


カートグラフィー (: cartography) とは、Rizzi (1997)[1] や Cinque (1999)[2] を端緒とする生成統語論の下位理論の1つで、統語意味が一対一の関係を成すことを仮定する統語理論である[3]:543。具体的には、カートグラフィーは談話上の情報構造や意味機能が統語構造に直接反映されるという立場をとり、これらの様々な意味を独立した機能範疇を仮定することにより捉えることを目指す統語探求法である[3]:543

In linguistics, Cartographic syntax, or simply Cartography, is a branch of Generative syntax. The basic assumption of Cartographic syntax is that syntactic structures are built according to the same patterns in all languages of the world. It is assumed that all languages exhibit a richly articulated structure of hierarchical projections with specific meanings. Cartography belongs to the tradition of generative grammar and is regarded as a theory belonging to the Principles and Parameters theory. The founders of Cartography are the Italian linguists Luigi Rizzi and Guglielmo Cinque.



「カートグラフィー」という統語理論は、1980年代からの一連の研究において、「自然言語には当初想定されていたよりもはるかに多い機能範疇 (: functional category) が存在する」という可能性が示唆されたことを端緒とし、大きく発展した[4]。 例として、標準理論[5]において想定されていたS (=) とS' (=補文) という範疇は、Chomsky (1986a)[6]により、それぞれ機能範疇I主要部とするIPと機能範疇C英語版を主要部とするCPに昇華されたほか、Pollock (1989)[7]では、機能範疇Iを機能範疇TAgrにさらに細分化することが提案された。

この流れの中で、Rizzi (1997)[1]はCPの詳細構造を、Cinque (1999)[2]付加詞の詳細な階層構造を提案した。例として、Rizzi (1997)[1]によると、機能範疇投射のCPには、以下のようにより緻密な機能範疇の内部構造がある (Rizziは、文内における当該部分を左周辺部 (: left periphery) と呼んでいる)。

  [ForceP Force [TopP* Top [FocP Foc [TopP* Top [FinP Fin [TP T ... ]]]]]][注 1] [1]:288 [3]:544

Cinque (1999)[2]では、の構造をより緻密に表示するために現在のカートグラフィーに準じた手法が用いられており、機能範疇の線形語順には言語普遍的な階層性があると提案している[8]


a.  Verb > Aspect completive > Aspect durative > Aspect retrospective > Aspect continuous > Aspect frequentative > Aspect habitual
b.  Verb > AdvP completive > AdvP durative > AdvP retrospective > AdvP continuous > AdvP frequentative > AdvP habitual

上記 (a) の例は機能範疇主要部の階層関係であり、(b) は異なるクラスに属する副詞の階層関係である[10]

Examples from English

Cinqueの提唱する副詞の階層関係上、期間を表す副詞 (例: briefly) は、習慣を表す副詞 (例: normally) によりも動詞に近い位置に生起する。この観察は以下のような例により動機づけられており、実際に normallly のような副詞が briefly よりも動詞に近い位置に生起すると、文は非文となる[10]

  • durative > habitual
a.  John can normally be briefly seen in his office on Mondays.
b.  *John can briefly be normally seen in his office on Mondays.


  • completive > frequentative
a.  John frequently completely forgets his duties.
b.  *John completely frequently forgets his duties.
Examples from other languages[10]
  • Italian
  • retrospective > continuous
a.  Ogniqualvolta  lo  incontro,  Gianni  è  sempre  appena  tornato  dall’estero 
whenever  him  meet.PRES.2SG  Gianni  is  always  just  returned  from.abroad 
b.  *Ogniqualvolta lo incontro, Gianni è appena sempre tornato dall’estero
  • retrospective > continuous
a.  Kše-  ‘ani  pogeš  ‘oto,  John  tamid  bidiuk  xozer  me-kul 
when  (I)  meet  him  John  always  just  returns  from-abroad 
b.  *Kše-‘ani pogeš ‘oto, John bidiuk tamid xozer me-kul.

