


. 歴史. 関節鏡を開発したのは日本人の渡辺まさき先生であり、これが世界に広まった。

.構造. 直径は4mmで先端に小さなレンズがついており、これで関節内を観察する。 関節鏡は大きなテレビにつながっており、これをみながら手術を行う。 おもに内側膝蓋滑膜ひだ障害の手術などに使われている手法である。

he endoscope which observes the state of the joint, in other words joint edition of the gastrocamera. . History Those where the joint mirror was developed were Mr. ahead the ま Watanabe of the Japanese, this spread to the world. Structure As for diameter the small lens due to the point with 4mm, you observe inside the joint with this. While the joint mirror being connected to the big television, at this looking, you operate. It is the technique which is used mainly in operation and the like of the inside knee cover sliding membrane pleat obstacle.