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生活のポータル 編集
(参考) en:Portal:Personal life/Intro
- See life (disambiguation) for other senses of 'life'.
Life or personal life or human existence is an individual en:human's personal, private experience of living (including their en:employment career, their family life, and other elements). In prehistoric times, life and existence was based on survival. There was little privacy and a person was identified by their role in the group. In modern times, many people have even come to think of their personal lives as if they are separate from their work. This segmentation of "life areas" is evident in such phrases as "work life", "home life" and "sex life." The meaning or role of a person's "life" or "human existence" is discussed in many religions and philosophies. In Western industrialized countries, there is are a variety of service industries that help people improve their personal lives, such as counselling and life coaching companies. More...
あなたができること 編集
(参考) en:Portal:Personal life/Things you can do
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Where to Start 編集
(参考) en:Portal:Personal life/Where to start
- Eye contact - 非言語コミュニケーション
- Listening - 聴覚
- Communication - コミュニケーション
- Common ground
- Etiquette - エチケット
- Friendship - 友情
- Thinking - 思考
- Rest - リラクゼーション - 余暇 - レジャー
- Habit - 趣味 (Habituation?)
- Problem solving - 問題解決
- Trust - 信頼 (Trust (social sciences)?)
- Role model - ロバート・キング・マートンの用語? - 役割演技
カテゴリ 編集
(参考) en:Template:Wikiportal:Personal life/Categories
Categories in Personal life:
- 「生活」関連のカテゴリ: