch. 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  3. ^ 株式会社インプレス (2019年6月28日). “JCBA、新会長にbitbankの廣末氏を選任 〜副会長はBITPointの小田氏とbitFlyer Blockchainの加納氏が就任” (日本語). 仮想通貨 Watch. 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  4. ^ “協会概要” (日本語). 一般社団法人 日本暗号資産取引業協会(JVCEA) (2018年9月13日). 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  5. ^ inc, bitbank. “ビットバンク(bitbank) | ビットコインが購入できる暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所”. bitbank(ビットバンク). 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  6. ^ “ビットバンクブログ|bitbank.cc”. bitbank Blog(ビットバンクブログ) (2020年10月5日). 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  7. ^ inc, bitbank. “暗号資産を貸して増やす|bitbank.cc”. bitbank(ビットバンク). 2020年11月17日閲覧。
  8. ^ “マーケット情報 | ビットバンク” (日本語). markets.bitbank.cc. 2020年11月17日閲覧。

7  References

  • ブロックチェーン・暗号資産(仮想通貨)業界を牽引する35人の「2021年の展望」 2021.01.15
  • ビットバンクの廣末氏が見る、2020年の暗号資産業界と2021年のビットバンク展望 2020.12.29
  • 広末ビットバンク社長:暗号資産、投資対象としての認知度が向上 2020.12.08
  • 「ビットコインを通じて『1円未満の世界』が実現する」 bitbank廣末紀之が見る暗号資産の将来性 2020.11.02
  • (ビットバンク代表取締役CEO廣末紀之氏コメント追記)ビットバンクが暗号資産(仮想通貨)の販売所サービス開始へ 2020.10.06
  • 2020年は仮想通貨取引所の「廃業もありうる」──JCBA廣末紀之会長 2020.03.04
  • 初めてインターネットに触れた時と同じ感覚」ビットバンクCEO廣末紀之がビットコインに惚れ込んだ理由/廣末紀之インタビュー 2018.09.10
  • ビットコイン取引が多い日本、影響力がないのはなぜか(4者インタビュー) 2017.12.14
  • ブロックチェーンの衝撃
  • 知識ゼロからのビットコイン・仮想通貨入門
  • できるビットコイン入門
  • ビットコイン4万ドル、過熱警戒感も 市場関係者の見方 2021.01.08
  • ビットコイン3万ドル突破 法人参入相次ぎ急騰 2週間で1万ドル高 2021.01.05
  • ビットコイン、決済実需で現物買い 3年ぶり最高値 2020.12.02
  • ビットコイン大幅安、テスラ株の急落が波紋 2020.09.08
  • ビットコイン、3度目の半減期 強まる「倍々ゲーム」の危うさ 2020.5.12
  • bitbank.cc 暗号資産取引所
    • bitbank.cc
  • ビットバンク株式会社
    • Bitcoinbank.co.jp
  • bitbank (@bitbank_inc) - Twitter
  • bitbank - Facebook
  • bitbank - Linkedin
  • bitbank - Youtubeチャンネル