





氏名 乗船時の年齢 在住地 乗船地 船室 チケット番号
(Elisabeth Walton Allen)
29 アメリカ,ミズーリ州,セントルイス サウサンプトン B5 24160
(Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison)
30 カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール サウサンプトン C22,C26 11378
(Bess Waldo Allison)(Daniels)
(Helen Loraine Allison)
(Hudson Trevor Allison)
11か月 カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール サウサンプトン C22,C26 11378
(Harry Anderson)
42 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 サウサンプトン E12 19952
(Thomas Andrews Jr.)
39 イギリス,北アイルランド,ベルファスト ベルファスト A36 112050
(Cornelia(Kornelia) Theodosia Andrews)
62 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ハドソン シェルブール D7 13502
(Charlotte Appleton)(Lamson)
53 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 サウサンプトン C10 11769
(Ramon Artagaveytia)
71 アルゼンチン,パンパ,ブエノスアイレス シェルブール 不明 17609
(John Jacob Astor IV)
47 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 シェルブール C17,C21? 17757
(Madeleine Talmage Astor)(Force)
18 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 シェルブール C17,C21? 17757
(Léontine Pauline Aubart)
24 フランス,パリ サウサンプトン B35 17477
(Ellen Mary Barber)
26 不明 不明 19877
(Algernon Henry Barkworth)
47 イングランド,ヨークシャー州,Hessle A23 27042
(Albina Bassani(Bazzani))
31 不明 シェルブール D15 11813
(John David Baumann)
48 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 シェルブール 不明 17318
(Hélène Baxter)(de Lanaudiére-Chaput)
50 カナダ・ケベック州・モントリオール シェルブール B58,B60 17558
(Quigg Edmond Baxter)
24 カナダ,ケベック州,モントリオール シェルブール B58,B60 17558
(Thomson Beattie)
36 カナダ,マニトバ州,ウィニペグ サウサンプトン 不明 13050
(Richard Leonard Beckwith)
37 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,ニューヨーク市 サウサンプトン D35 11751
(Mrs Sarah Maybell Beckwith)(Monypeny)
(Karl Howell Behr)
26 シェルブール C148 111369
(Nellie Mayo Bessette)
39 不明 C99 17760
(Rosalie Bidois)
46 不明 不明 17757
(Ellen Bird)
31 不明 サウサンプトン C97 17483
(Jakob Birnbaum)
24 アメリカ,カリフォルニア州,サンフランシスコ シェルブール 不明 13905
(Dickinson H. Bishop)
25 アメリカ,ミシガン州,ドゥワジャック シェルブール B49 11967
(Helen Margaret Bishop)(Walton)
(Mauritz Håkan Björnström-Steffansson)
28 スウェーデン,ウップランド地方,ストックホルム県 サウサンプトン C52 110564
(Stephen Weart Blackwell)
45 アメリカ,ニュージャージー州,トレントン サウサンプトン T?? 113784
(Henry Blank)
39 アメリカ,ニュージャージー州,グレン・リッジ シェルブール A31 112277
(Caroline Bonnell)
30 アメリカ,オハイオ州,ヤングスタウン サウサンプトン C7 36928
(Elizabeth Bonnell)
61 イングランド,ヨークシャー州,バークデイル サウサンプトン C103 113783
(John James Borebank)
41 イングランド,ロンドン サウサンプトン D22 110489
(Grace Scott Bowen)
45 アメリカ,ニューヨーク州,クーパーズタウン シェルブール 不明 17608
(Elsie Edith Bowerman)
22 イングランド,サセックス,St Leonards on sea サウサンプトン E33 113505
(John Bertram Brady)
41 アメリカ,ワシントン州,ポメロイ サウサンプトン A21 113054


Name Age Hometown Boarded Destination Lifeboat Body
Abelson, Mr. Samuel 30 Russia Cherbourg New York, New York, US
Abelson, Mrs. Anna (née Wizosky?) 28 Russia Cherbourg New York, New York, US 10
Andrew, Mr. Edgar Samuel 17 San Ambrosio, Córdoba, Argentina Southampton Trenton, New Jersey, US
Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas 30 Redruth, Cornwall, England Houghton, Michigan, US
Angle, Mr. William A. 32 Warwick, Warwickshire, England New York City
Angle, Mrs. Florence Agnes "Mary" (née Hughes) 36 Warwick, Warwickshire, England Southampton New York City 11
Ashby, Mr. John 57 West Hoboken, New Jersey, US Southampton West Hoboken, New Jersey, US
Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew 18 Penzance, Cornwall, England Akron, Ohio, US
Bainbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert 23 Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands New York City
Ball, Mrs. Ada E. (née Hall) 36 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US 10
Banfield, Mr. Frederick James 28 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US
Bateman, Reverend Robert James 51 Jacksonville, Florida, US Jacksonville, Florida, US 174MB
Beane, Mr. Edward 32 New York City Southampton New York City 13
Beane. Mrs. Ethel (née Clarke) 19 Norwich, Norfolk, England
Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James 28 London, England, UK Southampton New York City 194MB
(Nellie E.Becker)(Baumgardner)
35 Guntur, Madras Province, British India[note 1] Southampton Benton Harbor, Michigan, US 11
(Ruth Elizabeth Becker)
12 13
(Marion Louise Becker)
4 11
(Richard Frederick Becker)
(Lawrence Beesley)
34 London, England, UK Toronto, Ontario, Canada 13
Bentham, Miss Lillian W. 19 Rochester, New York, US Rochester, New York, US 12
Berriman, Mr. William John 23 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Calumet, Michigan, US
Botsford, Mr. William Hull 25 Orange, New Jersey, US Orange, New Jersey, US
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon 42 London, England New York City
