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クローズドエンド型ファンドは、クローズドエンド型投資信託とも呼ばれ、[1][2][3][4] ファンド組成時に固定数の株式を発行することで資本金を調達し、その資本を株式や債券などの金融資産に投資する投資手段である。ファンド組成後は新規資本の受け入れは行わないが、ファンドマネージャーがレバレッジを活用することはある。投資家は、二次市場で既存の株式を売買することができる。[5][6][7]

A closed-end fund, also known as a closed-end mutual fund,[1][2][3][4] is an investment vehicle fund that raises capital by issuing a fixed number of shares at its inception, and then invests that capital in financial assets such as stocks and bonds. After inception it is closed to new capital, although fund managers sometimes employ leverage. Investors can buy and sell the existing shares in secondary markets.[5][6]


In the United States, closed-end funds sold publicly must be registered under both the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.


U.S.-based closed-end funds are referred to under the law as closed-end companies and form one of three SEC-recognized types of investment companies along with mutual funds and unit investment trusts.[6]


Like their better-known open-ended cousins, closed-end funds are usually sponsored by a fund management company. The fund's charter, prospectus and the applicable government regulations specify the types of investments the fund manager is permitted to buy. Some funds invest in stocks, others in bonds, and some in very specific things (for instance, tax-exempt bonds issued by the state of Florida in the USA).

Distinguishing features



A closed-end fund differs from an open-end mutual fund in that:

  • クローズドエンド型ファンドの株式は証券取引所で取引され、市場が開いている時間帯であればいつでも仲介業者を通じて購入・売却することができる。オープンエンド型ファンドは通常、ファンドを管理する投資会社と直接取引を行うことで、投資会社が指定する時間帯にのみ取引が可能であり、取引価格は通常、事前に知ることができない。[9]
  • Closed-end fund shares are traded on stock exchanges, and can be purchased and sold through brokers at any time during market hours. An open-end fund can usually be traded only by transacting directly with the investment company that manages the fund, at a time of day specified by the investment company, and the dealing price will usually not be known in advance.[7]
  • クローズドエンド型ファンドは通常、その資産の市場価値(純資産価値、または NAV)に対してプレミアムまたはディスカウント価格で取引される。[5]:340–341 これに対して、オープンエンド型ファンドの価格は純資産価値を下回ることはない。なぜなら、ファンドは純資産価値でのみ投資家と取引することが求められているからだ。[9]:86
  • A closed-end fund usually trades at a premium or discount to the market value of its assets (known as net asset value, or NAV).[5]:340–341 In contrast, the price of an open-end fund cannot fall below net asset value, because the funds are required to transact with investors only at net asset value.[7]:86
  • クローズドエンド型ファンドの投資家が投資を終了したい場合、証券取引所で他の投資家にファンドの株式を売却する以外に方法はない。これに対し、オープンエンド型ファンドはファンドが純資産価値で直接償還する。[9]:85 Closed-end fund investors who wish to exit the investment can do so only by selling the funds' shares to other investors on stock exchanges. In contrast, open-end funds are redeemed directly by the fund at net asset value.[7]:85
  • 米国では、クローズドエンド型企業は非上場証券を所有することができる。[7]
  • In the United States, a closed-end company can own unlisted securities.[6]


Another distinguishing feature of a closed-end fund is the common use of leverage (gearing) to obtain new money to invest after the fund's inception. This can be done by issuing preferred stock, commercial paper or rights offerings. Leverage amplifies gains when the market prices of the fund's investments rise, but it also amplifies losses when market prices decrease. This increases the volatility of a leveraged fund's net asset value, compared with an unleveraged peer.[8][9]


The amount of leverage a fund uses is expressed as a percent of total fund assets (e.g. if it has a 25% leverage ratio, that means that for each $100 of total assets under management, $75 is equity and $25 is debt). In some cases, fund managers charge management fees based on the total managed assets of the fund, which includes leverage. This further reduces the income benefit of leverage to the common shareholder, while retaining the additional volatility.


Leveraged funds can seem to have higher expense ratios—a common way that investors compare funds—than their non-leveraged peers. Some investment analysts advocate that expenses attributable to the use of leverage should be considered a reduction of investment income rather than an expense, and publish adjusted ratios.


Since stock in closed-end funds is traded like other stock, an investor trading them will pay a brokerage commission similar to that paid when trading other stocks (as opposed to commissions on open-ended mutual funds, where the commission will vary based on the share class chosen and the method of purchasing the fund). In other words, closed-end funds typically do not have sales-based share classes with different commission rates and annual fees. The main exception is loan-participation funds.

