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利用者:KUBO Takuya/sandbox

作者 Stan Development Team
初版 2012年8月30日 (2012-08-30)
2.17.1 / 2017年12月11日 (2017-12-11)
対応OS Unix-like, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
プラットフォーム Intel x86 - 32-bit, x64
サイズ 41.2 MB
サポート状況 Active
種別 Statistical package
ライセンス New BSD License
公式サイト mc-stan.org

Stan is a probabilistic programming language for statistical inference written in C++.[1] The Stan language is used to specify a (Bayesian) statistical model with an imperative program calculating the log probability density function.[1]

'Stan は確率的プログラミング言語の一種で,C++ で実装されていて,2015 年に Stan 開発チームによって作られたものである.

Stan is licensed under the New BSD License. Stan is named in honour of Stanislaw Ulam, pioneer of the Monte Carlo method.[1]



Stan can be accessed through several interfaces:



Stan implements gradient-based Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for Bayesian inference, stochastic, gradient-based variational Bayesian methods for approximate Bayesian inference, and gradient-based optimization for penalized maximum likelihood estimation.

Automatic differentiation


Stan implements reverse-mode automatic differentiation to calculate gradients of the model, which is required by HMC, NUTS, L-BFGS, BFGS, and variational inference.[1] The automatic differentiation within Stan can be used outside of the probabilistic programming language.



Stan is used in fields including social science[4] and pharmaceutical statistics.[5]


  1. ^ a b c d e Stan Development Team. 2015. Stan Modeling Language User's Guide and Reference Manual, Version 2.9.0
  2. ^ Hoffman, Matthew D.; Gelman, Andrew (April 2014). “The No-U-Turn Sampler: Adaptively Setting Path Lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo”. Journal of Machine Learning Research 15: pp. 1593–1623. http://jmlr.org/papers/v15/hoffman14a.html. 
  3. ^ Kucukelbir, Alp; Ranganath, Rajesh; Blei, David M. (June 2015). Automatic Variational Inference in Stan. 1506.03431. arXiv:1506.03431. Bibcode2015arXiv150603431K. 
  4. ^ Goodrich, Benjamin King, Wawro, Gregory and Katznelson, Ira, Designing Quantitative Historical Social Inquiry: An Introduction to Stan (2012). APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper. Available at Template:SSRN
  5. ^ Natanegara, Fanni; Neuenschwander, Beat; Seaman, John W.; Kinnersley, Nelson; Heilmann, Cory R.; Ohlssen, David; Rochester, George (2013). “The current state of Bayesian methods in medical product development: survey results and recommendations from the DIA Bayesian Scientific Working Group”. Pharmaceutical Statistics 13 (1): 3–12. doi:10.1002/pst.1595. ISSN 1539-1612. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pst.1595. 

Further reading


Template:Statistical software