Bracken, Mr. James H. 29 Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US
(W. Theodore Ronald Brailey)
24 London, England New York City
(Roger Marie Bricoux)
20 Monte Carlo, Monaco
Brito, Mr. José Joaquim 32 Madeira, Portugal São Paulo, Brazil
Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon 60 Cape Town, South Africa, UK[note 2] Seattle, Washington, US
Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine (née Ford) 40 Cape Town, South Africa, UK Southampton Seattle, Washington, US 14
Brown, Miss Edith Eileen 15
Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid 25 Skara, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Rockford, Illinois, US
Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg 20 Skara, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Rockford, Illinois, US 12
Buss, Miss Kate 36 Sittingbourne, Kent, England San Francisco, US 9
Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton 25 Southsea, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City 97MB
(Thomas Roussel Davids Byles)
42 London, England Jacksonville, Florida, US
Byström, Miss Karolina 42 New York City Southampton New York City ?
Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis 26 Bangkok, Siam[note 3] Roseville, Illinois, US 13
Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia Mae (née Harbaugh) 28
Caldwell, Master Alden Gates 10 mo.
Cameron, Miss Clear Annie 35 London, England, UK Mamaronek, New York, US 14
Campbell, Mr. William Henry[1] 21 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City
Carbines, Mr. William 19 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US 18MB
Carter, Father Ernest Courtenay 54 London, England, UK New York City
Carter, Mrs. Lilian (née Hughes) 45
Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry 52 Bronx, New York, US Bronx, New York, US 130MB
Chapman, Mr. John Henry 36 Liskeard, Cornwall, England Spokane, Washington, US 17MB
Chapman, Mrs. Sara Elizabeth (née Lawry) 28
Christy, Mrs. Alice Frances 45 London, England, UK Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12
Christy, Miss Rachel Julie Cohen 25
Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine 29 Netley Abbey, Hampshire, England Southampton San Francisco, California, US
Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria 28 Netley Abbey, Hampshire, England Southampton San Francisco, California, US 14
(John Frederick Preston Clarke)
30 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton New York City 202MB
Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles 29 London, England Detroit, Michigan, US
Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf 27 Helsinki, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] Ashtabula, Ohio, US
Collett, Mr. Sidney Clarence Stuart 25 London, England Southampton Port Byron, New York, US 9
Collyer, Mr. Harvey 31 Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Payette, Idaho, US
Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte Annie (née Tate) 31 Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Payette, Idaho, US 14
Collyer, Miss Marjorie Charlotte "Lottie" 8
Cook, Mrs. Selena (née Rogers) 22 Oxford, Oxfordshire, England New York City
Corbett, Mrs. Irene (née Colvin) 30 Provo, Utah, US Southampton Provo, Utah, US
Corey, Mrs. Mary Phyllis Elizabeth (née Miller) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Cotterill, Mr. Henry "Harry" 20 Penzance, Cornwall, England Akron, Ohio, US
Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming[1] 21 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City
Davies, Mr. Charles Henry Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England Southampton Eden, Manitoba, Canada
Davies, Mrs. Elizabeth Agnes Mary (née White) 48 St. Ives, Cornwall, England UK Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US 14
Davies, Master John Morgan Jr. 8
Davis, Miss Mary 28 London, England, UK Tottenville, New York, US 13
Deacon, Mr. Percy William 20 Fritham, Hampshire, England, UK Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano 29 Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US 295MB
del Carlo, Mrs. Argene (née Genovesi)[2][3] 24 Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US 11
Denbuoy, Mr. Albert "Herbert" 25 Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Dibden, Mr. William 18 Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England Eden, Manitoba, Canada
Doling, Mrs. Ada Julia (née Bone) 34 Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK Southampton New York City ?
