

座標: 北緯32度38分28秒 東経33度34分02秒 / 北緯32.64113度 東経33.56727度 / 32.64113; 33.56727






ガザ自由船団は「自由ガザ運動(Free Gaza Movement)」とトルコの「人権・自由・人道支援財団(İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani Yardım Vakfı、İHH)」によって組織された人道支援団体であり、イスラエルのガザ封鎖を破り、人道支援物資を運び入れようとしていた。2010年5月31日イスラエル海軍特殊部隊Shayetet 13は船団をアシュドッド港に拘引して臨検するため、ボート[3]とヘリコプターから旗艦であるトルコ船マヴィ・マルマラ号に乗り込んだ。イスラエルが提出した報告書によれば、590名の乗客のうち大半は温和な活動家であったが「強硬派」(hardcore group)と呼ばれた İHHの活動家たちも40名ほどおり、彼らは鉄パイプとナイフで武装しイスラエル海軍に抵抗してきたという[4][5][6]。戦闘行為の結果8名のトルコ人と1名のトルコ系アメリカ人が死亡、多数の負傷者が出た。また、2014年5月23日には4年間昏睡状態であった乗組員が死亡し、死者は10名となった[7]。後に派遣された国際連合人権理事会の調査団によれば、死亡した活動家は全員射殺されており、「少なくとも6名の殺害に関しては超法規的かつ一方的にその場の判断で殺害されている」としている[8][9]。イスラエル軍にも10名の負傷者が出ており、うち1名は重傷である[6][10]















  • チャレンジャーⅠ、アメリカ合衆国船籍、ガザ自由運動
  • エレフセリ・メソジオス、ギリシャ船籍
  • スフェンドニ、トーゴ船籍
  • マヴィ・マルマラ、コモロ船籍、İHH
  • Gazze、トルコ船籍、İHH
  • Defne Y、キリバス船籍、İHH



ハイファに停泊中のイスラエル海軍 Nitzachon

午後9時を少し回った頃、イスラエル海軍のサール5型コルベットラハブ、ハニトとサール4型ミサイル艇 Nitzachon の3隻は自由船団を拿捕するためハイファの港を出発した。3隻の艦艇にはモーターボート、ヘリコプター(UH-60 ブラックホーク)が積み込まれ、特殊部隊 Shayetet 13 の隊員71名が乗り込んでいた。


Shayetet 13の隊員は作戦行動の一ヶ月前から訓練を実施しており、50名の兵士を活動家に見立て、水上で船を奪取する訓練も行われていた。イスラエル海軍はこの訓練をビリン村の抵抗運動のようなものを意図したものだと説明した[42]。事件の目撃者であり、イスラエル軍側で取材を行っていたジャーナリストのロン・ベン=イシャイは、「作戦としては、船に兵士を降ろした後、ブリッジに突入し制御を奪う予定であり、乗員が多少の抵抗をしてくることは想定されていた。」と語る[43]。兵士たちはペイントボールの銃とスタングレネードテーザーおよび副武装として自動拳銃を装備していた[44][45]。抵抗者に対しては、平和的に抵抗を諦めさせるよう命令を受けていた。もし上手くいかない場合でも、非致死性兵器を使用して船を確保するように命令されていた。副武装である自動拳銃は自分たちの命が危ぶまれる緊急時にのみ使用することとなっていた[40][46]


イスラエル海軍はマヴィ・マルマラ号の船長であるTural Mahmutに「マヴィ・マルマラ号に告ぐ。貴船は海上封鎖中の敵地へ近づいている。ガザの海岸近辺およびガザ港における海上交通は全て封鎖されている。イスラエル政府は支援物資の搬送に協力することを述べると共に、貴船のアシュドッド港への入港を勧告する。物資の搬送は政府の規則に従い、国境検問所であなた方の監視下で行われ、その後貴船は母港に帰港することとなる。」と無線連絡を行った。直後に、3隻の軍艦が船団を追走し始めた。2隻が距離を置きながら、船団の両側面につき、ヘリコプターが上空を旋回した[48]

