Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.
Quota 500 articles. Total 495 articles.
Basics - 基本項目,22
[編集]- Social science - 社会科学
- Social studies - 社会 (教科)
- Safety - 安全
- Behavioural sciences - 行動科学
- Cognitive science - 認知科学
- Meme - ミーム
- Futures studies - 未来学
Humanities - 人文科学,6
[編集]- Humanities - 人文科学
- Environmental humanities - 環境人文学
- Gender studies - ジェンダー研究
- Digital humanities - デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ
- Medical humanities - ?
Information - 情報,7
[編集]- Information - 情報
- Question - 質問
- Information society - 情報化社会
- Information management - 情報管理
- Copy - 複写
- List - ?
[編集]Template:Vital article count For psychological disorders, see Mental disorders. Total 444 articles.
[編集]- Psychology (Level 2)
- Applied psychology
- Behavioral neuroscience
- Clinical psychology (Level 4)
- Cognitive psychology (Level 4)
- Counseling psychology
- Developmental psychology (Level 4)
- Educational psychology
- Ergonomics
- Experimental psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Health psychology
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Moral psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Personality psychology (Level 4)
- Political psychology
- Positive psychology
- Psychological research
- Psychology of religion (Level 4)
- Psychometrics
- Psychopathology
- Psychotherapy (Level 4)
Psychology schools
[編集]Cognition - 認識,8
[編集]- Amnesia
- Archetype
- Attention
- Behavior
- Social contagion
- Classical conditioning
- Consciousness
- Coping
- Creativity
- Dream
- Existential crisis
- Feeling
- Habit - 習慣
- Human behavior
- Human intelligence
- Hypnosis
- Id, ego and superego
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Introspection
- Libido
- Memory
- Mental state
- Mind
- Mindfulness
- Mood (psychology)
- Moral development
- Motivation
- Goal - ?
- Oedipus complex
- Operant conditioning
- Perception
- Personality
- Posture (psychology)
- Rationalization (psychology)
- Self-concept
- Stereotype
- Subconscious
- Temperament
- Thought
- Transference
- Unconscious mind
Emotions and traits
[編集]- Emotion (Level 2)
- Agreeableness (Level 4)
- Anger (Level 3)
- Angst
- Annoyance
- Anxiety (Level 4)
- Boredom
- Catharsis
- Confidence
- Confusion
- Conscientiousness (Level 4)
- Courage (Level 4)
- Curiosity (Level 4)
- Depression (mood)
- Disappointment
- Disgust (Level 4)
- Doubt (Level 4)
- Euphoria
- Extraversion and introversion (Level 4)
- Fear (Level 3)
- Frustration
- Greed
- Guilt (emotion) (Level 4)
- Happiness (Level 3)
- Hatred (Level 4)
- Hope (Level 4)
- Hubris
- Humility
- Humour (Level 3)
- Hypomania
- Joy
- Love (Level 3)
- Lust (Level 4)
- Mania
- Narcissism
- Neuroticism (Level 4)
- Openness to experience
- Panic
- Passion (emotion)
- Pleasure (Level 4)
- Pride
- Regret
- Sadness (Level 4)
- Self-control
- Self-esteem (Level 4)
- Sorrow (emotion)
- Surprise (emotion) (Level 4)
- Suffering (Level 4)
- Sympathy
- Wonder (emotion)
- Worry
Interpersonal relations
[編集]- Acceptance
- Affection
- Aggression (Level 4)
- Altruism (Level 4)
- Authority
- Betrayal
- Blame (Level 4)
- Bullying (Level 4)
- Charisma (Level 4)
- Cheating
- Coercion
- Combat
- Compassion
- Competition (Level 4)
- Conformity (Level 4)
- Contempt
- Cooperation
- Cruelty
- Deception
- Dignity (Level 4)
- Egocentrism
- Embarrassment (Level 4)
- Empathy (Level 4)
- Envy
- Forgiveness (Level 4)
- Gratitude
- Group dynamics
- Hedonism
- Honour (Level 4)
- Humiliation
- Interpersonal attraction
- Jealousy (Level 4)
- Loneliness
- Pity
- Praise
- Prejudice (Level 4)
- Privacy (Level 3)
- Punishment (Level 4)
- Remorse (Level 4)
- Resentment
- Respect (Level 4)