カートグラフィーの研究基盤となっている重要な理論として、Chomsky (1986b)[11]により提唱された原理とパラメータのアプローチ (: principles-and-parameters approach) がある。このモデルは、通言語的な文法規則の普遍部分 (原理) と可変部分 (パラメータ) を独立的に規定し、一見大きく異なるように見える通言語間差異も、抽象的なレベルで一般化が可能であることを仮定する。これはすなわち、一つの言語で観察可能な現象は、他言語においても抽象的なレベルにおいて何らかの作用を及ぼしていることを意味し、これを1つの大きな理由として、それまであまり研究がされてこなかったマイナーな言語の研究から他言語に関する知見を得ようと、より広い視野からの研究が展開されるようになった[12]。カートグラフィーにおいてもこの研究方針は広く取り入れられており、一言語で観察可能な機能範疇を他言語に拡張し、それまで正体不明であった言語現象に新たな切り口を提示する支えとなっている[12]。RizziとCinqueの知見では、カートグラフィーを基盤とする統語研究は言語間差異の解明に役立つだけでなく、通言語的な普遍規則の解明にも役立つとされており、この意味でカートグラフィーとは、単純な研究指針ではなく、「なぜこのような普遍性が生まれるのか」という問いを究極的には明確にする必要があるという点で、それ自体が研究トピックという位置づけとなっている[13]



カートグラフィーは、ノーム・チョムスキーの提唱した一様性の原理 (: Uniformity Principle) に基づいている。

特別な反証が提示されない限り、自然言語はその文法体系において一様性を示し、その例外となる言語間差異は談話機能上の差異から生まれると仮定する。[14]:2 [注 2]



これまでの研究において、機能範疇の種類は数多であり、150以上存在することが経験的に裏付けられている[15]。なお、機能範疇の階層関係は通言語的に見ても一定の法則性があることが確認されている一方、一部の言語で型に当てはまらない場合もあることが報告されている[8]。例として、Cinque (1999)[2]は、NegP (否定辞句) とAgrP (一致詞句) の生起位置は言語により異なることを指摘している[8]




カートグラフィーが用いる研究手法は、他動性手法 (: transitivity method) と呼ばれ、これは抽象例を実際の経験的データに基づき具体化していく方式である。[要出典]この手法のもとでは、まず初めにある要素AとBの線形語順を比較する。この際、例として通言語的にABの線形語順が有意であり、BAとなると非文となる、または有標となる場合が多い。この手順を要素BとCの間でも繰り返し、BCは可能であるがCBは不可能であるという結果が得られれば、必然的に要素AとCはACの順で統語構造に反映され、この逆は不可能であることが予測される。

このような要素間の階層性は、主に形容詞の線形語順などで顕著である[16]。例として、英語において、ある名詞に対する話者の主観的評価を表す形容詞 (: evaluative adjective) は、サイズを表す形容詞と共起する場合それに先行する語順で生起する[17]

a.  a great big man
b.  #a big great man (evaluation > size)

Note that it is possible to say (1b), but this either requires a pause or stress. Thus, the neutral order is evaluation > size. Also note that this is not an order concerning the two adjectives great and big, but the whole class of evaluative (e.g., cute or awesome) and size adjectives (e.g., tiny or small). So far, the observation that evaluative adjectives precede size adjectives in English is simply an empirical observation and is theory-neutral.

Now, another class is tested. For example, color adjectives. Comparing color adjectives to size adjectives reveals the order size > color:

a.  a tiny yellow fish
b.  #a yellow tiny fish (size > color)

Combining these insights predicts the order evaluation > color. This can now be tested:

a.  a big blue house
b.  #a blue big house (evaluation > color)

As the prediction indeed turns out to be on the right track we can conclude that the order should be:

  evaluative adjectives > size adjectives > color adjectives

In fact, it is not only these three classes, but many others that also exhibit similar ordering restrictions not only in English, but in presumably all languages of the world. The question that emerges is how to theoretically account for these facts. In older versions of generative grammar, it was assumed that adjectives are adjuncts. However, an adjunct approach explicitly predicts that the order of the adjectives should be free which is against the empirical facts.