「マヴィ・マルマラ号の監視カメラに写る、イスラエル軍への攻撃準備をする活動家たち」 - イスラエル国防軍によるキャプション[49]

襲撃から5日後、イスラエル国防軍(IDF)はイスラエル軍と船団の間で取り交わされたとされる音声を公開した。音声ではイスラエル軍が封鎖域に近づいていることを警告すると「アウシュビッツへ帰れ」「9/11を忘れたか」などの返答が帰ってきたという[50]。チャレンジャーⅠ号の船長であったデニス・ヒーリーと、自由ガザ運動の代表であり艦橋にいたHuwaida Arrafは、このような音声を聞いたことが無いとして信憑性に疑義を呈している[51]。またイスラエルはオープンチャンネルによる音声のため、どの船から寄せられた音声なのかは分からないとしている[52]。IDFの船に乗船していたジャーナリストは、このような通信があったことを認めている[text 1]

イスラエル軍による襲撃の前、İHH代表のFehmi Bülent Yıldırımは、イスラエルが兵員を差し向けたことを乗員に伝え「兵士を海に投げ入れ、全世界の笑いものにしてやろう」と演説した[53]

ヘブライ語の頭文字をもってMalamとも呼ばれる民間組織ではあるが、政府の諜報関連組織の非公式部門として広く認知されているIntelligence and Terrorism Information Centerは[54]、活動家たちはイスラエル兵を攻撃する意図があったことと、これに関してトルコ政府が関与していることを公表した。報告によれば、活動家のほとんどは乗船時にセキュリティチェックを受けていたが、40名からなるİHHの「戦闘員」は事前に乗船しセキュリティチェックを受けていなかったという。İHH代表のFehmi Bülent Yıldırımが彼らに指示した内容は、あらゆる手段を使ってイスラエル兵を船に侵入させないことだったという。また活動家のコンピューターから見つかったファイルや証言によれば、トルコ首相のレジェップ・タイイップ・エルドアンが船団形成に関与したという[54][55]

The IDF identified a group of some 50 men who were responsible for attacking IDF soldiers. The members of this group were not carrying identity cards or passports, but each carried an envelope with some $10,000 in cash. The Israeli defense establishment suspected that the funding may have come from elements in the Turkish government. One member of the group, who was identified as its ringleader, travelled to Bursa to recruit members. The members were stationed in groups throughout the ship, mostly on the upper deck, and communicated with each other via walkie-talkies. The members were well-trained and equipped with gas masks and bulletproof vests.[56]

The Mavi Maramara activists were divided into two groups, "peace activists" and a "hardcore group".[57][5] Video footage shows the "hardcore group" activists prepared before the raid, praying together while wearing uniforms, taking their gas masks and makeshift weapons, and getting into position.[58] Activists dressed in protective clothing from construction materials.[59]

Mavi Marmara boarding

Mavi Marmara passengers hit IDF soldiers with metal rods.

The boarding of the Mavi Marmara started in the early morning at 4:30 IST. The operation began with an attempt to board the ship from speedboats. As the boats approached, activists fired water hoses at them, and pelted them with a variety of objects. The Israelis replied with paintballs and stun grenades. One stun grenade was picked up and tossed back into a boat. When the commandos tried boarding the ship, activists cut the ladders with electric disc saws. The boats then turned slightly away from the ship, but remained close.[60][61]

The IDF then sent in a Black Hawk helicopter with a 15-man assault team on board.[60][62][63] According to the IDF, the commandos fired warning shots and dropped stun grenades prior to abseiling onto the ship.[64] The UNHRC report on the incident concluded that the Israeli soldiers were firing live rounds from the helicopter before they landed anyone on the ship.[65] Passengers reported gunfire, blue flares and deafening noise from the first helicopter at this time.[66][67] Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Elshayyal stated that he saw one man shot in the head and others wounded.[68] Robert Mackey of The New York Times suggested that the passengers on the ship may have mistaken flash grenades and paintball guns for deadly weapons, which enraged them.[69] Activists and crew members used gas masks.[text 2]

A rope was dropped from the helicopter onto the ship, but three activists seized it and tied it to the deck.[70] A second rope was dropped and the soldiers abseiled onto the deck. Each soldier was met with a team of resisting activists, throwing them off balance and assaulting them with makeshift weapons.[71][72] The IDF also reported that a firebomb was thrown at soldiers. Meanwhile, the Israeli commandos responded with their less-lethal weaponry and attempted to physically fight off activists.