Doling, Miss Elsie 19
Douton, Mr. William Joseph 55 Rochester, New York, US Southampton Rochester, New York, US
Drew, Mr. James Vivian 42 Greenport, New York, US Greenport, New York, US
Drew, Mrs. Lulu Thorne (née Christian) 34 Greenport, New York, US Southampton Greenport, New York, US 10
Drew, Master Marshall Brines 8
Duran y More, Miss Florentina 30 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Cherbourg Havana, Cuba 12
Duran y More, Miss Asunción 27
Fahlstrøm, Mr. Arne Joma 18 Oslo, Norway Bayonne, New Jersey, US
Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry Bartram 40 Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 286MB
Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles 18 Truro, Cornwall, England, UK Houghton, Michigan, US
Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert 38 Rochester, New York, US Rochester, New York, US 236MB
Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood "Artie"[1] 37 Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Belfast New York City
(Annie Clemmer Funk)
38 Janjgir-Champa, British India, UK[note 1] Southampton Bally, Pennsylvania, US
Fynney, Mr. Joseph J. 35 Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK Montreal, Quebec, Canada 322M
Gale, Mr. Harry 38 Harrowbarrow, Cornwall, England, UK Clear Creek, Colorado, US
Gale, Mr. Shadrach 33
Garside, Miss Ethel 34 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 12
Gaskell, Mr. William Alfred 18 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Gavey, Mr. Laurence 26 Guernsey, Channel Islands Elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Gilbert, Mr. William 47 Carleens, Cornwall, England Butte, Montana, US
Giles, Mr. Edgar 21 Porthleven, Cornwall, England Camden, New Jersey, US
Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward 20
Giles, Mr. Ralph 25 London, England New York City 297MB
Gill, Mr. John William 24 Clevedon, North Somerset, England 155MB
Gillespie, Mr. William Henry 34 Abbeyleix, Laois, Ireland[note 5] Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen 30 Kølsen, Vorde Sogn, Denmark San Francisco, California, US 305MB
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel 52 Bronx, New York, US Bronx, New York, US 19MB
Hale, Mr. Reginald 30 Auburn, New York, US Auburn, New York, US 75MB
Hämäläinen, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hamlin) 24 Detroit, Michigan, US Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 4
Hämäläinen, Master Viljo Unto Johannes (William Hamlin) 1
Harbeck, Mr. William H. 44 Toledo, Ohio, US Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 35MB
(John Harper)
39 London, England Chicago, Illinois, US
Harper, Miss Annie Jessie "Nina" 6 London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 11
Harris, Mr. George 62 New York City 15
Harris, Mr. Walter 30 London, England Southampton New York City
Hart, Mr. Benjamin 47 Ilford, Essex, England Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hart, Mrs. Esther Ada (née Bloomfield) 48 Ilford, Essex, England Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 14
Hart, Miss Eva Miriam 7
(Wallace Henry Hartley)
33 Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England Southampton New York City 224MB
Herman, Mr. Samuel 49 Yeovil, Somerset, England Southampton Bernardsville, New Jersey, US
Herman, Mrs. Jane (née Laver) 48 Yeovil, Somerset, England Southampton Bernardsville, New Jersey, US 9
Herman, Miss Alice 24
Herman, Miss Kate
Hewlett, Mrs. Mary Dunbar (née Kingcome) 56 Lucknow, British India, UK[note 1] Rapid City, South Dakota, US 13
Hickman, Mr. Lewis 30 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton The Pas, Manitoba, Canada 256MB
Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark 24 Eden, Manitoba, Canada
Hickman, Mr. Stanley George 20 The Pas, Manitoba, Canada
Hiltunen, Miss Martta 18 Joensuu, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] Detroit, Michigan, US
Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth "Eliza" (née Neads) 54 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4
Hocking, Mr. Richard George 23 Akron, Ohio, US Southampton Akron, Ohio, US
Hocking, Miss Ellen "Nellie" 20 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4
Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metcalfe 36 Devonport, Devon, England Southampton Middletown, Connecticut, US
Hodges, Mr. Henry Price 50 Southampton, Hampshire, England Boston, Massachusetts, US 149MB
Hold, Mr. Stephen 44 Porthoustock, Cornwall, England Sacramento, California, US
Hold, Mrs. Annie Margaret (née Hill) 29 Porthoustock, Cornwall, England Southampton Sacramento, California, US 10
Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr. 21 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton Manitoba, Canada
(Hosono Masabumi)
41 Tokyo, Japan Southampton Tokyo, Japan 10
Howard, Mr. Benjamin 63 Swindon, Wiltshire, England Southampton Idaho, US
Howard, Mrs. Ellen Truelove (née Arman) 60
(John Law Hume)
21 Dumfries, Scotland New York City 193MB
Hunt, Mr. George Henry 33 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Ilett, Miss Bertha 17 Jersey, Channel Islands Southampton Atlanta, Georgia, US ?
Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel 40 London, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy Frances Christy (née Cohen) 24 London, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12
Jarvis, Mr. Denzil John 47 Stoneygate, Leicestershire, England Southampton New York City
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas 24 Guernsey, Channel Islands Elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilifred 22
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow 32 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Houghton, Michigan, US
Jerwan, Mrs. Marie Marthe (née Thuillard) 23 New York City Southampton New York City 11
Kantor, Mr. Sinai 34 Vitebsk, Russian Empire Southampton Bronx, New York, US 283MB
Kantor, Mrs. Miriam (née Sternin) 24 Vitebsk, Russian Empire Southampton Bronx, New York, US 12
Karnes, Mrs. Claire (née Bennett) 28 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Keane, Mr. Daniel 35 Limerick, Ireland[note 5] Queenstown St Louis, Missouri, US
Keane, Miss Nora Agnes 46 Castleconnell, Limerick, Ireland[note 5] Queenstown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US 10
Kelly, Miss Florence "Fannie" 45 London, England Southampton New York City 9
Kirkland, Reverend Charles Leonard 52 Glasgow, Scotland Queenstown Tuxford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Knight, Mr. Robert J.[1] 39 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City
(Georges Alexandre Krins)
23 London, England Southampton
Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson 31 Trollhättan, Västergötland, Sweden Arlington, Virginia, US 165MB
Lahtinen, Reverend William 35 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna Amelia (née Sylfvén) 26
Lamb, Mr. John Joseph 30 Glencree, Ireland[note 5] Queenstown Providence, Rhode Island, US
(Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche)
25 Paris, France Cherbourg Cap-Haïtien, Haiti
(Juliette Marie Louise Laroche)(Lafargue)
22 Paris, France Cherbourg Cap-Haïtien, Haiti 14
(Simoné Marie Anne Andrée Laroche)
(Louise Marguerite Laroche)
(Bertha Lehmann)
17 Lotzwil, Switzerland Central City, Iowa, US 12
Leitch, Miss Jessie Wills 31 London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 11
Lemore, Mrs. Amelia "Milley" (née Hunt) 34 Chicago, Illinois, US 14
Levy, Mr. René Jacques 36 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman 25 London, England Southampton New York City 108MB
Lingane, Mr. John 61 Chelsea, Michigan, US Chelsea, Michigan, US
Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander 50 Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England New York City 121MB
Louch, Mrs. Alice Adelaide (née Slow) 42 Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England Southampton New York City 14
Mack, Mrs. Mary (née Lacy) 57 Southampton, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City 52MB
Malachard, Mr. Jean-Noël 25 Paris, France Cherbourg
Mallet, Mr. Albert 31 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Mallet, Mrs. Antoinette Marie (née Magnin) 24 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada 10
Mallet, Master André Clément 1
Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emilio 30 Paris, France Cherbourg New York City
Matthews, Mr. William John St Austell, Cornwall, England Southampton La Salle, Illinois, US
Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert 36 Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon 32 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Canada 209MB
McCrie, Mr. James Matthew Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
McKane, Mr. Peter David 46 Guernsey, Channel Islands Rochester, New York, US
Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne (née Maidment) 41 Wimbledon, London, England Southampton Bennington, Vermont, US 14
Mellinger, Miss Madeleine Violet 13
Mellors, Mr. William John 19 Chelsea, London, England Long Island, New York, US B
Meyer, Mr. August 31 Harrow, London, England Southampton New York City
Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian 48 Odense, Denmark Oregon, Wisconsin, US 271MB
Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael 71 Guernsey, Channel Islands Toledo, Ohio, US
Montvila, Father Juozas 27 Gudinė, Lithuania [4] Worcester, Massachusetts, US
Moraweck, Dr. Ernest 54 Frankfort, Kentucky, US Frankfort, Kentucky, US
Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (alias Mr. Henry Marshall) 38 Birmingham, Worcester, England Los Angeles, US
Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles 16 Huntingfield, Suffolk, England New York City
Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis 63 Fermoy, Ireland[note 5] Queenstown Waban, Massachusetts, US
Nassr Allah, Mr. Niqula Khalil 28 Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire[note 6] Cherbourg Cleveland, Ohio, US 43MB
Nassr Allah, Mrs. Adal (née Akim)[2][5] 14 Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire Cherbourg Cleveland, Ohio, US ?
