




















  1. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年7月18日). “Episodes 1-3 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  2. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年7月26日). “Episodes 4 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  3. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年8月1日). “Episodes 5 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  4. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年8月11日). “Episodes 6 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  5. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年8月16日). “Episodes 7 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  6. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年8月22日). “Episodes 8 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  7. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年8月29日). “Episodes 9 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  8. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年9月6日). “Episodes 10 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  9. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年9月12日). “Episodes 11 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  10. ^ Gabriella Ekens (2015年9月20日). “Episodes 12 - Charlotte - review” (English). Anime News Network. 2015年10月4日閲覧。
  11. ^ TVアニメ『Charlotte』放送直前! 麻枝准×Na-Gaが語る制作中の裏話” (Japanese). 電撃オンライン (2015年7月4日). 2015年10月1日閲覧。
  12. ^ 『Charlotte』鳥羽P&小荒井編集長、麻枝ファンの2人にインタビュー!” (Japanese). 電撃G’sマガジン.com (2015年6月23日). 2015年10月1日閲覧。
  13. ^ 「Charlotte」スペシャルトークショー 佐倉綾音、水島大宙らがラスト前に熱いトーク” (Japanese). アニメ!アニメ! (2015年9月27日). 2015年10月2日閲覧。
  14. ^ 新宿アニソンスコープ:「Charlotte」劇中バンドがついに首位” (Japanese). MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ) (2015年9月18日). 2015年10月2日閲覧。
  15. ^ アニメ『Charlotte』の最終話で響いた美声は、熊木杏里だった” (Japanese). Yahoo!. 2015年10月2日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年10月2日閲覧。

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クロスアンジュ エピソードリスト

話数 サブタイトル 絵コンテ 演出 作画監督 予告イラスト
第17話 黒の破壊天使 A B C AAコミカライズ版『』の作画担当者。

In the Aurora, Jill criticizes Tusk, who is caught and imprisoned, that in spite of the fact that he is Villkiss's knight, his actions led to Ange becoming lost and caused the failure of their plan, Libertus. She says in a hateful voice that Tusk has brought everything to ruin and that he has disgraced his father who said that the Villkiss is important for defeating Embryo. Hilda provides her opinion to Jill that Libertus is not over until it is over and that it is a simple matter of fact that they must to Ange's rescue. Jill says with a tone of disappointment that an attempt to save Ange would be futile and that Ange would no longer listen to her commands. Jill decides to change the course of Aurora to Arzenal and gives an order. In Salia's bedroom at the Akenomi-hashira, Embryo approaches Salia and proposes that it would be good for them to let Ange, who has the capability of piloting the Ragna-Mail and can bring the world to variation, join the Diamond Rose Knights, but Salia refuses. Embryo makes a pass at Salia, saying that she is the most important person in the world, and she feels resolve weakening. Salia tries to stop Ange who intends to pass her and confront Embryo, but in the end, Ange passes through to the library where Embryo is. In the library, Embryo dazzles Ange with his grace and beauty and serves her tea with a sticky sweet smile, and then proposes to Ange that he wants to marry her. When Salia, who is eavesdropping, hears this, she cannot hide her shock. Embryo says with a smile, insincerely to Ange that if she married him, he can fulfill her wildest dream, which is to try to destroy the world. Embryo reveals to Ange that he had tried to change the world in which a brutal and greedy ancient human beings live, and make a world filled with peace by using Mana, but he tells Ange that his plan added up with nothing because the human beings living in his world essentially did not change. He suggest Ange that it is possible to change the world if he partners up with her. After Ange asks Embryo the way to change the world, he suddenly start to sing a song called “The Tale of Eternity”. Embryo tells Ange that this song is built based on "unified theory" and tells her that he has converted "a law which influences cosmos" into a melody. He tells Ange that his plan is to amplify the song using the Ragna-Mail, and as a result, fuse both worlds and create new world by exploiting Aura's energy. However, Ange protests. Ange stabs Embryo's hand with a knife, fixing it to the table. She believes that, by doing this, it is possible to make Embryo's magic unusable. Ange cuts Embryo's throat, believing that this is the end. However, he emerges uninjured from a different place. He casts magic which heighten sexual feeling on Ange, and by so doing, he makes Ange get aroused. Momoka gets near to Ange, but Embryo and Ange disappear afterwards. In Hilda's bedroom in Aurora, Hilda and Rosalie pour out their hearts to each other and strengthen their bond. They make a firm decision to recapture Ange and Chris. After Hilda enters the prison where Tusk is, she tries to bait him with a show of affection, but it fails. “I’m Ange’s knight”, Tusk says. Hilda appeals to Tusk for assistance because she does not feel confidence in Jill. The barrier walls suddenly close. At the moment when Jill goes to the place where Para-Mmail is and is going to get in it, Hilda appears. Hilda confidently tells Jill that by listening through the door, she knows that Jill has a nightmare, and questions Jill about whether she might go to the place where Embryo is. The next few seconds passed like the dream of minutes. Jill's gun flashes, but her efforts are thwarted by Hilda. At the prison in Akenomi-Hashira, Momoka sees Riza, who has a gag in her mouth, and is being abused by Silvia. After Silvia leaves, Momoka tells Riza that she must not die until she compensates for her crime and grins at her. Riza informs Momoka that there is Ange is in the shelter that is exclusively used by royalty. In the Aurora, Jill says that she was a puppet in the hand of Embryo and the he controlled her mind and she became captivated by him. Additionally, she says with a glow of regret that she let her co-workers die and the only thing she can do to atone for her crime is to kill Embryo. When she speaks about Embryo, Maggy slaps Jill in the face and says that she followed Jill for to help her. Jasmine interrupts, and says that now that they know the truth, Jill must be fired. She designates Hilda to act as the leader. In the bath Ange experiences extreme pleasure due to Embryo's magic. Embryo gathers Mail-riders for trying to carry out his plan, but Sala is not there. In the bath, Salia comes to Ange and tells her that she must leave Embryo. Embryo uses Aura's facilities to carry out his plan to broadcast the song, and then he gives Mail-rider the command to attack. After Ange and Momoca leave Misurugi, they are found by Ersh, who attacks them, but her effort is ruined by the Vilkiss that comes to Ange's side in response to her ring. Ange rides the Vilkiss and, by so doing, escaping certain death. The attack continues, but the Singular point opens and then a flash of light tears through the sky and an unidentified person appears. It is revealed to be Sala, who has come to help Ange and emerges from the Singular point. 

No. Title Original air date
17 "The Black Angel of Destruction"
"Kuro no hakai tenshi" (黒の破壊天使) 
January 31, 2015
In the hot springs, Sala reveals to Ange that she has discovered Aura deep underground in the Misurugi Empire, and that they must march with all power to the Misurugi Empire through a singular point to recapture it. Sala tells Ange that she trusts her judgment, and that if she were to go to the war front with Ange, she would be very glad. Afterwards, Tusk suggests that it would not be bad to fight in cooperation with DRAGON. In contrast, Ange feels anxious because she has become unable to believe anything as a result of the constant lies. She says that it is strange that a former princess would invade the Misurugi Empire. 
18 "The Sea of Parting"
"Ketsubetu no umi" (決別の海) 
February 7, 2015
 In the control room of Aurora, Pamela, Hikaru and Olivier talk about Ange and the others. Jill is told that Ange came from the other side of the Singular Point, and about the Parallel world and the humans who were able to modify their genetic structure, but she is only half convinced. Ange suggests that to overturn the status quo they should cooperate with Dragons. She reveals that the purpose of DRAGONs is to recapture the Aura, and that if it goes well, all energy will be cut off and this could stop both the infrastructure of Mana and the world. By doing so, the Singular Point would become unable to open, and Para-mail would no longer be necessary. Ange says that, in the future, the Norma will no longer need to perform the ridiculous act of killing DRAGONs to harvest Mana energy.