

Street picture of Piccadilly with bus lane, road signs and the Meridien Hotel. Piccadilly Circus is in the background.
View of Piccadilly and The Dilly Hotel, looking towards Piccadilly Circus

ピカデリー (英語: Piccadilly[ˌpɪkəˈdɪli]) はロンドンシティ・オブ・ウェストミンスターメイフェア南部にある道である。西にハイド・パーク・コーナー、東にピカデリーサーカスが位置している。ピカデリーはロンドンの中央部とハマースミスアールズ・コートヒースロー空港とM4高速道路西方面行きをつなぐA4道路の一部である。セントジェームズは東部の南側にあり、西部は北側のみが開発されている。ピカデリーは1.609キロの長さがあり、ロンドン中央部で最も幅が広く、最も長い道のひとつである。



Early history

A street map of Piccadilly and Park Lane, showing streets and houses
Apsley House on an 1869 map. The neighbouring houses were demolished in the early 1960s to allow Park Lane to be widened. The Wellington Arch has been moved since this time.

The street has been part of a main road for centuries, although there is no evidence that it was part of a Roman road, unlike Oxford Street further north.[1] In the Middle Ages it was known as "the road to Reading" or "the way from Colnbrook".[2] During the Tudor period, relatively settled conditions made expansion beyond London's city walls a safer venture. Property speculation became a lucrative enterprise, and developments grew so rapidly that the threat of disease and disorder prompted the government to ban developments. Owing to the momentum of growth, the laws had little real effect.[3]

A plot of land bounded by Coventry, Sherwood, Glasshouse and Rupert streets and the line of Smith's Court was granted by Elizabeth I to William Dodington, a gentleman of London, in 1559–60. A year or so later it was owned by a brewer, Thomas Wilson of St Botolph-without-Aldgate. The grant did not include a small parcel of land, 1+38 acres in area, on the east of what is now Great Windmill Street. That plot may have never belonged to the Crown, and was owned by Anthony Cotton in the reign of Henry VIII. John Cotton granted it to John Golightly in 1547, and his descendants sold it to a tailor, Robert Baker, in c. 1611–12. Six or seven years later, Baker bought 22 acres of Wilson's land, thanks largely to money from his second marriage.[3][nb 1]

Baker became financially successful by making and selling fashionable piccadills.[4] Shortly after purchasing the land, he enclosed it (the parishioners had Lammas grazing rights) and erected several dwellings, including a residence and shop for himself; within two years his house was known as Pickadilly Hall.[3][5][6][nb 2] A map published by Faithorne in 1658 describes the street as "the way from Knightsbridge to Piccadilly Hall".[8] A nearby gaming house, known as Shaver's Hall and nicknamed "Tart Hall" or "Pickadell Hall", was popular with the gentry of London. Lord Dell lost £3,000 gambling at cards there in 1641.[9]

After Robert Baker's death in 1623 and the death of his eldest son Samuel shortly afterward, his widow and her father purchased the wardship of their surviving children; the death of the next eldest son, Robert, in 1630, allowed them to effectively control the estate.[3] Their only daughter died, and her widower Sir Henry Oxenden retained an interest in the land. Several relatives claimed it,[nb 3] but after Mary Baker's death in about 1665, the estate reverted to the Crown.[3] A great-nephew, John Baker, obtained possession of part of it, but squabbled over the lands with his cousin, James Baker; trying to play one another off, they paid or granted rights to Oxenden and a speculator, Colonel Thomas Panton, eventually losing out to them. By the 1670s, Panton was developing the lands; despite the claims of some distantly-related Bakers, he steadily built them up.[3]

Later 17th century

A picture of St James's Church, Piccadilly, taken in 1814
St James's Church has stood on Piccadilly since 1684, and was designed by Sir Christopher Wren

