登録利用者は自分用の利用者サンドボックスを作成できます(サンドボックスを作成する、解説)。 その他のサンドボックス: 共用サンドボックス | モジュールサンドボックス 記事がある程度できあがったら、編集方針を確認して、新規ページを作成しましょう。 |
[編集]氏名 | 乗船時の年齢 | 在住地 | 乗船地 | 船室 | チケット番号 |
エリザベス・ウォルトン・アレン, (Elisabeth Walton Allen) |
29 | アメリカ,ミズーリ州,セントルイス | サウサンプトン | B5 | 24160 |
ハドソン・ジョシュア・クレイトン・アリソン, (Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison) |
30 | カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール | サウサンプトン | C22,C26 | 11378 |
ベス・ウォルド・アリソン(旧姓:ダニエルズ), (Bess Waldo Allison)(Daniels) |
25 | ||||
ヘレン・ローレン・アリソン, (Helen Loraine Allison) |
2 | ||||
ハドソン・トレヴァー・アリソン, (Hudson Trevor Allison) |
11か月 | カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール | サウサンプトン | C22,C26 | 11378 |
ハリー・アンダーソン, (Harry Anderson) |
42 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | サウサンプトン | E12 | 19952 |
トーマス・アンドリューズ・ジュニア, (Thomas Andrews Jr.) |
39 | イギリス,北アイルランド,ベルファスト | ベルファスト | A36 | 112050 |
コーネリア・セオドシア・アンドリューズ, (Cornelia(Kornelia) Theodosia Andrews) |
62 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ハドソン | シェルブール | D7 | 13502 |
シャーロット・アップルトン(旧姓:ラムソン), (Charlotte Appleton)(Lamson) |
53 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | サウサンプトン | C10 | 11769 |
ラモン・アルタガヴェイティア, (Ramon Artagaveytia) |
71 | アルゼンチン,パンパ,ブエノスアイレス | シェルブール | 不明 | 17609 |
ジョン・ジェイコブ・アスター4世, (John Jacob Astor IV) |
47 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | シェルブール | C17,C21? | 17757 |
マデリン・タルマージ・アスター(旧姓:フォース), (Madeleine Talmage Astor)(Force) |
18 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | シェルブール | C17,C21? | 17757 |
レオンティーヌ・ポーリーヌ・オーバール, (Léontine Pauline Aubart) |
24 | フランス,パリ | サウサンプトン | B35 | 17477 |
エレン・メアリー・バーバー, (Ellen Mary Barber) |
26 | 不明 | 不明 | 19877 | |
アルジャーノン・ヘンリー・バークワース, (Algernon Henry Barkworth) |
47 | イングランド,ヨークシャー州,Hessle | A23 | 27042 | |
アルビナ・バッサーニ, (Albina Bassani(Bazzani)) |
31 | 不明 | シェルブール | D15 | 11813 |
ジョン・デイヴィッド・バウマン, (John David Baumann) |
48 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | シェルブール | 不明 | 17318 |
エレーヌ・バクスター(旧姓:デ・ラノディエール=シャプー), (Hélène Baxter)(de Lanaudiére-Chaput) |
50 | カナダ・ケベック州・モントリオール | シェルブール | B58,B60 | 17558 |
クィッグ・エドモンド・バクスター, (Quigg Edmond Baxter) |
24 | カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール | シェルブール | B58,B60 | 17558 |
トムソン・ビーティー, (Thomson Beattie) |
36 | カナダ,マニトバ州,ウィニペグ | サウサンプトン | 不明 | 13050 |
リチャード・レナード・ベックウィズ, (Richard Leonard Beckwith) |
37 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 | サウサンプトン | D35 | 11751 |
サラ・メイベル・ベックウィズ(旧姓:モニーペニー), (Mrs Sarah Maybell Beckwith)(Monypeny) |
46 | ||||
カール・ハウエル・ベア, (Karl Howell Behr) |
26 | シェルブール | C148 | 111369 | |
ネリー・メイヨー・べセット, (Nellie Mayo Bessette) |
39 | 不明 | C99 | 17760 | |
ロザリー・ビドワ, (Rosalie Bidois) |
46 | 不明 | 不明 | 17757 | |
エレン・バード, (Ellen Bird) |
31 | 不明 | サウサンプトン | C97 | 17483 |
ヤコブ・バーンバウム, (Jakob Birnbaum) |
24 | アメリカ,カリフォルニア州,サンフランシスコ | シェルブール | 不明 | 13905 |
ディキンソン・H・ビショップ, (Dickinson H. Bishop) |
25 | アメリカ,ミシガン州,ドゥワジャック | シェルブール | B49 | 11967 |
ヘレン・マーガレット・ビショップ(旧姓:ウォルトン), (Helen Margaret Bishop)(Walton) |
19 | ||||
マウリッツ・ホーカン・ビョルンストロム=ステファンソン, (Mauritz Håkan Björnström-Steffansson) |
28 | スウェーデン,ウップランド地方,ストックホルム県 | サウサンプトン | C52 | 110564 |
スティーブン・ワート・ブラックウェル, (Stephen Weart Blackwell) |
45 | アメリカ,ニュージャージー州,トレントン | サウサンプトン | T?? | 113784 |
ヘンリー・ブランク, (Henry Blank) |
39 | アメリカ,ニュージャージー州,グレン・リッジ | シェルブール | A31 | 112277 |
キャロライン・ボンネル, (Caroline Bonnell) |
30 | アメリカ,オハイオ州,ヤングスタウン | サウサンプトン | C7 | 36928 |
エリザベス・ボンネル, (Elizabeth Bonnell) |
61 | イングランド,ヨークシャー州,バークデイル | サウサンプトン | C103 | 113783 |
ジョン・ジェームズ・ボアバンク, (John James Borebank) |
41 | イングランド,ロンドン | サウサンプトン | D22 | 110489 |
グレース・スコット・ボーウェン, (Grace Scott Bowen) |
45 | アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,クーパーズタウン | シェルブール | 不明 | 17608 |
エルシー・イーディス・バウアーマン, (Elsie Edith Bowerman) |
22 | イングランド,サセックス,St Leonards on sea | サウサンプトン | E33 | 113505 |
ジョン・バートラム・ブレイディ, (John Bertram Brady) |
41 | アメリカ,ワシントン州,ポメロイ | サウサンプトン | A21 | 113054 |
[編集]Name | Age | Hometown | Boarded | Destination | Lifeboat | Body |
Abelson, Mr. Samuel | 30 | Russia | Cherbourg | New York, New York, US | ||
Abelson, Mrs. Anna (née Wizosky?) | 28 | Russia | Cherbourg | New York, New York, US | 10 | |
Andrew, Mr. Edgar Samuel | 17 | San Ambrosio, Córdoba, Argentina | Southampton | Trenton, New Jersey, US | ||
Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas | 30 | Redruth, Cornwall, England | Houghton, Michigan, US | |||
Angle, Mr. William A. | 32 | Warwick, Warwickshire, England | New York City | |||
Angle, Mrs. Florence Agnes "Mary" (née Hughes) | 36 | Warwick, Warwickshire, England | Southampton | New York City | 11 | |
Ashby, Mr. John | 57 | West Hoboken, New Jersey, US | Southampton | West Hoboken, New Jersey, US | ||
Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew | 18 | Penzance, Cornwall, England | Akron, Ohio, US | |||
Bainbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert | 23 | Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands | New York City | |||
Ball, Mrs. Ada E. (née Hall) | 36 | Bristol, Avon, England | Southampton | Jacksonville, Florida, US | 10 | |
Banfield, Mr. Frederick James | 28 | Plymouth, Devon, England | Southampton | Houghton, Michigan, US | ||
Bateman, Reverend Robert James | 51 | Jacksonville, Florida, US | Jacksonville, Florida, US | 174MB | ||
Beane, Mr. Edward | 32 | New York City | Southampton | New York City | 13 | |
Beane. Mrs. Ethel (née Clarke) | 19 | Norwich, Norfolk, England | ||||
Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James | 28 | London, England, UK | Southampton | New York City | 194MB | |
ネリー・E・ベッカー(旧姓:バームガードナー), (Nellie E.Becker)(Baumgardner) |
35 | Guntur, Madras Province, British India[note 1] | Southampton | Benton Harbor, Michigan, US | 11 | |
ルース・エリザベス・ベッカー, (Ruth Elizabeth Becker) |
12 | 13 | ||||
マリオン・ルイーズ・ベッカー, (Marion Louise Becker) |
4 | 11 | ||||
リチャード・フレデリック・ベッカー, (Richard Frederick Becker) |
1 | |||||
ローレンス・ビーズリー, (Lawrence Beesley) |
34 | London, England, UK | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 13 | ||
Bentham, Miss Lillian W. | 19 | Rochester, New York, US | Rochester, New York, US | 12 | ||
Berriman, Mr. William John | 23 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Calumet, Michigan, US | ||
Botsford, Mr. William Hull | 25 | Orange, New Jersey, US | Orange, New Jersey, US | |||
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon | 42 | London, England | New York City | |||
Bracken, Mr. James H. | 29 | Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US | Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US | |||
W・セオドア・ロナルド・ブレイリー, (W. Theodore Ronald Brailey) |
24 | London, England | New York City | |||
ロジャー・マリー・ブリクー, (Roger Marie Bricoux) |
20 | Monte Carlo, Monaco | ||||
Brito, Mr. José Joaquim | 32 | Madeira, Portugal | São Paulo, Brazil | |||
Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon | 60 | Cape Town, South Africa, UK[note 2] | Seattle, Washington, US | |||
Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine (née Ford) | 40 | Cape Town, South Africa, UK | Southampton | Seattle, Washington, US | 14 | |
Brown, Miss Edith Eileen | 15 | |||||
Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid | 25 | Skara, Västergötland, Sweden | Southampton | Rockford, Illinois, US | ||
Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg | 20 | Skara, Västergötland, Sweden | Southampton | Rockford, Illinois, US | 12 | |
Buss, Miss Kate | 36 | Sittingbourne, Kent, England | San Francisco, US | 9 | ||
Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton | 25 | Southsea, Hampshire, England | Southampton | New York City | 97MB | |
トーマス・ルーセル・デイヴィッズ・バイルズ, (Thomas Roussel Davids Byles) |
42 | London, England | Jacksonville, Florida, US | |||
Byström, Miss Karolina | 42 | New York City | Southampton | New York City | ? | |
Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis | 26 | Bangkok, Siam[note 3] | Roseville, Illinois, US | 13 | ||
Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia Mae (née Harbaugh) | 28 | |||||
Caldwell, Master Alden Gates | 10 mo. | |||||
Cameron, Miss Clear Annie | 35 | London, England, UK | Mamaronek, New York, US | 14 | ||
Campbell, Mr. William Henry[1] | 21 | Belfast, Ireland | Belfast | New York City | ||
Carbines, Mr. William | 19 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Houghton, Michigan, US | 18MB | |
Carter, Father Ernest Courtenay | 54 | London, England, UK | New York City | |||
Carter, Mrs. Lilian (née Hughes) | 45 | |||||
Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry | 52 | Bronx, New York, US | Bronx, New York, US | 130MB | ||
Chapman, Mr. John Henry | 36 | Liskeard, Cornwall, England | Spokane, Washington, US | 17MB | ||