Cartography of the clause


The idea of Cartography is now that such ordering restrictions are hard-wired into the syntactic structures of all languages and that all languages exhibit the same structure. This leads to the assumption of a richly articulated and fixed set of functional projections. This is not only true for adjectives, but also for the structure of whole clauses. Such orders can be made visible by comparing different languages although languages are, of course, different on the surface. However, while languages use different strategies to express syntactic categories (or may not even express them at all) the order is nevertheless visible. As an example, consider the categories epistemic modality which expresses a necessity or a possibility that is made by a speaker based on his/her knowledge, tense (which is a bit of an oversimplification here), ability, and an event description. These categories are expressed in English in exactly this order (and other orders will be ill-formed):[18]

(9) ... because Paula [must]     [have] [been able] [to repair her bike].
                       epistemic  tense  ability     event

Comparing this order to German reveals that this language uses a reverse strategy, i.e., the order is exactly the same, but mirrored (note again, that it is not possible to change the order):

(10) ... weil    Paula [ihr Fahrrad reparieren] [gekonnt] [haben] [muss].
        because Paula  her bike    repair       can       have    must
                       event                    ability   tense   epistemic

Examples like these are taken to be evidence in favor of the idea that syntactic structures are fixed across languages although there may be surface variation due to the fact that languages may employ different strategies of expressing them (e.g., by concatenating them from right to left or from left to right).



From the beginning of Cartography, the research of the left periphery of the clause, also called initial periphery was of particular interest. The structure of a syntactic clause is made of three layers. These layers are V-Projection (Verb) which includes the lexical content of the clause, an I-Projection (Inflectional) and a C-Projection (Complementizer) which connects to a matrix sentence or to discourse.[19] The initial periphery refers to the C-Projection, C-system or CP (Complementizer Phrase). It has been proposed that the left periphery is a structurally rich domain “fine grained” with distinct syntactic positions

The study of the left periphery of the clause from a cartographic perspective initially focused on Italian. It has been observed that different types of complementizers have different orders when a Topic element is added.  For example, the declarative complementizer “che” is acceptable in different dialects both in front and after the Topic element while the infinitival complementizer “di” is always after the Topic element.[13]

11 a) Ho deciso che, la macchina, la comprerò quest’anno
      ‘I decided that, the car, I will buy it this year

   b) Ho deciso, la macchina, di comprarla quest’anno
      ‘I decided, the car, of to buy it this year’

The former corresponds to the “Force” while the latter corresponds to “Fin”. A “Force” feature selects for a declarative, interrogative or an exclamative sentence while the “Fin” feature according to Rizzi and Bocci “expresses the finite or non-finite character of the clause, agreeing in finiteness with the finite or non-finite morphology of the clause-internal predicate”.[13] This observation led to the simple mapping of functional features from 3 and to the conclusion that the C-system has a complex structure since “che” and “di” occupy different slots in this domain.[20]

(12) Force … Top … Fin …

Another feature that was considered in the analysis of Rizzi 1997 was Focus. In Romance languages the Focus position is usually at the left periphery of the clause. It has been shown that its position relative to Topic is still quite flexible, allowing for several Topic elements in an unrestricted order around Focus (with the appropriate context). The standard order can be seen in the mapping from 13b:[13]

13 a) Credo che, al presidente, QUESTO, nella riunione di domani, gli dovreste dire
      ‘I believe that, to the president, THIS, in tomorrow’s meeting, you should say to him’  

   b) [ Force [ Top* [ Foc [ Top* [ Fin [IP … ] ] ] ] ] ]

The interrogative element “se” has been shown to have a similarly flexible order around Top (it can both be preceded and followed by Top) but it must nevertheless be in a higher position than Foc as in the mapping from 14:[20]

(14) che . . . Top . . . se . . . Foc . . . Top . . . di

An explanation for this is the fact that syntactic features delimit the C-system in layers. As such the Force feature represented by the complementizer “que” would belong to the upper part of the C-system, the Int element “se” to the middle part and the “di” complementizer to the lower part. This evidence is believed to strengthen the rich structure hypothesis of the C-system.[20]


  1. ^ アスタリスクは、当該投射が繰り返し生起可能であることを示す。
  2. ^ 原文: "In the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, assume languages to be uniform, with variety restricted to easily detectable properties of utterances."[14]:2


