
利用者:Ann Clara/下書き2

種類神の母・生神女(テオドコス)、クレタ島のイコンen:Cretan School
聖地サン・オルフォンソ・ディ・ディグオーリ大聖堂(Saint Alphonsus di Liguouri Shrine)

絶えざる御助けの聖母 (たえざるおんたすけのせいぼ:伊語:Nostra Madre del Perpetuo Soccorso、 英語:Our Lady of Perpetual Help)とは、カトリック教会における聖母マリアの称号で、15世紀のビザンティン美術を代表的する聖画(イコン)である。

この聖画(イコン)は、1499年よりローマに所在し、聖アルフォンサス・リグオリ教会で永久的に保存され続けることとなっている。同教会では、公式な「絶えざる御助けの聖母へのノベナ」(en:Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help)が毎週唱えられる。この聖画(イコン)は、東方正教会において、「受難の乙女」または「受難の生神女」として知られ、キリストの受難をイメージで表現し、説明するために使われている。

1865年よりレデンプトール会の修道司祭たちは、ローマ教皇ピウス9世によってこの聖画(イコン)の管理と広報を委託された。この司祭たちによると、この聖画は特にローマ・カトリック圏内において次第に人気が高まるようになり、多くの複写画や模倣画が描かれ続けてきた。近代ではこの聖画の摸倣画が、時々家庭や企業・公共交通機関の建物に飾られている。 1867年6月23日、この聖画はローマ聖座において戴冠 (en:Canonical Coronation)を受け、「絶えざる御助けの聖母」の称号のもとに、聖母聖画(イコン)として公認された。レデンプトール会の修道司祭たちは、現在もローマ聖座により、この聖画の管理・保護と、聖母マリアに関連する美術作品に関する広報活動を委託されている[1]




この聖画は寸法は17インチ×21インチで硬い材質の木板に描かれており、金製の枠に嵌められ、聖堂の祭壇上に吊り下げられている[4]。 聖母マリアが暗い赤色の衣服を纏っている姿で描かれ、青のマントを羽織っている幼子のイエスは、受難を受けることを意味する。また、この聖画は、聖母が「永遠の乙女」( en:perpetual virginity) であること、そして聖母マリアが、ヴェイルを被っている姿で描かれているのは、純粋な謙虚さ・慎み深さを表現する。 聖画の中で描かれている幼児のイエスは、十字架刑の刑具(十字架と釘と槍)を見せられて恐怖に慄き、サンダルを落としており、聖母マリアは、正面、つまり聖画を観ている信者たちの方を見つめ、イエスの恐れる様子を手で指示している。また、ここで描かれているのは、聖母マリアがイエスを慰める方法を見出そうとして、聖画を観ている人々に助けを求めている図でもある。左側には、大天使ミカエルが、とイエスが十字架に架けられた時、イエスのわき腹を刺した 聖槍 と、イエスに差し出された海綿を手に持つ姿で描かれ、右側には、大天使・ガブリエルが十字架とイエスを十字架に打ち付ける釘を持つ姿で描かれる。聖母マリアの額には、星が描かれているが、これは聖母が「海の星」としての役割を持つことを意味する。




この聖画の中では、ギリシャ語のMP-ΘΥ (Μήτηρ Θεοῦ)は 神の母OAM (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ)は 大天使聖ミカエルOAΓ (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ)は 大天使ガブリエル、そして IC-XC (Ἰησοῦς Χριστός)は、 イエス・キリストを、それぞれ敬意をもって表している。この聖画は、クレタ島で仕上げられた金で裏打ちされたクルミの板の上に描かれている。この聖画が描かれた当時は、ヴェネツィア共和国の支配下にあった[7] 。 クレタ美術では、中世後半からのルネッサンス文化によるヨーロッパの影響を受け、多くの聖画が描かれた。 なお、金の裏打ちは神王国を意味している[8] 。 聖母マリアの頭の周囲に見られる後光は、エストファ-ド(Estofado)と呼ばれるもので、これは金の板から絵に対して光を反射させ、小さなへこみ穴で印をつけながら描き上げる画法である。この聖画は1866年に一度洗浄、修復され、1940年に再修復されている。




The earliest written account of the image comes from a Latin and Italian plaque placed in the church of San Matteo in Via Merulana where it was first venerated by the public in 1499. The writer of the icon is unknown, but according to a parchment attached to the painting[10] that accompanied the icon, it was stolen by a merchant sailing to Rome from the island of Crete, also sometimes referred to as Candia or Heraklion.

After stealing the icon, the ageing merchant sailed and hid the icon while traveling at sea, until a storm hit hard and the sailors prayed with the icon for help. When the merchant arrived in Rome he fell ill, and as a dying wish he asked a second merchant to place the icon in a church where it could serve for veneration.[11] Initially, the merchant was reluctant to give the icon away and took [要説明] until the second merchant confided to his wife about the icon. Upon seeing the beautiful icon, the woman refused to give it to the church but instead hung it in their home.