Piccadilly was named Portugal Street in 1663 after Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II.[8] Its importance to traffic increased after an earlier road from Charing Cross to Hyde Park Corner was closed to allow the creation of Green Park in 1668.[1] After the restoration of the English monarchy in 1660, Charles II encouraged the development of Portugal Street and the area to the north (Mayfair), and they became fashionable residential localities.[10] Some of the grandest mansions in London were built on the northern side of the street. Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon and close political adviser to the king, purchased land for a house; Clarendon House (now the location of Albemarle Street) was built in 1664,[11] and the earl sold the surplus land partly to Sir John Denham, who built what later became Burlington House. Denham chose the location because it was on the outskirts of London surrounded by fields. The house was first used to house the poor, before being reconstructed by the third Earl of Burlington in 1718.[12] Berkeley House was constructed around the same time as Clarendon House.[12] It was destroyed by a fire in 1733, and rebuilt as Devonshire House in 1737 by William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire, and was subsequently used as the headquarters for the Whig party.[13] Devonshire House survived until 1921, before being sold for redevelopment by Edward Cavendish, 10th Duke of Devonshire for £1 million.[14] Burlington House has since been home to the Royal Academy of Arts, the Geological Society of London, the Linnean Society of London, the Royal Astronomical Society, the British Astronomical Association, the Society of Antiquaries of London and the Royal Society of Chemistry.[15]

Picture of the front of Burlington House on Piccadilly
Burlington House, home to several learned societies

The land to the south of Piccadilly was leased to trustees of the Earl of St Albans in 1661 for a thirty-year term, subsequently extended to 1740. Nos. 162–165 were granted freehold by the king to Sir Edward Villiers in 1674.[1] The White Bear Inn had been established between what is now No. 221 Piccadilly and the parallel Jermyn Street since 1685. It remained in use throughout the 18th century before being demolished in 1870 to make way for a restaurant.[1]

St James's Church was first proposed in 1664, when residents wanted the area to become a separate parish from St Martin in the Fields. After several Bill readings, construction began in 1676. The building was designed by Christopher Wren and cost around £5,000. It was consecrated in 1684, when the surrounding area became St James Parish.[16]

By 1680, most of the original residential properties along Portugal Street had been demolished or built over.[17] The name Piccadilly was applied to part of the street east of Swallow Street by 1673, and eventually became the de facto name for the entire length of Portugal Street.[8] A plan of the area around St James Parish in 1720 describes the road as "Portugal Street aka Piccadilly".[18] John Rocque's Map of London, published in 1746, refers to the entire street as Piccadilly.[8][nb 4]

18th–19th centuries

A picture of Piccadilly in 1810 showing houses, coaches with horses and pedestrians
The view of Piccadilly from Hyde Park Corner in 1810

Piccadilly was increasingly developed, and by the middle of the 18th century it was continuously built on as far as Hyde Park Corner.[20] The development of St James's and Mayfair, in particular, made Piccadilly one of the busiest roads in London.[21] Hugh Mason and William Fortnum started the Fortnum & Mason partnership on Piccadilly in 1705, selling recycled candles from Buckingham Palace.[22] By 1788, the store sold poultry, potted meats, lobsters and prawns, savoury patties, Scotch eggs, and fresh and dried fruits.[23]

The street acquired a reputation for numerous inns and bars during this period.[24] The Old White Horse Cellar, at No. 155, was one of the most famous coaching inns in England but was later destroyed.[23] The Black Bear and White Bear (originally the Fleece) public houses were nearly opposite each other, although the former was demolished in about 1820. Also of note were the Hercules' Pillars, just west of Hamilton Place, the Triumphant Car, which was popular with soldiers, and the White Horse and Half Moon.[24] The Bath Hotel emerged around 1790[25] and Walsingham House was built in 1887.[26] The Bath and the Walsingham were demolished when the Ritz Hotel opened on the site in 1906.[27]

No. 106, on the corner of Piccadilly and Brick Street, was built for Hugh Hunlock in 1761. It was subsequently owned by the 6th Earl of Coventry who remodelled it around 1765; most of the architecture from this renovation has survived. In 1869, it became home to the St James's Club, a gentleman's club that remained there until 1978.[28] The building is now the London campus of the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.[29]