Three Israeli commandos were captured. The first captured soldier, the commanding officer of the assault team, was abseiling from the helicopter when he was attacked by ten men before his feet hit the deck. He was beaten across his body and head, then picked up and thrown to the lower deck, where he was attacked by a dozen activists. They beat and choked him, removed his bulletproof vest and sidearm and smashed his helmet, and shoved him into a passenger hall below deck. The second soldier was surrounded by a team of fifteen to twenty activists in two groups. One group attacked him when he landed on the ship's roof. He fired one shot at an activist holding a knife before being subdued.[73] The activists seized his gun and beat him as he attempted to fight them off with his back to the hull. He was picked up by his arms and legs, and thrown over the hull. He attempted to hang on to the hull with both hands, but was forced to let go when activists beat his hands and pulled him down by his legs. He was then surrounded by another group of activists, stabbed in the stomach and dragged into a lounge while being beaten. A third soldier who was lowered onto the deck saw an activist waiting to attack him with an iron crowbar. After shoving him away, he was attacked by four more activists, one of whom wrapped a chain around his neck and choked him until he lost consciousness. He was then thrown onto the bridge deck, where he was attacked by about twenty activists, who beat him, cut away his equipment, and dragged him into the lounge.[74] The three soldiers were severely wounded and bleeding heavily. Two of the soldiers had their hands tied, and a third was unconscious and went into convulsions. During their captivity, they were subjected to physical and verbal abuse, and photographed and filmed. One of the soldiers claimed that he was beaten after he began moving and yelling that one of the soldiers needed a doctor, and another said that he was placed onto a couch, beaten, and threatened that he would be beaten every time he moved.[75] Although radical activists attempted to harm them further, more moderate passengers intervened and protected the soldiers.[76] Two were given water and one with a severe stomach wound was given a gauze pad. Hasan Huseyin Uysal, a Turkish doctor, cleaned the blood off their faces and tended to facial cuts.[77]

Activists throw a stun grenade into an IDF speedboat
Slingshots found Aboard the Mavi Marmara

Israel and the flotilla activists disagreed over whether guns seized from the captive soldiers were used by the activists.[78] Commandos reported that at least two of the captive soldiers had their sidearms wrested away, and that there was live fire against them at a later stage.[79][80][81] According to the IDF, activists also used firearms that they brought along with them, as investigators found bullet casings not matching IDF-issued guns. The IDF reported that the second soldier to descend from the first helicopter was shot in the stomach,[82] and another soldier was shot in the knee. IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi said that activists also seized three stun grenades from soldiers.[83]

After the third soldier was thrown from the roof, the commandos requested and received permission to use live fire.[73][84] The soldiers then opened fire with pistols, and activists dispersed to the front and back of the roof after taking casualties. An IDF medical officer on board located a secure spot, and oversaw treatment of injured soldiers. A second helicopter carrying 12 soldiers arrived over the ship. As the helicopter approached, activists attacked the IDF commandos, who repulsed them with gunshots aimed at their legs. At the same time, the speedboats trailing the ship approached again. They were met with a barrage of objects, including iron balls from slingshots, and allegedly with a burst of gunfire, forcing the boats to pull back again.[85][86]

