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銀行準備金とは、商業銀行が物理的に保有する現金[1]、および中央銀行の口座に保管される預金のことである。 ほとんどの国で採用されているフラクショナル・リザーブ銀行制度の下では、中央銀行は、その管轄下にある商業銀行に対し、顧客預金などの負債の少なくとも所定の割合に相当する現金または預金を中央銀行に保有することを義務付ける最低準備要件を設定することができる。 こうした金額は通常、必要準備金と呼ばれ、必要準備金を上回る資金は超過準備金と呼ばれる。 これらの準備金は、通常の場合、現金を引き出したい銀行顧客に資金を供給するために、銀行システムに十分な流動性を確保するために定められている。 支払準備金が義務付けられていない場合でも、銀行は慎重な経営の一環として、(クリスマス前のような)顧客による異常に多額の純引き出しや銀行の経営破綻といった予期せぬ事態に備えて支払準備金を保有することが多い。 伝統的に、中央銀行は準備金の残高に対して利息を支払わないが、21世紀に入ってから、このような制度はますます一般的になっている[2]。準備金として留保されていない銀行の資金は、利息付きで貸し付けられる。

Bank reserves are a commercial bank's cash holdings physically held by the bank, and deposits held in the bank's account with the central bank. Under the fractional-reserve banking system used in most countries, central banks may set minimum reserve requirements that mandate commercial banks under their purview to hold cash or deposits at the central bank equivalent to at least a prescribed percentage of their liabilities, such as customer deposits. Such sums are usually termed required reserves, and any funds above the required amount are called excess reserves. These reserves are prescribed to ensure that, in the normal events, there is sufficient liquidity in the banking system to provide funds to bank customers wishing to withdraw cash. Even when there are no reserve requirements, banks often as a matter of prudent management hold reserves in case of unexpected events, such as unusually large net withdrawals by customers (such as before Christmas) or bank runs. Traditionally, central banks do not pay interest on reserve balances, but such schemes have become increasingly common in the 21st century.[1] Funds in banks that are not retained as a reserve are available to be lent, at interest.


In bookkeeping, reserves are ordinarily part of the equity of a company. Bank reserves, on the other hand, are part of the bank's assets. In a bank's annual report, bank reserves are referred to as "cash and balances at central banks".


  • Reserves on deposit (of a commercial bank): the deposit accounts for the commercial bank at the central bank.
  • Vault cash (of a commercial bank): paper currency and current coins owned by the commercial bank and (generally) held in the bank vaults of the commercial bank.
  • Borrowed reserves: bank reserves that were obtained by borrowing from the central bank.
  • Non-borrowed reserves: bank reserves that were not obtained by borrowing from the central bank.
  • Required reserves: the amount of reserves (reserves on deposit plus vault cash) that commercial banks are required to hold, as determined by the central bank as a function of the commercial bank's deposit liabilities.
  • Excess reserves: bank reserves in excess of the reserve requirement. A portion of excess reserves (or even all of them) may be desired reserves.
  • Free reserves: the amount by which excess reserves exceed borrowed reserves.
  • Total reserves: all bank reserves, i.e. cash in the vault, plus reserves on deposit at the central bank, also borrowed plus non-borrowed, also required plus excess.

Cash held by banks


Banking regulators typically determine the banks' reserve requirements, including the minimum proportion of a bank's assets that banks must hold in cash. Subject to such directives, banks tend to keep their cash reserves as low as is prudently necessary, as banks do not earn interest on it, and it is a cost to keep secure. In the United States such reserves are often called vault money.

The amount of money needed to be at call varies because of a number of factors. For example, there is a higher demand at Christmas time when commercial activity is highest. Also, when workers were paid in cash, there was a higher demand on payday. There may also be sudden, unexpected surges in demand for cash by individuals during economic panics, which may result in a "run on the bank" as individuals seek to withdraw money from bank accounts.

When banks find that their cash holdings are below the anticipated cash requirements, especially if they are below the prescribed minimum, they would either borrow cash from other banks that have surplus holdings (e.g., via the interbank market) or from the monetary authority (e.g., via the "discount window"). When banks no longer believe they need as much cash on hand they would return the cash to the monetary authority,[2] or offer the surplus to other banks.



Commercial banks are usually required to keep funds in the bank's account with the central bank. Such funds are usually counted as part of the banks' reserves. Some central banks pay interest on these deposits while others do not.




  1. ^ Ireland, Peter (2019). “Interest on Reserves: History and Rationale, Complications and Risks”. Cato Journal 39 (2): 327-337. https://www.cato.org/cato-journal/spring/summer-2019/interest-reserves-history-rationale-complications-risks. 
  2. ^ Welch, Patrick J.; Gerry F. Welch (2016). Economics: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons. p. 190. ISBN 978-1118949733. https://books.google.com/books?id=UGeVCwAAQBAJ 14 January 2017閲覧。 



Vogel, Harold L. (2001). Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-79264-9ISBN 0-521-79264-9



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