Later on, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to the merchant's daughter, grandmother and neighbor, who implored that the icon be turned over to a parish.[10] The Virgin Mary allegedly appeared to the little girl that the icon ought to be placed between the basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran. The wife gave the icon to the Augustinian Friars. On March 27, 1499, the icon was transferred to the church of San Matteo where it remained for 300 years.[10] The picture was then popularly called the Madonna di San Matteo.[12]



In 1798, French troops under Louis-Alexandre Berthier occupied Rome as part of the French Revolutionary Wars, establishing the short-lived Roman Republic and taking Pope Pius VI prisoner. Among the several churches demolished during the French occupation was San Matteo in Via Merulana, which housed the icon.[13] The Augustinian friars who rescued the icon first took it to the nearby Church of St. Eusebius, then later set it up on a side altar in the Church of Santa Maria in Posterula.

In January 1855, the Redemptorist priests purchased Villa Caserta in Rome along the Via Merulana and converted it into their headquarters. Without realizing it, the property they had purchased was once the church and monastery of Saint Matthew, the site which the Virgin reportedly chose as the icon's shrine.[1]

Decades later, Pope Pius IX invited the Redemptorist Fathers to set up a Marian house of veneration in Rome, in response to which the Redemptorists built the Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori at that location. The Redemptorists were thus established on the Via Merulana, not knowing that it had once been the site of the Church of San Matteo and shrine of the once-famous icon.[10]

Present caretaker

Detail of the hands of the virgin.

Pope Pius, who as a boy had prayed before the picture in San Matteo, became interested in the discovery and in a letter dated 11 December 1865 to Father General Mauron, C.Ss.R., ordered that Our Lady of Perpetual Succour should be again publicly venerated in Via Merulana, and this time at the new church of St. Alphonsus.[12] Pope Pius IX directed the Augustinian friars to surrender the icon to the Redemptorist priests, on condition that the Redemptorists must supply the Augustinians with another picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help or a good copy of the icon in exchange as a gesture of goodwill.[11] Pope Pius IX instructions to the Redemptorists were:

The Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda will call the Superior of the community of Sancta Maria in Posterula and will tell him that it is Our desire that the image of Most Holy Mary, referred to in this petition, be again placed between Saint John and St. Mary Major; the Redemptorists shall replace it with another adequate picture.[14]

Upon its official transfer, Pope Pius IX finally gave his Apostolic Blessing and titled the icon Mater de Perpetuo Succursu (Mother of Perpetual Help). On 23 June 1867, the image was given a Canonical Coronation by the Dean of the Vatican Chapter in a solemn and official recognition of the Marian icon under that title.[15] On 21 April 1866, the Redemptorist Superior General gave one of the first copies of the icon to Pope Pius IX. This copy is preserved in the chapel of the Redemptorists' Generalate in Rome. The original icon remains under the care of the Redemptorist Fathers at the Church of St. Alphonsus with the latest restoration of the icon having taken place in 1990.[14]


Photograph of the icon prior to its restoration in 1866.

In 1866, the icon underwent restoration by the Polish painter Leopold Nowotny (1822-1870).[16]

In 1990, the icon was taken down from its altar for new photography and image restoration commissioned by the General Government of Redemptorists. The Redemptorist Order entered into contract with the Technical Department at the Vatican Museum to restore the icon and prevent further fungal damage to the icon. The restoration process involved X-ray, infra-red scanning, technical analysis of the paint and ultra-violet testing along with a Carbon-14-test which placed the icon between the year 1325-1480. Artistic analysis of the icon revealed that the facial structure of the icon was altered due to previous overpainting, resulting in a combination of "oriental and occidental" features of the image.[17]



Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been venerated across many cultures and thus bears several titles in different languages, such as "Mother of Perpetual Succour", Mutter von immerwährenden hilfe, Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours, Mater del Perpetuo Succursu, and Ina ng Laging Saklolo.

United States of America


In 1878, the Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Boston, Massachusetts obtained a certified copy of the icon being the first in the United States. Between 1927 and 1935, the first American novena service dedicated to the icon was recited in Saint Alphonsus "The Rock" church in St. Louis, Missouri and various other Redemptorist stations around the United States.

The Philippines


Our Lady of Perpetual Help is informally known in the country as the Holy Virgin of Baclaran, and is widely venerated by Filipino Catholics and Overseas Filipino communities. A German copy of the icon is venerated in the National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Baclaran, Parañaque City, Metro Manila. Pope John Paul II once said Mass at the shrine as cardinal, and later prayed before the icon during his first pastoral visit to the country in February 1981.

