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代数多様体 上の二つの因子 が線形同値であるとは、ある有理型関数、すなわち関数体の元 によって

と表せることを指す。ただし、ここで は、零点の極のなす因子である。ここで注意すべきは、特異点が存在してしまうと、Cartier 因子と Weil 因子が対応するとは限らないということである。この場合は考慮すべきことが増える(詳しくは後述)。

完備な線形系とは、 上の因子 と線形同値な有効因子全体のなす集合のことで、 という記号で表される。 と対応する可逆層とするとき、 が非特異射影スキームであるとき、 の間に一対一対応が存在し[2]、したがって には射影空間の閉点の構造が入る。

線形系は、射影空間としての の部分空間のことをさす。すなわち、 の部分ベクトル空間 と対応する有効因子のなすしゅうごうのことである。線形系 の次元は、空間の次元として定義される。すなわち、 である。

Cartier 因子類と直線バンドルの間に対応関係があるので、線形系は因子に触れずに、直線バンドル、つまり可逆層の言葉で表すことができる。このとき、因子は可逆層に、因子の同値は可逆層の同型に言い換えることができる。



Linear equivalence


Consider the line bundle on whose sections define quadric surfaces. For the associated divisor , it is linearly equivalent to any other divisor defined by the vanishing locus of some using the rational function [2] (Proposition 7.2). For example, the divisor associated to the vanishing locus of is linearly equivalent to the divisor associated to the vanishing locus of . Then, there is the equivalence of divisors

Linear systems on curves


One of the important complete linear systems on an algebraic curve of genus is given by the complete linear system associated with the canonical divisor , denoted . This definition follows from proposition II.7.7 of Hartshorne[2] since every effective divisor in the linear system comes from the zeros of some section of .

Hyperelliptic curves


One application of linear systems is used in the classification of algebraic curves. A hyperelliptic curve is a curve with a degree morphism .[2] For the case all curves are hyperelliptic: the Riemann–Roch theorem then gives the degree of is and , hence there is a degree map to .



A is a linear system on a curve which is of degree and dimension . For example, hyperelliptic curves have a since defines one. In fact, hyperelliptic curves have a unique [2] from proposition 5.3. Another close set of examples are curves with a which are called trigonal curves. In fact, any curve has a for .[3]

Linear systems of hypersurfaces in


Consider the line bundle over . If we take global sections , then we can take its projectivization . This is isomorphic to where

Then, using any embedding we can construct a linear system of dimension .

Linear system of conics


Other examples


The Cayley–Bacharach theorem is a property of a pencil of cubics, which states that the base locus satisfies an "8 implies 9" property: any cubic containing 8 of the points necessarily contains the 9th.

Linear systems in birational geometry


In general linear systems became a basic tool of birational geometry as practised by the Italian school of algebraic geometry. The technical demands became quite stringent; later developments clarified a number of issues. The computation of the relevant dimensions — the Riemann–Roch problem as it can be called — can be better phrased in terms of homological algebra. The effect of working on varieties with singular points is to show up a difference between Weil divisors (in the free abelian group generated by codimension-one subvarieties), and Cartier divisors coming from sections of invertible sheaves.

The Italian school liked to reduce the geometry on an algebraic surface to that of linear systems cut out by surfaces in three-space; Zariski wrote his celebrated book Algebraic Surfaces to try to pull together the methods, involving linear systems with fixed base points. There was a controversy, one of the final issues in the conflict between 'old' and 'new' points of view in algebraic geometry, over Henri Poincaré's characteristic linear system of an algebraic family of curves on an algebraic surface.

Base locus


The base locus of a linear system of divisors on a variety refers to the subvariety of points 'common' to all divisors in the linear system. Geometrically, this corresponds to the common intersection of the varieties. Linear systems may or may not have a base locus – for example, the pencil of affine lines has no common intersection, but given two (nondegenerate) conics in the complex projective plane, they intersect in four points (counting with multiplicity) and thus the pencil they define has these points as base locus.

More precisely, suppose that is a complete linear system of divisors on some variety . Consider the intersection

where denotes the support of a divisor, and the intersection is taken over all effective divisors in the linear system. This is the base locus of (as a set, at least: there may be more subtle scheme-theoretic considerations as to what the structure sheaf of should be).

One application of the notion of base locus is to nefness of a Cartier divisor class (i.e. complete linear system). Suppose is such a class on a variety , and an irreducible curve on . If is not contained in the base locus of , then there exists some divisor in the class which does not contain , and so intersects it properly. Basic facts from intersection theory then tell us that we must have . The conclusion is that to check nefness of a divisor class, it suffices to compute the intersection number with curves contained in the base locus of the class. So, roughly speaking, the 'smaller' the base locus, the 'more likely' it is that the class is nef.

In the modern formulation of algebraic geometry, a complete linear system of (Cartier) divisors on a variety is viewed as a line bundle on . From this viewpoint, the base locus is the set of common zeroes of all sections of . A simple consequence is that the bundle is globally generated if and only if the base locus is empty.

The notion of the base locus still makes sense for a non-complete linear system as well: the base locus of it is still the intersection of the supports of all the effective divisors in the system.



Consider the Lefschetz pencil given by two generic sections , so given by the scheme

This has an associated linear system of divisors since each polynomial, for a fixed is a divisor in . Then, the base locus of this system of divisors is the scheme given by the vanishing locus of , so

A map determined by a linear system


Each linear system on an algebraic variety determines a morphism from the complement of the base locus to a projective space of dimension of the system, as follows. (In a sense, the converse is also true; see the section below)

Let L be a line bundle on an algebraic variety X and a finite-dimensional vector subspace. For the sake of clarity, we first consider the case when V is base-point-free; in other words, the natural map is surjective (here, k = the base field). Or equivalently, is surjective. Hence, writing for the trivial vector bundle and passing the surjection to the relative Proj, there is a closed immersion:

where on the right is the invariance of the projective bundle under a twist by a line bundle. Following i by a projection, there results in the map:[4]

When the base locus of V is not empty, the above discussion still goes through with in the direct sum replaced by an ideal sheaf defining the base locus and X replaced by the blow-up of it along the (scheme-theoretic) base locus B. Precisely, as above, there is a surjection where is the ideal sheaf of B and that gives rise to

Since an open subset of , there results in the map:

Finally, when a basis of V is chosen, the above discussion becomes more down-to-earth (and that is the style used in Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry).

Linear system determined by a map to a projective space


Each morphism from an algebraic variety to a projective space determines a base-point-free linear system on the variety; because of this, a base-point-free linear system and a map to a projective space are often used interchangeably.

For a closed immersion of algebraic varieties there is a pullback of a linear system on to , defined as [2] (page 158).

O(1) on a projective variety


A projective variety embedded in has a canonical linear system determining a map to projective space from . This sends a point to its corresponding point .

See also



  1. ^ Grothendieck, Alexandre; Dieudonné, Jean. EGA IV, 21.3.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Hartshorne, R. 'Algebraic Geometry', proposition II.7.2, page 151, proposition II.7.7, page 157, page 158, exercise IV.1.7, page 298, proposition IV.5.3, page 342
  3. ^ Kleiman, Steven L.; Laksov, Dan (1974). “Another proof of the existence of special divisors” (英語). Acta Mathematica 132: 163–176. doi:10.1007/BF02392112. ISSN 0001-5962. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.acta/1485889804. 
  4. ^ Fulton, § 4.4.