Chapman, Mrs. Sara Elizabeth (née Lawry) | 28 | |||||
Christy, Mrs. Alice Frances | 45 | London, England, UK | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 12 | |
Christy, Miss Rachel Julie Cohen | 25 | |||||
Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine | 29 | Netley Abbey, Hampshire, England | Southampton | San Francisco, California, US | ||
Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria | 28 | Netley Abbey, Hampshire, England | Southampton | San Francisco, California, US | 14 | |
ジョン・フレデリック・プレストン・クラーク, (John Frederick Preston Clarke) |
30 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | Southampton | New York City | 202MB | |
Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles | 29 | London, England | Detroit, Michigan, US | |||
Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf | 27 | Helsinki, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] | Ashtabula, Ohio, US | |||
Collett, Mr. Sidney Clarence Stuart | 25 | London, England | Southampton | Port Byron, New York, US | 9 | |
Collyer, Mr. Harvey | 31 | Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England | Southampton | Payette, Idaho, US | ||
Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte Annie (née Tate) | 31 | Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England | Southampton | Payette, Idaho, US | 14 | |
Collyer, Miss Marjorie Charlotte "Lottie" | 8 | |||||
Cook, Mrs. Selena (née Rogers) | 22 | Oxford, Oxfordshire, England | New York City | |||
Corbett, Mrs. Irene (née Colvin) | 30 | Provo, Utah, US | Southampton | Provo, Utah, US | ||
Corey, Mrs. Mary Phyllis Elizabeth (née Miller) | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US | ||||
Cotterill, Mr. Henry "Harry" | 20 | Penzance, Cornwall, England | Akron, Ohio, US | |||
Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming[1] | 21 | Belfast, Ireland | Belfast | New York City | ||
Davies, Mr. Charles Henry | Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England | Southampton | Eden, Manitoba, Canada | |||
Davies, Mrs. Elizabeth Agnes Mary (née White) | 48 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England UK | Southampton | Houghton, Michigan, US | 14 | |
Davies, Master John Morgan Jr. | 8 | |||||
Davis, Miss Mary | 28 | London, England, UK | Tottenville, New York, US | 13 | ||
Deacon, Mr. Percy William | 20 | Fritham, Hampshire, England, UK | Southampton | Boston, Massachusetts, US | ||
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano | 29 | Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy | Cherbourg | Chicago, Illinois, US | 295MB | |
del Carlo, Mrs. Argene (née Genovesi)[2][3] | 24 | Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy | Cherbourg | Chicago, Illinois, US | 11 | |
Denbuoy, Mr. Albert "Herbert" | 25 | Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK | Southampton | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | ||
Dibden, Mr. William | 18 | Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England | Eden, Manitoba, Canada | |||
Doling, Mrs. Ada Julia (née Bone) | 34 | Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK | Southampton | New York City | ? | |
Doling, Miss Elsie | 19 | |||||
Douton, Mr. William Joseph | 55 | Rochester, New York, US | Southampton | Rochester, New York, US | ||
Drew, Mr. James Vivian | 42 | Greenport, New York, US | Greenport, New York, US | |||
Drew, Mrs. Lulu Thorne (née Christian) | 34 | Greenport, New York, US | Southampton | Greenport, New York, US | 10 | |
Drew, Master Marshall Brines | 8 | |||||
Duran y More, Miss Florentina | 30 | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | Cherbourg | Havana, Cuba | 12 | |
Duran y More, Miss Asunción | 27 | |||||
Fahlstrøm, Mr. Arne Joma | 18 | Oslo, Norway | Bayonne, New Jersey, US | |||
Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry Bartram | 40 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US | 286MB | ||
Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles | 18 | Truro, Cornwall, England, UK | Houghton, Michigan, US | |||
Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert | 38 | Rochester, New York, US | Rochester, New York, US | 236MB | ||
Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood "Artie"[1] | 37 | Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK | Belfast | New York City | ||