  1. ^ a b c d Rizzi, Luigi (1997). “The Fine Structure of the Left Periphery”. In Haegeman, Liliane. Elements of Grammar: Handbook in Generative Syntax. Kluwer. pp. 281-337 
  2. ^ a b c d Cinque, Guglielmo (1999). Adverbs and Functional Heads: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press 
  3. ^ a b c 原口, 庄輔、中村, 捷、金子, 義明 (編)『増補版チョムスキー理論辞典』研究社、東京、2016年。 
  4. ^ a b c Cinque, Guglielmo; Rizzi, Luigi (2009). The Cartography of Syntactic Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press 
  5. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press .
  6. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1986). Barriers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 
  7. ^ Pollock, Jean-Yves (1989). “Verb Movement, Universal Grammar, and the Structure of IP”. Linguistic Inquiry 20 (3): 365-424. 
  8. ^ a b c d Meira, Betty June (2004). “Review of Adverbs and Functional Heads: A Cross-linguistic Perspective”. Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos 46 (2): 283–290. 
  9. ^ Tescari Neto, Aquiles (Sep–Dec 2015). “"SÓ", "EXCLUSIVAMENTE" AND THEIR POSITIONS IN THE SENTENCE”. Alfa: Revista de Linguística 53 (3): 557–558. doi:10.1590/1981-5794-1509-7. https://www.scielo.br/j/alfa/a/gfxQRp5T3FN8CnRcy9f3cFC/?lang=en 28 December 2021閲覧。. 
  10. ^ a b c d Cinque, Guglielmo (June 2013). “Cognition, Universal Grammar, and Typological Generalizations”. Lingua 130: 50–65. 
  11. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1986b). Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use. New York: Praeger 
  12. ^ a b Quarezemin, Sandra (2020). “Cartography, Left Periphery and Criterial Positions: An Interview with Luigi Rizzi”. Delta: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 36 (1). 
  13. ^ a b c d Rizzi, Luigi; Bocci, Giuliano (2017-02-27), “Left Periphery of the Clause: Primarily Illustrated for Italian”, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, Second Edition (Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.): pp. 1–30, Chapter 2.1–3.1, doi:10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom104, ISBN 978-1-118-35873-3, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom104 2021年8月11日閲覧。 
  14. ^ a b Chomsky, Noam (2001). Kenstowicz, Michael. ed. Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press. pp. 1-52 
  15. ^ Heine, Bernd; Kuteva, Tania (2002). World Lexicon of Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 
  16. ^ Whorf, Benjamin Lee (1945). “Grammatical Categories”. Language 21 (1): 1-11. 
  17. ^ Kingsbury, Roy; Wellman, Guy (1986). Longman Advanced English: Coursebook. Pearson English Language Teaching 
  18. ^ Example from Bross, F. & Hole, D. (2017): Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language. In: Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics, 76.
  19. ^ Lohnstein, Horst; Trissler, Susanne, eds (2004-12-31). The Syntax and Semantics of the Left Periphery. pp. 59–60. doi:10.1515/9783110912111. ISBN 978-3-11-018121-0. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110912111 
  20. ^ a b c Rizzi, Luigi (2012-12-12), “Delimitation Effects and the Cartography of the Left Periphery”, Discourse and Grammar (DE GRUYTER): pp. 115–146, Chapter 4, doi:10.1515/9781614511601.115, ISBN 978-1-61451-215-8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9781614511601.115 2021年8月11日閲覧。 


  • Benincà, P. & Munaro, N. (2011): Mapping the Left Periphery: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures. Oxford University Press.
  • Bross, F. & Hole, D. (2017): Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language. In: Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics, 76.
  • Cinque, G. & Rizzi, L. (2008): The Cartography of Syntactic Structures. In: STiL – Studies in Linguistics, 2. 43–59.
  • Rizzi, L. & Bocci, G. (2017): Left Periphery of the Clause: Primarily Illustrated for Italian. In: Evenaert, M. & van Riemsdijk, H. (eds.): The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax. Second edition. 2171–2200.
  • Shlonsky, U. (2010): The Cartographic Enterprise in Syntax. In: Language and Linguistics Compass, 4/6. 417–429
  • Vincenzo Moscati, Luigi Rizzi. (2021): The Layered Syntactic Structure of the Complementizer System: Functional Heads and Multiple Movements in the Early Left-Periphery. A Corpus Study on Italian