Several members of the Rothschild family had mansions at the western end of the street. Nathan Mayer Rothschild moved his banking premises to No. 107 in 1825, and the construction of other large buildings, complete with ballrooms and marble staircases, led to the street being colloquially referred to as Rothschild Row.[30] Ferdinand James von Rothschild lived at No. 143 with his wife Evelina while Lionel de Rothschild lived at No. 148.[31] Melbourne House was designed by William Chambers for Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount Melbourne and built between 1770 and 1774. It was converted to apartments in 1802, and is now the Albany.[32] The house has been the residence for the British Prime Ministers William Ewart Gladstone and Edward Heath.[32] St James's Hall was designed by Owen Jones and built between 1857 and 1858. Charles Dickens gave several readings of his novels in the hall, including Great Expectations and Oliver Twist. The hall hosted performances from Antonín Dvořák, Edvard Grieg and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It was demolished in 1905, and replaced by the Piccadilly Hotel.[33]

Side-angle view of the front of Hatchards bookshop on Piccadilly
The bookseller Hatchards has been based on Piccadilly since 1797, occupying the current premises at what is now No. 187 in 1801

In the late 18th century, Piccadilly was a favoured place for booksellers. In 1765, John Almon opened a shop in No. 178, which was frequented by Lord Temple and other Whigs. John Stockdale opened a shop on No. 181 in 1781. The business continued after his death in 1810, and was run by his family until 1835. Hatchards, now the oldest surviving bookshop in Britain, was started by John Hatchard at No. 173 in 1797; it moved to the current location at No. 189-90 (now No. 187) in 1801. Aldine Press moved to Piccadilly from Chancery Lane in 1842, and remained there until 1894.[1]

The Egyptian Hall at No. 170, designed in 1812 by P. F. Robinson for W. Bullock of Liverpool, was modelled on Ancient Egyptian architecture, particularly the Great Temple of Dendera (Tentyra). [34] One author described it as "one of the strangest places Piccadilly ever knew".[35] It was a venue for exhibitions by the Society of Painters in Water Colours and the Society of Female Artists during the 19th century.[36] It contained numerous Egyptian antiquaries; at an auction in June 1822, two "imperfect" Sekhmet statues were sold for £380, and a flawless one went for £300.[37]

The premises at 190–195, built in 1881–1883, housing the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours and known as the "Royal Institute Galleries", are grade II listed.[38][39] Number 195 is now home to BAFTA,[40]


Side view of the Ritz hotel, Piccadilly, including a neon sign above an entrance
The Ritz hotel opened in Piccadilly in 1906

1920年代には、通りに存在しているほとんどの古い建物が、解体されるか、商業施設として使われるようになった。交通騒音のせいで、住民たちが立ち退くことになったが、若干の住居が残った。ヨーク公爵アルバートがジョージ6世として1936年に即位した際にNo. 145に住んでいた[20]

A front view of Watersones bookshop, Piccadilly
Simpsons of Piccadilly, now the Waterstones flagship store

服屋のシンプソンズは、1936年、アレック・シンプソンによってピカデリー203-206番地に創設された。シンプソンズでは、工場製の男性服を販売していた。 店舗は建築家のジョセフ・アンバートンによって、アールデコバウハウスのデザインとルイス・サリヴァンの影響を受けて設計された。開店時、ロンドンで最も大きな紳士服屋といわれた。 1999年1月に閉店し、建物はウォーターストーンズブックセラーズの主要店となっている[41]