Soldiers from the second helicopter successfully slid down and moved to gain control of the front of the roof and secure the lower decks. Passengers attacked them, and were dispersed with shots fired towards their legs. The first attempt to secure the lower decks was met with violent resistance, allegedly including live fire. Shortly afterward, a third helicopter arrived, carrying 14 soldiers. They successfully abseiled onto the ship, and the commander from the third helicopter met up with the commander from the second helicopter, after which the forces began moving towards the ship's bridge. They were attacked twice by activists, and responded with gunfire. The commandos reached the bridge after thirty minutes, and took command. Upon orders from the soldiers, the captain instructed all activists to enter their cabins. At this stage, most of the activists assembled on the sides of the ship retreated into the hull. The speedboats approached for a third time, and most of the remaining activists again hurled objects at the boats. Soldiers inside the boats then opened fire, taking careful aim to hit the resisting passengers and forcing the activists to disperse, enabling the soldiers to board from ladders. The soldiers were met with resistance, and responded with live fire. They managed to fight their way to the roof, where they met up with the rest of the force.[60][87] An assessment was made, and three soldiers were found to be missing. A force was prepared to rush the passenger halls and locate the soldiers. According to the IDF, soldiers spotted activists escorting the three captive soldiers onto the deck. One of the captive soldiers claimed that the activist guarding him waved to one of the IDF naval vessels to show that they were holding Israeli soldiers. At that point, he elbowed the activist in the ribs and jumped into the water, although the guard tried to hold him back. A second soldier also jumped into the water, while the third remained unconscious on the deck. IDF soldiers dispersed the activists with non-lethal weapons, and rescued the unconscious soldier, while the two soldiers in the water were picked up by the speedboats.[88][84][89] According to some accounts by activists and journalists, the captive soldiers were released after negotiations mediated by Haneen Zoabi, in which the IDF agreed to airlift the wounded in exchange for their release.[42][77][90][68]

The passengers were taken one-by-one from their cabins and searched on deck. Some were handcuffed and forced to kneel for hours. Women, elderly men, and western nationals were temporarily handcuffed or uncuffed shortly afterward and allowed to sit on benches. During the course of the journey to Ashdod port, passengers were brought inside and allowed to sit down. According to the UNHRC fact-finding mission, passengers were subject to various forms of abuse.[91]

IDF Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi testified to Israel's Turkel Commission that the IDF had fired 308 live rounds and about 350 bean bag rounds and paintballs. An aide to the general said that 70 of these shots were aimed to cause injury, while the others would have been warning shots. IDF Major-General Giora Eiland said that the IDF had found evidence of four instances of soldiers coming under fire from activists, and that in at least one case, the fire came from weapons that were not stolen from commandos.[60][84]

Sfendoni boarding


The operation to take the Sfendoni took place at the same time as the boarding of the Mavi Marmara. The Sfendoni attempted to evade Israeli naval vessels. According to one soldier, the ship attempted to run down his vessel, and chased it after it evaded, but the IDF vessel made a sharp turn and positioned itself behind it.[92] Speedboats approached the ship, and soldiers climbed onto the ship from ladders after firing plastic bullets, paintballs, and stun grenades. Some soldiers were shoved down a ladder onto the lower deck, where a group of passengers scuffled with soldiers, and an attempt was made to take a soldiers' weapon.[92] Once on board, the soldiers advanced towards the bridge. A number of activists formed a human chain to block them, and the Israelis responded with electric shocks.[93]

Retired diplomat Edward Peck, who was on board the Sfendoni, said that the commandos were well-trained, and behaved reasonably well. When two soldiers entered the bridge, an activist grabbed the wheel tightly and protested that the boat was in international waters. A scuffle then ensued between soldiers and a few activists. The soldiers used physical force, electric shocks, and stun grenades to gain control, but there were no major injuries.[93][94][95] Paul Larudee, a 64-year-old former linguistics professor from El Cerrito, California, on board the Sfendoni, was beaten and tased according to his family, who said that Israeli consular officials informed them that Larudee, a pacifist, was beaten after refusing to follow the orders of troops.[96][97]

When the boat was under Israeli control, activists were made to sit down and restrained with plastic ties. One man who complained that the plastic ties were too tight had them removed, then ran and jumped overboard, and was picked up by another boat. Passengers were searched one-by-one and then taken to the main salon. They were allowed to prepare food, but refused to eat until an IDF cameraman ceased filming them.[93]

