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Shifu (紙布), also known as pulp cloth, is cloth made from paper yarns.



When shifu uses paper yarns as both the warp and weft, it is called (諸紙布). When it uses silk, cotton, or linen yarns as the warp and paper yarns as the weft, it is called 絹紙布・綿紙布・麻紙布. This cloth is different from shifu that uses paper as-is. It is lighter and feels nice on the skin, so it is used in women's summer clothing in particular.


Shifu was first created during the Edo era. Texts such as Keifukigusa (毛吹草) and Wakan Sansai Zue (和漢三才図会) record that it was first developed in Shiraishi in Mutsu Province (陸奥の白石), which is present day Miyagi Prefecture(宮城県白石市).


Originally, shifu was made from waste from hōsho paper (奉書紙, a high-quality white paper made from mulberry tree pulp). Later, shifu was made from a specialty paper, which was made from long cellulose fibers extracted from paper mulberry tree pulp. The Katakura Clan (片倉家), who occupied Shiroishi Castle (白石城, Shiroishi-jō) in Sendai Domain (仙台藩), encouraged the manufacture of shifu, and many technical improvements were made. During the Middle Edo Period, shifu was presented to the Shogunate as a specialty item and was also given as a gift to the imperial family.


Originally, shifu was only plain weave fabric, but high quality weaves like fine crepe, drill, and herringbone were developed later.


This type of shifu won a prize for progress at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair. It also appeared at the Taisho Exposition, but was no longer produced soon after.


During the Meiji Period, a type of shifu was produced that was different from the Shiroishi shifu. This shifu was made from ganpi fiber (雁皮) and was used as wallpaper. At the Third National Industrial Exhibition in Tokyo in 1890, 今井直四郎
