

電磁波音 (electrophonic sound)



Reviews and personal pages


Papers and books


Colin Keay

  • Keay1980: Keay, Colin S.L. (1980). “Anomalous Sounds From the Entry of Meteor Fireballs”. Science 210: 11–15. doi:10.1126/science.210.4465.11. 
  • 未確認文献: Keay, Colin S.L.; Patricia M. Ostwald (1991). “A Laboratory Test of the Production of Electrophonic Sounds”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 89 (4): 1823–1824.  — see Keay-Solutio2
  • Keay1992a: Keay, Colin S.L. (1992). “Electrophonic Sounds From Large Meteor Fireballs”. Meteoritics 27: 144–148. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992Metic..27..144K. 
  • Keay1992b: Keay, Colin (1992). "Meteor Fireball Sounds Identified". In Alan W. Harris (ed.). Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991. Edward Bowell. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. pp.297–300.
  • Keay1994: Keay, Colin S.L.; Z. Ceplecha (1994). “Rate of Observation of Electrophonic Meteor Fireballs”. Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (E6): 13163–13165. doi:10.1029/94JE01092. 

Astapovich and Bronshten

  • MMS-4-Astapovich1958:『流星物理セミナー (MSS) 資料集 4 「音」』で一部邦訳された Астапович, Игорь С. (1958). Метеорные явления в атмосфере Земли. Физматгиз 
  • 未確認文献: Bronshten, Vitalii A. (1983). “A Magnetohydrodynamic Mechanism for Generating Radio Waves by Bright Fireballs”. Solar System Research 17: 70–74.  trans. from Бронштэн, Виталий А. (1983). Астрономический Вестник 17: 94–98.  — see MMS-4-Bronshten1987
  • MMS-4-Bronshten1987:『流星物理セミナー (MSS) 資料集 4 「音」』で一部邦訳された Бронштэн, Виталий А. (1987). Метеоры, метеориты, метеороиды. Москва: Наука 

Croatian group

Martin Beech

  • Beech1995: Beech, Martin; Peter Brown, J. Jones (1995). “VLF Detection of Fireballs”. Earth, Moon, and Planets 68: 181–188. doi:10.1007/BF00671507. 
  • Beech1999: Beech, Martin; Luigi Foschini (1999). “A Space Charge Model for Electrophonic Bursters”. Astronomy and Astrophysics 345: L27–L31.  arXiv: astro-ph/0112376v1



Recent observations

Chelyabinsk meteor

  • Chelyabinsk2013: Olga P., Popova; Peter Jenniskens, Vacheslav Emel'yanenko, Anna Kartashova, et al. (2013). “Chelyabinsk Airburst, Damage Assessment, Meteorite Recovery, and Characterization”. Science 342: 1069–1073. doi:10.1126/science.1242642.  (Supplementary Materials §1.6 pp.53–54)

Historical primary sources

  • Nihonshoki: 日本書紀 巻第二十三”. J-TEXTS 日本文学電子図書館. 2010年1月29日閲覧。 「大星従東流西。便有音似雷。時人曰。流星之音。亦曰。地雷。於是。僧旻僧曰。非流星。是天狗也。其吠声似雷耳。」
  • Halley1714: Halley, Edmund (1714). “An Account of Several Extraordinary Meteors or Lights in the Sky”. The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 29: 159–164. doi:10.1098/rstl.1714.0018. 
  • Halley1719: Halley, Edm. (1719). “An Account of the Extraordinary Meteor Seen All Over England, on the 19th of March, 1718–9”. The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 30: 978–990. doi:10.1098/rstl.1717.0057. 
  • Blagden1784: Blagden, Charles (1784). “An Account of Some Late Fiery Meteors; With Observations”. The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 74: 201–232. doi:10.1098/rstl.1784.0019. 
  • Udden1917: Udden, J.A. (1917). “A Texas Meteor”. Science 46: 616–617. doi:10.1126/science.46.1199.616. 
  • Wylie1932: Wylie, C.C. (1932). Popular Astronomy. 40. pp. 289–294. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1932PA.....40..289W. 


ケイ。 ヴィデオではオーストラリア訛りでカイに近く聞こえる。 おそらくスコットランドを出自とする名前で、人によって、kay(ケイ)、key(キー)、あるいは KEE-ay(キーエイ)と発音すると思われる。英豪ではケイ、米加ではキーが多い?
with a long “i” and a hard “g”(ナイニンガー)
Igor Stanislavovich Astapovich
1908年ウクライナ・ハルキウ州 Вовчанськ (Волчанск) 生まれ。 ウクライナ語 Ігор Станіславович Астапович, ロシア語 И́горь Станисла́вович Астапо́вич イーゴリ・アスタポーヴィッチ
Vitalii Aleksandrovich Bronshten
ロシア語 Вита́лий Александро́вич Бронштэн ヴィターリー・ブロンシュテン。 姓のアクセントは不明。 より一般的な名前、Бронште́йн なら後ろにある。 ラテン翻字で Bronshtén とした例あり。



オーロラの音 (auroral sound)



Reviews and personal pages


Papers and books


Silverman and Tuan

Colin Keay

Unto Laine


  • 未確認文献:Wilson, Charles R. (1969). “Auroral Infrasonic Waves”. Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics 74: 1812–1836. 
  • 未確認文献:Procunier, R.W. (1971). “Observations of Acoustic Aurora in the 1–16 Hz Range”. Geophysical Journal International 26: 183–189. 


  • 未確認文献:Olson, Donald E. (1971). “The Evidence for Auroral Effects on Atmospheric Electricity”. Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph) 84: 118–138. doi:10.1007/BF00875461. 
  • Roederer1981: Roederer, Juan G. (1981). “The perception of sound in association with auroras”. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 69: S113 (abstract).  The 101st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.

Historical primary sources



oh g ih l v ih(オギルヴィー)



Reviews and personal pages


News Articles


Papers and Books



  • 未確認文献: Johnson, G.W. (1981). “The Dynamics of a Curling Stone”. Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal 27: 144–. 


  • 未確認文献: Shegelski, Mark R.A.; Ross Niebergall, Mark A. Walton (1996). “The Motion of a Curling Rock”. Canadian Journal of Physics 74: 663–670. doi:10.1139/p96-095. 
  • Shegelski2000: Shegelski, M.R. (2000). “The Motion of a Curling Rock: Analytical Approach”. Canadian Journal of Physics 78: 857–864. doi:10.1139/cjp-78-9-857. 
  • Jensen2004: Jensen, E.T.; Mark R.A. Shegelski (2004). “The Motion of Curling Rocks: Experimental Investigation and Semi-phenomenological Description”. Canadian Journal of Physics 82: 791–809. doi:10.1139/P04-020. 



  • 未確認文献: Marmo, B.A.; I.S. Farrow, M.-P, Buckingham, J,R, Blackford (2006). “Frictional Heat Generated by Sweeping in Curling and Its Effect on Ice Friction”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 220: 189 197. doi:10.1243/14644207JMDA93. 

