
利用者:East South West North/sandbox1

Registered editors by edit count
If you have made... then you rank in the... or the... That's more than...
1 edit top 50% of editors top 1,117,560 of all editors 50% of all editors
10 edits
(the autoconfirmed)
top 5% of editors top 111,756 of all editors 95% of all editors
100 edits top 1% of editors top 22,351 of all editors 99% of all editors
500 edits
(the extendedconfirmed)
top 0.25% of editors top 5,587 of all editors 99.75% of all editors
1,000 edits top 0.1% of editors top 2,235 of all editors 99.9% of all editors
10,000 edits top 0.025% of editors top 558 of all editors 99.975% of all editors
25,000 edits top 0.01% of editors top 223 of all editors 99.99% of all editors
45,000 edits top 0.005% of editors top 111 of all editors 99.995% of all editors
90,000 edits top 0.002% of editors top 44 of all editors 99.998% of all editors
140,000 edits top 0.001% of editors top 22 of all editors 99.999% of all editors
200,000 edits top 0.0005% of editors top 11 of all editors 99.9995% of all editors
350,000 edits top 0.0002% of editors top 4 of all editors 99.9998% of all editors
480,000 edits top 0.0001% of editors top 2 of all editors 99.9999% of all editors