アニー・クレーマー・ファンク, (Annie Clemmer Funk) |
38 | Janjgir-Champa, British India, UK[note 1] | Southampton | Bally, Pennsylvania, US | ||
Fynney, Mr. Joseph J. | 35 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 322M | ||
Gale, Mr. Harry | 38 | Harrowbarrow, Cornwall, England, UK | Clear Creek, Colorado, US | |||
Gale, Mr. Shadrach | 33 | |||||
Garside, Miss Ethel | 34 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | Southampton | Brooklyn, New York, US | 12 | |
Gaskell, Mr. William Alfred | 18 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | ||
Gavey, Mr. Laurence | 26 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | |||
Gilbert, Mr. William | 47 | Carleens, Cornwall, England | Butte, Montana, US | |||
Giles, Mr. Edgar | 21 | Porthleven, Cornwall, England | Camden, New Jersey, US | |||
Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward | 20 | |||||
Giles, Mr. Ralph | 25 | London, England | New York City | 297MB | ||
Gill, Mr. John William | 24 | Clevedon, North Somerset, England | 155MB | |||
Gillespie, Mr. William Henry | 34 | Abbeyleix, Laois, Ireland[note 5] | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | |||
Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen | 30 | Kølsen, Vorde Sogn, Denmark | San Francisco, California, US | 305MB | ||
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel | 52 | Bronx, New York, US | Bronx, New York, US | 19MB | ||
Hale, Mr. Reginald | 30 | Auburn, New York, US | Auburn, New York, US | 75MB | ||
Hämäläinen, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hamlin) | 24 | Detroit, Michigan, US | Southampton | Detroit, Michigan, US | 4 | |
Hämäläinen, Master Viljo Unto Johannes (William Hamlin) | 1 | |||||
Harbeck, Mr. William H. | 44 | Toledo, Ohio, US | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 35MB | |
ジョン・ハーパー, (John Harper) |
39 | London, England | Chicago, Illinois, US | |||
Harper, Miss Annie Jessie "Nina" | 6 | London, England | Southampton | Chicago, Illinois, US | 11 | |
Harris, Mr. George | 62 | New York City | 15 | |||
Harris, Mr. Walter | 30 | London, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Hart, Mr. Benjamin | 47 | Ilford, Essex, England | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | |||
Hart, Mrs. Esther Ada (née Bloomfield) | 48 | Ilford, Essex, England | Southampton | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | 14 | |
Hart, Miss Eva Miriam | 7 | |||||
ウォレス・ヘンリー・ハートリー, (Wallace Henry Hartley) |
33 | Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England | Southampton | New York City | 224MB | |
Herman, Mr. Samuel | 49 | Yeovil, Somerset, England | Southampton | Bernardsville, New Jersey, US | ||
Herman, Mrs. Jane (née Laver) | 48 | Yeovil, Somerset, England | Southampton | Bernardsville, New Jersey, US | 9 | |
Herman, Miss Alice | 24 | |||||
Herman, Miss Kate | ||||||
Hewlett, Mrs. Mary Dunbar (née Kingcome) | 56 | Lucknow, British India, UK[note 1] | Rapid City, South Dakota, US | 13 | ||
Hickman, Mr. Lewis | 30 | Fritham, Hampshire, England | Southampton | The Pas, Manitoba, Canada | 256MB | |
Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark | 24 | Eden, Manitoba, Canada | ||||
Hickman, Mr. Stanley George | 20 | The Pas, Manitoba, Canada | ||||
Hiltunen, Miss Martta | 18 | Joensuu, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] | Detroit, Michigan, US | |||
Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth "Eliza" (née Neads) | 54 | Penzance, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Akron, Ohio, US | 4 | |
Hocking, Mr. Richard George | 23 | Akron, Ohio, US | Southampton | Akron, Ohio, US | ||
Hocking, Miss Ellen "Nellie" | 20 | Penzance, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Akron, Ohio, US | 4 | |
Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metcalfe | 36 | Devonport, Devon, England | Southampton | Middletown, Connecticut, US | ||
Hodges, Mr. Henry Price | 50 | Southampton, Hampshire, England | Boston, Massachusetts, US | 149MB | ||
Hold, Mr. Stephen | 44 | Porthoustock, Cornwall, England | Sacramento, California, US | |||
Hold, Mrs. Annie Margaret (née Hill) | 29 | Porthoustock, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Sacramento, California, US | 10 | |
Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr. | 21 | Fritham, Hampshire, England | Southampton | Manitoba, Canada | ||
細野正文, (Hosono Masabumi) |
41 | Tokyo, Japan | Southampton | Tokyo, Japan | 10 | |
Howard, Mr. Benjamin | 63 | Swindon, Wiltshire, England | Southampton | Idaho, US | ||
Howard, Mrs. Ellen Truelove (née Arman) | 60 | |||||
ジョン・ロウ・ヒューム, (John Law Hume) |
21 | Dumfries, Scotland | New York City | 193MB | ||
Hunt, Mr. George Henry | 33 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US | |||
Ilett, Miss Bertha | 17 | Jersey, Channel Islands | Southampton | Atlanta, Georgia, US | ? | |
Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel | 40 | London, England | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | ||
Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy Frances Christy (née Cohen) | 24 | London, England | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 12 | |
Jarvis, Mr. Denzil John | 47 | Stoneygate, Leicestershire, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas | 24 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | |||
Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilifred | 22 | |||||
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow | 32 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England | Houghton, Michigan, US | |||
Jerwan, Mrs. Marie Marthe (née Thuillard) | 23 | New York City | Southampton | New York City | 11 | |
Kantor, Mr. Sinai | 34 | Vitebsk, Russian Empire | Southampton | Bronx, New York, US | 283MB | |
Kantor, Mrs. Miriam (née Sternin) | 24 | Vitebsk, Russian Empire | Southampton | Bronx, New York, US | 12 | |
Karnes, Mrs. Claire (née Bennett) | 28 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US | Southampton | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US | ||
Keane, Mr. Daniel | 35 | Limerick, Ireland[note 5] | Queenstown | St Louis, Missouri, US | ||
Keane, Miss Nora Agnes | 46 | Castleconnell, Limerick, Ireland[note 5] | Queenstown | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US | 10 | |
Kelly, Miss Florence "Fannie" | 45 | London, England | Southampton | New York City | 9 | |
Kirkland, Reverend Charles Leonard | 52 | Glasgow, Scotland | Queenstown | Tuxford, Saskatchewan, Canada | ||
Knight, Mr. Robert J.[1] | 39 | Belfast, Ireland | Belfast | New York City | ||
ジョージ・アレクサンドル・クリンズ, (Georges Alexandre Krins) |
23 | London, England | Southampton | |||
Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson | 31 | Trollhättan, Västergötland, Sweden | Arlington, Virginia, US | 165MB | ||
Lahtinen, Reverend William | 35 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, US | Minneapolis, Minnesota, US | |||
Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna Amelia (née Sylfvén) | 26 | |||||
Lamb, Mr. John Joseph | 30 | Glencree, Ireland[note 5] | Queenstown | Providence, Rhode Island, US | ||
ジョセフ・フィリップ・ルメルシェ・ラロッシュ, (Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche) |
25 | Paris, France | Cherbourg | Cap-Haïtien, Haiti | ||
ジュリエット・マリー・ルイーズ・ラロッシュ(旧姓:ラファルグ), (Juliette Marie Louise Laroche)(Lafargue) |
22 | Paris, France | Cherbourg | Cap-Haïtien, Haiti | 14 | |
シモーヌ・マリー・アンヌ・アンドレ・ラロッシュ, (Simoné Marie Anne Andrée Laroche) |
3 | |||||
ルイーズ・マーガレット・ラロッシュ, (Louise Marguerite Laroche) |
1 | |||||
ベルタ・レーマン, (Bertha Lehmann) |
17 | Lotzwil, Switzerland | Central City, Iowa, US | 12 | ||
Leitch, Miss Jessie Wills | 31 | London, England | Southampton | Chicago, Illinois, US | 11 | |
Lemore, Mrs. Amelia "Milley" (née Hunt) | 34 | Chicago, Illinois, US | 14 | |||
Levy, Mr. René Jacques | 36 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Cherbourg | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | ||
Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman | 25 | London, England | Southampton | New York City | 108MB | |
Lingane, Mr. John | 61 | Chelsea, Michigan, US | Chelsea, Michigan, US | |||
Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander | 50 | Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England | New York City | 121MB | ||
Louch, Mrs. Alice Adelaide (née Slow) | 42 | Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England | Southampton | New York City | 14 | |
Mack, Mrs. Mary (née Lacy) | 57 | Southampton, Hampshire, England | Southampton | New York City | 52MB | |