20世紀の間、ピカデリーはヘロインを入手する場所として知られるようになった。ジャズトランぺッターのディジー・リースブーツのピカデリー支店に1940年代後半ごろに人々がヘロインの錠剤を求めて並んでいたのを回想していた[42]。1960年代までには、通りと周辺地域は、ロンドンの違法薬物取引の中心地として悪名を轟かせるようになった。そこでは、ヘロインやコカインを闇市で不誠実な薬剤師から購入することができた[43]。1982年までには、シャフツベリー・アヴェニュー近辺で、違法薬物の取引を行っている薬剤師のもとに20人ほどが列を作っている姿が見られるようになった[44]。1968年、No. 144は、使用されていない建物をホームレスの緊急避難場所として使うことを許可した法律を逆手に取った不法定住者に占拠された。ドラッグのディーラーとヘルズ・エンジェルズの台頭によって空き家が占有されたため、急激な不法居住者運動は、その後すぐに崩壊する。立ち退きが1969年9月21に行われ、不法定住者組織は、空き家をホームレスの避難場所として使用する制度を利用し認可を取るようになった[45]。1983年に『ブリティッシュ・ジャーナル・オブ・アディクション』のA. バーが、「ピカデリーのドラッグ情勢」という記事を刊行し、その中で有名なディーラーが常に存在していることとドラッグの入手のしやすさについて著者が説明した[46][47]



A street view of Piccadilly, showing buildings, two London taxis and a bus
Piccadilly, looking towards Piccadilly Circus, near Green Park station in 2009




Cultural references


The music hall song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" mentions Piccadilly and Leicester Square in its lyrics. It was written in 1912 about an Irishman living in London, but became popular after being adopted by the mostly Irish Connaught Rangers during World War I.[60] The street is mentioned in Gilbert and Sullivan's 1881 operetta Patience, in the lyrics of the song "If You're Anxious For To Shine".[61] One of the major hit songs of the Edwardian musical play The Arcadians (1909) which enjoyed long runs in the West End of London and on New York's Broadway is "All down Piccadilly" (Simplicitas and Chorus, Act III, revised version), with music by Lionel Monckton who also co-wrote the words with Arthur Wimperis.[62]

Piccadilly is mentioned in several works of fiction. E. W. Hornung's "gentleman thief" Raffles lives at the Albany, as does Jack Worthing from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest.[63] According to author Mary C King, Wilde chose the street because of its resemblance to the Spanish word peccadillo, meaning "slashed" or "pierced".[64] In Evelyn Waugh's novel Brideshead Revisited, the mansion Marchmain House, supposedly located in a cul-de-sac off St James's near Piccadilly, is demolished and replaced with flats. In the 1981 Granada Television dramatisation, Bridgewater House in Cleveland Row was used as the exterior of Marchmain House.[65] In Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, Jonathan Harker is astonished to see the Count in Piccadilly, which sets off a chain of events that leads to the formation of the group of vampire hunters.[66] Later, Dracula is confronted by the vampire hunters in his house in Piccadilly, before making his escape.[67] In Arthur Machen's 1894 novella The Great God Pan, Helen Vaughan, the satanic villainess and offspring of Pan, lives off Piccadilly in the pseudonymous Ashley Street.[64] Margery Allingham's fictional detective Albert Campion has a flat at 17A Bottle Street, Piccadilly, over a police station, although Bottle Street is equally fictitious.[68] Several P.G. Wodehouse novels use the setting of Piccadilly as the playground of the rich, idle bachelor in the inter-war period of the 20th century. Notable instances are present in the characters of Bertie Wooster and his Drones Club companions in the Jeeves stories, and the character of James Crocker in the story "Piccadilly Jim".[69] Dorothy Sayers' fictional detective Lord Peter Wimsey is described as living at 110A Piccadilly in the inter-war period.[70]

The street is a square on the British Monopoly board, forming a set with Leicester Square and Coventry Street.[71] When a European Union version of the game was produced in 1992, Piccadilly was one of three London streets selected, along with Oxford Street and Park Lane.[72]

In 1996, Latvian singer Laima Vaikule released an album titled Ya vyshla na Pikadilli ("I Went Out on Piccadilly").[73] In 2019, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare featured a game level designed around the street.[74]