- Self-defense
- Shame (Level 4)
- Shyness (Level 4)
- Social rejection
- Trust (social science) (Level 4)
Psychological theories
[編集]- Community (Level 3)
- Hierarchy
- Homeland
- Organization (Level 4)
- Aid agency
- Charitable organization
- Civil defense
- Club (organization) (Level 4)
- Government agency
- International organization
- Non-governmental organization (Level 4)
- Nonprofit organization (Level 4)
- Observer status
- Religious organization
- Secret society (Level 4)
- Support group (Level 4)
- Trade union (Level 3)
- Tribe (Level 4)
- Voluntary association (Level 4)
- Social network (Level 4)
- Subculture (Level 4)
Services and institutions
[編集]- Emergency management
- Emergency service
- Nursing home
- Orphanage
- Prison
- Public service
- Public utility
- Social work
[編集]- Social issue (Level 4)
- Abortion (Level 3)
- Animal welfare (Level 4)
- Child abuse
- Child labour (Level 4)
- Class conflict
- Corruption (Level 4)
- Deforestation (Level 4)
- Digital media use and mental health
- Disability (Level 3)
- Environmentalism (Level 3)
- Euthanasia (Level 4)
- Extremism
- Famine (Level 3)
- Forced marriage
- Homelessness (Level 4)
- Human migration (Level 3)
- Human overpopulation (Level 4)
- Humanitarianism (Level 4)
- Misinformation
- Pacifism (Level 4)
- Police misconduct
- Political polarization
- Political repression
- Pollution (Level 3)
- Population ageing (Level 4)
- Population decline
- Poverty (Level 3)
- Rejection of evolution by religious groups
- Social justice
- Social movement (Level 4)
- Sustainable development (Level 4)
- Violence (Level 3)
Social status
[編集]- Social status
- Celebrity
- Disability rights movement
- Educational inequality
- Economic inequality (Level 4)
- Feminism (Level 3)
- Gender equality (Level 4)
- Human rights (Level 3)
- Intersectionality
- LGBTQ movements - LGBTの社会運動
- Minority group (Level 4)
- Political freedom (Level 4)
- Race (human categorization) (Level 4)
- Reputation
- Role
- Sex workers' rights
- Social inequality
- Social stratification (Level 4)
- Socioeconomic status
- Slavery (Level 3)
- Wealth
Caste - 身分制度;カースト
[編集]Social classes - 社会階級
[編集]- Social class - 社会階級
- Bourgeoisie - ブルジョワジー
- Class consciousness - 階級意識
- Clergy - 聖職者
- Eunuch - 宦官
- Upper class - 上流階級
- Middle class - 中流階級
- Working class - 労働者階級
- Underclass - ?
- Peasant - 農民
- Proletariat - プロレタリアート
- Ruling class - 支配階級
[編集]- Discrimination (Level 3)
- Ableism
- Affirmative action
- Ageism
- Antisemitism
- Class discrimination (Level 4)
- Compulsory sterilization
- Criminalization of homosexuality
- Discrimination based on skin tone
- Discrimination against atheists
- Genocide denial (Level 4)
- Homophobia (Level 4)
- Lookism
- Oppression
- Racism (Level 3)
- Religious discrimination
- Sexism (Level 3)
- Toleration
- Xenophobia
[編集]- Sociology
- Civil society
- Collective responsibility
- Criminology
- Demography
- Ethnomethodology
- Etiquette (Level 4)
- Fad
- Frankfurt School
- Generation (Level 4)
- Institution (Level 4)
- Nature versus nurture (Level 4)
- Peer pressure (Level 4)
- Popularity
- Power (social and political) (Level 3)
- Public (Level 4)
- Reflexivity (social theory)
- Social change (Level 4)
- Social control (Level 4)
- Social group (Level 4)
- Social norm (Level 4)
- Social order (Level 4)
- Social reality (Level 4)
- Social relation - 社会関係
- Social research (Level 4)
- Social structure
- Social theory (Level 4)
- Socialization (Level 4)
- Societal collapse
- Sociological theory (Level 4)
- Solidarity (Level 4)
- Stateless society
- Structure and agency (Level 4)
- Global North and Global South
- East–West dichotomy
- Social Darwinism
- World-systems theory