




  • 美術の関連人物

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(参考) 英語版

Translation from en:List of basic visual arts topics 2007-05-10T20:22:03. By Maurreen, Nexus Seven, Pegship, Clubmarx, The Transhumanist, et al.

Template:LBT backlink

For a more comprehensive list, see the en:List of visual arts topics.

The en:visual arts are a class of art forms, including en:painting, en:sculpture, en:photography, en:printmaking and others, that focus on the creation of works which are primarily en:visual in nature. Visual Arts that produce three-dimensional objects, such as en:sculpture and en:architecture, are dealt with in en:plastic arts. The current usage of visual arts includes en:fine arts and well as en:crafts, but this was not always the case. Basic topics in visual arts include:

Nature of visual arts

Main article: en:Visual arts

Types of visual art


History of visual arts


Basic visual arts concepts


Visual artists


Some major visual artists


Visual arts lists

Main article: en:Lists of visual arts topics

See also


Template:List resources

Visual arts en:Category:Wikipedia missing topics en:Category:Lists of visual art topics