Malachard, Mr. Jean-Noël | 25 | Paris, France | Cherbourg | |||
Mallet, Mr. Albert | 31 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | |||
Mallet, Mrs. Antoinette Marie (née Magnin) | 24 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Cherbourg | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 10 | |
Mallet, Master André Clément | 1 | |||||
Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emilio | 30 | Paris, France | Cherbourg | New York City | ||
Matthews, Mr. William John | St Austell, Cornwall, England | Southampton | La Salle, Illinois, US | |||
Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert | 36 | Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada | |||
McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon | 32 | Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Canada | 209MB | ||
McCrie, Mr. James Matthew | Sarnia, Ontario, Canada | Sarnia, Ontario, Canada | ||||
McKane, Mr. Peter David | 46 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Rochester, New York, US | |||
Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne (née Maidment) | 41 | Wimbledon, London, England | Southampton | Bennington, Vermont, US | 14 | |
Mellinger, Miss Madeleine Violet | 13 | |||||
Mellors, Mr. William John | 19 | Chelsea, London, England | Long Island, New York, US | B | ||
Meyer, Mr. August | 31 | Harrow, London, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian | 48 | Odense, Denmark | Oregon, Wisconsin, US | 271MB | ||
Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael | 71 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Toledo, Ohio, US | |||
Montvila, Father Juozas | 27 | Gudinė, Lithuania [4] | Worcester, Massachusetts, US | |||
Moraweck, Dr. Ernest | 54 | Frankfort, Kentucky, US | Frankfort, Kentucky, US | |||
Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (alias Mr. Henry Marshall) | 38 | Birmingham, Worcester, England | Los Angeles, US | |||
Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles | 16 | Huntingfield, Suffolk, England | New York City | |||
Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis | 63 | Fermoy, Ireland[note 5] | Queenstown | Waban, Massachusetts, US | ||
Nassr Allah, Mr. Niqula Khalil | 28 | Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire[note 6] | Cherbourg | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 43MB | |
Nassr Allah, Mrs. Adal (née Akim)[2][5] | 14 | Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire | Cherbourg | Cleveland, Ohio, US | ? | |
ミシェル・ナヴラティル(ルイ・M・ホフマンという偽名を使用), (Michel Navratil)(Louis M. Hoffman) |
32 | Nice, France | Southampton | New York City | 15MB | |
ミシェル・マルセル・ナヴラティル(ロトという偽名を使用), (Michel Marcel Navratil)(Loto) |
3 | Nice, France | Southampton | New York City | D | |
エドモン・ロジャー・ナヴラティル(ルイという偽名を使用), (Edmond Roger Navratil)(Louis) |
2 | |||||
Nesson, Mr. Israel | 26 | London, England | Southampton | Boston, Massachusetts, US | ||
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles "Joe" | 19 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England | Houghton, Michigan, US | 101MB | ||
Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas | 28 | Glasgow, Scotland | 287MB | |||
Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Ramell) | 29 | East Orange, New Jersey, US | Southampton | East Orange, New Jersey, US | 11 | |
Otter, Mr. Richard | 39 | Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US | Southampton | Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US | ||
Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas | 22 | London, England | Southampton | North Bergen, New Jersey, US | 13 | |
Padron Manent, Mr. Julian | 26 | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | Cherbourg | Havana, Cuba | 9 | |
Pain, Dr. Alfred "Alf" | 23 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | Southampton | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | ||
Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio | 29 | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | Cherbourg | Havana, Cuba | 9 | |
Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard | 28 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Southampton | New York City | ||
Parkes, Mr. Francis "Frank"[1] | 18 | Belfast, Ireland | Belfast | |||