(Michel Navratil)(Louis M. Hoffman)
32 Nice, France Southampton New York City 15MB
(Michel Marcel Navratil)(Loto)
3 Nice, France Southampton New York City D
(Edmond Roger Navratil)(Louis)
Nesson, Mr. Israel 26 London, England Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles "Joe" 19 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Houghton, Michigan, US 101MB
Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas 28 Glasgow, Scotland 287MB
Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Ramell) 29 East Orange, New Jersey, US Southampton East Orange, New Jersey, US 11
Otter, Mr. Richard 39 Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US Southampton Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US
Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas 22 London, England Southampton North Bergen, New Jersey, US 13
Padron Manent, Mr. Julian 26 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Cherbourg Havana, Cuba 9
Pain, Dr. Alfred "Alf" 23 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Southampton Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio 29 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Cherbourg Havana, Cuba 9
Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard 28 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton New York City
Parkes, Mr. Francis "Frank"[1] 18 Belfast, Ireland Belfast
Parrish, Mrs. Lutie Davis (née Temple) 60 Woodford County, Kentucky, US Southampton Woodford County, Kentucky, US 12
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William 19 Gunnislake, Cornwall, England Southampton Butte, Montana, US
Peruschitz, Father Josef 28 Scheyern, Bavaria, German Empire[note 7] St. Cloud, Minnesota, US
Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert 42 Ilfracombe, Devon, England New Brighton, Pennsylvania, US
Phillips, Miss Alice Frances Louisa 21 Ilfracombe, Devon, England Southampton New Brighton, Pennsylvania, US 12
Phillips, Miss Kate Florence (alias Mrs. Kate Marshall)[6][7] 19 Birmingham, Worcester, England Los Angeles, US 11
Pinsky, Mrs. Rosa 21 Brooklyn, New York, US Brooklyn, New York, US 9
Ponesell, Mr. Martin 34 Southampton, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City
Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario Giuseppe 34 Milford, New Hampshire, US Southampton Milford, New Hampshire, US 14
Pulbaum, Mr. Franz 27 New York City Southampton New York City
Quick, Mrs. Jane (née Richards) 33 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11
(Winnifred Vera Quick)
Quick, Miss Phyllis May 2
Reeves, Mr. David 36 Slinfold, West Sussex, England Southampton New York City
Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry 33 Elizabeth, New Jersey, US Elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Renouf, Mrs. Lillian "Lily" (née Jefferys) 30 Elizabeth, New Jersey, US Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US 12
Reynaldo, Miss Encarnación 28 Marbella, Spain New York City 9
Richard, Mr. Emile Philippe 23 Paris, France Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Richards, Mrs. Emily (née Hocking) 23 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4
Richards, Master William Rowe 3
Richards, Master Sibley George 9 mo.