All Catholic churches and chapels in the Philippines have a replica of the icon, often enshrined on a side altar. Copies of the icon are also commonly displayed in houses, businesses, and public transport.[18][19][20]

Every Wednesday, many congregations hold recitations of the rosary and the icon's associated novena, Benedictions, and Holy Mass in its honour. Devotees today still use the same Novena booklet first published by Irish Redemptorist priests, who introduced the icon and its devotion to the Philippines in the 1900s. The Filipino Diaspora have also kept observance of the Wednesday Novena, holding novena services in their respective parishes overseas.[21][22]



The town of Almoradi, Spain invokes the patronage of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. In 1918, the son of Marquis of Rioflorido, Jose Carlos fell ill with pleurisy. His mother, the noble lady Desamparado Fontes fed him a silk fabric cloth touched to the icon of Perpetual Help in Rome which resulted in an instantaneous healing later claimed to be miraculous. As a token of thanksgiving, the lady Fontes officially donated funds to begin the Confraternity of Almoradi. On 29 May 1919, Our Lady of Perpetual Help was officially enthroned in Saint Andrew's Parish as the official patroness of the town. In 1945, Pope Pius XII confirmed this patronage by a pontifical decree. In 1969, a canonical coronation of this image was held and the crowns were made by Santero artist Jose David.

In addition to this, Our Lady of Perpetual Help is the designated the national patron saint of Haiti.[23] According to Roman Catholic Bishop Guy Sansaricq, former Haitian president Élie Lescot and his cabinet petitioned the Holy See to make Our Mother of Perpetual Help the national Patroness of Haiti in 1942.[24] Many Haitians credit the Virgin Mary under this title in performing miracles to prevent a cholera and smallpox outbreak which ravaged the country in 1882. The Holy See approved the request for patronage under the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII. The Our Lady of Perpetual Help is also present in numerous Haitian public stamps used by the Haitian postal office. In January 2010, Pope Benedict XVI invoked Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Haiti's earthquake relief through Archbishop Louis Kébreau.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is also the patron of the Diocese of Middlesbrough, in England.

Notable Parishes named in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The image as depicted on a stained glass window at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church (Grove City, Ohio).

See also





  1. ^ a b The Redemptorist Denver Province”. Redemptoristsdenver.org. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  2. ^ Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptori Japan
  3. ^ Prayers Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
  4. ^ Fest-schrift zum Andenken an die Wieder-Eröffnung der St. Peter's Kirche, St. Peter's Church Philadelphia, 1901, page 93
  5. ^ Types of Theotokos of the Passion”. Bing.com (2012年3月30日). 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  6. ^ "About Our Lady of Perpetual Help", Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Selma, Texas”. Olph.org. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  7. ^ Icons and saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church by Alfredo Tradigo 2006 ISBN 0-89236-845-4 page 188
  8. ^ Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine, St. George Byzantine Catholic Church, Olympia, Washington
  9. ^ Our Mother of Perpetual Help”. Salvemariaregina.info (1921年7月30日). 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  10. ^ a b c d Our Mother of Perpetual Help History, Liguori Publications”. Mission.liguori.org. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  11. ^ a b Ann Ball, 2003 Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices ISBN 0-87973-910-X pages 431-433
  12. ^ a b Straley, Michael. "Celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lady of Perpetual Help", Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Parish, Glendale, Arizona, 23 June 2013”. Olph.com. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  13. ^ Who is Our Lady of Perpetual Help?”. Aquinasandmore.com. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  14. ^ a b The History of the Icon”. Cssr.com. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  15. ^ Our Mother of Perpetual Help June 27th”. Wf-f.org. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  16. ^ http://www.cssr.com/english/whoarewe/iconstory.shtml
  17. ^ Official Website of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Superior General, Michael Brehl, C.SsR. - Latest Restoration of the Icon”. Cssr.com. 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  18. ^ Vatican website: Pope John Paul II in the Philippines”. Vatican.va (1981年2月17日). 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  19. ^ Culture and customs of the Philippines by Paul A. Rodell 2001 ISBN 0-313-30415-7 page 58
  20. ^ Relations between religions and cultures in Southeast Asia by Donny Gahral Adian, Gadis Arivia 2009 ISBN 1-56518-250-2 page 129
  21. ^ Asian American religions by Tony Carnes, Fenggang Yang 2004 ISBN 0-8147-1630-X page 355
  22. ^ Religion at the corner of bliss and nirvana by Lois Ann Lorentzen 2009 ISBN 0-8223-4547-1 pages 278-280
  23. ^ patrons of Haiti”. Saints.sqpn.com (2010年8月1日). 2014年1月26日閲覧。
  24. ^ Haitians pray for perpetual help for their homeland 6/29/11 : Currents”. Netny.net (2011年6月29日). July 21, 2013時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2014年1月26日閲覧。

 この記事にはパブリックドメインである次の百科事典本文を含む: Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Our Lady of Perpetual Succour". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

Further reading

  • Ferrero, Fabriciano. The Story of an Icon: The Full History, Tradition and Spirituality of the Popular Icon of Our Mother ..,of Perpetual Help. Redemptorist Publications, 2001. ISBN 978-0-85231-219-3.