Free Mediterranean boarding


Swedish author Henning Mankell reported that the capture of the Free Mediterranean took place about an hour after the raid on the Mavi Marmara.[98] Israeli soldiers boarded the ship from three speedboats, and managed to bypass barbed wire that had been placed around the ship. The passengers formed a human ring on the bridge to block the soldiers, and Israeli troops responded by using physical force, electric shocks, plastic and rubber bullets, paintballs, and tear gas.[99][98][100][101] A reporter for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that Israeli soldiers approached passengers with guns drawn and tasered a 65-year-old person from a distance of ten centimeters.[text 3] All of the passengers were handcuffed and subjected to body searches and had their passports confiscated. Those who refused to cooperate were reportedly met with physical force.[99]

Challenger 1 boarding


The Challenger 1 accelerated its course in an attempt to allow journalists on board to broadcast their photos of the ongoing raid.[102] The ship was intercepted by two Israeli speedboats and a helicopter, and carried out evasion tactics, forcing the Israelis to pursue it for a considerable distance.[103] According to passengers, at least one stun grenade was launched at the Challenger 1 before it was boarded. Passengers on the decks formed a human chain to block the path of the troops. Soldiers opened fire with paintball guns and rubber and plastic bullets as they boarded the vessel, lightly injuring two female demonstrators.[104] Once on board, the Israelis moved towards the fly bridge. The soldiers encountered verbal abuse, and attempts were made to shove soldiers. Some activists barricaded themselves in cabins.[103] Activist Huwaida Arraf reported that Israeli soldiers attacked those who tried to block them with kicks, tasers, and concussion grenades,[94] and that some people were beaten so severely that they had to be hospitalized.[105] Arraf said that the Israelis smashed her face against the ground and stepped on it, and that they later handcuffed her and put a bag over her head.[106] Another woman similarly had a bag placed over her head.[93] First mate Shane Dillon reported that Israeli troops broke the nose of a Belgian woman and beat another passenger.[102] Australian photojournalist Kate Geraghty was tasered while attempting to photograph the raid.[102] Upon entering the bridge, the troops were met with no resistance.[104]

Passengers were handcuffed with plastic ties.[104] Activist Huwaida Arraf reported that Israeli troops confiscated communication equipment, cameras and memory cards.[107] Upon entering Ashdod port, several passengers joined hands and refused to disembark, protesting that they had been brought to Israel against their will from international waters. Two female passengers were handcuffed and forcibly removed, while a male passenger was threatened with a taser.[93]

Gazze 1 boarding


The Gazze 1 was boarded by soldiers from speedboats. Passengers and crew on board offered no resistance, and the ship was commandeered without incident. Passengers were ordered onto the deck while dogs searched the ship, and were later taken to the dining hall and body-searched. They were not handcuffed, and provided with food during the journey to Ashdod.[99]

Defne Y boarding


Israeli commandos abseiled from a helicopter onto the Defne Y. The ship's crane had been positioned in such a way as to make it hard or impossible to abseil onto the deck, forcing troops to descend directly to the roof.[103] Soldiers met no physical resistance as they secured the ship, but reportedly encountered verbal abuse. Passengers cooperated with the soldiers, were not handcuffed, and kept in their cabins during the trip to Ashdod. An İHH cameraman on board the Defne Y claimed to have been beaten and interrogated for five hours over a hidden videotape.[99]


