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807 tube pinout diagram





807s were used in audio power amplifiers, both for public address and Hi-Fi application, usually being run in push-pull pairs in class AB1 or AB2 giving up to 120 watts of usable power. The plate voltage limit is 750 volts and the screen grid limited to 300 volts. Because of the 300 volt screen grid voltage limit, the 807 cannot be triode connected for high power applications. Failure to observe this precaution will cause screen grid failure. Less commonly a single 807 was used in a pure class-A, single-ended audio output stage delivering about 10 watts.




The 807 is fully rated to 60 MHz, derated to 55% at 125 MHz in Class C, Plate-modulated operation, thus they were popular with amateur radio operators (radio hams).


In this application a single 807 could be run in class-C as an oscillator or amplifier which could be keyed on and off to transmit Morse Code in CW mode. For voice transmission on AM a final amplifier with one or more 807s, up to about four, could be connected in parallel running class-C. Connecting multiple 807s in parallel produced more power to feed to the antenna. Often the modulator stage (simply a transformer-coupled audio amplifier for A.M., with the secondary of its output transformer in series with the anode supply of the final amplifier), was also constructed using 807s. Many hams found multiple paralleled 807s a cheaper alternative to a single larger valve, such as a single 813, as many military surplus 807s became available cheaply after World War II. In Australia 807s are affectionately referred to as "stubbies" because they are almost as ubiquitous as that common Australian beer container.

CW動作の場合、最大アノード電圧600が許容され、アノード電流は100mAに増加し、アノード/プレート損失は25ワットに増加する。スクリーン電圧は同じ300ですが、損失は3.5ワットに上昇します。220mWの駆動電力から37WのRF電力が発生するが、デューティ・サイクルは50%までしか許容されない。最大許容マイナス・コントロール・グリッド、許容g1エクスカージョンは-200ボルトで、平均コントロール・グリッド電流はA.M.モードとCWモードの両方で5mAである。後のバージョンでは、50~55ワットの出力電力を生成するために、最大750Vの電源電圧と100mAの電流でCWで使用することができる。The class C operational values in the info box at the right are for anode modulated A.M. operation; for CW operation a maximum anode voltage of 600 is permissible, whereby the anode current increases to 100 mA and the anode/plate dissipation rises to 25 watts. The screen voltage is the same, at 300, but its dissipation rises to 3.5 watts. 37 watts of R.F. power is produced from 220 mW of drive but only a 50% duty cycle is allowed. The maximum allowable negative control grid, g1 excursion allowable is -200 volts and average control grid current is 5mA in both A.M. and CW modes. Later versions could be used on CW with a supply voltage up to 750 V and a current of 100 mA to produce 50-55 watts of output power.




The electrically similar 6L6 was not favored by hams because high transient voltages on the anode when operating in class C could cause a flashover between pins 2 and 3 on the octal base, whereas the 807 had the anode connected to a top cap, physically distant from all the base pins.



1624 (VT-165)は、2.5V、2Aの直接加熱式フィラメントカソードで動作する807の改良型である。

The 1624 (VT-165) is an 807 variant with a directly heated filamentary cathode operating at 2.5 V, 2 A.

1625 (VT-136)は807の変種で、12.6Vのヒーターと7ピンベースを持つ。これらの真空管は、第2次世界大戦のSCR-274とAN/ARC-5「コマンドセット」トランスミッターの一部でRFパワーアンプとして使用された。戦後、1625真空管は余剰市場にあふれ、1本あたり小銭で入手できた。余剰の1625真空管は商業的に使用されることもあり、特にHeathkit DX-100アマチュア用送信機に変調管として1組使用された。

The 1625 (VT-136) is an 807 variant with a 12.6 V heater and a 7-pin base. These tubes were used as RF power amplifiers in some of the SCR-274 and AN/ARC-5 "command set" transmitters of WW2. Postwar, 1625 tubes flooded the surplus market, and were available for pennies apiece. Surplus 1625s found some commercial use, notably the use of a pair as modulator tubes in the Heathkit DX-100 amateur transmitter.

HY-69は807型で、5ピン・ベース、直接加熱式フィラメント・カソード 6.3V、1.6Aで動作する。

The HY-69 is an 807 variant with a 5-pin base and a directly heated filamentary cathode operating at 6.3 V, 1.6 A.


The 5933/807W is a ruggedized military version of the 807. It uses a shorter, straight-sided T12 bulb, which provides better element support for improved microphonics and shock/vibration resistance.


The ATS-25 is a military version with ceramic base.


The Г-807 (G-807) is a Soviet/Russian version. The 6П7С (6P7S) is similar to Г-807, but with an 8-pin octal base.

807はまた、初期のテレビ受像機、特にデュモント社製の受像機の水平出力管としても使用された。807の設計は(製造コスト削減のための "バリュー・エンジニアリング "が施され)、6BG6Gや6CD6Gといった最初の特定用途向け水平スイープ管の基礎となった。再設計の主な内容は、内部RFシールドの一部省略と、ベークライト製8極ベースからマイクロノール製またはセラミック製5極ベースへの変更であった。

The 807 also found some use as a horizontal output tube in early TV receivers, particularly those manufactured by DuMont. The 807 design (with some "value engineering" to reduce production cost) was the basis for the first application-specific horizontal sweep tubes such as the 6BG6G and 6CD6G. The redesign mainly involved the omission of some of the internal RF shielding, and the substitution of a bakelite octal base for the micanol or ceramic 5-pin.


In turn, these low cost sweep tube derivatives found some use as RF power amplifiers in homebrew amateur radio transmitters in the 1950s.




Ham operators in the US sometimes use the term "807" to refer to bottles of beer due to the shape of the tube.[1][2]


  • KT66
  • KT88
  • 6L6
  • 6CA7 / EL34
  • 6V6
  • SY4307A


  1. ^ Ham Speak – Know the Lingo”. QRZ.com. 9 May 2012閲覧。
  2. ^ Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore. Department of English and Journalism, Indiana State University. (1978). https://books.google.com/books?id=QlzYAAAAMAAJ. "...amateur slang such as handle (the name of an operator), lid (a poor operator), rig (radio set, equipment), 807 (a can of beer – from resemblance to a now obsolete transmitting tube), and XYL (ex-young lady: wife)." 

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