Comparison to exchange-traded funds (ETFs)


クローズドエンド型ファンドは取引所で取引されており、その点では上場投資信託(ETF)と似ているが、この2種類の有価証券の間には重要な違いがある。クローズドエンド型ファンドの株価は投資家の需要によって完全に決定され、この価格はファンド資産の純資産価値(NAV)から大幅に乖離することが多い。これに対し、ETFの市場価格は、ETFの構造上、主要な市場参加者がETFの株式をその基礎となる資産の「バスケット」と引き換えることができるため、純資産価値に極めて近い狭い範囲で取引される。[12] この特徴により、ETFの市場価格が純資産価値から大幅に乖離した場合、理論的には裁定取引による利益が得られる可能性がある。クローズドエンド型ファンドの市場価格は、純資産価値よりも10~20%高いか低いことが多いが、ETFの市場価格は通常、純資産価値の1%以内に収まっている。2008年後半の市場低迷以降、多くの債券ETFは、純資産価値よりも約2~3%高いプレミアム価格で取引されている。

Closed-end funds are traded on exchanges, and in that respect they are like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), but there are important differences between these two kinds of security. The price of a closed-end fund's shares is completely determined by investor demand, and this price often diverges substantially from the NAV of the fund assets. In contrast, the market price of an ETF trades in a narrow range very close to its net asset value, because the structure of ETFs allows major market participants to redeem shares of an ETF for a "basket" of the fund's underlying assets.[10] This feature could in theory lead to potential arbitrage profits if the market price of the ETF were to diverge substantially from its NAV. The market prices of closed-end funds are often 10% to 20% higher or lower than their NAV, while the market price of an ETF is typically within 1% of its NAV. Since the market downturn of late 2008, a number of fixed income ETFs have traded at premiums of roughly 2% to 3% above their NAV.

Discounts and premiums


クローズドエンド型ファンドの株式は、ポートフォリオに含まれる有価証券の市場価値から乖離した価格で取引されることが多い。このようなファンドは、市場価値よりも割安な価格で取引されるという長い歴史があるが、割高で取引されることもある。[13][14][15][16] 割安価格で取引される傾向の理由としては、以下が考えられる。

Closed-end fund shares often trade at prices that deviate from the market values of the securities in their portfolios. Such funds have a long history of trading at a discount to market value, although they may also trade at a premium.[11][12][13][14] Reasons for the tendency towards discount pricing are thought to include:

  • ファンドの運用報酬が高すぎる、あるいは将来のパフォーマンスが期待外れになるという投資家の認識。[17] investor perception that the fund's management fees are too high, or that future performance will be disappointing;[15]
  • 投資信託など他の投資商品の方が販売手数料が高いため、証券仲介業者がクローズドエンド型ファンドを顧客に勧めることをためらうこと。[18] stockbrokers' reluctance to recommend closed-end funds to customers because other investments such as mutual funds generate higher sales commissions;[16]
  • クローズドエンド型ファンドの純資産価値が、例えばファンドが非流動性証券(私募や制限付き株式など)を保有しているため、あるいはファンドが原資産を売却する際に発生するキャピタルゲイン課税が純資産価値に反映されていないため、原資産の真の市場価値を過大評価しているのではないかという懸念[14]:78–79[19] concerns that closed-end fund net asset values overstate the true market value of the underlying investments, for example because the fund holds illiquid securities (such as private placements or restricted stock), or because net asset value does not reflect capital gains taxes that will be incurred when the fund sells the underlying investments;[12]:78–79[17]
  • 投資家に配当が分配される前にファンドの経費が差し引かれる慣行は、ファンドの利回りを、公開市場で同一の株式を購入した場合に得られる利回りよりも低くする。[19]
  • the practice of deducting fund expenses before dividends are distributed to investors, which makes the fund's yield lower than would be obtained by buying the identical stocks in the open market;[17]
  • クローズドエンド型ファンドは、プロや機関投資家よりも、より慎重な個人投資家を惹きつけにくいという考え方[20]、および、個人投資家は「ノイズトレーダー」である傾向があり、将来のリターンに対する期待が、ある期間では高くなりすぎ、また別の期間では低くなりすぎたり、あるいは、将来のトレンドに関する洞察力を与える特別な情報を得ていると信じたりする傾向があるという考え方[21]、および、 the belief that closed-end funds tend to attract less astute individual investors, rather than professional or institutional investors,[18] and that individuals tend to be "noise traders", whose expectations about future returns are too high in some periods and too low in others, or who believe they have special information that provides them with insight about future trends;[19] and
  • 個人投資家が年末近くにクローズドエンド型ファンドを売却する傾向があり、これが年末近くにディスカウント幅を拡大させる原因となっている。[19]
  • individual investors' tendency to sell closed-end funds near the end of the year, which causes discounts to widen near the end of the year.[17]

しかし、金融経済学者のZvi Bodie、Alex Kane、Alan J. Marcusは、提示されたさまざまな仮説は割引価格設定の持続性を十分に説明していないと意見を述べている。[9]:86

However, financial economists Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus have opined that the various hypotheses put forth do not fully explain the persistence of discount pricing.[7]:86



The Herzfeld Closed-End Average traded at a discount to net asset value during most of calendar year 2022[20] and all of 2023,[21] according to the American weekly financial newspaper Barron's. This average measures 15 equally-weighted closed-end funds based in the U.S. that invest primarily in U.S. equities.