  1. ^ Breiner, Joshua (2010年6月1日). “מיוחד – כתב וואלה! עם כוחות השייטת בלב ים [Special: Walla! Reporter With Navy Forces On The High Seas]” (Hebrew). Walla!. http://news.walla.co.il/?w=/2689/1681175 2011年6月10日閲覧. "על התדר הפתוח, יכלו כל ספינות המשט לשמוע את האזהרות. והן גם דאגו להחזיר. 'תחזרו לאושוויץ', ענתה ספינה אחת, אחרת השיבה ב'ג'יהאד, ג'יהאד, ג'יהאד'. המפגש האלים היה בלתי נמנע. [On the open channel, all the flotilla ships could hear the warnings. They also took care to reply. 'Go back to Auschwitz', answered one ship, and another responded, 'Jihad, jihad, jihad'. The violent clash was inevitable.]" 
  2. ^ Yağcı, Cahide Hayrunnisa (2010年6月1日). “İsrail yaralılara müdaheleye izin vermedi!” [Israel did not allow attention to the wounded!] (Turkish). Timeturk. 2010年6月4日閲覧。 “O sırada gaz maskelerimizi ve şişme yeleklerimizi takmamızı ilan ettiler. [At that moment they announced that we should put on our gas masks and the life jackets.]”
  3. ^ Damolin, Mario (2010年6月5日). “Wer nicht weicht, wird aus dem Weg geräumt [Anyone who does not move out of the way is thrust aside]” (German). Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. http://www.faz.net/s/RubB30ABD11B91F41C0BF2722C308D40318/Doc~E349C269DDDB94D7DAC9636A93B191E31~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html 2010年6月6日閲覧. "Mit gezogenen Waffen gehen sie auf unbewaffnete Zivilisten zu. Wer nicht weicht, wie etwa der große, gemütliche Michalis, ein 65 Jahre alter Kleinunternehmer, wird auf kürzeste Distanz aus dem Weg geräumt. Michalis fällt wie vom Blitz getroffen neben mir um, als ihn Soldat Nr. 14 – alle haben Nummern – aus zehn Zentimetern Entfernung mit der Elektroschock-Pistole anschießt. [With their weapons drawn they approach unarmed civilians. Anyone who does not move out of the way, like big, jovial Michalis, a 65-year-old small-time entrepreneur, is thrust aside at close quarters. Michalis drops to the ground as if struck by lightning as soldier no. 14 – all of them bear numbers – tasers him from a distance of 10センチメートル (4 in).]" 
  1. ^ Dion Nissenbaum (2008年12月8日). “Olmert aide supports free Gaza”. Checkpoint Jerusalem (McClatchy Newspapers). 2015年1月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ Activist boats reach Gaza Strip”. BBC (2008年8月23日). 2015年1月12日閲覧。
  3. ^ UN Palmer Report 2011, p. 19.
  4. ^ Sherwood, Harriet (2010年6月2日). “Flotilla raid: Turkish jihadis bent on violence attacked troops, Israel claims”. The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/02/flotilla-raid-turkish-jihadis-troops-israel-claims 2011年9月23日閲覧。 
  5. ^ a b Turkel Report Part 1 2011, p. 207: "... activists ... volunteers ... a 'hardcore group' ... boarded separately ..." quoted in UN Palmer Report 2011, pp. 30, 47.
  6. ^ a b UN Palmer Report 2011, pp. 54–61.
  7. ^ Saed Bannoura (2014年5月24日). “Turkish Man Dies of Wounds Sustained During Israel's Attack on Solidarity Ship”. IMEMC News. http://www.imemc.org/article/67911 2014年6月1日閲覧。 
  8. ^ a b Report of the international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance”. United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council (2010年9月27日). 2014年6月1日閲覧。
  9. ^ Robert Booth; Harriet Sherwood; Justin Vela (2010年6月4日). “Gaza flotilla attack: Autopsies reveal intensity of Israeli military force”. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jun/04/gaza-flotilla-attack-autopsy-results 2014年6月1日閲覧。 
  10. ^ Kershner, Isabel (2010年5月31日). “Deadly Israeli raid draws condemnation”. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/01/world/middleeast/01flotilla.html 2011年9月23日閲覧。 
  11. ^ The UN should heed Israel's carefully documented report on the Gaza flotilla -- because it's true - NY Daily News”. デイリー・ニュース (2011年1月30日). 2014年10月21日閲覧。
  12. ^ Editorial (2010年6月11日). “What Happened on the Mavi Marmara?”. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/12/opinion/12sat3.html 2011年9月23日閲覧。 
  13. ^ Kosharek, Noah; DPA; Ravid, Barak; Kyzer, Liel (2010年6月1日). “Israel transfers hundreds of Gaza flotilla activists to airport for deportation”. Haaretz. Associated Press. http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-transfers-hundreds-of-gaza-flotilla-activists-to-airport-for-deportation-1.293634. ""The decision to deport the hundreds of foreign activists was announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided late Tuesday, in the face of mounting world criticism of Monday's assault"" 
