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利用者:Hinayoshi/ 甲州ウィキペディアエディタソン2017 「甲州事編 百科涼覧」





開催場所 : 山梨県立図書館1階

開催日時 : 2017年7月23日(日)


10:00 : 編集予定記事候補発表、チームごとに選択

10:30~13:00 : フィールドワーク・昼食(執筆者・観覧者)

13:00~17:00 : 調査・編集・観覧(執筆者チームは10:30~17:00までのスケジュールはチームごとに自由とする)

17:00~18:00 : 成果発表・情報交換(観覧者から執筆者への質問を多めにとる)

18:00 : 終了

18:30 : 懇親会へ




  • 県立図書館打合せ(数回)(H・M)
  • 補助金申請(Oさんマター?Hがやるべき事はなにか?英語がわからん)


  • フィールドワーク先との打合せ、予約(テーマ案が決まってから。)(H・M)
  • 宿泊予約締切(H)


  • プレスリリース(新聞社)(H・M)
  • プレスリリース(TV)(H)
  • 開催告知(ウェブ:Facebookかな、H)
  • 参加申込(H)
  • 前夜祭予約(Mさんにお願いしたい、だいたい8名程度で変更あり)
  • 当日食事予約(Mさんにお願いしたい、小作がいいのでは、だいたい12名程度で変更あり)


  • ポスター作成(最終締切、作成はT大プリンタ)


  • 前夜祭、宿泊


  • 当日会場設営(前夜祭組でおねがいてもいい)
  • 当日片付け(全員で)


  • プロジェクタ(2台くらい、T大に1台)
  • iPad(Hもある)
  • 付箋(執筆用、観覧用、大きさも多種類)、サインペン、模造紙(Hが用意)
  • ポスター(イベント趣旨、「ウィキペディア・ウィキペディアタウンとは」、「地方病(字はちいさくてもいいだろう)」「他の記事2~3種類」「図書館・博物館とウィキペディア編集」「生涯学習としてのウィキペディア・タウン)(Hが用意)
  • 茶菓(Mが用意)
  • 現金(執筆者交通費それぞれで用意する、Hが用意)
  • 参加受付簿(Hが用意)




日本語版ではこれまでほとんど行われてこなかった 執筆者間のコミュニケーションとスキルの共有


ウィキペディアのプロジェクトへの関心の喚起 新規執筆者の勧誘


Project Goal View history

  1. To increase skills for existing editors with experienced Wikimedians, including several contributors of "Featured Articles".
  2. To recruit new editors.
  3. To add or improve contents.
  4. To increase people’s interest in open data
  5. To building relationship with collaborator (participants in GLAM, educational institutions, researchers, public open data, municipal officials involved in open governance), whom are expected to cooperate with Wikimedia in the future.

Project Plan


1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?

  • We experienced Wikipedians in Japan are planning a one-day editathon focused on adding and improving articles about historical things in Yamanashi, Japan.
  • We will invite rookie editors and general public visiting Yamanashi Prefectural Library to see the editathon.

2. How will you let your community know about the event? Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.

  • By issuing a press release to the local media
  • By putting an ad at local information station, which can be seen a link to here.
  • In addition, we recruit new editors via our Facebook page.
  • By putting posters in the library.

3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?

  • The veteran editors edit in the editathon. Experienced Wikimedian and facilitator 海獺 will coordinate the whole event. "Featured Articles" contributors, including User:のりまき and User:さかおり will lead the editathon.

4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?

  • The participants of this editathon are notable editors in Japanese Wikipedia, including FA contributors. Yamanashi Prefectural Library is the largest library in Yamanashi Prefecture. The library has a half million books, including many local books about Yamanashi. Librarians will help the participants, and they can learn how experienced Wikimedians exploit materials in a library to create and improve Wikipedia articles.

5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

  1. We will make a Facebook group of this event. We will accept questions how to edit, or how to use materials to improve.
  2. We rookie editors and the local people who interested in editing the Wikipedia will continue and develop this event in subsequent years without the experienced editors or administrators if we get the know-how by this editathon and the teacher training as above.
  3. In order to understand the difference between quoted in the article and the part written in the Wikipedia article, create a report with a commentary of skilled editor in part of the article and share it on Facebook.
  4. Share the full list on Facebook including the materials not used in the editathon.

6. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?

  • The event will take place in an open space in the library. Many library users (students or general public) can see the editathon. It is expected to be able to raise awareness in open data and Wikipedia.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  • Number of events: 1
  • Number of participants: 30
  • Number of new editors: 10
  • Number of of articles created or improved: at least 4
  • Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events):



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

  • We volunteers will organize this project. the library will help us.

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

We need 9 experienced Wikipedians for this editathon. However only one experienced editor lives in Kofu (where the event takes place). We would like to raise travel expenses to invite 8 other supportive Wikipedians to join in. These 8 experienced Wikipedians can help resolve possible problems as this is the first event for the organizer and in this city. And they can also help remove new editor's fear or hesitation when they try to edit Wikipedia for the very first time. If we could learn the know-how from this editathon, we can continue and develop this event independently in upcoming years.

  1. Travel expenses between Tokyo, Yokohama and Kofu:20,000YEN x 5 editors = 100,000YEN ≒ $900
  2. Travel expenses between Chiba and Kofu(1名):25,000YEN x 1 editors = 25,000YEN ≒ $230
  3. Travel expenses between Aichi and Kofu(1名):35,000YEN x 1 editors = 35,000YEN ≒ $320
  4. Travel expenses between Kanazawa and Kofu(1名):45,000YEN x 1 editors = 45,000YEN ≒ $400
  5. soft drink = 5,000YEN ≒ $50

Total : 1,900 USD