Parrish, Mrs. Lutie Davis (née Temple) | 60 | Woodford County, Kentucky, US | Southampton | Woodford County, Kentucky, US | 12 | |
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William | 19 | Gunnislake, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Butte, Montana, US | ||
Peruschitz, Father Josef | 28 | Scheyern, Bavaria, German Empire[note 7] | St. Cloud, Minnesota, US | |||
Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert | 42 | Ilfracombe, Devon, England | New Brighton, Pennsylvania, US | |||
Phillips, Miss Alice Frances Louisa | 21 | Ilfracombe, Devon, England | Southampton | New Brighton, Pennsylvania, US | 12 | |
Phillips, Miss Kate Florence (alias Mrs. Kate Marshall)[6][7] | 19 | Birmingham, Worcester, England | Los Angeles, US | 11 | ||
Pinsky, Mrs. Rosa | 21 | Brooklyn, New York, US | Brooklyn, New York, US | 9 | ||
Ponesell, Mr. Martin | 34 | Southampton, Hampshire, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario Giuseppe | 34 | Milford, New Hampshire, US | Southampton | Milford, New Hampshire, US | 14 | |
Pulbaum, Mr. Franz | 27 | New York City | Southampton | New York City | ||
Quick, Mrs. Jane (née Richards) | 33 | Plymouth, Devon, England | Southampton | Detroit, Michigan, US | 11 | |
ウィニフレッド・ヴェラ・クイック, (Winnifred Vera Quick) |
8 | |||||
Quick, Miss Phyllis May | 2 | |||||
Reeves, Mr. David | 36 | Slinfold, West Sussex, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry | 33 | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | |||
Renouf, Mrs. Lillian "Lily" (née Jefferys) | 30 | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | Southampton | Elizabeth, New Jersey, US | 12 | |
Reynaldo, Miss Encarnación | 28 | Marbella, Spain | New York City | 9 | ||
Richard, Mr. Emile Philippe | 23 | Paris, France | Cherbourg | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | ||
Richards, Mrs. Emily (née Hocking) | 23 | Penzance, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Akron, Ohio, US | 4 | |
Richards, Master William Rowe | 3 | |||||
Richards, Master Sibley George | 9 mo. | |||||
Ridsdale, Miss Lucy | 50 | London, England | Marietta, Ohio, US | 13 | ||
Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry | 18 | Tavistock, Devon, England | Southampton | Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US | ||
Rugg, Miss Emily | 21 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Southampton | Wilmington, Delaware, US | 12 | |
Schmidt, Mr. August | 26 | Newark, New Jersey, US | Southampton | Newark, New Jersey, US | ||
Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington | 25 | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico | |||
Sharp, Mr. Percival James | 27 | London, England, UK | New York City | |||
Shelley, Mrs. Imanita (née Parrish Hall) | 25 | Deer Lodge, Montana, US | Southampton | Deer Lodge, Montana, US | 12 | |
Silvén, Miss Lyyli Karolina | 17 | Tornio, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] | Minneapolis, Minnesota, US | 16 | ||
Sincock, Miss Maude | 20 | St. Ives, Cornwall, England | Hancock, Michigan, US | D | ||
Sinkkonen, Miss Anna | 30 | Turku, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] | Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts, US | 10 | ||
Sjöstedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf | Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden | Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, US | ||||
Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | Queenstown | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | 13 | ||
Slemen, Mr. Richard James | 35 | Landrake, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Nashua, New Hampshire, US | ||
Smith, Miss Marion Elsie | 39 | Basingstoke, Hampshire, England | Southampton | Washington, DC US | 9 | |
Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden | 25 | Porthallow, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Houghton, Michigan, US | ||
Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward | 42 | New York City | New York City | |||
Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph | 25 | London, England | Detroit, Michigan, US | 81MB | ||
Sweet, Mr. George Frederick | 14 | Yeovil, Somerset, England | Bernardsville, New Jersey, US | |||
パーシー・コーネリアス・テイラー, (Percy Cornelius Taylor) |
32 | London, England | New York City | |||