  14. ^ “Gaza flotilla activists back in Turkey”. CBC News. (2010年6月3日). http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-flotilla-activists-back-in-turkey-1.933602 2014年8月26日閲覧. ""Israel had said it will not prosecute dozens of activists detained in the raid, opting instead to deport them all immediately in an apparent effort to limit the diplomatic damage from the raid."" 
  15. ^ "CCR Demands Return of Property and Evidence Seized by Israel from Flotilla" (Press release). Center for Constitutional Rights. 17 June 2010. 2014年6月1日閲覧
  16. ^ “Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla broke law - UN probe”. BBC News. (2010年9月23日). http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-11393836 2014年11月1日閲覧。 
  17. ^ “US concerned UNHRC flotilla probe may stop peace talks”. The Jerusalem Post. (2010年9月28日). http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=189515 2010年9月28日閲覧。 
  18. ^ “Davutoğlu disappointed over US vote against UN’s flotilla report”. Today's Zaman. (2010年10月1日). http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/news-223142-davutoglu-disappointed-over-us-vote-against-uns-flotilla-report.html 
  19. ^ UN Palmer Report 2011, p. 4.
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  37. ^ UNHRC report 2010, p. 19-20.
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  46. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 14.
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  57. ^ UN Palmer Report 2011, p. 30.
  58. ^ Lee raw footage video 2010, 18:10.
  59. ^ Lee raw footage video 2010, 22:00.
  60. ^ a b c d “Death in the Med”. BBC News (BBC). (2010年8月20日). オリジナルの2010年9月1日時点におけるアーカイブ。. http://www.webcitation.org/5sQWBREWH. See also possible alternate availability 
  61. ^ IDF timeline part 1 2010, 5:57–6:19.
  62. ^ IDF timeline part 1 2010, 6:20–6:29.
  63. ^ “Israeli PM 'regrets' deaths as troops storm aid ships”. BBC. (2010年5月31日). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/10199480.stm 
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  65. ^ UNHRC report 2010, p. 26.
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  70. ^ IDF timeline part 1 2010, 6:48–6:59.
  71. ^ Nahmias, Roee (2010年5月31日). “Casualties reported during IDF raid on Gaza sail”. Ynetnews. 2010年5月31日閲覧。
  72. ^ “Activists' eyewitness accounts detail Israeli raid on Gaza aid ship”. Hürriyet. (2010年6月3日). http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=activists-eyewitness-accounts-detail-israeli-raid-on-gaza-aid-ship-2010-06-03 
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  74. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 21.
  75. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 20.
  76. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, pp. 3, 7 (see footnote), 20.
  77. ^ a b Ynet (2010年6月10日). “Turkish doctor who treated soldiers says more humane”. Ynetnews. 2011年6月24日閲覧。
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  79. ^ “Israeli military gives version of flotilla incident”. CNN. (2010年5月31日). http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/05/31/gaza.flotilla.israeli.raid/ 
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  82. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 8.
  83. ^ Williams, Dan (2010年10月24日). “Israelis Fired 308 Bullets Aboard Gaza Ship”. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/10/24/us-israel-flotilla-general-idUSTRE69N0Q320101024 2011年6月13日閲覧。 
  84. ^ a b c Ben-Yishai, Ron (2010年5月31日). “A brutal ambush at sea”. Ynetnews. 2010年5月31日閲覧。
  85. ^ IDF timeline part 1 2010, 7:48–8:39 (end).
  86. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 5.
  87. ^ IDF timeline part 2 2010, 0:00–2:21.
  88. ^ IDF timeline part 2 2010, 2:22–3:04.
  89. ^ Meir Amit report 2010, p. 16.
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  91. ^ UNHRC report 2010, pp. 27, 31, 37.
  92. ^ a b Meir Amit report 2010, pp. 11–12.
  93. ^ a b c d e UNHRC report 2010, p. 33.
  94. ^ a b “Accounts, videos of flotilla assault continue to conflict”. The Washington Post. (2010年6月2日). ISSN 0740-5421. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/01/AR2010060104000_2.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010053101699 2010年6月2日閲覧。 
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  99. ^ a b c d UNHRC report 2010, p. 34.
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  103. ^ a b c Meir Amit report 2010, p. 12.
  104. ^ a b c UNHRC report 2010, p. 32.
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