Among the biggest, long-running closed end funds are:

  • Adams Express Company (NYSE:ADX)
  • Witan Investment Trust plc (LSE:WTAN)
  • Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust (LSE:SMT)
  • Tri-Continental Corporation (NYSE:TY)
  • Gabelli Equity Trust (NYSE:GAB)
  • General American Investors Company (NYSE:GAM)


  • Relevant articles in The Journal of Finance:
    • Managerial Ability, Compensation and the Closed-End Fund Discount. Jonathan B. Berk and Richard Stanton. April 2007.
    • Noise Trading in Small Markets. Frederic Palomino. September 1996.
    • An Investor Expectations Stock Price Predictive Model Using Closed-End Fund Premiums. Martin E. Zweig. March 1993.
    • Closed‐End Fund Shares' Abnormal Returns and the Information Content of Discounts and Premiums. Greggory A. Brauer. March 1988.


  1. ^ An Introduction to Closed-End Mutual Funds”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  2. ^ What is the difference between an open-end and a closed-end mutual fund?”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  3. ^ Closed-end Mutual Funds”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  4. ^ Open-end vs Closed-end Mutual Funds”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  5. ^ a b Thau, Annette (2001). The Bond Book. New York: McGraw Hill. pp. 340–341. ISBN 0-07-135862-5  引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグ; name "thaubook"が異なる内容で複数回定義されています
  6. ^ a b c Closed-End Fund Information”. SEC.gov. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (2013年1月16日). 2015年12月16日閲覧。 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグ; name "SECClosedEndFund"が異なる内容で複数回定義されています
  7. ^ a b c d Bodie, Zvi; Kane, Alan; Marcus, Alan J. (2010). Essentials of Investments (eight ed.). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. p. 85. ISBN 978-0-07-338240-1  引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグ; name "bodiebook"が異なる内容で複数回定義されています
  8. ^ Braham, Lewis (May 1, 2023). “Closed-End Bond Funds Sell at Steep Discounts”. Barron's 
  9. ^ Thau p. 340-341 
  10. ^ Investopedia (2015年5月28日). “What is the difference between an ETF's net asset value (NAV) and its market price?” (英語). Investopedia. http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052815/what-difference-between-etfs-net-asset-value-nav-and-its-market-price.asp 2016年12月10日閲覧。 
  11. ^ Buttonwood (May 25, 2024). “Boaz v BlackRock: Whoever wins, closed-end funds lose”. The Economist Newspaper Ltd.. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/05/23/boaz-v-blackrock-whoever-wins-closed-end-funds-lose 31 May 2024閲覧。 
  12. ^ a b Lee, Charles M.; Shliefer, Andre; Thaler, Richard H. (March 1991). “Investor Sentiment and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle”. The Journal of Finance XLVI (1): 75–109.  引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグ; name "lee"が異なる内容で複数回定義されています
  13. ^ Investor Sentiment and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle”. 2010年7月6日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年12月1日閲覧。 accessed on 31/10/11
  14. ^ Forsythe, Randall. “Play the Closed-End Fund Game with the Pros”. Barron's. https://www.barrons.com/articles/play-the-closed-end-fund-game-with-the-pros-51618399802 7 May 2023閲覧。 
  15. ^ Lee et al p. 78. 
  16. ^ Herzfeld, Thomas J. (1993). Herzfeld's Guide to Closed-End Funds. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 8. ISBN 0-07-028435-0 
  17. ^ a b c Herzfeld p. 8-17 
  18. ^ Forsyth, Randall (April 14, 2021). “Play the Closed-End Fund Game with the Pros”. Barron's/Dow Jones. https://www.barrons.com/articles/play-the-closed-end-fund-game-with-the-pros-51618399802 7 May 2023閲覧。 
  19. ^ Lee et al p. 78-79. 
  20. ^ “Tracking Closed-End Funds”. Barron's Market Lab newsletter. (December 31, 2022) 
  21. ^ “Tracking Closed-End Funds”. Barron's Market Lab newsletter. (January 1, 2024) 


  • SEC – US Securities and Exchange Commission description of investment company types
  • AICA - The Active Investment Company Alliance - Trade Association for Listed/Non-Listed closed end funds /business development companies
  • CEFA – The Closed-End Fund Association (US)
  • CEFA – The Closed-End Fund Association member website (US)
  • Investment Company Institute – The US association of investment companies
  • AIC – Association of Investment Companies (UK trade body)
  • Australian Stock Exchange site – Australian LICs

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