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Trust Indenture Act of 1939
一般法律Pub.L. 76–253
Stat.53 Stat. 1149
Securities Act of 1933 (inserted as Title III)
合衆国法典第15編第77aaa– 77bbbb条 15 U.S.C. §§ 77aaa77bbbb
Act as amended (amendments noted by section)


The Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (TIA), codified at 合衆国法典第15編第77aaa– 77bbbb条 15 U.S.C. §§ 77aaa77bbbb, supplements the Securities Act of 1933 in the case of the distribution of debt securities in the United States. Generally speaking, the TIA requires the appointment of a suitably independent and qualified trustee to act for the benefit of the holders of the securities, and specifies various substantive provisions for the trust indenture that must be entered into by the issuer and the trustee. The TIA is administered by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has made various regulations under the act.



1934年証券取引所法第211条は、SECにさまざまな調査を行うことを義務付けた。当時、債務証券の発行に使用されていた受託者制度の調査は明示的に義務付けられていなかったが、後にSECの委員、そして委員長となるウィリアム・O・ダグラスは、1934年11月までに、この制度には立法による改革が必要であると確信していた。1936年6月、ダグラスが主導した保護委員会研究は、報告書『Indentures(契約)に基づく受託者』を発表した。[1] その報告書では、以下のことを推奨した。[1]

Section 211 of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 mandated that the SEC conduct various studies. Although not expressly required to study the trustee system then in use for the issuance of debt securities, William O. Douglas, who would later become a Commissioner and then Chair of the SEC, was convinced by November 1934 that the system needed legislative reform. In June 1936, the Protective Committee Study, headed by Douglas, published its report Trustees Under Indentures.[1] It recommended that:[2]

  1. trustees of indentures be disqualified where they have or acquire conflicts of interest incompatible with their fiduciary obligations;
  2. they be transformed into active trustees with respect to their obligations; and
  3. legislation separate from the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 would be more appropriate to govern this matter.


The Trust Indenture Act was subsequently passed and signed into law in August 1939. Its legislative history shows that that Congress intended to address deficiencies prevalent in trust indentures at the time:[3]

  • the failure of indentures to require evidence of an obligor’s performance thereunder,
  • the lack of disclosure and reporting requirements, and
  • the presence of significant obstacles to collective bondholder action.





一定の例外を除き、担保が信託証書に基づいて発行され、かつ、同法に基づく適格要件を満たさない限り、州際通商において債券、社債、または社債を販売することは、いかなる者に対しても違法である。[1] このような信託証書に基づいて任命された受託者は、特定の義務を負う。

Subject to certain exceptions, it is unlawful for any person to sell notes, bonds, or debentures in interstate commerce unless the security has been issued under an indenture and qualified under the Act.[4] Trustees appointed under such indentures have specified duties:

  • § 314(d) requires certificates and opinions as to the fair value of the collateral being released,[5] but relief in the form of a "no-action letter" is available from the SEC in certain circumstances[6]
  • § 313(b) requires specified reports to holders with respect to the release of collateral[4]

株式の担保権によって証書が担保されている場合、財務報告要件に関する複雑な問題が生じる可能性がある。その場合、規定S-Xの規則3-16が適用される可能性がある。[1] 多くの発行者は、証書に「担保削減」条項を挿入することで影響を軽減しようとしているが、SECは、このような削減が担保の解除を構成しないという概念を支持していない。[1]

Complications as to financial reporting requirements can arise where the indentures are secured by a pledge of stock, in which case Rule 3-16 of Regulation S-X may come into play.[7] Many issuers attempt to mitigate the impact by inserting "collateral cut-back" provisions into their indentures,[8] but the SEC has not endorsed the concept that such a cut-back does not constitute a release of collateral.[8]

Statutory prohibition of impairment



§ 316(b) provides that "the right of any holder of any indenture security to receive payment of the principal of and interest on such indenture security, on or after the respective due dates expressed in such indenture security, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment on or after such respective dates, shall not be impaired or affected without the consent of such holder..." This prohibition is subject to several exceptions:

  • the temporary postponement of interest payments under § 316(a)(2)[9]
  • an indenture may contain a provision limiting or denying the right of a bondholder to sue if and to the extent that that suit would, under applicable law, result in an adverse effect on a lien securing the bonds.[10]
  • an application under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code[11]

この規定は1992年以前にはほとんど訴訟の対象とはならなかった。[1] 最近の判例法(特にニューヨーク南部地区)では、その適用範囲が拡大され、同法は「状況によっては支払いを受ける能力、すなわち単なる形式的な権利ではなく、その能力を保護する」[3]とされ、減損には企業の資産の剥奪や 、企業の保証を取り消すことも含まれると裁定している。[1] その結果、経営難に陥った発行者が、再建努力を追求するために連邦破産法第11章に頼るケースが増える可能性がある一方で、連邦資金に依存しているなどの理由で、他の発行者はこのような救済措置を申請することが禁止される可能性があり、その結果、社債債務の返済条件を変更することが完全にできなくなる可能性もある。[1]

This provision saw little litigation prior to 1992.[12] Recent jurisprudence (especially in the Southern District of New York) has expanded its reach, holding that the Act "protects the ability, and not merely the formal right, to receive payment in some circumstances," and ruling that impairment includes stripping a company's assets and removing any corporate guarantees.[13] While this may result in more distressed issuers resorting to Chapter 11 to pursue restructuring efforts, other issuers may be prohibited from filing for such relief — by virtue of their reliance on federal funding or otherwise — and thus may be precluded from altering the repayment terms of their bond debt altogether.[14]








  1. ^ Report on the Study and Investigation of the Work, Activities, Personnel and Functions of Protective and Reorganization Committees: Part VI, Trustees under Indentures. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office for the Securities and Exchange Commission. (1936). http://the-ami.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SEC_Report_Pt_VI_1936.pdf 
  2. ^ SEC 1936, pp. 110–112.
  3. ^ Bagby, Maman & Gwen 2015, p. 2.
  4. ^ a b Huff 2011, p. 1.
  5. ^ Huff 2011, p. 2.
  6. ^ Huff 2011, pp. 2–3.
  7. ^ Huff 2011, p. 5.
  8. ^ a b Huff 2011, p. 6.
  9. ^ Shuster 2006, pp. 435–436.
  10. ^ Shuster 2006, p. 436.
  11. ^ Shuster 2006, p. 437.
  12. ^ Bagby, Maman & Gwen 2015, p. 3.
  13. ^ Bagby, Maman & Gwen 2015, p. 5.
  14. ^ Seider et al. 2015, p. 3.