Toomey, Miss Ellen Mary | 48 | Indianapolis, Indiana, US | Southampton | Indianapolis, Indiana, US | 9 | |
Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron | 23 | London, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Trout, Mrs. Jessie L. | 26 | Columbus, Ohio, US | Southampton | Columbus, Ohio, US | 9 | |
Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia "Winnie" | 27 | Bath, Somerset, England | Auburndale, Massachusetts, US | D | ||
Turpin, Mr. William John Robert | 29 | Plymouth, Devon, England | Southampton | Salt Lake City, Utah, US | ||
Turpin, Mrs. Dorothy Ann (née Wonnacott) | 27 | D | ||||
Veal, Mr. James | 40 | Barre, Vermont, US | Barre, Vermont, US | |||
Wallcroft, Miss Ellen "Nellie" | 36 | Maidenhead, Berkshire, England | Southampton | Mamaroneck, New York, US | 14 | |
Ware, Mr. John James | 45 | Bristol, Avon, England | Southampton | New Britain, Connecticut, US | ||
Ware, Mrs. Florence Louise (née Long) | 31 | Bristol, Avon, England | Southampton | New Britain, Connecticut, US | 10 | |
Ware, Mr. William Jeffery | 23 | Gunnislake, Cornwall, England | Southampton | Butte, Montana, US | ||
Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings[1] | 15 | Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK | Belfast | New York City | ||
Watt, Mrs. Elizabeth Inglis "Bessie" (née Milne) | 40 | Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | Southampton | Portland, Oregon, US | 9 | |
Watt, Miss Robertha Josephine "Bertha" | 12 | |||||
Webber, Miss Susan | 37 | Bude, Cornwall, England | Hartford, Connecticut, US | 12 | ||
Weisz, Mr. Leopold | 28 | Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 293MB | |
Weisz, Mrs. Mathilde Françoise (née Pëde) | 37 | Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 10 | |
Wells, Mrs. Addie Dart (née Trevaskis) | 29 | Heamoor, Cornwall, England | Akron, Ohio, US | 14 | ||
Wells, Miss Joan | 4 | |||||
Wells, Master Ralph Lester | 2 | |||||
West, Mr. Edwy Arthur | 36 | Bournemouth, Dorset, England | Southampton | Gainesville, Florida, US | ||
エイダ・メアリー・ウェスト(旧姓:ウェスト), (Ada Mary West)(Worth)[2][8] |
33 | Bournemouth, Dorset, England | Southampton | Gainesville, Florida, US | 10 | |
West, Miss Constance Mirium | 4 | |||||
バーバラ・ジョイス・ウェスト, (Barbara Joyce West) |
10 mo. | |||||
Wheadon, Mr. Edward H. | 66 | Guernsey, Channel Islands | Southampton | Edgewood, Rhode Island, US | ||
Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Charles "Fred" | 24 | Bath, Somerset, England | Asheville, North Carolina, US | |||
Whilems, Mr. Charles | 32 | London, England | Southampton | New York City | 9 | |
Wilkinson, Miss Elizabeth Anne (alias Mrs. Elizabeth Faunthorpe) | 29 | Manchester, England | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US | 16 | ||
Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene | 23 | Harrow, London, England | Chicago, Illinois, US | 14 | ||
ジョン・ウェズリー・ウッドワード, (John Wesley Woodward) |
32 | Oxford, Oxfordshire, England | Southampton | New York City | ||
Wright, Miss Marion | 26 | Yeovil, Somerset, England | Southampton | Cottage Grove, Oregon, US | 9 | |
Yvois, Miss Henriette | 24 | Paris, France | Southampton | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
[編集]氏名 | 乗船時の年齢 | 在住地 | 乗船地 | 船室 | チケット番号 |
アンソニー・アビング, (Anthony Abbing) |
41 | アメリカ,オハイオ州,シンシナティ | サウサンプトン | 不明 | 5547 |
ローザ・メアリー・アボット(旧姓:ハント), (Rhoda Mary Abbott)(Hunt) |
39 | アメリカ,ロードアイランド州,イーストプロビデンス | サウサンプトン | 不明 | CA2673 |
引用エラー: 「note」という名前のグループの <ref>
タグがありますが、対応する <references group="note"/>
- ^ a b c d e f 引用エラー: 無効な
」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません - ^ a b c 引用エラー: 無効な
」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません - ^ Argene del Carlo was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Maria Salvata, on 14 November 1912.
- ^ Encyclopedia Titanica Fr Juozas Montvila Retrieved 2 April 2017.
- ^ Adele Nasser was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to son Nicholas, on 9 December 1912 who died hours after his birth.
- ^ 引用エラー: 無効な
」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません - ^ Kate Phillips gave birth to a daughter, Ellen Mary "Betty", on 11 January 1913. Miss Phillips was having an affair with Henry Morley, and the two were running away together
- ^ Ada West was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Edwyna, sometime in 1912.