See also





  1. ^ His second wife was Mary, daughter of Samuel Higgins, an apothecary.[3]
  2. ^ Piccadilly has also been described as a variation of the old Dutch word "Pickedillikens", meaning the extreme or utmost part of something.[7]
  3. ^ Edward Hobart, Robert's son-in-law, and a man claiming to be a great-nephew, John Baker, of Wellington, Somerset, or Payhembury, Devon.
  4. ^ The street was officially known as Portugal Street until circa 1750.[19]


  1. ^ a b c d e F. H. W. Sheppard, ed (1960). “Piccadilly, South Side”. Survey of London (London: London County Council) 29–30: 251–270. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vols29-30/pt1/pp251-270 26 March 2015閲覧。. 
  2. ^ Kingsford 1925, p. 97.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g F. H. W. Sheppard, ed (1963). “The Early History of Piccadilly”. Survey of London (London: London County Council) 31–32: 32–40. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vols31-2/pt2/pp32-40 26 March 2015閲覧。. 
  4. ^ Taggart, Caroline (13 June 2012). “The surprising reasons behind London's oldest place names”. The Daily Telegraph. オリジナルの12 January 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/20220112/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/uk/london/9328699/The-surprising-reasons-behind-Londons-oldest-place-names.html 23 March 2015閲覧。 
  5. ^ Kingsford 1925, p. 73.
  6. ^ Le Vay 2012, p. 112.
  7. ^ Dasent 1920, p. 8.
  8. ^ a b c d Kingsford 1925, p. 98.
  9. ^ Street 1907, pp. 3–4.
  10. ^ Wheatley 1870, p. 2.
  11. ^ Wheatley 1870, p. 83.
  12. ^ a b Kingsford 1925, p. 104.
  13. ^ Walford, Edward (1878). Mansions in Piccadilly. 4. Old and New London. pp. 273–290. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/old-new-london/vol4/pp273-290 23 March 2015閲覧。. 
  14. ^ Moore 2003, p. 116.
  15. ^ Burlington House”. Royal Society. 1 August 2015閲覧。
  16. ^ Building History”. St James's Church, Piccadilly. 23 March 2015閲覧。
  17. ^ Kingsford 1925, p. 40.
  18. ^ Wheatley 1870, p. xiv.
  19. ^ Wheatley 1870, p. 15.
  20. ^ a b c Weinreb et al 2008, p. 639.
  21. ^ McDonald 2004, p. 98.
  22. ^ Fullmann 2012, p. 61.
  23. ^ a b Binney 2006, p. 20.
  24. ^ a b Timbs 1866, p. 221.
  25. ^ “Lost”. The Times (London, England): p. 1. (19 December 1789). https://www.newspapers.com/clip/2688572/lost_the_times_london_england_19/ 26 June 2015閲覧。  オープンアクセス
  26. ^ “Cheshire House 66A Eaton Square, and 52 Eaton Mews West, SW1”. Country Life 196: 105. (2002). https://books.google.com/books?id=hWxBAQAAIAAJ 26 June 2015閲覧。. 
  27. ^ Macqueen-Pope 1972, p. 119.
  28. ^ Weinreb et al 2008, p. 640.
  29. ^ Limkokwing University Campuses & Contact Centres”. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. 31 December 2007時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。10 January 2008閲覧。
  30. ^ Bedoire & Tanner 2004, pp. 129–30.
  31. ^ Morton 2014, p. 155.
  32. ^ a b Weinreb et al 2008, p. 10.
  33. ^ Weinreb et al 2008, p. 766.
  34. ^ Jones 1833, p. 157.
  35. ^ Macqueen-Pope 1972, p. 77.
  36. ^ Nineteenth-century Studies 2004, p. 145.
  37. ^ Starkey & Starkey 2001, p. 48.
  38. ^ London Night and Day, 1951: A Guide to Where the Other Books Don't Take You. Old House Books. (2014). ISBN 9781783660322. https://books.google.com/books?id=-EvDCwAAQBAJ&q=%22royal+institute+galleries%22&pg=PT60 18 August 2018閲覧。 
  39. ^ Historic England. "Former Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours premises, now forming part of Prince's House (1265805)". National Heritage List for England (英語). 2018年8月18日閲覧