Ridsdale, Miss Lucy 50 London, England Marietta, Ohio, US 13
Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry 18 Tavistock, Devon, England Southampton Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Rugg, Miss Emily 21 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Wilmington, Delaware, US 12
Schmidt, Mr. August 26 Newark, New Jersey, US Southampton Newark, New Jersey, US
Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington 25 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico
Sharp, Mr. Percival James 27 London, England, UK New York City
Shelley, Mrs. Imanita (née Parrish Hall) 25 Deer Lodge, Montana, US Southampton Deer Lodge, Montana, US 12
Silvén, Miss Lyyli Karolina 17 Tornio, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] Minneapolis, Minnesota, US 16
Sincock, Miss Maude 20 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Hancock, Michigan, US D
Sinkkonen, Miss Anna 30 Turku, Grand Duchy of Finland[note 4] Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts, US 10
Sjöstedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, US
Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Queenstown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 13
Slemen, Mr. Richard James 35 Landrake, Cornwall, England Southampton Nashua, New Hampshire, US
Smith, Miss Marion Elsie 39 Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Washington, DC US 9
Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden 25 Porthallow, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US
Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward 42 New York City New York City
Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph 25 London, England Detroit, Michigan, US 81MB
Sweet, Mr. George Frederick 14 Yeovil, Somerset, England Bernardsville, New Jersey, US
(Percy Cornelius Taylor)
32 London, England New York City
Toomey, Miss Ellen Mary 48 Indianapolis, Indiana, US Southampton Indianapolis, Indiana, US 9
Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron 23 London, England Southampton New York City
Trout, Mrs. Jessie L. 26 Columbus, Ohio, US Southampton Columbus, Ohio, US 9
Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia "Winnie" 27 Bath, Somerset, England Auburndale, Massachusetts, US D
Turpin, Mr. William John Robert 29 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Salt Lake City, Utah, US
Turpin, Mrs. Dorothy Ann (née Wonnacott) 27 D
Veal, Mr. James 40 Barre, Vermont, US Barre, Vermont, US
Wallcroft, Miss Ellen "Nellie" 36 Maidenhead, Berkshire, England Southampton Mamaroneck, New York, US 14
Ware, Mr. John James 45 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton New Britain, Connecticut, US
Ware, Mrs. Florence Louise (née Long) 31 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton New Britain, Connecticut, US 10
Ware, Mr. William Jeffery 23 Gunnislake, Cornwall, England Southampton Butte, Montana, US
Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings[1] 15 Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Belfast New York City
Watt, Mrs. Elizabeth Inglis "Bessie" (née Milne) 40 Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Southampton Portland, Oregon, US 9
Watt, Miss Robertha Josephine "Bertha" 12
Webber, Miss Susan 37 Bude, Cornwall, England Hartford, Connecticut, US 12
Weisz, Mr. Leopold 28 Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 293MB
Weisz, Mrs. Mathilde Françoise (née Pëde) 37 Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 10
Wells, Mrs. Addie Dart (née Trevaskis) 29 Heamoor, Cornwall, England Akron, Ohio, US 14
Wells, Miss Joan 4
Wells, Master Ralph Lester 2
West, Mr. Edwy Arthur 36 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Gainesville, Florida, US
(Ada Mary West)(Worth)[2][8]
33 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Gainesville, Florida, US 10
West, Miss Constance Mirium 4
(Barbara Joyce West)
10 mo.
Wheadon, Mr. Edward H. 66 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Edgewood, Rhode Island, US
Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Charles "Fred" 24 Bath, Somerset, England Asheville, North Carolina, US
Whilems, Mr. Charles 32 London, England Southampton New York City 9
Wilkinson, Miss Elizabeth Anne (alias Mrs. Elizabeth Faunthorpe) 29 Manchester, England Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 16
Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene 23 Harrow, London, England Chicago, Illinois, US 14
(John Wesley Woodward)
32 Oxford, Oxfordshire, England Southampton New York City
Wright, Miss Marion 26 Yeovil, Somerset, England Southampton Cottage Grove, Oregon, US 9
Yvois, Miss Henriette 24 Paris, France Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada


氏名 乗船時の年齢 在住地 乗船地 船室 チケット番号
(Anthony Abbing)
41 アメリカ,オハイオ州,シンシナティ サウサンプトン 不明 5547
(Rhoda Mary Abbott)(Hunt)
39 アメリカ,ロードアイランド州,イーストプロビデンス サウサンプトン 不明 CA2673

引用エラー: 「note」という名前のグループの <ref> タグがありますが、対応する <references group="note"/> タグが見つかりません

  1. ^ a b c d e f 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「crew」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  2. ^ a b c 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「pregnant」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  3. ^ Argene del Carlo was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Maria Salvata, on 14 November 1912.
  4. ^ Encyclopedia Titanica Fr Juozas Montvila Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  5. ^ Adele Nasser was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to son Nicholas, on 9 December 1912 who died hours after his birth.
  6. ^ 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「geller」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  7. ^ Kate Phillips gave birth to a daughter, Ellen Mary "Betty", on 11 January 1913. Miss Phillips was having an affair with Henry Morley, and the two were running away together
  8. ^ Ada West was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Edwyna, sometime in 1912.