  40. ^ Welcome to BAFTA 195 Piccadilly”. BAFTA. 18 August 2018閲覧。
  41. ^ Gillian, Leslie (13 December 1998). “Design: Goodbye, Piccadilly...”. The Independent. オリジナルの26 May 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/20220526/https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/design-goodbye-piccadilly-1191291.html 23 March 2015閲覧。 
  42. ^ Duffy, Jonathan (25 January 2006). “When heroin was legal”. BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4647018.stm 23 March 2015閲覧。 
  43. ^ Burr 1983, p. 883.
  44. ^ Burr 1983, p. 885.
  45. ^ “Police storm squat in Piccadilly”. BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/september/21/newsid_3092000/3092343.stm 23 March 2015閲覧。 
  46. ^ Berridge 1990, p. 162.
  47. ^ Raistrick & Davidson 1985, p. 110.
  48. ^ "Piccadilly Circus". Encyclopædia Britannica. 5 January 2013. 2015年3月23日閲覧
  49. ^ a b c Central London Bus Map”. Transport for London. 5 July 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。30 July 2015閲覧。
  50. ^ Metropolitan Improvements – Hyde Park Corner”. Hansard (31 May 1883). 30 July 2015閲覧。
  51. ^ The Widening of Piccadilly”. Hansard (15 August 1901). 30 July 2015閲覧。
  52. ^ Traffic signals (Piccadilly)”. Hansard (8 February 1932). 30 July 2015閲覧。
  53. ^ Building the Hyde Park Corner Underpass”. Museum of London. 23 March 2015閲覧。
  54. ^ Hyde Park South Carriage Drive”. Hansard (13 November 1962). 23 March 2015閲覧。
  55. ^ Piccadilly to get its bus lane Commercial Motor 17 March 1972 page 22
  56. ^ Piccadilly bus lane stays Commercial Motor 26 July 1974 page 19
  57. ^ Piccadilly line Commercial Motor 19 November 1976 page 22
  58. ^ York 2013, p. 19.
  59. ^ Connor 2006, pp. 28–32.
  60. ^ Ciment & Russell 2007, p. 1083.
  61. ^ Am I Alone – And Unobserved?”. Gilbert and Sullivan Archive. 17 November 2016閲覧。.[
  62. ^ The Arcadians, operetta~Act 3. All down Piccadilly”. AllMusic. 23 January 2017閲覧。
  63. ^ Cook 2013, p. 56.
  64. ^ a b Karschay 2015, p. 109.
  65. ^ Halliday 2013, p. 71.
  66. ^ Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912. (2008). “Chapter 13”. The New Annotated Dracula. Klinger, Leslie S. (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Co. pp. 254–256. ISBN 978-0-393-06450-6. OCLC 227016511. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/227016511 
  67. ^ Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912. (2008). The New Annotated Dracula. Klinger, Leslie S. (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Co. pp. 378, 409, 417–418. ISBN 978-0-393-06450-6. OCLC 227016511. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/227016511 
  68. ^ Panek 1979, p. 131.
  69. ^ McIlvaine, Sherby & Heineman 1990, pp. 30–31.
  70. ^ Dorothy Sayers. “Whose Body”. 24 October 2017閲覧。
  71. ^ Moore 2003, p. 86.
  72. ^ Moore 2003, p. 113.
  73. ^ Я вышла на Пикадилли” (ロシア語). Laima.com. 25 March 2016閲覧。
  74. ^ (英語) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update Adds Changes to Piccadilly Map – IGN, https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/11/12/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-update-adds-changes-to-piccadilly-map 29 December 2019閲覧。 
  75. ^ Location Map – Criterion Theatre”. Criterion-Theatre.co.uk. 8 April 2014時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。7 April 2014閲覧。 “Foyer Entrance : 218–223 Piccadilly”


Further reading


Template:London landmarks 座標: 北緯51度30分25秒 西経0度08分32秒 / 北緯51.50698度 西経0.14235度 / 51.50698; -0.14235